Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 1018: Ambition

The formation of the World Cultivator Alliance is already imperative, it is the general trend, and no one can change it. The U.S. knows it, China knows it, the Yoga country knows it, the South Vietnam knows it, Russia knows it, and everyone in the east, west, south and north knows it.

This is the formation of a new world pattern and also a change in the new world situation.

However, who can reap more benefits in this world change depends on the capabilities of each country.

The Second World War that year made the United States a superpower in the world, and it has been leading for hundreds of years. Now, history has once again come to a turning point, and history is surprisingly similar!

There is also a huge crisis, and other countries have also been involved in the turmoil, and the United States has remained intact.

Also has a huge combat power!

Even the current United States has almost the strength of a savior!

Their powerful strength, which country they are willing to lean to, the country that is tilted will inevitably be able to get rid of the current fate, break free from that, and even be able to ride this free ride and smoothly surpass other countries!

It is precisely with this idea that, after the United States proposed to be the chairman of the country, other countries not only did not object, but responded positively.

They have no way out now. If the stalemate persists in this way, it will be a matter of time before those domestic alien passages are opened up. Now that they can get the help of the United States, they will have the opportunity to come back. How could they be willing to give up.

"The strength of the U.S. is obvious to all. Only by choosing the U.S. as the president of the country, can it effectively lead the global cultivators and make an effective counterattack against the aliens."

"Although the previous actions of the United States were a bit annoying, we have to say that now we have no choice but to let the United States serve as the chairman country to lead the global fight against aggression."

"We also fully agree with this statement, except for the United States, other countries have no such strength at all."

One by one, the news was collected by Prang of the United States, and was also compiled by their think tank.

"Now, almost all countries and forces have chosen us. I think the time is almost right."

Prang heard the report from his subordinates with excitement on his face, and he was one step closer to success.

As for those public opinions, half of them were created by him, and the other half were following the trend. Perhaps it was a group of no-brained people, everyone said, or those people also have their own interests. Who knows, anyway, These are not the scope of his consideration, nor the topics he should be concerned about.

"How's the situation on Huaxia?" Prang asked the Secretary of State behind him.

"China’s situation is quite special. Their public opinion is not easy to fan, and, as you know, Ye Chen, the leader of their three services, has a lot of support. Before they have enough influence, their people are not so Easy to reverse.

However, these are not important. Although China has a large population, after all, it is only a country. If it really forms an alliance, it will only be a vote and cannot control the overall situation. "The Secretary of State said to Prang.

Prang nodded, and then turned to the Secretary of State and said: "Even so, we can't take it lightly. We must find out the attitude of other countries towards China and the so-called head of the army."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements here."

Soon, a piece of news spread among European countries and Asian countries.

In addition to the United States, China also wants to run for president.

After the news came out, it exploded all at once, and caused quite a joke!

"Hua Xia, want to be the president of the country? What qualifications do they have? If China can be the president of the country, I, English, can do the same."

"My France is also dissatisfied!"

"If they are elected as the president of the country by voting, there must be some tricks in this, you know, this is what they are best at!"

"If China is really elected as the president of the country, we would rather withdraw."

One voice of opposition spread in various European countries, and the people there even rallied and protested to express their dissatisfaction.

"Mr. President, you should have seen that China's threat to us is minimal! We still have the final say in this world." The man whispered to Prang.

Prang got the news, with a smile on his face as well. This result made him very satisfied, at least as he expected.

The entire West is not particularly friendly to China. It is already an honor for China to form an alliance again and be a member of it. It is absolutely wishful thinking to become the president of the country.

"If this is the case, don't hesitate. Hurry up and hold the World League Assembly to form the Alliance of Repairers! At the same time, start drafting the presidential vote!

However, this voting procedure must be set after the rights of the president country are set!

The president country must have real power, and the president of the World Union of Cultivators must have a force of Cultivators that can be mobilized to deal with this world crisis situation and also be able to deal with those invasions from the outside world. "Plum said.

The Secretary of State smiled upon hearing this.

"I have already started to form a drafting committee for the Organizational Law of the Revised Alliance. The current international situation does not allow us to waste time here anymore. So, all hurry!

As for the World Union of Cultivators, I believe that no matter what the final outcome is, whoever the president country is, no country will withdraw easily, because no country can independently solve the domestic chaotic situation, and there is no country. , Have the ability to face all this alone. Said the secretary of state.

"So, Huaxia's choice is actually irrelevant to the overall situation, because he has been tied to this alliance." Pulang said with a smile, with a kind of excitement of trickery.


Soon after the U.S. credential was issued, the second credential was issued again from the U.S. World Union headquarters.

In the letter of credential, leaders from all over the world are invited to come to participate in the establishment of the World Federation of Repairers!

The purpose of the establishment of the World Cultivator Alliance is to hold a group and keep warm. Based on the power of the whole world, regardless of race, gender, or country, it will form a powerful force of Cultivators to jointly resist the invading creatures from outside.

"It's really better to say than singing." Ye Chen threw the national book on the table, his face full of disdain.

This is really Sima Zhao's heart, everyone knows.

Gather the power of world cultivators to resist foreign enemies?

The president of the alliance has absolute control over this force. Even after joining this force, all supplies are provided by the alliance headquarters, and their nationalities will change accordingly and agree to join the World Alliance Organization.

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