Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 289 Heading To The Swamp To Look For PokéMon

"No, it shouldn't be. At that time, there was only an adventure team composed of Trainers and this trainer who entered the swamp. Of course, they were very far apart and could not meet each other."

Lily shook her head and denied the idea that it was a human being.

But just by looking at a shadow, it's impossible to tell what species it is, maybe it's a human trainer.

"Forget it, no matter what, I won't find out until I go there tomorrow. About Pokémon, I will know as long as I find it tomorrow."

Ye Si pondered for a moment. There was no use thinking about these things here. If the Pokémon was not found tomorrow, it would all be just talk.

"Then get ready to go tomorrow morning. I'm looking forward to that Pokémon."

Lily nodded, put away her laptop, with a hint of excitement in her tone, and then returned to her room.

Ye Si shook his head. Whether he could find that Pokémon in the swamp tomorrow was still one thing.

After Lily left, Ye Si took a bath in the bathroom, then lay on the bed and prepared for Rest.


In the swamp to the east, in a dilapidated cabin, a silver ring with a rope fell to the ground, making a loud sound.

An 837 yellow arm stretched out from a dark corner, picked up the ring with a rope, and then retracted into the darkness, never moving again.

On the only table in the wooden house, there is a photo frame, which is a photo of an old man and a Pokémon. It is covered with dust, and it is not clear what Pokémon it is. Only a touch of yellow can be seen.

The next day, at nine o'clock in the morning, Ye Si and Lily Si had already finished breakfast and were preparing to head to the swamp east of the city.

Since the swamp is relatively far away, it was almost noon when the two of them walked there.

But the boss said that there are no undiscovered Pokémon, which made Ye Si frown. Is there really no Pokémon here?

"Then let's head to the swamp. If you're lucky, you'll be able to find the rumored Pokémon as soon as you enter."

Ye Si said to Lily. The two had been walking here for more than ten minutes, but they had not seen any Pokémon in the swamp.

Lily also heard what the boss said just now. Lily turned back and glanced at the old (caeh) store, and then looked at Ye Si.

"By the way, are you two Trainers planning to explore the swamp?"

Help me bring him good news. "

The boss saw Ye Si frowning and said to Ye Si. Ye Si nodded and walked outside with Lily.

"I've heard of it too, but I've lived here since I was a child. This store was left by my father. I've been here for so long. "I've never seen any undiscovered Pokémon in the swamp."

"Perhaps a Pokémon that has never been discovered really exists. If it is a very strong Pokémon, it would not be unusual for it to live here and drive away other Pokémon."

"If this is the case, we may need to explore deeper. Someone has explored it before, right? Where did they reach?"

Ye Si sighed and continued: "But since we are already here, we might as well go and take a look first, since there is nothing going on."

"Are you ready?"

Lily took out her laptop from her backpack and started looking at the map here. .

Being in the swamp is very threatening. If the water is very turbid, no one knows what is in the Underwater. Ye Si and Lily plan to take a stroll in the shallow water and explore deeper later.

Ye Si put on her water shoes and looked at Lily. Lily nodded and had already put on her water shoes.

"Yes, it is said that there are Pokémon that have never been discovered here, so my partner and I plan to come here to look for it."

This side of the swamp is the suburbs. Ye Si and Lily were in a small restaurant about two kilometers away from the swamp. After having lunch, they were going to search the swamp region.

Normally, there are many Pokémon in the swamp. Pokémon such as Grimer and Croagunk will appear in the swamp.

"Don't pay too much attention to what I say. Maybe it exists, but I didn't even notice it. I wish you good luck, Trainer."

This store is a bit remote. Although it is a meal, there are not many people there. When Ye Si is paying the bill, the boss has time to chat with Ye Si.

If not, today would be in vain.

As soon as Ye Si and Lily walked to the door, the boss's voice sounded from behind. Ye Si nodded to the boss again, and then walked to the door.

The boss shook his head. He looked to be in his forties. He had lived here for more than forty years, so he must know the Pokémon here very well.

Ye Si nodded, stood up and walked into the swamp. Lily also followed Ye Si into the swamp.

"I have to say that I haven't seen it for more than 40 years, so I guess it really doesn't exist. It's probably just a hearsay case."

Lily nodded. Some stronger Pokémon would be territorial and drive away some weaker Pokémon to prevent them from living here.

"Oh, by the way, there is an old man who lives near the swamp. He used to come to my place for dinner often. I haven't seen him in a few years. I don't know if he still lives there. If I can see him

Ye Si asked Lily that there needs to be a goal to move forward. The swamp is so big that those who have explored it before must not have explored it all.

Ye Si and Lily were naturally not unprepared. On their way here, they had bought two pairs of water shoes and put them in their backpacks, which came in handy now.

"It seems that there are very few Pokémon in this swamp. We have been walking here for so long and haven't seen a single Pokémon.

The two of them walked and chatted, and soon came to the edge of the swamp. In front of them was a forest. The water on the ground could cover the bare feet. If you stepped on it directly, your shoes would probably get soaked.

Ye Si nodded. There were many Trainers who came here to explore because of this matter. It was not surprising that the boss could guess his purpose.

The water in the swamp is very turbid. Although there is only a shallow layer, the situation in the Underwater cannot be clearly seen.

"That boss looks very old. If he has really lived here since he was a child, then his words are still very authoritative. Ye Si, what do you think?"

There is no need to look at the places that have been explored, Ye Si plans to go to places that they have not explored.

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