People wonder when their memories will be the oldest.

For Mimi, that's probably a memory of when she was in a small flowerbed in front of the house.

Maybe he was two or three years old. He crouched in front of the flowerbed by himself and was playing with something.

But then the ground wobbled - hugged by parents who jumped out of the house.

That's the first memory, and Mimi doesn't remember if she was crying at that time.

Books arranged on desks. From among them the girl chose three thin textbooks.

Today is the day when the town's school is located. She puts it together and holds it aside.

Schools open to anyone who is a town child are maintained with assistance from the ruling lords of the area, but are not open every day.

For this reason, Mimi also took classes only three times a week and tried not to miss self-study at home.

When she packs all her bags, she jumps out of her little private room in a big hurry.

I turned to the front door waving at my father, who was writing at the living room table.

"Father, you're coming!

"Be careful, man."

Leaving a house out of town, down a cobblestone-covered ramp.

A passing crowd circled their eyes when they noticed her rushing off like a puppy. An old woman with a familiar face laughs bitterly and calls out.

"Mimi, are you going to school?

"Yes! I'm gonna be late!

"If you run too much, you'll fall."

As if that worry were going to become a reality, Mimi, plunged at the crossroads, nearly ran into the boy who jumped out of the side in the same way.

He takes the girl in a hurry to stop, in surprise. A squeaky voice echoed over Mimi's head.

You, look forward.

"Ed! Sorry, but I'm gonna be late"

"Seriously? Is that already the time?

"That's the time!

The two thirteen-year-olds look at each other and run out a gentle ramp together.

That sight, as usual, was a landscape symbolizing peace in the town.

Mimi, who mourned her mother because of an epidemic disease before she was tempted, grew up in what the people in town called "a beauty, though not very similar to her mother".

Not being able to look too objectively at her appearance, she preferred to look more like her mother than whether she was beautiful or not, but that would be something she couldn't help but say. They say long pitch-black hair and dark eyes are both different from my mother's colors, but all my friends and others envy this color as rare. Maybe that wasn't just color, but a word of admiration for a girl with a delicate beauty like a doll.

But what Mimi cares about today is how she will shake herself in the future rather than how she looks.

"Mimi doesn't go to the lord?

To a friend's inquiry, the girl with the cheek cane on her desk raised her thoughts "hmm".

A child born with magic is trained to control magic before it grows completely long, but she hasn't had this training yet.

Because there are no magicians in this small town who can train their children in control, they have to go to the city ruled by the lord, but she has been treading on that training for nearly a year. The girl gives it back to her friend when she takes a big sigh.

"But your father cooks badly without me. Worry."

"What are you worried about your parents? I'm an adult. I'll do something about it. I'd rather go to a bigger city than that."


Mimi's inability to fly out of town with an innocent longing like the girls of the same age may be due to her full satisfaction with her current life.

Born and raised, this little town is her world, and beyond that, it's even scary sometimes.

She reveals her melancholy as she did when she was tasked with very unpleasant homework. That's when a light boy's voice was thrown from behind.

"Hey, you guys. You know there's been some weird guys out in town lately?

"Weird man?

Ed, a problem child known for his brainlessness, also known as recklessness, nods forcefully at the girls' doubts.

"When a young woman walks outside by herself at night, a tall man shows up. So, I peek into your face and say, 'No.'"

"Aren't you even looking for people?

"Listen to me till the end. So when you meet the man, you lose your mind on the spot. Talk about women being found on the streets in the morning."

"Get cold?

It was Mimi who questioned her as she wished, but her friend's girl smiled at her remarks, and Ed looked frightened. The boy plays Mimi's forehead with his fingers as he says, "Bye."

"You'd be making more noise if people were dying. He's alive. He just wants to hang out for a couple of days."

"You slept on the street and caught a cold."

"Either way, don't break your hips, you guys!


Mimi sighed as she watched the two arguing.

I'm not sure, but does that mean the perverts are roaming?

Ed taps his desk when he notices her trying to open the book by losing interest.

"So? The man... looks strangely good. So, the fallen women are making a scene. - Isn't that suspicious?

"I'm not suspicious."

The clear conclusion was that it belonged to a teacher who sometime came into the classroom.

Looking around at the children rushing back to their seats, the teachers sent by the Lords' Hall breathe heavily.

"Anyway, you guys, don't make irresponsible rumors. Don't go away at night after all. 'Cause it's true there's gonna be some weird guys out there."

Words of teachers stabbing nails.

But all it could do was turn the curious children back.

"I'm home!

"Welcome back. - Oh, Mimi. I need to talk to you, so if you put your stuff away, come on."


Mimi turned into a bitter face for a quick call back home.

I already have predictions about what my father is going to talk about. It's about magic control training.

Normally, by the time she turns fifteen, she is unable to draw any conclusions about this training.

Mimi, who appeared dropped, his father glances with green eyes over his glasses.

"Mimi, we're talking about training."


"I'm talking about an old magician from Lord's City taking it on. He doesn't usually take students, but when he talks about Mimi, he means he can take a special look. Why don't you go?

"............... Father"

My father, whose job is to compile dictionaries, has some handouts for city scholars and magicians.

I guess you used that handover to look for me. At the training destination, Mimi gave me a complicated look. It comes back five years ago.

Mimi, who was only eight years old at the time, couldn't stand her magic one day and developed a high fever.

Then for a while, uncontrollable magic broke what was in the house, and going out also continued to suffer.

It was her father who continued to accompany her day and night after she had seizures and cried, and he gave her some sealed ornaments as a first aid after her daughter's fever had dropped. Those outfits, which seal magic and suppress runoff, still carefully decorate Mimi's neck and fingers to suppress her magic, but it was also clear that they would eventually become irrepressible to her growing power.

When I think of that time, strong anxiety boils down with fear.

It was fear of my own power, anxiety about leaving with my father, who had always lived with me.

To a cloudy daughter, my father continues with one sigh.

"It's something we have to do one day. You know that, don't you?

"I understand... But I don't want to leave this town."


I'm not sure why myself.

I'm just afraid to leave this town and live far away.

When she lays her black eyes down, her father shakes his head after a period of silence.

"The training is long and takes a year. but they say that the magician will be able to fully control it in six months, and depending on the efforts of the students, even three months is possible. Mimi. You don't even like three months?

"Three months?

Will I be able to come back with that if I really try?

The girl looked up at the shortening of the period she never thought possible. My father laughs bitterly in the eyes when expectations begin to mix.

"What do you say, Mimi? You want me to ask you?

Calm and gentle voice.

She came to a small conclusion that she wanted to "ask" when she thought of the familiar voice.

After dinner, Mimi slipped back to her bedroom.

The dark rooms are always surrounded by the silence of the street, but I don't sleep because of strange chest noises because I decided to make a new turn.

Still, when Mimi was trying to even close her eyes and fall asleep - I wonder how long it had passed - she raised her face when she heard a tiny knock on the window. Someone is knocking on the window of the room from the outside, roughly waking up the body.


It was her childhood training that was there. Mimi got up and peered into the boy who came when he opened the window. He has a long wooden stick in his hand for some reason.

"What? What's wrong?

"Mimi, let's go and find out who the dubious man is together"


Is that a daytime story?

Despite the fact that she had just been told not to leave at night, she was inadvertently weakened by the boy who seemed to be moving just out of curiosity.

Not sure what to pay attention to, Ed laughs and continues.

"'Cause it's okay. You know, if you uncover who you really are, adults don't get mad, either, right? Come on."

"What are you talking about... it's not up to you. Why me, by and large?

"You can use magic, right?

"I can't use it."

You have to go on control training because you can't use it.

As Mimi recessed into her own words, the boy, though, pointed to the night sky with a stick of wood he had. Laughs at her with a strange confident attitude.

"You just don't think you can use it. Wouldn't it be better if you could use it well here and catch a dubious man without training and doing it?

"I don't... I wonder if so"

"That's right. Look, come on."

Staring at the hand offered, Mimi contemplates.

In the end, when she lost the temptation and walked through the window, the town had already plugged in the middle of the night, which was barely popular.

The moon shows the two shadows on the cobblestone for a long time.

The sound of the wind, out of town where only bugs can be heard. Ed and Mimi were walking side by side on the path where the suspicious man allegedly exited.

The boy bears a wooden stick on his shoulder and the girl looks around with anxious eyes.

Low-length pairs would undoubtedly be reprimanded first if found by the adults of the town.

But I don't see anyone on the road because of the widespread talk of suspicious men. Mimi asked the boy next door as he held his body.

"Number one, what would you do if that person showed up? Ed, do you hit him with that?

"If you do, I'll hit you"

"Where do you judge, it"

"You can handle it. You'll see."

Totally unplanned.

But Mimi won't be able to blame him much more than she followed me. She shook her shoulders and looked up at the night sky.

Blue and white moon. No matter where it is at all times. I say it silently.

How long have you been looking at the sky as it is? When her neck was completely fixed, but she was called by Ed to put her face back.

"Hey, Mimi"



What's ahead of him fingers are two shadows.

One belongs to a tall man, and one appears to belong to a daughter several years older than them.

The faces of men and women standing opposite each other are shadowed and invisible. But when Mimi killed her breath in the disturbing air - her daughter's shadow collapsed into cobblestone.

"E, Ed!

It was almost simultaneous with the girl's voice and Ed running out.

The boy turns to the man at a flying speed, and when he packs the distance, he shakes up the stick of the tree.

But the preemption passed where nothing was due to the other man avoiding it beside him. A man's hand reaches out to Ed, who steps on a bump.


I don't even know when I was rushing out. But when Mimi jumped desperately between them, she spread her hands to shelter the childhood.

I don't know how to use magic. I just stare at strangers with only will in both eyes.

The man looked at the little girl when he stopped by surprise. Blue eyes open gently.

- I know.

That's what I thought, the color of a man's eyes.

The color of the sky after the sun sets. Clear blue just before the night began.

How can I miss the colors I'm supposed to see for the first time so much?

Mimi frowned at the illusion that the depths of her head hurt. A man's hand reaches out on that face.


The voice that goes through often sounds. A big hand tried to touch her cheek. Mimi takes a step back. The boy grabbed the hand from behind.

Something cuts through the night air and flies.

When she returned to me, Mimi was pulling her hand from Ed and falling into the cobblestone. The boy moves forward to shelter her.

But at that time, the man was nowhere to be found already. But afterwards he was left with a raw warm night breeze, and a sleeping daughter.

"Mimi, are you hurt?

She didn't say anything until she took the hand she was reached out for.

And it was there, when Mimi, who rose again, looked up into the sky, that the unchanging moon was shining a still light.

Back home, Mimi went in through the front door, not through the window.

It's not locked. That's what I felt. She heads straight to the living room.

There was my father awake lighting a candlestick and working there. When he notices Mimi, he pushes up his glasses.

"What's up? Where have you been? On a night like this."

"You know that, don't you?

Beautiful voices change the air in the room at night.

The girl stood in front of the man when she smiled bitterly. Reach out white and take his glasses.

"Why are you putting this on?"

It's a word that points to the truth. He responds to her with a beat of silence.

"When did you notice?

"Just outside. You're the one who got rid of that demon-eater, aren't you? Oscar."

It doesn't belong to my daughter. The man smiled bitterly when asked by the "witch". When I touch my lid with my right hand, I magically change the color of my eyes back.

First encounter in eighty years. The two of them, who fulfilled it as an unconnected parent and child of blood, looked at it with a constant silence.

Tinasha rides on his lap with a woman's trick.

"Did I even realize and raise you?

"Oh. I was already on the verge of giving birth when I helped a woman who was going down... I had your magic fluctuations. I thought I was lucky."

"Don't say anything like that. Have you had a father for thirteen years? Why didn't you tell me?"

Oscar flaunts his shoulder at the woman who asks why to clog him. Blue eyes captured the girl with irreplaceable affection.

"Once I wanted you to have a normal childhood."

So I acted as my father without saying anything.

That's what I once did, with her, like when I raised the kids.

"I was going to stay that way for at least fifteen years... but when you were two, there was an earthquake. I rushed to pick it up, and you, you called me by name. Since then, I changed the color of my eyes and put on my glasses. - Remember?

"... at all"

As a father, he named himself a completely different name, and I guess he was stunned when his toddler girlfriend called him his real name.

I must have treated you with great care since then.

Tinasha sees with troubled eyes the "father" who has at times been warm and at times harsh on herself.

I wonder how much love you've put on me.

A little relaxation was going to make me cry, so I just had to smile.

She leans against the man's chest when she nods small.

"I enjoyed it thanks to you. I was so... happy."

"Good for you."

The man stretched with a trick as if he had unloaded his shoulder. Put your hands on that cheek, and the witch gives you a mouthful.

Silent time to hold your breath.

When Oscar sighed at Tinasha, who slowly let go of his face -

"Let me grow up if I can. Very restless and troublesome," he said.

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