Urban Marvel Scientist

Chapter 812: Expansive mentality?

"The king has an order that if Bonadette resists, he can be killed if necessary, and the threat of nuclear weapons is handed over to the king to solve."

When the slaughter was going on, Yolande also passed Fang Yan's order to Kerwin and others.


Eves nodded, and immediately turned off the communication. A dark shadow suddenly appeared and enveloped him. When he looked up, there were more than a dozen sharp-clawed dragons with big, hideous mouths, biting towards him.

"It seems that he is still not good at learning!"

Seeing this, Eves sneered, his figure flashed, his feet stomped on the ground, his figure suddenly swept up, and flew towards a sharp-clawed dragon, the heavy knife in his hand carried a manic aura , the figure suddenly stopped in mid-air for a moment, and Yves also used a short moment to slash the nine-meter-nine heavy knife.


The light blue knife light appeared, and it flashed by, but Eves's heavy knife was drawn from the left to the right, and then stopped, and then, you can see the five-headed sharp-clawed dragon blocking Eves. He was directly cut in the middle, and then slashed again, and the warriors of the Sharp Claw Tribe who sat on the top of the Sharp Claw Dragon's head and controlled the Sharp Claw Dragon were also cut off.


On the other side, a figure with a light blue sledgehammer appeared on the battlefield. With his silly smile, every time he swung the sledgehammer in his hand, a pool of blood would be left on the ground, and even a huge Sharp-clawed dragon corpse.

"Taff! What are you doing here?!"

Seeing this figure of wanton killing in the field, Gareth's face changed suddenly, his eyes widened, they didn't seem to call this guy over!

"Hey, clan leader, my hand is itchy, so I told General Yolande and ran down." Taf heard someone calling him, and after seeing Gareth, he couldn't help scratching himself. head, hehe smiled.

"You guy."

When Gareth heard it, he was helpless, but it was not good for him to go up now. This guy is smart, at least he told Yolande.

"Fight the enemy well, don't run around blindly."

"No problem, tribe leader, just wait for your words!"

Taf laughed when he heard it. It seemed that it would be beneficial to talk to Yolande, at least the tribe leader would not drive him away.

"This guy is a monster! Really a monster!"

However, he agreed to Taf to stay, and the next time was the end of those Sharpclaw tribe warriors. Those Sharpclaw tribe warriors who opposed Taf showed a look of horror at him, and pointed at him, trembling. muttered to himself in a low voice.

"Run! Run!"

"These people are all monsters!"

"Are they still from the Tuxiu Mutu star?! Are you sure they are not possessed by aliens? Who can tell me why the thin guy who seems to be carrying a claws of the sharp-clawed dragon abruptly hasn't been injured?! This What exactly is going on?!"

Many people roared, trembled, and even frightened.

"Kill me!"

Kerwin held the knife and walked forward, growled lowly, and swung the heavy knife in his hand. Every enemy in the slaughter field, the heavy knife that has been further upgraded, especially under the power of Kerwin, was already terrifyingly heavy. Knife, became more terrifying.

Every part of the blade is made for killing. When the back of the blade touches, it is either dead or disabled. As soon as the blade falls, there is no doubt of death.

Even the long pole can be broken by touching it. After all, Zhenjin itself absorbs various forces, and after the absorption, Fang Yan also controls how to use these forces to counterattack.

The power after absorption can be released without reaching the peak. This is the technology controlled by Fang Yan.


"Kerwin, Ives... how could these guys be alive?!"

Bernadette, who was sitting in his office, was awakened when he heard a roar, and the next moment the information from his subordinates was that he knew the identity of the person who attacked this time.

When he saw these people, his face changed greatly, and he couldn't believe it.

According to the news from his confidant general, Fangshen Tianguo has been destroyed by nuclear weapons, and there are almost no ground creatures. Why are these guys like Kerwen appearing now? !

This is totally unscientific!

"This guy, Foss, doesn't he mean that the Fangshen Heavenly Kingdom has been destroyed? As Kerwin and Ives, who are high-level officials of that country, how can they still survive?!"

Bonadette couldn't believe it. Of course, if it were normal, he wouldn't necessarily be afraid of these guys. After all, this is his villa and the safest place in the entire Tuxiu Mutu country. Break through, maybe he has already lost an unknown number of lives.

But what about now? In the news he received, there was only news about casualties, no news about capturing or killing the enemy alive.

The people in his hands kept falling one by one under the offensive of Kerwin and others, which made Bernadette a little dazed. Is this really protecting his troops? No matter how unreliable it felt, it was solved by the enemy at once.

"I can't believe that a dozen people can turn the sky over?!"

Bernadette snorted coldly and continued to sit in his seat with a low face.

Around him, there are millions of troops guarding, even if the strength of these people can not be compared with the dragon troops, but the good thing is that they are more obedient.

And how many people can be killed by a dozen people, and a million troops standing there, they may not be able to kill many people.


"It seems to work well."

Fang Yan sat alone in the command room, watching Kerwin and others in the area of ​​Bonadette's villa below, constantly killing the enemy, and smiled softly.

"Sir, according to our strength, we have the strength to break the secret blockade, why do we need to make such a big fanfare?" Jarvis's voice echoed here.

"We do have this strength, but Kerwin and the others don't."

Fang Yan shook his head with a smile, and said, "All the technology of Fangshen Tianguo now comes from us. Perhaps because of the fact that the equipment is too powerful, these guys in Kerwin seem to be a little too inflated during this time."

"Let them go through these battles now and put them under pressure, just to calm their hearts. In order to achieve this goal, they must also cooperate with each other, and catching Bonadette alive also happens to be one of the most important things. Great stage."

Hearing this, Jarvis stored Fang Yan's words in his database, and at the same time he understood Fang Yan's intention, nothing more than to train Kerwin and others, and to use these opportunities to continuously train the strength of these subordinates .

Even in the future, if the opportunity is still here, perhaps Fang Yan will create a lot of opportunities.

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