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Tribulation God!

Maybe very strong!

But Tribulation God is nothing but ants in my eyes.

Bai Yu said while shaking, a wave of water in his hand, a water polo appeared in his hand!

The terrifying coercion emanated from the water polo, let everyone understand that this water polo can easily kill any of them!

Bai Yu was shocked. This is to stand up before the auction starts.

Let everyone in the auction hall know the power of Treasure Gathering Pavilion!


Du Yuesheng doesn’t want to listen to these nonsense!

“Isn’t that enough? You are an Auctioneer. It’s just a matter of doing your part. That’s that many nonsense!”

The eyes of countless people looked towards the attic of the aloof and remote!

Yes, in the Treasure Gathering Pavilion, although the VIP private room is set up, there is a private room at this time, which is undoubtedly the most noticeable!

This private room has never existed before. Obviously, Treasure Gathering Pavilion has just been built.

It may even be built specifically for this person.

He is located above all private rooms and is at the center of the entire auction house.

Standing tall, the 8 corridors, even if connected to the place there, are also the foundation to support it!

And it seems that everyone, all VIP rooms, are in the general public room.

It is conceivable how noble this person is!

“Hehe, distinguished Young Master, since you said that, this Bai people will not be nonsense.”

“So, now auction, officially started!”

What makes everyone different is that the incomparably powerful Bai Yu was surprised, not at all angry at this man’s words.

Bai Yu surprised but humbled a salute, and then started the auction!

As for who is in that special VIP room?

Naturally Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng’s black gold card is more than just a black gold card, which contains special treatment.

Only those who own him, and Treasure Gathering Pavilion can really understand the value.

At least, in this Rank 2 continent, Du Yuesheng, regardless of going to any continent, as long as he is within the scope of Treasure Gathering Pavilion, he is the most noble existence.


As long as it belongs to Treasure Gathering Pavilion, no matter what your strength is, when you meet Du Yuesheng at Rank 2 continent, you only have to bow your head and only serve with all your heart.

Otherwise, why does Treasure Gathering Pavilion follow Du Yuesheng no matter what?

Otherwise, why is the powerhouse of Rank 3 Area still slapping himself at the door?

Everything is because of that black gold card!

Of course, it is not so easy to get this black gold card!

Last time, it was said that it was still a super powerhouse that ruled more than 30 continent. Before soaring, he scraped all the resources he controlled from continent, even including a part of the heart of continent, and then sold it to Treasure Gathering Pavilion. .

Collect all the special resources of 30 continent to get such a black gold card.

It is conceivable how dignified he is.

The official start of the auction, the previous auction, are not worth noting.

Therefore, people all discuss spiritedly, whispering with laughter, who is there there!

The only thing they can be sure of is that this person is by no means idle. This person has a noble identity.

But who is it?

no one knows.


Du Yuesheng at this time, leaning over legs crossed, beside him, 2 Treasure Gathering Pavilion maids with the strength of Tribulation God.

With a water bottle in one hand, he can always give him water.

And the other, kneeling beside Du Yuesheng, holding a fruit tray high in his hand, filled with cherished fruits from various continent.

“Well, this tea is good and quite fragrant.”

“Young Master is satisfied!”

“Hehe, by the way, what about the Auctioneer below, with the fool at the door?”

“Young Master has no idea. Bai Zhenren is a super powerhouse from Rank 3 continent through a special Transmission Array.”

“Because of some special restrictions, although his strength is also suppressed in the Tribulation God, he has the power of the Initial Mastery attribute.”

“It is a Paragon powerhouse of Spirit Martial Realm, which is what we commonly call the Ascension Realm!”

“Oh, that’s how it is!”

Du Yuesheng nodded, naturally looked at that white feather really.

No wonder the man outside the door can punch him, so that’s how it is, it was originally Martial Artist of Rank 3 Area.


What is Spirit Martial Realm?

Du Yuesheng heard the realm name from the maid’s mouth, is it the realm after Tribulation God?

“Hehe, if the Young Master is interested, we can arrange for the Young Master to meet with Bai Zhenren to provide some cultivation consultation for the Young Master.”

The maid continued.

They themselves are the blood moon continent, the highest exists, and they actually work as maids in the Treasure Gathering Pavilion.

It is conceivable that there are many benefits, and it is not surprising to know some little-known things.

“Oh, no interest, come and pour me a cup!”

“Okay, Young Master!”

The maid was stunned, obviously, she didn’t expect Du Yuesheng to answer him like this!

Even, judging from Du Yuesheng’s reaction, he didn’t care much about that real person at all!

Is it necessary to care?

Soaring and so on, for Du Yuesheng, isn’t it just killing a few more strange things?

However, seeing a Rank 3 continent person here in advance made Du Yuesheng quite surprised.

Duosheng knows that Transmission Array can bring high-level continent people to low-level continent.

In fact, he is also going to wait until he has collected enough continent hearts to upgrade Heavenly Hall, then he will return to Heavenly Dragon Continent once to upgrade Heavenly Hall.

However, people with low-level continent have no way to reach high-level continent through Transmission Array unless he can break through!

That is soaring!

It’s a limitation, and even Du Yuesheng can’t break it.

How far is he from the soaring period?

Anyway, the upgrade EXP has not changed, it seems to be stuck in Tribulation God realm,

Du Yuesheng is extremely depressed!

The auction is still going on, and the items are bought one by one, but the garbage is probably put in front of Du Yuesheng, and he is too lazy to get it.

There are also several VIP halls that are also not shot.

At this time, they are also waiting for the last item to appear.

“Who is that guy, did you find it?”

At this time, in a private room, Crown Prince of the Knight Empire and Young Master who were reassigned from the Yue Family were sitting together.

The eyes of the two of them stayed in Du Yuesheng’s private room above them.

“His Royal Crown Prince forgives sins, and his subordinates are incompetent, and he can’t detect the slightest message from the man.

“That guy, who was set as the highest authority guest by Treasure Gathering Pavilion, said the news from our insider.”

“The person who can receive him needs at least Manager level. Even the servants must have the strength of Tribulation God! Only qualified!”

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