"Our battle may be ending early!"

After confirming that everything was not an illusion, Lai Zhengxiang took a deep breath and said to Ye Sidao.

"This is the badge of our Baoning Dao Hall, you can accept it!"

A badge in the shape of a brown rock was taken out by him and handed it to Yes.

They had already said in advance that the third round was just a pure competition, and it was not about Ye Si's gym challenge.

Moreover, the giant swamp monster can fight against Bangira who Lai Zhengxiang himself cultivated and brought on his body for so long%

No matter what the result is, it is impossible to say that this badge will not be given!

Bangira itself is a 'super-outline topic' for the gym challenge!

Accepting the badge, Ye Si nodded in understanding.

The owner of the gym has the responsibility of maintaining law and order in the city, and in the event of such an accident, Lai Zhengxiang will inevitably be busy.

After the Swamp stopped casting "Earthquake", the light trembling on the battlefield ground did not stop!

And because there is no distraction, that feeling is even more obvious!

This time, it was not only Ye Si and Lai Zhengxiang who felt it......

Even the people on the sidelines who were puzzled because they suddenly stopped feeling it!

And the earth will tremble so much that the figures standing on the ground will be a little unstable!

Everyone's faces became solemn.

"It shouldn't be a naturally occurring earthquake ......"

At the same time, Ye Si and Lai Zhengxiang both came to this conclusion.

The reason for this conclusion is that there were no warnings before that.

The perception of Pokémon is much sharper than that of the animals in the world where Ye Si lived in his previous life!

Many animals are still able to predict an earthquake, and in this world with Pokémon, people will only react faster!

Not to mention anything else, Ye Si still met the disaster beast Absoru near Baoning City some time ago......

It is nearby, but it did not appear in Baoning City for early warning, which is proof!

It's really an unnatural earthquake, but it's not surprising.

After all, it's a world with incredible creatures like Pokémon!

Pokémon that are powerful enough can cause effects like natural disasters if they are unleashed!

Like Groudador and Gaioca......

Even areas that can affect land and sea!

When they fight, they will bring about the impact on the weather of the world, and they can drag the entire world into the countdown to destruction!

The Pokémon that made the earthquake right now, its strength must be far inferior to the level of that kind of professional divine beast.

If it's really that level, it's not just the movement in front of you.

But because its specific location is unknown, it is not good to judge its specific strength by what it sees in front of you......

The intensity of the impact of the earthquake must be decreasing as it moves away from the epicenter!

"But the earthquake caused by Pokémon is much easier to handle......"

With a groan, Yesl released Lucario from the Poké Ball.

"Swamp monster, Lucario, find out where the epicenter is!"

Even if there is a sudden earthquake......

But when Ye Si took out an excellent Pokémon like Lucario, it still made many people envious and surprised.

There are also some people who react quickly enough to see Lucario's eyes lit up.

They all know what Yass is going to do!

Lucario and the Swamp Monster are both well-known Pokémon with strong perceptions!

And Ye Si was able to respond so quickly, which also surprised these people......

As a trainer, he has the same composure and calmness as his Charizard!

Even Lai Zhengxiang stopped.

Waiting for confirmation from the Swamp and Lucario will probably be quicker than if he were to gather information himself!

【This is the direction】


A moment later, Lucario and the Giant Swamp raised their hands at the same time and pointed behind Lai Zhengxiang.

Suddenly, Lai Zhengxiang's eyes were condensed.

Behind him, that is, behind the Baoning Gym......

There are several caves with precious mineral deposits that need to be guarded by the Baoning Gym!

When the earthquake first came, Lai Zhengxiang did not consider the safety of several mines.

It's not that he didn't take this seriously......

But also because of the existence of Pokémon, when this world is mining deposits, the security is much higher than that of the world where Ye Si was in his previous life!

And because of the importance of these mines, the reinforcement and safety factor of the mines carried out in the mining process are all rushing to resist the ultimate natural disaster!

Lai Zhengxiang never thought that any natural disaster could cause damage to the mine.

Even if there were, the sturdiness of the mine would give the high-level trainers stationed inside enough time to bring everyone out safely!

His face was ugly, just because he thought of something else......

Was the earthquake accidental or man-made?

It is inevitable that cherishing mineral deposits will attract covetousness.

The Baoning Gym was set up here, originally to deter the small crumbs!

"Let's hope someone won't bump into it without a long eye!"

Turning around and walking towards the back of the hall, Lai Zhengxiang whispered in his heart.

Ye Si could see clearly, Lai Zhengxiang's face was a touch of murderous aura!

None of these gym owners who guard important cities will be simple characters!

It's not just about the strength of the trainers, it's also about how well they handle things!

"Can I go along?"

Seeing that Lai Zhengxiang was about to go away, Ye Si followed two steps and spoke.

"You're dangerous down there......"

Lai Zhengxiang subconsciously replied, and then his voice was stunned.

He remembered the strength and adaptability that Ye Si had shown in the battle he had just shown.

Yes doesn't say it's a matter of self-preservation......

Maybe you can help him at a critical moment!

"Since you want to come, let's come along!"

After a little hesitation, Lai Zhengxiang raised his hand and called a young lady next to him, asking her to prepare a set of clothes and a miner's hat for Ye Si.

Then Lai Zhengxiang took the lead in entering the mine.

After Ye Si was fully dressed, he followed suit.

He also wanted to know who was so bold as to dare to do things under the nose of a Gym Master who had a high chance of being a Heavenly King-level trainer!

However, Yes's instincts vaguely told him......

There shouldn't be any organizations and individuals doing things below......

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