Unnamed Memory

Separated Skies 08

Running down a roadless road. She goes down the woods where the grass grows, the dark blue mountains at noon.

There are no people around. All the humans we go with are supposed to go down the mountain in pieces. Because that would delude the lookout's eyes.

Rough breath. Heart about to burst. But still, she runs terribly through her body. Hands on the trunk of the tree, sliding down on the grass.

We must hurry. I can't afford to lose the time "she" made me.

Above our shoulders lies the fate of all the people of this country.

"Absolutely... unbeatable..."

Mumbling her indelible anger in her mouth, she runs through the woods.

the borders that would await ahead and towards a sprawling free wilderness.

The sky looking up from the terrace is as blue as usual.

Ruth brutally lifted her hair disturbed by the raw warm wind with her hands. I look through the paperwork in my hand as I sit on my knees in the trunk.

A report communicating the current situation in Wang Du. What was written there was, in summary, that the king's government was beginning to see strays.

I guess the northern border, where small-scale fighting has been going on for a year, is a distant cause of this. Unlike this wilderness, Ruth recalls the border with wide rivers crossing fertile meadows.

"If you're struggling so much, you should have left me alone."

A bitter whine will not reach anyone's ear. The man looks up from the paperwork and looks up at the sky.

There is no shadow under his feet. Only the wind went through the dry terrace.

Should we fight back or not - that is where opinions also divide among the castle people.

Why has the assassin appeared now? Too many things, including why, can't be confirmed.

In the office where the LORD is not present, each of those who face each other shall have questions and opinions.

"About ten years ago and what happened to the killer? Did they get away with it?

"I killed him."

It was Vernon who answered Lanoma's question bitterly. He supplemented the information with the gaze of a few people he did not know at the time.

"There was a man trying to dump a bloody dagger in the well. When I called out suspiciously, I killed him because he was on his way."

"Did he say anything?

"Nothing. There was nothing in my belongings either. But when I showed the face of the body later, there was a human being who said he had seen the man in the king's capital."

"I see."

In the end, whether or not the king sent an assassin to this castle, even if it looks gray, cannot be confirmed.

Needless to say about ten years ago, all but the dead women have been let go for this trip artists.

Later, after receiving a report from Castle Gate Watch that he "let it out because he said he was leaving due to sudden circumstances," Ranoma and others wanted to scream.

It would be difficult to obtain a strong testimony even if they were caught.

I tried to gather more information on the Wang Capital because I needed it either to defend it thoroughly or to fight back, but that did not show them one way.

Lanoma taps with her fingers the map spread over her desk.

"Now would be a good time if you said you were stuck in a skirmish with the North, right? You can go to the king's capital from behind and stab him."

"You wouldn't think of this one as the back. Plus, there's too much force difference for anything. We're not assassins."

"Not enough money to replenish"

Immediately denied by Vernon and Ill, the man shut up.

As a matter of reality, force and funding are indefensible walls. Ignoring this and declaring war will just wait for an unbroken result.

It's just that that's only at the moment.

If Ruth were to start preparing in view of his battle with the king, many predicted that these problems would be resolved as early as a few years.

It's easy. It's not a lanoma, but we can negotiate it individually with the leading leaders and lords in Lisai and let them follow us with promises of the future.

Not to mention that Ruth has gained the credibility of a large number of merchants in his ability and character over the last decade of protecting the streets.

Some of them include considerable luxury. You should use these connections to go ahead and consolidate.

- So in the end, the only question is whether to fight or not, that's all.

And that ultimately depends on your husband's decision.

They just do what they can and wait so that the decision can fall either way.

"But there's something like this again, doesn't Your Highness want to fight? It would be a lot harder for him to get his surroundings cut off than to be his target."

When one man uttered in a disappointing voice, a sigh of consent was leaked from several others.

But Lanoma's sharp voice flies to block it.

"Am I mistaken? Our Lord is there, and it is only natural that other human beings should be shielded to protect it. Even this time. The rig wasn't hit. I just fought. I guess that's why His Royal Highness is safe. Don't tell me you want to lose this one, asshole."

It was Ruth who was targeted, but he was "protected".

His shadow fulfilled his mission. If you mourn that sacrifice more than you need, the rig will not be rewarded.

Several men change their expressions about whether they have replaced the Black Leopard's behavior with their own. Lanoma went on further.

"I know I'll spare the guy who died in battle. But you're not gonna fight because you're scared of that? Give up a hundred steps. Anyway, this time you know they're not. I think I should fight, and I recommend that to Your Highness. You haven't lost anything yet. We're going to have a problem."

The man's temper was a rough one, but enough to bring back the air in the place where he tended to sink.

Those who are originally gathered here are men who settled in the castle of the wilderness after each circumstance. I have a temper that doesn't end with bitterness.

There start to be some positive opinions on the ground as to whether you have skinned Lanoma's remarks and switched consciousness.

Some of them are that we should get collaborators in the King's Capital - several names were mentioned, including Celedia's uncle.

Add another to those names, as if Ill remembered.

"With that said, Your Highness's brother has one."

"Brother? Aren't you the enemy?

"No, not everyone. My second brother, His Royal Highness Pale, used to send me letters caring for His Highness for the first few years."


Lanoma raised an unpleasant voice because she remembered when she was a palace servant.

Of Ruth's four brothers, Pale looked more habitual than a king in a way. A man who always grinned, but had an abusive eye.

He was silent and thought about it for a while as the others argued.

That's how you end up taking your seat earlier than anyone else - "Put me on hold about Pale. I'm going to get a little idea," he said, leaving the room.

Whatever happens, you can't just not do the job you need to do.

Instead, people will notice next because of those jobs and their physiological desires.

Ruth carried out his daily duties in an unusual manner. I look through some reports and tilt my neck at the end of them.

"Is Noydia's situation getting suspicious?"

"It seems so. He seems to have control over the information, but the merchants who went to sell things and were driven back seem to keep coming after him. Something seems to have happened, but we don't know what it is."

"That's disturbing."

Noydia crosses the border from this castle and is located right next to it, but on the Noydia side, as the wilderness stretches out on the Rhinai side, there is first the slope of the wooded mountain. The streets that have branched out there extend even further, but only to and from other countries are the merchandisers, and the people of Noydia do not often come out because of their character.

That's why I'm a neighbor but I'm not sure what's going on, but if something is going on, it won't necessarily mean that the firepowder isn't coming down this way.

Ruth instructed him to strengthen his outlook on the border. Speak of what you remember when you deal with Ill.

"Speaking of which, did magic still exist in that country?

"Though the people of Noydia seem to think it is a power given to them by God. I don't know if it's true."

"I think I'd like to see it once."

Conversations that had nothing to do with work were immediately broken. Ruth breathes heavily as Ill exits and becomes alone.

- Very, very tired.

Once you squat, you won't want to stand up anymore, so much.

But he doesn't imitate breaking knees. It is the same that betrays the others who live in the castle.

I won't be more frustrated now.

When he came to this castle thirteen years ago, he chose not to die.

So bear the unburied loss. Note that he turns forward.

Keep standing to keep the rest of the castle human and family alive.


Unreachable call. Ruth closes her eyes when she hears it.

Unstoppable fatigue dragged his consciousness to the bottom of his sleep. For a little while he rests his consciousness in search of a blank space for thought.

- That's how it is, but if you wake up, reality awaits you again.

It was in the evening that a report came in saying, "From the border side towards the castle, it seems that people are moving suspiciously down the street".

Ruth thought about it a little bit when he heard it, but as usual he saw how it was going and ordered it to be left alone if there was no hostility.

Exactly. The men who carried out the order will return an hour later with a flogging group.

A bunch of people who have suddenly pulled their swords out and intimidated whoever the men of the castle called, apparently Noydia's human.

Ruth looked surprised after reports that he was pulling out a dozen captured people into the hall.

"That's unusual. What is a Noydia person?"

"Seems so. From the wind, it was as if he'd escaped from somewhere."

"It would be interesting if someone could use witchcraft"

Ildo turned his white eyes to the words of his husband, to whom he could ask curiosity.

An irreplaceable white sky. Ruth, who goes down the hall towards the hall, notices the shadow of the pillar and speaks out.

"Rig, come on"

A black beast shows up in response to a man's voice.

The shadow, which was slower than usual when he couldn't return to strength yet, walked out with Ruth again as he leaned under his feet.

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