
With the sound of aircraft tires rubbing against the ground, the Tu-160 bomber landed steadily on the runway, and finally taxied to the viewing platform


After a moment of silence, as the pilot walked out of the cabin, there was a warm cheer.

“It worked.”

“Finally the first flight was successful!”

“It’s such a joy, I drip my God, it’s really successful.”

The researchers danced happily, hugged each other to celebrate, and burst into tears.

Ye Tian was directly thrown into the sky by everyone, and the person who had the most credit this time was him.

If it weren’t for him, the heavy supersonic bomber, I don’t know how long it would have to grope.

Minister Zhou on the side, looking at Ye Tian, who was thrown into the air, looked a little stunned, and his eyes were moist.

Suddenly, he had a thousand words, but finally his mouth opened but nothing came out.

Because of him, the Air Force finally has an iron fist that can fight farther.

If the enemy country wants to fight Xia Guo again, it has to weigh the consequences.

Not long after, everyone put Ye Tian down.

The staff wept with joy and cheered.

“Finally done, our suffering was not in vain.”

“Wife, I have finally completed the task, I will report to you when I go back and pay the public food!”

“Mom and Dad, did you see that? Our own supersonic bomber finally made its first flight successfully. ”

The staff know that they work day and night, without food or sleep.

The small family for everyone has finally paid off.

The birth of the Tu-160 bomber means that military science and technology have also reached a new level.

“Ye… Hero! ”

“What a great blessing for the nation!”

“Thank you!”

Minister Zhou bowed directly to Ye Tian and muttered on his lips.

The experts and professors also bowed one after another to pay their respects to Ye Tian!

With the Tu-160 bomber, from now on, the level of bombers in Xia Guo will reach the level of the world’s first.

“Can’t make it, can’t make it.”

Ye Tian was a little moved by them, his blood boiled, and he hurriedly walked over to help Minister Zhou.

He was just a twenty-three-year-old young man who could do something for the country, and that was as it should be.

Only when there is a country can there be a home!

These are the words that Grandpa has always taught him, and he has always taken them to heart.

Everyone burst into tears!

“These are as they should be.”

“Ye Tian, do you know how long we have been waiting for this day?”

“If it weren’t for you, we would still be groping in the dark.”

Minister Zhou clasped Ye Tian’s hands with both hands and said excitedly, “We have been waiting for twenty years! ”

“With the Tu-160 bomber, we no longer have to be bullied by others!”

“No one will ever call our Air Force short-legged again!”

Whether it was the experts and professors standing behind Minister Zhou, or the bigwigs of the military, they all showed emotion.

Because the Air Force finally has a killer weapon, and finally can have a powerful weapons platform.

And all this was realized ahead of schedule because of Ye Tian’s arrival.

This is the genius!

“Minister Zhou, to be serious, I just did my duty.”

“Not enough to hang teeth.”

Ye Tian said with a positive color, this is what he really thinks.


He knew that no matter how well his drawings were, without the backing of the state, without these lovely researchers, old experts and professors, he would never have been able to make the Tu-160 bomber a reality.

The first flight is even more unlikely.

“Hahaha, not arrogant or impetuous, it is really Ye Tian that I fancy.”

“I’m happy today, so I decided to give you a holiday.”

“Day off!”

Minister Zhou took a few deep breaths, calmed his excitement, and said cheerfully.

“Chief Master Ye, you are really good, you are our pride.”

“A thousand words turned into three words, it’s really awesome!”

“Without you, there would be no us today, you are the most awesome person.”

“Hahahaha, Chief Master Ye, you are our pride, the most beautiful boy among us!”

Experts and professors, you said very excitedly.

It seems that any words of praise pale in comparison, but these three words can highlight the excitement in their minds at the moment.

They felt like they were dreaming, and they finally developed the Tu-160 bomber.

Who would have thought that today, they watched this supersonic bomber make its maiden flight successfully.

It can be said that Ye Tian’s credit is huge!

They took off the aviation industry, the most brilliant pearl!


“Comrades, please be quiet and listen to me finish.”

“With the Tu-160 bomber, the backbone of our country will become straighter and the fists will harden.”

“However, we dare not disclose your names.”

“Whenever the lights are dark, there is danger.”

“I hope you understand.”

Minister Zhou’s hands pressed towards everyone, and said with great emotion.

These lovely people should have enjoyed flowers and applause, but also enjoyed the praise and learning of all peoples.

But he was unable to release the names of these people.

Because even if it is a peaceful country, it cannot exclude the existence of any danger.

In particular, enemy countries still harbor ghosts.

If something happened to Ye Tian and these people, the consequences would be unbearable pain.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, we’re used to it, I’m afraid that Chief Master Ye won’t understand.”

“Minister Zhou, you don’t have to be sad, we really don’t mind.”

“Shouldn’t Chief Master Ye be uncomfortable?”

All the experts and professors expressed their understanding, but finally shifted their focus to Ye Tian.

They have been engaged in scientific research and aircraft, and they have been incognito for many years, and naturally they have long been accustomed to it.

Everything they did was for the rise of Xia Guo and for their country not to be bullied.

That’s all!

“Isn’t it just a matter of brushing off your clothes and hiding your merit and fame.”

“I can understand.”

Ye Tian waved his hand and said with a nonchalant smile.

“The people will not forget you, and the country will not forget you!”

“Thank you!”

Minister Zhou was so moved that tears flowed out of his eyes, and he bowed deeply to everyone.

He knew that it was because of these lovely researchers that the country was so strong.

Heroes should always be remembered!

Even if many people will be forgotten, but the state will not!

The state will take care of their families and relieve them of worries, they are the people of the state.

After explaining this, Ye Tian returned to his expert villa to rest.

It didn’t take long for Minister Zhou to knock on Ye Tian’s door, still carrying a black briefcase in his hand, and his face was full of apologies.

PS: Is anyone else watching? There is not a single comment, continue to ask for 1000 flowers plus more, 100 evaluation votes plus more.

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