(Arrived at the hospital after 1 p.m., just came back…) The third is more sent, please collect support! Thanks! )

On the Tk short video, there is a professional who analyzes Li Lei’s current endorsement costs.

Even know the details of Li Lei and Anwen Sports endorsement contract: 320 million in 7 years.

“Let’s talk about Li Lei’s endorsement fee, why is it so high?”

“Among domestic sports athletes, with Dayao’s retirement, the ceiling should have fallen on Gu Ailing…”

“After winning the Winter Olympics, her endorsement fee increased to around $4 million per year!”

“Gu Ailing is 20 years old, an Olympic champion, and has an excellent image. Domestic and foreign markets take all…”

“Li Lei is 21 years old, his personal image is also excellent, and there is also a ‘kung fu master’ in his body…”

“Whether this character is real or not, it should be very powerful for me personally, which can basically erase the gap between him and Gu Ailing, and the domestic and foreign markets take all.”

“At present, Li Lei does not have the Olympic Games, and the results of world events are in the body…”

“But he has a men’s marathon world record!”

“I watched the live video of the Dubai Marathon many times in detail, and Li Lei raised his hand to look at his watch 11 times during the race… What is this concept? Professional athletes, eager to strip themselves naked, lose weight, reduce wind resistance, and don’t bring watches at all! ”

“Li Lei also wore a watch, raised his hand to look at it 11 times during the race, and looked at his watch when he reached the finish line, ‘walking’ the finish line!”

“Notice, he ‘walked’ past.”

“I seriously doubt that Li Lei is controlling the results!”

“Actually, not only am I wondering… There is a lot of discussion about this online. ”

“Well-known world-class athletes at home and abroad, coaches think so.”

“From here, the world champion is not much problem for Li Lei.”

“Anwen Sports gave a contract of 320 million yuan for 7 years, betting that Li Lei can win the World Championships, Asian Games, and Olympic Games in the future…”

“There is an endorsement contract given for the company, which should be a more reasonable endorsement price!”

“This contract given by Anwen Sports must have a premium.”

“Sports brands seek Li Lei to endorse, the competition is too fierce.”

“As far as I know, the endorsement fee given by foreign brands exceeds 50 million per year… Li Lei finally chose Anwen Sports, which I personally appreciate. ”

“In fact, Li Lei’s kung fu has brought a great increase to his endorsement fee… It’s just that the little prince is willing to worship him as a teacher, which is not worth 10 million, right? ”

That’s not too much.

People are the little princes of a country!

This identity… Worshiping Master Li Lei, he can only be a named disciple?

It’s going to heaven.

Some netizens felt that Li Lei’s shelf was too big, and he was afraid that he would not be able to get off the stage.

Why can’t I get off the stage?

If Li Lei competes with people later, how will he step down if he loses?

Some netizens also think: This is not simple, now there are so many to challenge Li Lei, whether at home or abroad.

As long as Li Lei never responds, he will never lose.


Li Lei helped the brand side finish shooting the advertisement, and returned to Shudu and returned: Liyu National Art Museum.

Continue teaching two… Named disciple.

Continue liver proficiency.

“Bajiquan pays attention to rigidity, the shot is not empty, hit one, do not fight two, let alone three, one move wins… When you practice boxing, pay attention to staying strong and strong, which is the characteristic of Bajiquan!

Ten years of Tai Chi not going out, one year of killing people, half a year of grade eight breaking the door!

The movements of Bajiquan are simple and concise, just fierce and brittle, and many shocking and vigorous movements.

“Bajiquan takes the head and feet as the head, the shoulders, knees, elbows and crotch as the four directions, and the feet step on the square inches, which is the four directions of heaven and earth, shaking the arms to the sky and falling, and stamping the feet to shake Kyushu…”


Li Lei said, demonstrating it himself.

Half a step out, a bump, a drag, a punch, the entire wooden pile was directly knocked out.

This is already a very common situation in the courtyard.

Li Lei teaches Wang Jie and the little prince.

Wang Jie is more suitable for the fierce Bajiquan, which is very suitable for his character;

The little prince learns the Shape-Meaning Fist!

Tai Chi seems simpler, but it is actually difficult to get started.

Li Lei’s hand-to-hand teaching of boxing techniques, personally demonstrated it.

Wang Jie has learned martial arts since he was a child, and he is a boxing champion, and he is quick to get started and learns quickly.

Bajiquan learned well!

But to reach the point of clarity, practice and comprehension are required.

Even if Li Lei teaches hand-in-hand.

It also takes time.

Judging from Wang Jie’s progress, he is much faster than the little prince, and he has already understood the essentials of Bajiquan exerting force on the heel, walking on the waist, and running through the tips of the fingers.

At the very least, it can integrate the strength of the legs, feet, and waist.

The next step is to integrate all the strength of the body and twist it into one force!

Energize with your heart!

One punch and one kick can mobilize the strength of the whole body, even if it is successful!

After teaching Wang Jie.

Li Lei went to teach the little prince again!

Zhang Li worked as a translator on the side, for which the little prince also gave Zhang Li a translator’s salary.

Well, this salary is certainly not a small amount.

Anyway, Zhang Li is very wholeheartedly translating for the little prince.

To this end, she even took the initiative to read the boxing books, boxing scriptures, and understand professional knowledge, only in this way can she better translate.

The little prince himself is also studying hard.

The little prince has a good talent for languages, after all, he graduated from the Royal Military Academy in England.

Proficient in skiing, surfing, diving, skydiving, football, volleyball, basketball, horseback riding, flying airplanes, hiking glaciers…

If you are not smart enough, you can’t have so many things.

It also proves that the little prince has a good physical foundation and has studied the martial arts of the country.

The martial arts on this side of Daxia also have contact.

There is also a foundation to learning “Shape-Meaning Fist”.

“First practice the three-body pose, then connect with the five elements boxing, horizontal boxing is the foundation, pay attention to the balance of yin and yang, rigidity and softness. It is the mother of the Five Elements Fist, which can be transformed into four fists of splitting, drilling, collapsing and cannon, as well as twelve fists. ”

“As the saying goes, ‘one book can scatter 10,000 plants, and 10,000 salty plants return to one’.”

“However, unlike the Bajiquan that is fierce and invincible, the core of the shape and meaning of the fist is the mean, and the strongest representative boxing method of the middle is the horizontal fist, so the horizontal fist blindly pursues ‘strong and fierce, invincible’ will lose its original meaning, don’t learn Wang Jie!”

Li Lei instructed.

Wang Jie and the little prince learned different boxing techniques, and they can’t follow Wang Jie to practice, if that’s the case, they may put the cart before the horse.

Zhang Li said: “You still speak bluntly, it is difficult for me to translate… Even if it is translated, the taste changes. ”

Li Lei was also helpless: “Some things are not translated at all, and the taste is completely different after translation!” ”

“You let the little prince check the information by himself and comprehend it himself!

Taught two… Named disciple?

Li Lei went to the backyard and became proficient.

It’s all about to be February.

“Shape-Meaning Fist” and “Bajiquan” have not yet reached the master level.

Li Lei’s original plan was to bring “Shape-Meaning Fist” and “Bajiquan” to the master level this month.

The arrival of Wang Jie and the little prince did delay some time.

What’s more important is that the speed of the “Shape and Meaning Fist” and “Bajiquan” liver experience is not very fast!

I fought Shape-Meaning Fist and Bajiquan again.

Li Lei fought two kinds of boxing techniques, and Wang Jie and the little prince unleashed, those are completely two extremes!

【”Shape-Meaning Fist” proficiency +1].

【”Bajiquan” proficiency +1】

After fighting the two punches several times, I only got 1 proficiency!

This is stronger than Li Lei’s contact with the master “Taijiquan”

Master Tai Chi, training for an hour or two to become proficient!

The original master-level “running” skill, running 10 kilometers is only a proficiency!

Advanced skills, to gain proficiency is already relatively fast!

After getting familiar with the boxing technique, Li Lei did not continue.

Hold the big gun in your hand!


Holding a big gun in one hand, the arm exerts strength, and the big gun of dozens of pounds is directly held by Li Lei’s arm, and with a random adjustment, it is a broken sound!



The four-meter-long gun cut through the air and pierced the air, bringing out a burst of breaking sound.

【”Shape-Meaning Fist” proficiency +1].

【”Shape-Meaning Fist” proficiency +1].

[“Shape-Meaning Fist” proficiency…].

“Shape-Meaning Boxing” can rely on practicing big guns to experience the essence of boxing.

For example, practicing more ** guns can enable practitioners to experience the theoretical reason for “taking off the gun into a fist”, which is of great significance for understanding and mastering the shape and meaning boxing.

The same is true of “Bajiquan”!

Li Lei holds a big gun, water milling kung fu, and goes to the liver “Form and Meaning Fist” and “Bajiquan” proficiency.

When “Taijiquan” stepped into the master level, it could only be said that the time and place were favorable.

Practicing boxing in the water, I just comprehended a lot, my proficiency increased rapidly, and I stepped into the master level in one fell swoop and entered the point of dark energy.

“Bajiquan” and “Shape-Meaning Fist” do not have that kind of comprehension.

But that’s okay!

For Li Lei, no matter what he practiced, there was no bottleneck.

Just take the liver experience seriously!

A little grinding… The kung fu of dripping water through stones, as long as the proficiency liver is in place, can also break through.

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