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For the first time since 10000!

For the first time since Treasure Gathering Pavilion was established on the blood moon continent!

Who is it, who deserves Treasure Gathering Pavilion so exciting!

All of a sudden, the Martial Artists in the entire town of Haoyue discussed it again, even more so than the lack of blood to kill the moon.

Ordinary person, igniting his brain hole in that non-stop guessing, and some powerful people, they began to investigate directly.

When they learned that Treasure Gathering Pavilion turned out to receive a certain person and chose to suspend business, they all showed a shocking expression.

At this time, Du Yuesheng directly exploded all the people who were hiding.

4 Dawuwu Sect plus Bloodmoon Holy Land, both sent their own proud recipe.

Four Great Aristocratic Families and Four Great Empires also sent their own teams.

Countless Peak families also joined.

The purpose is naturally self-evident, all directed at the Five Elements Dan.

A Five Elements Dan looks like a medicine pill, but in fact, it is not that simple.

A Five Elements Dan, represented by strictly speaking, is an opportunity for ascension!

And this is enough to make those hidden old monsters move their hearts and even put everything together.

After coming to Haoyue Town.

In addition to the fools like the lack of blood to kill the blood, everyone else tried to hide their identity.

Because only hiding his identity completely, then, when the time comes to snap the Five Elements Dan, it can be more secure.

As for the reason?

Since all the forces are inevitable, there is only one medicine pill. If it is obtained by a certain family, it also reveals its identity…

Is it not obvious enough?

This Five Elements Pill is bound to make blood moon continent, throwing a new round of foul wind and bloody rain.

I just didn’t expect that before the auction started, some people first drew the attention of almost everyone.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Du Yuesheng.

At this moment, he sat indifferently in the lounge, and in front of him, nearly 50 appraisal teachers were constantly busy.

“Here, this is Xingsha? Heaven, Xingsha is the basic material for refining Jiebao, and it is also a necessary material. Although there is not much Xingsha that a Jiebao needs, it is essential!

God, how many Xingsha are here, how many Jiebao can be refined! I’m afraid it’s more than 1000 pieces! “

“Look, look at this, is this thing the legendary ice grass growing on 10,000 li Snow Mountain?”

“I heard that because the growth environment of the extremely ice grass is very strict, and Spirit Qi is also very large, as long as one plant is grown, then in another 100 yuan, there is another plant that is absolutely impossible!

In other words, on a Snow Mountain, only one can exist at the same time!

Here, there are more than 100 plants here. Oh my God, did he pick the entire continent’s polar ice grass?

how is this possible! how is this possible! “


A sigh like this is erupting at any time. It seems that there is no item in the appraisal, which can always attract the shock of the appraisal teachers and cause a commotion!

However, only a few can appraisal.

There are so many continents, and the blood moon continent is only one of them. Then, how can the people on the blood moon continent know all these treasures?

You know, Du Yuesheng’s stuff comes from the system, from all the world, all the continent!

On the other side, medicine pill and Magic Treasure’s appraisal are more difficult.

Because, most of the medicine pills that Du Yuesheng took out were those that the appraisal teachers had never seen before, and they couldn’t even start the appraisal.

Magic Treasure is not bad, after all, if you study it, you can get a general idea of ​​appraisal.

But undoubtedly, this time, Du Yuesheng gave the appraisal teacher in the Treasure Gathering Pavilion a good experience.

In the end, when Du Yuesheng was impatient, Treasure Gathering Pavilion appraisal less than 10% of the items.

For the rest, Du Yuesheng didn’t have time to spend with them, and said directly: “Okay, a bunch of rubbish, appraisal has been so long, and only appraisal has something like this.”

“I don’t have time to spend with you. You don’t need appraisal for the rest. Appraisal has already come out. Give me a price.”

Du Yuesheng called it a waste, but no appraisal teacher dared to refute it.

Isn’t it a waste? People’s stuff is there, but they, so many people shot together, only appraisal made 10% of the stuff!

not a waste is what!

The rule of Treasure Gathering Pavilion is that their appraisal teacher must first appraisal the attribute to judge the value, and then give an estimate.

If there is no item from appraisal, they will not accept it.

After all, Treasure Gathering Pavilion has always existed for making money.

It was still the old man who first received Du Yuesheng, and said to Du Yuesheng with an awkward smile.

“Young Master, I don’t know if you can temporarily put these items in my Treasure Gathering Pavilion. After our appraisal comes out, we will give you a quote. What do you think of this?”

“No! I don’t have time to toss with you here. Okay, those things, what prices do you give, let’s say a few.”

Du Yuesheng waved his hand casually, and there was nothing appraisal, so it disappeared.

The old man can’t help it. After all, he is incompetent. If someone gives a treasure, he doesn’t get it. Who can blame?

“Okay, I, our preliminary estimate, if you want to buy with money, we are willing to give a continental universal blood moon coin, 1,000,000,000, what do you think?

Blood Moon Coins!

The blood moon continent is the universal currency. According to the situation of each country, the exchange situation is different, but there is no doubt that the blood moon currency is the most valuable currency of the continent.

1,000,000,000 Blood Moon Coins?

So, what does this number represent?

Take the undefeated empire as an example. Their annual income is 100,000,000 Blood Moon Coins.

If all kinds of expenses are removed, even if it is a year of great prosperity, 50,000,000 Blood Moon Coins can be deposited a year, which is pretty good!

Of course, the undefeated empire is the weakest among Four Great Empires, but the figure of 1,000,000,000 Blood Moon Coins is still very scary!

I’m afraid, apart from the rich and imposing Treasure Gathering Pavilion, it is estimated that no one can mobilize so much money.

However, to Du Yuesheng, he didn’t feel much at all. In his eyes, what if the bloody moon continent has more money? If you change to another continent, do you want to recognize it?

Therefore, Du Yuesheng waved his hand indifferently:

“All right, it doesn’t matter.”


“Young Master, wait one minute!”

Soon, Laozi came back from the outside, and a special card was brought up in front of Du Yuesheng.

“Young Master, this is a black gold card unique to my Treasure Gathering Pavilion, and your money has been applied to the card for you.”

“In addition, with this card, you can exchange it for any continent currency. I believe it will be applicable to you.”

Can it be exchanged for any continent currency?

The tone of this Treasure Gathering Pavilion is not small.

But Du Yuesheng wouldn’t care about this either. If it weren’t for the heart of the continent and the Celestial Demon Emperor Treasure Land map, he would not come to auction.

Taking the black gold card in hand, Du Yuesheng turned around and walked outside.

Only the group of Treasure Gathering Pavilion appraisal teachers who are bewildered by the state are left.

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