Unnamed Memory

Fugitive 02

A night when the moon is bright is scary.

It was an unclear fear of the cause she had for some time.

Celedia sees with her fearless eyes as the white light casts a shadow on the cobblestone of night. Immediately a samurai whispered in a whisper from behind.

"Let's go, lady."


"The moon."

Ceredia can say that for a long time.

I don't have any more time. No matter who hasn't noticed right now, there's no doubt that her absence will soon become known to the man.

As she lurked her breath in the cabin ahead through the hidden passage, she jumped out the door when she decided to.

The blue and white moon brilliantly illuminated two women running outside the city.

Unpopular late-night city. Only footsteps kicking cobblestones and shallow breaths can play secretly.

Those, which should not often be loud sounds, seemed to teach her place as if to speak loudly, and Celedia wanted to hold her breath.

- Almost there.

Almost to the north gate. There must be a carriage waiting for her to leave this country. Celedia runs inspiring feet that are about to fall.

corner from the narrow alley to the boulevard. I saw the stone gate at the end of my sight. The black figure standing there makes a big call as he notices them.

"Lady, hurry up"

Celedia's well known boy.

The merchant's son, who had been in and out of her house for a long time, pushed him into the carriage when he took her hand. It then puts the samurai on as well.

Thus, when he checked his surroundings, he signaled by hand to his father, who would sit on the table of your servants. Under the moonlight, the carriage slowly runs out.


The hand stretched out of the carrier was directed at the boy. Celedia didn't believe and suspect until this time that he was going to escape with him again.

But the boy smiles at the drizzle. Celedia looked stunned at him as he ran away into the shadow of the gate. A samurai can put a black cloth on her blonde hair.

"He's closing the gate for me. Otherwise, the chaser will catch up to you soon."

"But then that kid..."

"It's okay. He got away with it, too."

It was the man at your table who returned it.

To his words, the father, Celedia silences herself with nothing more to say.

Beyond the view, which quickly turns away, the iron lattice of the gate is slowly descending.

The moonlight lit even its gates equally. Cold shadows melt away in the darkness and it seems to me that silence has returned to the city again.

But I guess that's just between bundles, too. Celedia lay down her face as she swallowed her sigh. Avoid the moon and lurk your breath under a black cloth.

"Don't worry, lady. Uncle, I'm sure you'll be able to help me if I put it on a rhino."


Now I just have to believe it and get away with it.

When she looked back at the capital of the country where she was born and raised again, she merely shut up and squeezed a small ring firmly in her hand.

Willidis Castle built in the wilderness.

The castle itself is transformed into a single town, and most of the inhabitants have their own rooms in the castle.

For this reason, the dwellings built outside the castle were marginal, making up the space occupied by the crops where the majority of the remaining land was grown, and finally the walls loosely encircled the castle and the green.

Ruth, who has looked around with his men outside that castle wall, looks at the green-stained view as he descends the horse.

Grass sticking out and stretching outside the walls. Soon the plants spread beneath the hills, exposing the dry wind to a glowing appearance.

When he deposits his horse's reins with his men, he speaks to the man who is sprinkling water in the meadow alone.

"Wow. I didn't think it would be this far."

"You didn't believe what I said, did you, Your Highness? That's what I promised you when I first dug the well."

The man who wiped his rough fingers with the hem of his clothes returns them to the castle master with an ironic laugh.

Burned dry skin on the day. The man's skin, spending most of the day outside the castle, was retrogressive and cracked, still making his face look like an old man at times in his mid-forties.

Before coming to the castle, Ruth sees him with trust, who is also rumored to have been a scholar in a distant eastern country.

"Sure. Thanks to you, too, for having this castle today. Thank you, Nez."

"It doesn't matter. It's what I like to do, and it's research."

When Nez hung up his words there, he shrugged another glass of water from the small water pond, with a pattern. Put that on, but not on the grass, but on a rig that jumped into the meadow after the bug. The black leopard was surprised by the sudden droplets, although it was not his voice that raised them, and jumped back. Turn your eyes round and look back at the rat.

"I'd like to expand my irrigation facilities outside the walls if I had any more prospects. It's getting a little narrow. Won't the walls expand?"

"Exactly the wall...... You can double it, but you've got manpower and money."

"If you can afford it, I'd like you to turn it to Jingjing first. There are a few places outside."


Securing water is one of the major prerequisites for living in this wilderness.

That is something that we all recognise in common, but its use must be carefully considered and decided upon, beyond the limited availability of manpower and funding.

The Nez and others are trying to pump up a lot of water anyway, set up irrigation facilities and spread the greenery over the wasteland, but if they dig a new well outside the castle than Willidis Castle sells water to travellers, they will need security for the place as well as a maintenance system.

Anyway, the period when people in the castle were waving their extraction with the sole aim of being able to live is coming to an end.

When Ruth broke up with Nez and went back on the horse, he made a lot of calculations about what was ahead as he went up the road leading to the castle. When I started thinking about being in perspective ten years later, one of my accompanying men, Lanoma, talks to me with a pranky smile.

"Your Highness, if you want manpower and money, you have a good hand."


"You can go to Wangdu."

Ruth smiled bitterly at the obvious instigation.

Lanoma has become accustomed to speaking with this hand because he says so on a daily basis.

In short, he says to go back to the capital and confront his half-brother and take the throne.

In the second phrase, "Your Highness holds the vessel of the king so much that there is no place for him to end up like this," he does not shudder, but he is a mere disturbance lover, as Ruth sees it. So much so that everyone tells me that he is at this castle one day fluttering because it is indispensable for sparks and combat.

"It'll cost you more money to rub it. It's a fall."

"What, you can go to Wangdu and work for a bit. Now the king pushes back the invasion from the north, so it's full, isn't it? There will be many of them who are anxious, and there will be many people out there who would like to assist His Highness if they showed a little strength. So, you just have to squeeze the gold out of them."

"That's a lot of talk."

Ruth flaunts his shoulder to a man who doesn't know how many places are meant to be a joke. My blue eyes dried up a little and I watched the spreading green.

The dusty wind hasn't changed a bit since he first came to this castle. The man erased his expression by remembering more than a decade in a flash.

"I'm not getting out of this castle. If you move, the king will see you."

"That's too bad."

Do you really feel sorry for her or not, Lanoma lets her hands spread with a cloistered bare gesture.

At that time, a rig sitting behind the saddle hit Ruth's back with a damned head.


When he looks back, the castle gate behind him opens and just from there comes a blurry carriage of carriages.

The man sitting on your stand was one of his men, and when he noticed Ruth, he raised his hand greatly.

"Your Highness! There's an injured man!

Sounding loud beneath sunny weather, the two men face to face.

This is how we were to welcome unexpected guests to Willidis Castle again on this day.

On the verge of losing consciousness, it was the back of the one who collapsed under the arrow that entered Celedia's eyes.

The carriage, caught up by the chaser in front of crossing the border with the rhino, was torn up in the front and shot with arrows, and Ceredia herself was wounded on the shoulder.

But she lets go of consciousness there, and then she doesn't know what's going on and to this day.

I woke up in a strange little room. Celedia looks around the right shoulder and the room where no one is left with traces of treatment.

"Is this...?

Did the chaser catch you and bring you back to the city...... If so, will the man of your lord, and the samurai, be safe?

Ceredia, who had been put to sleep by only thin skin clothes, headed under a window where there was only one when she wrapped the cloth around her body.

Peek outside over the vitreous, and then flash.

It is the dry wilderness that is spreading beneath your eyes. Grassy barren land. Celedia breathes unknowingly as she finds the streets stretching far away.

"Oh, you're awake."

The voice of a light woman, as if to call her daughter, was heard through the door behind her. At the end of Celedia's gaze, who looked back surprised, the middle-aged woman who came shows a smile that looks good to people.

"How's the wound?

"Ah... su, a little, it hurts"

"Right. I'll change the cloth later. You want something to eat before then? Or do you want to go say hello to His Highness first?

"Your Highness?"

Seredina turned her eyes round when a name came up that didn't even come to mind. Ask again what you were concerned about.

"Where am I? Who the hell is Your Highness..."

"Oh, don't you see that? This is Willidis Castle in Lisai. His Royal Highness is Ruth, the youngest son of the previous king."


I wasn't caught. On the contrary, Celedia was able to escape safely into the country of destination.

But what she was aiming for was the king's capital of Lisai, not a wilderness with nothing else.

Realizing that, she finally remembers this castle.

- About the rough border castle where the slave-born king's brother, banished by the king, lives alone.

"I don't live here alone."

When Celedia visited Ruth to thank her, the rumor man laughed ridiculously as she spoke of what she had been listening to.

In fact, there are two other men in the clerk's office where he sits, busily doing some calculations, and not only that, but the earlier woman who followed me to Celedia also brews tea on the wall. By the time I got to this room, I was different from a lot of people. There is no doubt that rumors are mere rumors.

Leaning to embarrassment, she lost her complexion when she heard the story continue.

"The man of the lord took his breath away shortly after his men rushed. The other woman I was with is in the process of dealing with her injuries."

"I took my breath... took it away...? Zaus is dead?

"The body is clean. If you want to give it back to the house, let's make a coffin. If that's hard, we can bury him in this castle."

The man's voice could see the color of sympathy, but the words asking what he wanted to do with the body were badly felt by what was ruthless to her today.

Having lost her words, she stares at the blue-eyed man.

Warm tea aroma.

The tea, which the woman had brewed, was naturally placed before the Lord of the castle. Celedia just follows with her eyes the man's long fingers carrying the cup to her mouth.

He says nothing more. I lost myself. I dropped my eyes on the paperwork, as if I hadn't seen her.

But I guess it was time for her to calm down while she didn't know when to stop.

After a while, Ruth looks up when Celedia exhales deeply.

"So, what do you want to do?

The man's voice echoed Celedia's heart as if it would create ripples on the water.

She lays down her long eyelashes and gazes at the man. My little lips trembled.

"Can't you just leave Zaus' remains here for a little while?

"Okay. But just a little bit?

"I... have to go to Wang Du. After that, I will definitely come to pick it up…"

Celedia was ashamed that the end of the phrase would disappear, but couldn't contain the tremor any more.

Ruth looks up at the silent woman again. There were signs of exploration in both eyes of the man.

"The thieves who attacked you, most likely not just thieves in your men's stories, don't seem to have given up on you yet. Reports have also come in that a scourge appeared on the streets."


"Though I most certainly do not intend to allow you to break into this castle. If you want to leave immediately, I won't stop you, but if you're concerned about the wound, you can heal it."

It was marginal to the man's bitter laughter, but I could clearly see the emotion of caring for her. Ceredia, who was so generously relieved, clouds her face remembering the man after her, though.

Will that man reach out to this castle? Won't it come?

No matter how much you want to capture Celedia, it's just not up to him to compete frontally with another country, the rhinos.

But there was never a time when that man had challenged me from the front. Soon as I was stretching my roots around her and her house.

- If you keep staying in the castle until the wound heals like this, you might annoy the residents here.

Originally, this castle was inhabited by a man chased after the capital of the king of Lisai. There is also a way to reach out so that we can stick to that gap.

Celedia squeezed her little hands as she turned blue. My shoulder wound hurts like it hurts.

But what she saw when she tried to take a step back, in the eyes of a gentle but confident man in his own power -

When she stood up to the occasion to be supported by its strength… after a long hesitation, she eventually began to talk with the pounding about the situation in which she was placed.

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