Unnamed Memory

non-repetitive absence 01

Oscar was just thirty years old when the twenty-six year old young queen took office in Gandona.

That said, because he is always ahead of the line and moving vigorously, his appearance as harsh as it gets through the mid twenties.

Oscar first met Aurelia ten years ago, when she was only a girl. Then, until now, Gandona has had a lot of trouble losing her legs, even though the prince took office. Oscar suspected that the reason for those rubbings was the man beside Aurelia, but there was no evidence.

Eventually, as the man declared, she took the throne of Gandona.

At Aurelia's reign ceremony, Oscar, who had left his three-year-old son and his mother in the country to attend, wondered just a little bit that there was no man next to her who was always supposed to be there when she came to greet him.

Aurelia smiles slightly as to whether the question has been conveyed.

"I asked Travis for a little help. I'll be right back. … how about a walk through the garden instead? Just as the roses are blooming beautifully, I'm sure you'll be satisfied."

Grey blue eyes that foresee a person's past.

Aurelia's smile made her feel a strange force on the back of her back from its tenderness.

Her eyes show the passage leading from the glass door in the hall to the garden.

"I see... then let's sweeten it to your words"

"Sure, please"

I might have questioned words that pushed me hard, usually.

But Oscar nodded honestly and went out the vitreous door. Bitterly fasten Ars trying to go on.

"It's not like there's anything else. I don't want to see that man's face and it's just fine. I'll come back around."

"I understand. Be careful."

"I know."

Waving gently, Oscar takes the narrow trail towards the back.

Even if he says he can't make a confession in another country, he's scolding Acacia himself. Nothing particularly disturbing. More than that, Oscar was impressed by the view that the rose was really blooming brilliantly.

Roses are also planted in the courtyard of Falsus, but I recall he hasn't seen it in the last couple of years. When I saw it, I felt like I remembered a concubine who liked roses, and she might have unconsciously avoided them.

But even if you don't look in the courtyard, there are naturally shadows of her all over the castle. Even if not, sometimes I remember. Look at your young son, for example - as you would imagine a child with her who was not born from time to time.

A child who was supposed to be a born witch.

Would it have been fortunate in the country not to have gained its existence?

Love for the Lost Lady is elevated to mild memories, and pain is becoming dull. "The least wearing emotion is vengeance," she once said to herself. So now my feelings for her are wearing out again?

If so, I honestly miss you.

I want to believe she's a part of herself that I'll never forget.

Oscar went down the trail in the scent of a dark rose. I thought it was turning right back, but unexpectedly, the road is stretching far back. Looking back, the vitreous door that came out was invisible beyond the gentle bend.

I was wondering if I could turn back, but I'm starting to wonder if I should go a little further into the brightly blooming rose.

I walked there for a while and it was squared ahead. There are several chairs inside, spreading blue grass.

As Oscar advanced his steps to sit in the chair closest to the center, but somewhere he could hear the child's song.

"... let's send... hands and hands..."

A song that sounds uninterrupted.

It's the voice of a young girl.

Interested in the Lord of that voice, which sounds slight, Oscar glanced more at the song. I see a child's shadow across the rose hedge.

She didn't seem to realize Oscar existed yet.

"By - Kuraya - Homo - Toya - Nakanaka no Kids -"

A song spun with an unusual voice. I thought I heard that melody once somewhere, and Oscar twisted his neck. Peek around the hedge into the little flower picker.

Will he be four or five years old? A long-haired brunette in a white dress peeled a rose petal into a cage in her hand. I can't see my face because I'm turning my back, but I can tell by looking at my hands that my skin is white like white magnet.

She was choosing petals with all her heart, but she caught the hand unwittingly when she touched the thorn. The song stops.

Oscar smiled bitterly and spoke up.

"Did you get hurt?

He was surprised by the sudden man's voice, and the toddler jumped up and looked back.

The shaky hair sees through the day and looks dark brown. Big eyes stared up at Oscar.

That's how I looked at him - which was breathtaking by accident.

His eyes, staring at him, were the color of deep darkness.

His lovably neat face looked a lot like the woman he knew.

Above all, the color of those eyes. He has never seen that color before.

The girl pointed her mouth at the man staring at herself in suspicion.

"Who are you? You shouldn't come in here if you don't know."

That tone sounds like a lot of hard work trying to grow up. Oscar answered her question as he managed to push his consternation.

"Aurelia said you could come in"

"Aurelia did? Then I can't help it."

"Yes. By the way, you, what's your name?

"Me? Fistria."

Oscar laughed bitterly when he realized he was disappointed in the name he had heard.

- It can't be hers. Different years.

No matter how much you can change your appearance age, she wouldn't treat herself this way.

Oscar stroked Fistria's head as he walked over.

"I'm an Oscar. Say hello."


"So, are you hurt?

"It's okay... because I made it back"

Fistria said and showed her right hand. Little fingers certainly don't have any scratches.

When he saw it, Oscar turned his eyes round.

"What, are you a magician?"

"I'm studying. Because they say it's dangerous if you don't."

"I see."

"Your uncle's a magician, too, isn't he? It's magical."

Oscar laughed when he told me he was my uncle.

Sure, I'm already thirty, and I would be if I saw it from about this many kids. I'm not even willing to be angry. I'll just make a mistake right.

"I have magic, but I'm not a magician. You can't use magic."

"Why? Are you back?

"I have a sword. Use this."

Showing the hips acacia, Fistria sparkled her eyes. I'm going to stretch my little hand so hard.

"Show me! I've never touched a real sword!

It's not safe.


"No matter what they say. When I grow up."

Oscar took control of her trying to jump, but she couldn't give up or circled around him. That makes me laugh so cute and natural.

He reaches out to hold up his little body. - - At that time, a woman's voice sounded from further back in the square.

"Fistria! Where are you?


Beautiful voice that often passes.

That's the voice I've heard many times in my dreams.

Like a thin whistle, that voice that shivers the air like a bell.

Oscar stood up on the spot as if he had heard an illusion. Fistria waves toward the back of the garden.

"Mother! Over here!"

"You'll be worried because you won't be back at all, will you?... Is that it?

Did she notice Oscar? That's where she cut the word.

He holds his fist in the palpitations that make him fierce.

Is it just hard if I expect it?

Though I do, I expect it.

I want to see the Lord of Voices.

But I felt like if I looked back here, I'd wake up dreaming again.

I'm afraid I'll lose hope.

How much of a discouraged morning have you ever had? But I still can't help turning around.

Pulling his leg, which was about to tremble, he slowly laid the woman in sight.

Glossy hair much darker than my daughter's. Deep dark eyes like the one that trapped the night.

Unforgettable once seen, delicate beauty.

It was - it was his witch as it was when we broke up five years ago.

Is this fulfilling and real?

Hope and hope. At the end of that hope, I may have gone mad.

Oscar just stared at the woman in front of him to eat in.

She is turning her eyes round and looking back at him. She changed her complexion all the time when those dark eyes captured his haunted Acacia and her daughter, who was about to touch it.

"Fistria! Come here!


"Don't touch that sword!

The woman structured herself as she said. Instantly transfer your daughter into your arms. She glanced at Oscar as she held her young body tight.

"This child is still a child. I don't know what you're going to do, but let's get it."

It's like seeing enemies. When Oscar finally recovered from his own loss, he opened his mouth.

"... Tinasha? Isn't that right?

"You know my name? Legius told you?

I felt like I could hear my own heart beat.

My hands tremble.

Oscar took a step toward a woman who wouldn't let her guard down.

Tinasha, it's me.

"Stay away. If we come any further, we will see it as hostile."

"Don't you see me?

"Don't think I'm confused by bullshit. The swordsman of Acacia. I don't even know if you want to raise your name, but if you say witch, if you hurt kids, you just get a dirty name, okay?

Tinasha slowly raises her right hand as she holds Fistria with her left hand.

Seeing the configuration light at its fingertips, Oscar reflexively pulled out Acacia.

At the same time, the light sphere is launched quickly. Oscar wiped it out with a flash of intimidation. That's how I get my gaze right back.

- But there was already a neglected disappearance of the woman and her daughter.

Were you daydreaming...... that's what I thought and sprinkled Oscar. But I saw a rolling cage on the lawn and a zero rose petal from it and couldn't move the spot for a while.

"What's that all about!

That's how the attention of the hall draws to Oscar, who came back screaming.

Fortunately, most of the invitees seem to have already left, but I'm pretty sure they've still stood out.

Aurelia sighs deeply, as opposed to Ars, who rounds her eyes. Travis, who was back next to her, gazed for a moment but immediately pounded his tongue.

"You... you made me see you"

"I just showed you the rose."

Travis still wanted to say something, but swallows it into his surrounding gaze. As he shrugged his shoulders abominably, he led Aurelia and Oscar, and Ars, to another unused hall.

Two empty thrones in the back. The demonic king, who sat on one of them with his feet together, said away without concealing the annoyance.

"So? What do you want to hear?

"Why is Tinasha here?"

Ars opened his mouth flashly to Oscar's inquiry about conceiving ice pieces.

Aurelia stands beside Travis and closes her eyes.

The atmosphere was filled with a rugged hall that could be taken as a one-touch immediacy.

Travis giggles with his throat ringing.

"Five years ago, I picked it up because I was hanging on death. I'm the one who cured you, right? I think you should be thankful."

To the sound of ridicule, Oscar manages to control the anger that boils. The staring eyes remained intact, only softening his voice.

"I see. Let me thank you. Thanks, but why don't you send me back to Falsus...?

"I don't know if it's because I rebuilt the contents of my body everywhere - but my memory blew up for about fifty years. That's why."

"What, fifty years...?

I had some anticipation, but the answer darkens in front of me.

Eyes like looking at a stranger suspicious. The tone that has never been directed at him was once used only by outsiders or adversaries.

The precious memories that have accumulated little by little since we met are not among his witches at the earliest. I don't understand him.

But I couldn't let it drip there. He still has something to ask.

"That kid is Tinasha's kid, isn't he?

"You look just like me. Humans are funny."

"How old are you?

"Hmm... now in four, next time you're five?

When Travis asked Aurelia standing next to him, she nodded. Oscar checks on top of each other.

"That's my boy, isn't it?

Tinasha has been gone for more than five years. If you were already in shape when you broke up, the calculation fits.

Travis looked interesting at Ars, who had opened rather than blocked his open mouth.

"Come on? I don't know who he was with. The only reason he was barely alive was because the child in his belly had unconsciously kept his mother's body. He didn't seem to be able to use his magic well then. - You know what? A woman's magician can't make magic work when she's pregnant."

Five years ago, the queen contaminated by air said, "For some reason, magic didn't work."

There was already a child in her belly at that time, and for that reason she took an unconsciousness? She's not the only one he couldn't protect. So was her own child who lived there.

Guilt burns my chest.

But I couldn't back off here. Oscar looks to the demonic king who sits arrogantly.

"Thank you for your generosity so far. But let me take you home. My wife."

"My wife and my son, they'll have a replacement already, won't they? What are we gonna do with the witches?"

"There's no substitute for that!

Perhaps his daughter, still young, is also a witch.

The first born witch in the world.

But what is it? That's what I already knew when I picked up the Queen.

"That child is an authentic royal family of Falsus, before he is a witch. Grow it here."

"Hmm. Whatever you want. But it's not for me to say it."

Travis indicated the entrance to the hall with his jaw. As Oscar looks back, the door slowly opens beyond. - - There were two witches standing there.

Tinasha sees Travis on the throne and Aurelia next door.

At the same time, she stopped looking at Oscar and Ars and glanced at him.

Fistria, who was holding her hand halfway to her feet, finds Oscar and shines her eyes.

Tinasha asked in various tones.

"What the hell, Travis? You know that guy?

"Speaking of acquaintances, maybe I do. Better than that, he wants the Fiss, right? What do we do?"

"... what?

Killer seeps into dark eyes. Tinasha walked into the hall as she sheltered her daughter behind her back with her hands.

Legs with no gaps. Magic builds on the luxurious body.

Aurelia changed her complexion to a witch trying to relate straight to Oscar. Raise the voice of restraint.

"Dear Tinasha!

"Shut up, Aurelia!

To the harsh voice of Travis, Aurelia turned a defiant eye. But in the end, take a step back and stare at Oscar and the woman who was his wife.

Tinasha told him with a voice that didn't even try to hide the intimidation.

"What are you going to do? I wish I'd gone home then."

"Tinasha, I'm taking that kid home. You too."

"Are you going to make it a spectacle?

Fistria, standing at the entrance to the hall, came in besides as she closed the door. But in front of the door I get stunned by nervousness.

Travis stirred up only the surface seemingly for fun.

"Hey, Tinasha. You said you'd kill King Falsus for a good reason, didn't you? I don't care either way, but he's not gonna give up, is he? I have inheritance, and you can kill me. After that, I'll mislead you successfully."



Aurelia's voice, which also resembles a scream, overlaps Tinasha's immediate response.

Oscar lowered Ars as he sought refuge in the king to come forward.

A sword appears in Tinasha's hand. She told her daughter in the back.

"Fistria, go back to your room."

"But Mother, that man..."

Just listen to me.

What to do, a child's gaze for help captures Oscar.

He reached out to his own daughter.

"Fistria, come. I'm your father."


The voice that makes you feel the anticipation belongs to your daughter.

The mother rudely distorts her beautiful appearance.

"Don't blow boring things into your kids. How can you fight if you work in small pieces?

"You are my queen. Come, Tinasha."

"Do you think I would believe any bullshit if I didn't have a memory? - There's no way the bearer of that sword could marry a witch!

A sharp voice that whips the air. Oscar breathed unexpectedly.

She once told him, "If he had that sword, he might kill me sooner or later."

He denied it, but she can't even remember that right now. Acacia is the most powerful weapon that can kill a magician and hence a witch.

Against its natural enemy swords and users, the strongest witch slowly gauges the interval while walking.

Oscar called with his hands on Acacia, but without pulling it out.

"Tinasha, believe me! Listen to me!

"Right...... do you want me to hear the voice of pain and petition"

A witch steps in without putting her hair in.

Oscar jumped back to the woman who suddenly appeared in her nostrils when she used it in conjunction with the metastasis. The cutting tip of the sword goes through the jaw rinse. He finally pulled out Acacia.

Oscar flashes a blade of air approaching by blocking the left and right. Pulling the sword straight to his chest, he prevented the flames emanating from the front with a blade.

Tinasha comes in even more time. He receives a sword rolled out at a terrible rate, in Acacia. Tinasha let go of her sword herself as she twisted Acacia and tried to drop her sword from her hand.

Instead, the witch forms a composition. But Oscar crushed the near-completion configuration as he stepped in avoiding her sword.

"... ugh!

"Tinasha, stay away. That man is..."

If we had killed each other, we would have settled in the moment.

But in Oscar's hesitant gap, Tinasha moved back. Reassemble the new configuration quickly.

Intense configuration to kill people.

She put her hands around it up straight towards Oscar. A magical attack consisting of four series appears.

Oscar slipped through the wave of forces pushing Acacia forward, sheltering the essentials of the configuration behind him.

A laceration runs all over my body. For that laceration, fine electric light reached out from left to right countless hands.

- - A paralysis runs all over my body.

When he regained grip on Acacia, who was about to take it off, with the force of his will, Oscar destroyed the configuration that was creating the waves.

I don't feel anything on my legs. I can't get my hands up well. I'm about to collapse.

But there was already a giant sphere of flame looming in his present.

- - Will I lose my life here?

Do you put before your eyes the wife you wanted above all else, and die by that hand?

I couldn't give up. I just stared at her. A small shadow jumped in front of me.

The hair that looks black glows brown, illuminated by the flames.

Faster than he understood who it was, Oscar turned his back sheltered from the flames as he let go of Acacia and held his little body in his arms. Close your eyes while holding your soft body tight.

But the flames I was prepared for never burned him.

"Fitz, don't give me water."

A boring sounding voice.

And the king of the devil clan, who guarded every man and girl by erecting a fence at his place, shrugged his shoulders looking at the witch, who stood stunned, and her husband, who stood up slowly.

"Hey, why..."

Tinasha remained self-defeated, leaking a trembling voice. She doesn't even know if the question is to her daughter, who suddenly broke in, or to the man who tried to protect Fistria until she dumped Acacia.

Oscar stroked his head when he made sure Fistria was not injured. Return Acacia to the pickup sheath.

He took the little hand of his daughter, who looked up at himself, and reached out the other hand to Tinasha.

"Let's go home, Tinasha. Even if I forgot, you're my wife."

"Clear lies..."

"If you say it's a lie, I'll prove it to you. You are undoubtedly Queen Falsus, and this girl is my son."

Tinasha was puzzled by the clear man's words.

She was already in shape when Travis helped her out and noticed. When asked, more than fifty years had passed since the last memory.

In the meantime she finished the sublimation of the Magic Lake, which had been a long-standing grief, and lost her purity, not knowing her opponent, and lodged her child. She nodded for now at such an explanation of her acquaintance for helping her dying self.

And when he received the offer that he would hide her, who could not use magic as it were, in Aurelia's mansion, he gave birth to and raised Fistria.

I didn't want to know who the father of my own son was. As far as Fistria is concerned, his father was probably quite a magician, too.

But if I don't remember, I can't help it. I don't know what kind of man, but there must be resistance to raising a demon girl.

Nothing. We can both live. Happy enough. I've had a peaceful day thinking so.

But before her, an unexpectedly natural man appeared. And Fistoria's father says it's him. Too ridiculous to accept in the end.

Tinasha waved violently.

"Fistria...... Welcome"

"But Mother, this man, even my father..."

"Come on."


"Because we don't fight anymore. Welcome."

As Tinasha repeatedly said, Fistria nodded reluctantly. Eyes of the same colour as those of the mother look up at the man with regret. She gently let go of her gripped hand once she shook it back hard.

That's how Fistria returns to her mother with her items hanging.

Oscar embraced the urge with his fist, wanting to chase his daughter away as he looked back.

A forceful imitation here will stir up Tinasha's hostility again. She was officially Queen of Falsus. There are as many means to prove it as there are to prove it.

Oscar opened his mouth as he stared so he could scorch at the appearance of the mother and child holding each other.

"I'll be back. Now prove it properly. So wait till then."

Tinasha does not answer. With his daughter in his arms, he turned his back on him and disappeared from the spot without a sound.

Travis's voice sounds instead.

"Scratch your feet if you like. The contract was annulled because of Aurelia's care. - But I know, don't I? It is deception that the relative, the person in the flow of a different time, live together. Yes, because you taught me."

The words were directed at Oscars.

He sees the throne in an attempt to explore its sincerity.

But the figure of Travis was also nowhere already, and there was just an empty throne there.

When Oscar returned to Falsas within that day, he gathered the heavy ministers and Stasia in one room. Open your mouth loosely towards them that looks suspicious.

"I met Tinasha in Gandona"


Stunning voices overlap. Ars nodded in the same glance.

"It was indeed Master Tinasha. They didn't seem old enough, so maybe they stopped growing. And then..."

"I had a daughter. He says he's four now."

"Ah... that's Tinasha's..."

"Yeah, maybe it's my daughter."

Everyone is stunned by the stories presented one after the other. Stacia stared at the king with her colored eyes round.

"So now Master Tinasha..."

"I'll stay in Gandona. He lost about fifty years of his memory when he disappeared."

"Fifty years..."

That's a long time. If you're a normal person, that time is close to most of your life. That includes the little months she lived in Falsus as queen.

Listening to a sigh unlikely to belong to anyone, Oscar threw up abominably when he put his feet together.

"A little out of order. I got pretty alert. That demon man scratches around... and Tinasha's about to kill me."


Doan raises his voice unexpectedly. They all know how powerful the queen once was.

In the midst of all that confusion wouldn't stop him from waking up, Stacia looked at the king with harsh eyes.

"So, what are you going to do? Because you're giving up?

"No way...... I'll get it back even if I don't remember. - Do you mind? Stacia."

"Of course. I thought I'd have some free time if they told me I could give up."

Oscar grinned bitterly at the resolute sideroom words.

I envy her strength. When she is proud of her extra care, she tells her off. I can always support that lack of stray.

But a chilling voice was accidentally hung from the ceiling to dispel the warming atmosphere.

"- When you stop. Mothers don't choose the means to take away their children."


Oscar looks up to his nostalgic voice.

Since Tinasha was gone, there was another witch floating there who had barely appeared. When did you come next door, Cal, one of the spirits, is standing with a small bouquet of flowers.

The two stood at the window as they slowly descended on the floor. Offer Oscar the bouquet of roses Cal had in his hand.

"Yes. Fitz said to give it to you."

"Fistria did?

"Yes. My husband's a fic now. He didn't put it in front of his mother, but he really wanted to see his father. I'm glad you showed up."

My daughter's adorable smile comes to mind. Oscar stared at the bouquet of flowers because of his unspoken emotions.

Did you break it yourself, the bright white rose has all the thorns taken.

to Oscar, who looked at it as he loved it, but Lucrezia snorted.

"It's a nice place to face your father now, isn't it? I came to see what you looked like."

"... you knew Tinasha was alive?

"Right. I'm the one who took Fistria."

"Why did you keep quiet?"

Lucrezia and Cal looked at each other in that inquiry where anger seeped. After a while Lucrezia sighs out, bending her neck and looking at Stacia.

"Was it you, the queen of Falsus?"

"No, I'm a side room"

"Yes. Either way. Can I take your seat off for a second?

Stacia turned a blind eye to the nominated demands. But I immediately ask back as a perseverance.

"I wonder why. Even if it doesn't taste good when I listen?

"It doesn't taste bad though. It's not your fault. I just don't like hearing it."

"I don't mind. Say it."

In an instant answer, the two face each other again.

Soon Cal rang his throat and laughed out, and Lucrezia bitterly put her head on.

"Ahhhhh too! Then I'll tell you! When Travis found out he'd lost that memory by helping Tinasha, we tried to let Farsus know… me, the Spirit and Aurelia, we had a deal!


"Yes. Between childbirth and the next six months of puerperium, it's time for the witch to weaken the most because she can't use her magic well. - Tinasha is now dying because of it. So instead of going all the way back to Farsus without memory and being easily targeted, I decided to use this opportunity to die and have a baby."

Oscar roared small.

If witches are indeed known to weaken, those who want to kill witches and those who are harmful to Falsus, as well as those who shun the blood of witches from being passed on to Falsus, may begin to leap in. I wanted to say that I would have prevented it, but in fact, he had already, once, failed to protect her.

If you plunge that, you'll have no choice but to hide Tinasha until their power returns.

"But why have you been lying down? By the way, the puerperium will be dawning, right?

"That's why the contract is here! The only condition the man gave me was that I would have my memories back by the time the child's powers returned, or if you didn't welcome another woman, I would have returned the child to Falsus. - A little over a year after she disappeared? We drank that condition. Because I didn't even think I had to bet. But how did it turn out... you know best, don't you?

Stacia opened her eyes so wide that she had no more tinted eyes.

About a year after the Queen disappeared, she was greeted as a sideroom.

I do not know how long that was before the term laid down in the contract. Knowing won't make any sense anymore. Even if it was just for one day, we were ahead.

And the queen was not sent back to Falsus. Lost the bet, they had to hold their mouth.

Oscar exhaled deeply, unknowingly.

It's nobody's fault. It's my fault.

He kept his hands off the Queen twice, unknowingly. The light is coming now.

As he pitied the silent one, the Spirit shrugged his shoulders as he looked around.

"Something. Well, I don't think I can help it. I was hoping you'd suspect we didn't come back. If your daughter dies, the Spirit will return to Falsus."

"... I thought we weren't going back because he didn't have that kid"

"I thought you might think so. If your daughter died and had no children, your next husband was supposed to be you. Your magic would have put you both to work."

Now I'm the only one handed down to Fitz, and then it's all your daughter's spirit, Cal said.

The fact that I didn't know weighs heavily on Oscar.

- I made a lot of mistakes.

An indelible regret burns my chest. But I didn't say that regret because I thought it was bad for Stacia. Even now that I know everything, I have no regrets about welcoming her. She certainly did what she had to do.

Oscar swallowed his sigh. I throw up like Lucrezia is baffling me.

"That's why you can't be royal. I don't think that kid would blame you if he had memories, too, or rather praise you. This wouldn't have happened if you weren't the king. Aren't you?

Oscar doesn't answer.

"So give up on that girl already. Fistria might come to Falsus because she misses you. But she can't. If we just go back to the kids, we'll be in shape, right?

"I don't like it."

"You suck. There's no place in this country for that girl anymore."

"Next to me is where he is."

"Say what you say when you die!!

A sudden curse echoes in the room.

The heavy ministers shrugged their necks reflexively.

Has Lucrezia come to the limit, distorting her beautiful face into anger and staring at Oscar?

"You! I killed her! And I let go of my hand! I'm not talking about bugs right now! Who else could have defended that unwieldy child?

If he had been a weaker man, or a lost wife, he might have cried and lived.

But he wasn't.

I took full responsibility for the tragedy that struck her, thinking it could happen to me as well.

As a result, a mistake has been made, but everyone in Falsus will say that it is a matter of no choice. The heavy ministers in the room had also advised themselves to welcome the king to the side chamber, almost all of them entrenched in remorse.

With such subordinates on their backs, but Oscar looks up with all their responsibilities.

"Right. They're all my choices. But it's not too late. He's alive. If you can't get your memory back, just pile it up again. Didn't I?"

"... I mean stack up, I think I already have the worst impression?

"I don't mind. If that's all you need, it's cheap."

"Disgusting man. Sticky."

"You're right."

Amber eyes and blue eyes gaze bump.

It was Lucrezia who removed those eyes that shot through each other first. Turn your back on them as you say "ahhh".

"What if I like it? You wouldn't know if they ripped you open and killed you, would you?

Abandon it. The witch disappears. The spirits left shrugged their shoulders with human odor tricks.

"That's what I'm saying. With Fitz's permission, I can only respond to your voice."

"Okay. Sorry."

"This is part of the deal, too. Humans are tough."

That's all I say, Cal disappears, too.

He spoke to the king, who would never move, as Lazar cared after a while.

"Your Majesty... Um..."

"I'm fine. Never mind."

Once, this is how I was divided with Tinasha.

She ran to her single enemy. But even in it, she hasn't changed much.

What about now?

Is she still her? It revives the beautiful figure who has told the owner of Acacia that he cannot possibly be his wife.

Oscar closed his eyes.

But this is not despair.

Rather, it is hope.

I thought it would never arrive no matter how hurried, because she is indeed alive.

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