Unnamed Memory

Unchanged voice

The clutter filled the edge of the road without difficulty.

She was walking after a man in it. But all of a sudden the burst sounded in the sky, whereas she stops her leg.

She looked up and looked up at the remnants of the white smoke. A number of rupture sounds are connected, with colorful petals in the air.

A festival in the castle capital of this country is about to open up.

As the crowd's cheers boiled, she was distracted and staring into the sky, pushed away by a drunken man coming from behind.

The man who pushed her over reached out to support her body when he realized it, but when the veil hiding the woman's face shifted and her dark eyes glanced from it, he revealed his curiosity.

"Damn again... you're so beautiful. Are you an exotic person?


"Are you a traveler? If you're looking for a stage, I'll show you."

The man who is getting more concerned about alcohol does not wait for her reply either, but pulls his white hand wildly.

But the man's hand was grabbed by another man then.

A long-sleeved swordsman seeping intimidation out of his blue eyes comes tightening up a man's hand with all-powerful force, even though he doesn't seem to be exerting any force at all. The swordsman laughed as the face of the man, who was turning red to drunkenness, instantly confirmed his paleness.

"It's my wife. You annoyed me."

"Oh, oh..."

"Reeschen, don't come off right away. Come."

"I'm sorry."

The little woman is held in her husband's arms. As it was, the two disappeared to be drunk in the mess.

When the head of the long-sleeved swordsman becomes invisible, the drunk, who was atrophied and limping, finally exhales deeply.

"What the hell. More demon hunters these days?

The man with the little dragon on his shoulder would be a traveling person from his outfit, but he was the bearer of the signs.

Speaking of which, I may have come to this capital tangled with demons infecting fear around here. Anyway, those who successfully crusade the demon tribe that eats young men will receive a reward, and they will be given the touch of a king. A few civilians also blinded themselves to their foreheads that seemed to be able to play and live for a few years, but they did not return all together.

When a man leaves the scene in search of booze again, the music of the festival grows.

Only now was the festival dominating this city, exalting a spirit free of grief or fear.

"You don't know what you're doing. Get continental maps and gather information to decide where you want to go"

The two had finally settled in one of the relatively luxurious rooms in the inn, which was full due to the festival, spreading several sheets of paper on the table.

One of them, Reeschen tilts his neck at the blurry man as he looks at the map of this country.

"Has Oscar never been to this continent?

"No. It's the first time I've lived long enough."

"He said he's been alive for a long time... how old is he really?

Having just turned nineteen, she looked at the man, her husband, wonderfully.

He looks twenty-five or six years old from what I've seen, but it's clear that's not his real age. Either way, two years after we met, it hasn't changed its appearance at all.

At first, I thought he was immortal due to his enormous magic powers, but he himself did not seem to be comfortable with putting together complex configurations regardless of his magic.

I know it's a couple, but there's a lot of mystery to it. But Reeschen hasn't really penetrated and asked. That's because I trust what he's always saying "sooner or later," but still sometimes I wonder, and this is how I ask.

"How old are you? Where does it count from? Since I was born in this body... 150 years or so."

"One hundred and fifty years.... old man?

"And I finally know what it's like to be told."

Oscar made a bitter face, but she can't figure out why.

In the meantime, I got an answer to the question, and Reeschen smiled satisfactorily.

"I'd like to see the festival. No?"

"I don't mind. I'm not in a hurry. Just don't get lost."

"Okay. I'll be careful."

She glances out the window. From this room on the fifth floor there was a good view of the brightly colored city. Oscar smiles bitterly at the woman who goes out on a narrow terrace and cheers.

"If you're going to see the festival, in the meantime, I'm going to see this"


Reeschen received the paper offered.

"Seek... Demons... Kings..."

Freed from claustrophobia, she wore reading and writing all the way, but the letters of this country, which is just a country of a different continent, cannot even be read. To her distressed to assemble the uninterrupted word, the man explained to her what was written.

"I hear there's a demon tribe out there that kills people. Those who have been cleared will receive a reward."

"Demonic exorcism? Are you okay?"

"Maybe. They only show up in front of a man, so it's just fine."

That's how he slapped the back of the dragon he slept at the table, pointing to Reeschen. I guess that means protecting her while I'm gone. When the dragon rings small, Oscar leaves the room with a mouthful on his wife's cheek.

"Then I'm coming. Be careful."

and the words I left her were nothing about me going exorcising the demons, but rather worrying about my wife going sightseeing.

It is the beginning of a long journey in this place, commonly referred to as the "eastern continent" from their continent of birth.

This country on the eastern continent, Trasseth, was a nation with an ancient history.

The scale is by no means significant, but its history spans seven hundred years.

Once pressured by the rise of neighboring Crucia, some times had to lurk their breath, but now that they had stabilized both domestically and internationally, they were also slowly growing in population, with piercings worthy of their history. Fifty thousand people live in the castle capital, and more than ten thousand travellers visit it every month.

It was not until three months ago that the incredible death of a young man in a village close to the capital, one mysterious death after another, began to occur in this city, after the soldiers of the castle who went to investigate the incident returned. Despite a considerable number of investigations, the cause of the incident was not known in the end, but a man would no longer die in that village afterwards.

And instead - in the capital, people are dying.

When rumors spread in the castle that the investigation team had probably brought "something" back from the village, and it spread across the entire capital beyond the walls, the castle magicians succeeded in determining that the culprits in the case were demons who sucked human vigour. But it seems that several magicians were sacrificed for this reason, and the castle of Trasseth, which originally did not have so many magicians, later found it difficult to solve it alone by those who served the castle. A sweepstakes were given in the name of the king… The amount of the magician's salary for the palace service was shown for approximately five years.

He said that the capital had set aside a rare and expensive bounty, but that no one had yet been able to receive it.

"On condition that you bring the demon body itself or the neck"

Oscar flirts with what was written in his touch as he walks through the crowd deliberately at the festival. There is no dust fright in that expression. Instead, I was flat as if it had already been decided that I would win.

Having moved to the eastern continent and begun their journey, they are now not particularly financially disabled, but I have never done anything like this to get it when I have the opportunity. Once you have the money in your hand, you will have to earn it locally, or else you will have to go back to the far reaches of the Mansion.

Long distance travel is difficult with no memory of my wife and complicated magic unavailable, and this time the amount is actually broken because of the large number of victims.

Oscar explored the magic around him as he confirmed with his hand the long sword he had lowered to his waist.

In such a messy hustle and bustle, the Demons will be able to move easily. You'd be thinking of eating more than one of the humans caught off guard at the festival, rather Oscar was going to make that exaltation gap of the Demon Clan.

The young people dance hand in hand to uninterrupted music that sounds from all over.

The man, who could no longer be said to be young except on the outside, smiled bitterly at the lively sight.

- - Some things come to light after the years.

Lately he finally felt like he only knew a little about the witch's feelings when he first met her.

The sun will gradually tilt past the afternoon, and in another hour or two the city will be drunk in the dark.

At dusk, it's more time for demons to get into people than at night in a way. Oscar is alone with an invincible grin.

"Well, you just want to be back by night."

That's how he turned the corner. Step into an alley with few people.

The time for hunters and hunters to reverse was fast approaching.

Rieschen, with his guardian dragon, walked out of the inn into the city when he wore the vale again.

The awareness that my appearance is remarkable and special is absurd. On top of that, people with black hair and black eyes are more rare on this continent than ever.

Most humans seem to have dark hair and dark eyes in the country where the girl I met a while ago was born, but Rieschen can't go to that country, even if he's interested. Careful not to bump into people, she was starting to move inside the first castle capital she had visited on a stream of people.

"Is Oscar okay?"

The dragon over my shoulder returns with a flaccid, leaky grunt. I guess this means you don't have to worry.

Now, for the past two years, there's nothing the other way around if Oscar ever helps her.

Saying she's better at magic doesn't make it to the point of eliminating the difference in combat ability.

Rieschen looks up to the sky, where the sun is setting.

The same color as her husband's eyes. It's the color that brings home grief that makes your chest hot.

In that color that attracted her heart more than a beautiful petal, Reeschen, who was in love with her, accidentally held her temples down with a stabbing headache.

- I wonder what. It's been a pain I've felt for a while now.

She can close one eye for the pain that rings from the inside of her head.

Doing so, at some point the headache faded away.

"I'm fine, I think."

Reeschen flashes both eyes when he breathes in relief.

She was drawn to a sweet smell, aware of the distance and direction, so that she could return to the inn at any time, turning the second corner.

The demon clan, which is determined by the characteristic that only men aim, breathe fine, is a succubus or a dreamer.

Both of them take on the appearance of beautiful women, seducing men to death. Oscar had met both the Succubus and the Dreamer before, but still the most powerful attack of his hand as far as he could remember was the spiritual magic used by the "closed forest witches", not by the Demons.

Compared to the magic of a witch skillfully manipulated to memory, there are as many holes in the enchantment used by the Demon Clan. The very fact that they were making their existence so distracting that they hung the bounty in the first place didn't even seem so awesome an enemy.

He bends the corner several degrees without footsteps and finally finds his intended opponent.

The Lord, who was letting the incense of magic drift down the street as if it were an overripe fruit, narrowed his eyes when he saw the man who had pulled out his sword. Out of her arms laughing lusciously, the body of a young man who would have come to visit the festival falls zero. No longer distracted but fleshed, his body bent down and lay in the alley.

Oscar takes a step as he checks the body with his eyes without any emotion.

"There's a bounty on your neck, isn't there?

"Oh... you're scared. So, will you protect me?

"On the contrary. Sorry to hear that."

The man packs his time unconstructively. The woman stood up and laughed, kicking the ground and jumping up into the air. A thin scarlet cloth wrapped around the wind.

"Can you get me?

"Not impossible"

Magic in the body. Using it, Oscar structured himself.

I'm never good at magic, but at least I've trained to use it.

The magic of wearing the most powerful witch of the continent as a teacher is not so many in number, but given the power from his source, it was enough to say.

Oscar slowly rises into the universe with his sword. Reaching the same height as the woman as it was, she began packing the distance again with nothing in the air as a scaffold.

The woman's face stains the color of her admiration.

I wonder if you're a magician.


"Then I want to show you what it is."

The woman jumps at him with a smile.

As if the scarlet cloth was life-threatening, it twisted and pushed toward Oscar. He flashes and cleaves it. The cloth was cut off along the way, but wrapped against the hand with the man's sword. Attempt to limit movement while tightly tightening.

But Oscar shook up his sword again with strength as if he had not felt any shackles. Kick in the sky and flesh to the woman.

She closed her eyes for a moment.

Beautiful look to captivate a man.

The creation changes in an instant.

Unlike anything I've ever seen, an impressive face appears that I won't forget once I see it.

Oscar's sword waving hands dull. He looks stunned.

"Come on, get me... can you get me?

The face of the woman laughing like that - once called the strongest, belonged to his queen.

Less than a second. The man recovering from his own loss smiles.

"You read people's memories. Is this cloth part of you?"

When he discarded offensively and paid his right hand, the serving cloth melted away into the air. The unnamed woman laughs with her hands in her mouth.

"You're the most obsessed, dearest woman in the face, aren't you? Wouldn't you be a little happy?"

"I see that face every day. It's unpleasant. Just go back."

"I don't like it. Let's have more fun than that. I'll do anything for you."

"I'm in time"

Earlier I was also surprised by Tinasha's face, the face I hadn't seen in a long time back in the mid-twenties, but it's another without having to seed it. Oscar cuts to the woman again when he re-grips the sword. She jumped back and avoided it. The man steps further in.

A smile that insults humans.

Eyes intoxicated by your powers.

Even though his face was the same as his wife's, it didn't take long for the look that made him nauseous to begin to distort.

A rush floats on the relentless and ferocious sword muscle. The woman spread her hands as she metastasized wide back.

"You think you can kill me?

"Naturally. Just die."

"If you kill me now, I can't solve the change! You want a bounty, don't you? Can you expose your woman's neck!?


Oscar stopped waving his sword as he was careful not to let the woman escape.

If that story is true, I will have to offer the castle a corpse or just a neck, or in any case something that looks the same as Tinasha. No matter how much he wasn't in person, that was intolerable to him.

Above all, there is a possibility that Reeschen, who looks the same, will have no doubt about it.

One person appears from the alley behind the woman as Oscar glances at her face about how to deal with it.

The person glanced up at Oscar standing in the air, cursing to bring him to the wall.

"Oscar... my head hurts, of"


Suddenly she shows up, she can't stand the pain anymore, squatting with her head. A woman with the same face just jumped on its back.

- I can't make it.

Oscar, judging by the instant, waved his sword as he made a big leap.

Even a woman with the same face as Tinasha has nothing to do with it. I can't let that make me lose who I am.

It doesn't matter if there's no bounty. So I'm not lost in killing.

A long sword falls on a woman's neck, exactly at that moment...

But the demonic body accidentally spasmed heavily.

Long hair flashes with shock.

What the hell happened? Oscar fastens his sword reflexively and gazes into surprise.

A small back where the blood you see begins to seep.

Little woman's hand was sticking out of it, as if it had grown out of it.

As the woman slowly pulled out her hands wet in blood, the demonic woman's change unraveled, returning to her original beautiful appearance.

Oscar doesn't know if she went back because she's dead, or if she used some kind of magic. He surmounted the carcass that collapsed into the alley, placing his hand on the head of the woman waving his clothes.

"What's up? Are you sick?

"My head hurts..."

"Shall I show it to the doctor? Wait a minute."

"I'm fine...... Let me know if you have such a headache already..."

Words that look like they've been plugged somewhere.

Oscar took a breath when he felt something there.

"She" looks up.

Rare dark eyes. The pitch-black that condensed the abyss felt something like sharpness not found in Rieschen.

Oscar is driven with certainty to call her "her" name.

"... Tinasha...?

The witch, embedded with a fragment called the name, smiles slowly as she tilts her neck gently. Pulling one foot with an elegant trick, he gave a salute to the man.

"I have kept you waiting forever, my king. I'm your witch."

Tinasha reaches out one unspoilt hand.

Two years after reuniting, Oscar finally managed to take the full one-wing hand, embracing his luxurious body in both arms. Close your eyes to overflowing emotions.

"... you're back well"

His voice whispering was sincere and warm, never rubbing off in the course of time.

The two men, who submitted the demonic carcasses to the castle for a bounty, tipped the cup of reunion when they returned to the inn.

Oscar strokes his hair by letting the witch wrap around the same but different atmosphere from Reeschen.

"What do you say? Did you feel like you were just another person?

"Not really. Some things depend on the environment, but I'm still me,"

"I thought so, too. Well, he was cute at a young age."

"I'm sorry you're not cute anymore"

"She's still cute"

Tinasha turns a little red when she says so.

But without mumbling like Reeschen, the witch stretched her neck and mouthed it on his cheek.

Sooner or later, they will mourn a single wing.

And maybe wander. Stay tuned for another time.

But now it's only the beginning. The beginning of a journey that has passed several times.

So forget the sad dreams during the bundle, they spend time together.

Of the struggle that can change the continent, it is a prelude that is not revealed.

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