Unnamed Memory


This is the story of a few encounters.

A song sung from inside a bird cage.

I heard rumors.

A year ago, suddenly there was a girl who appeared before the Emperor.

The girl said she showed the current and incredible power of the emperor and the heavy ministers and demanded that it be in exchange for that power.

Alphas doesn't know that much about what she asked for.

I just pinched it in my ear that the emperor didn't respond to it and that he shut her down.

In the palace, her stories are whispered to you, including falsehood.

The girl who would have become a dump if the old emperor were now twenty years younger.

She is trapped in a room called the "Bird Cage," where she still spends her time alone today.

"Are you here? Major Kreutzer"

The middle-aged man, who told Eagle Yang and looked back, was a man in the ranks located above the Alphas.

But unlike Alphas, who goes out on the battlefield and commands, the man is tasked with guarding the vast palace. He returned it in salute, surprised inside as to why he had received a direct call from someone who would not normally even exchange words.

The dim, large room shows footage of hundreds of surveillance cameras placed in the palace, which reminds me somewhere of the insect's double eyesight as a small monitor spreads across the three sides of the wall.

The man sitting in the chair placed in the centre of it, standing up with Alphas in his hand, led him to the door visible in the back.

A dozen monitors are still placed at the end of the door, which was opened after reading the personal code.

Nobody's small room used only those monitors as a light source, and the precipitated air made Alphas feel a little breathless.

The man says, "Look at it" and points to one monitor.

It was one girl that was shown there.

Long dark hair is wet and deeply lustrous, and thin limbs are roughly white.

Apparently she had just come up from the bath, and as she crossed in front of the camera, exposing her supple limbs at all costs, she sat down on a wide sleeping table. Wipe away the water from your body with the white cloth that was there.

The girl's body, which left an immature part to speak of as a woman, but was incomplete and therefore precarious in beauty, was as if it were a work of art created with intent.

Alphas frowns and stares at the girl's nothingness neck.

"This is..."

"You've heard rumors. She's the daughter of Birdcage."

"Did it really exist"

I heard the story, but I thought it would be a half-made story.

But the girl is real, sitting ahead of his stare now.

Alphas suddenly wanted to distort his face to the disgust that had boiled down. But in front of the man, he manages to remain calm.

It's a common story, such as the decadence of the royal family, and there's no point in mentioning it one by one.

That said, I couldn't have felt better knowing the fact that a girl who couldn't actually grow up was not guilty but locked up.

Alphas exhales unnoticed by the feeling of illness that cannot be said to be all.

The superior officer, who was in sight of the girl in the monitor, had a gloomy grin when he looked up.

"I'll have you go to her from now on."

Orders that did not follow formal procedures were not, however, escapable from the circumstances.

Instantly realizing it, he responds to his superiors by killing all emotions.

"I don't care what you do."

"Her Majesty says she wants to 'collapse'"

In one of the rumors, this is what she is told.

"The girl who refused the emperor's favor," he said.

That's why she was trapped in a birdcage.

That's how she stays untouched, but she does continue to be loved.

When Alphas indulged in the urge to spit, he silently accepted the life. I glance over the screen at the girl I would be relative to from now on.

That's when the girl in the monitor raised her face for the first time - she responded to his gaze with a chilling smile on everyone's eye-catching beauty.

The "bird cage" exists securely deep in the palace.

There were a number of authentication doors in the hallway to get there, which were eventually supposed to go through a small room with nothing to go into the cage.

Alphas sarcastically distorts his mouth as he walks down the hallway where surveillance cameras are placed at equal intervals at this sight.

"That's very careful."

"You can't say anything about that with this much. Because there are no blind spots in The Bird Cage. Everything is under surveillance."

"Bad taste."

The captain, who was ordered to guide him, grinned bitterly at the words he would throw up.

No audio has been picked up even if the footage has been monitored in this hallway.

Because they know about it, they are able to make a statement that seeps into their true meaning, but it would also be impossible to be in a "birdcage". "You can't hear the inside of the room if it's whispered, but it's usually recorded for what you're talking about," the guide captain added.

Alphas swallows his sigh and looks forward.

"It's a small room just before 'Bird Cage'. There's just no surveillance there. It's a little consideration for visitors."


"Please don't say that. Because some people need it."

"Wouldn't it be possible for a birdcage daughter to get out into that little room?

Pointing out the facts, the captain flaunted his shoulder.

A hidden hallway of a magnificent palace. The end of it was almost there.

The girl was standing on her back to him when she opened the door behind the small room with an authentication code.

He is pulling his long black coat to the floor and pouring tea from a teapot in his hand into a cup.

Long hair remained down and white bare feet appeared slightly from the gap in the clothes.

Long clothes too big for a thin body. She stops loosely with her waistband, carrying a dagger in her sheath on the side.

Moonlight pouring out of the vitreous skylight.

Bright blue light and darkness.

The sight gave him an incredible impression.

The unreal feeling of dreaming that I have done well passes behind Alphas' brain.

"Another guest?"

The girl's voice had a ringing sound.

I guess you don't even think you're a prisoner or anything. He is a little surprised by the sound of even being arrogant.

The surprise, however, was to be repainted with yet another consternation.

The carefree girl looks back at him and freezes.

Eyes that open to the limit.

The force fell out of his white fingertips and the fallen teacup splashed over the floor. There is a small scream in the ensuing splash of hot water.

"What are you doing!

He didn't wear anything under his long coat.

As Alphas rushed toward the girl and held her up, her thin legs were soaking wet with tea. You have burns. Your skin is red.

The girl's hand clamped him down trying to get him straight into the bathroom.

"It's okay. Excuse me......"

"You should chill it right away. It hurts later."

"I'm fine."

The girl stretches her fingers to her toes. There was thin blood seeping out whether it had been cut with fragments of a broken cup. She looks at her wound with her finger.

Alphas flashed because when her fingers left, there were no scratches left there.

He saw the incompetence he had heard of, and he looked seriously at his little feet.

In the meantime, the girl looks up at his face softly - admitting her surprised eyes, zero a bitter smile.

"Welcome to The Bird Cage. Major Alphas Kreutzer. My name is Tinasha. Please, call me that."

The girl he saw was laughing vividly.

That's why he couldn't notice at this time.

Why does she know her name? And what spirit is she in the birdcage, nothing.

Alphas had no doubt guessed what he was expected to do.

But uncomfortable with the emperor's poor taste, he ignored that expectation, saying well that he had not been commanded to do so openly. When I put the girl down on the bunk, I take a few steps back and relate to her.

The girl, who had slapped out a few "guests" she didn't like before, stared at him with a happy look for some reason, contrary to the advice of the guide. Dark eyes that reflect the moonlight blink loudly.

Let me hear your voice.

"... what are you?

"I am me"

Girl's hands. A pale arm stretched out towards him, illuminated by moonlight.

He looks like he wants to be touched. A luster that cannot be ignored rises from the girl's throat.

But just before Alphas was captured by the dizzying gaze, he was reflexively cautious. I stare at her eyes without taking her hand.

"Are you a whore?

"If you want it from me."

"I don't want"

"Then I'll be the unsingled bird."

The voice was as beautiful as a song.

Alphas didn't try to get any closer to her than that. Just wait for the end of time and leave the bird cage behind.

I thought he would be reprimanded for his actions, which could be called disregard for orders, but there was actually no blame from above.

Instead, from that day on, he became regularly sent to the birdcage, where he was to cross his destiny with the birdcage woman one by one after this.

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