Unnamed Memory

Hands Reached Out01

It's foolish to lose it and then realize it.

That's what I've always thought.

But I guess it's more foolish to believe that if you can't lose it.

Whenever fate tries man.

The happier you are, the deeper you are at your feet.

Exhale sharply and draw the sword.

A red splash splashed across the universe, wetting his armor.

The gate that was open until earlier is already tightly closed. Enemy soldiers who have also been abandoned by their allies have become dead soldiers and are rampant, but that would also be a matter of time. You don't have to go out with the frenzy - that's how Oscar made the soldiers pull.

Instead, the army of Mensan, the great power, who had been on the left wing until then, comes forward to sweep.

Oscar put Acacia back in the sheath as he heard the sword trident and scream behind his back. Gajen, one of the generals serving him, comes round the horse's head.

"Your Majesty, are you hurt?"

"I'm fine. It's already sunset. Put the soldiers together and put them back in the fort."

"Yes, sir."

The sun has already set into the mountains, and now the mountains are just a little bright. I don't know what there is to be multiplied by darkness even if I stay any longer.

As he left, he looked back, across the closed castle gate, the windows of the enclosed castle glowed in bright purple.

Returning to a fort on the territory of Tarviga, a country in the eastern part of the continent, Oscar bathed in water and smelled blood.

- It's been three weeks since I left my country and came here.

Yet the dispute remains unresolved. His frustration was steadily accumulating in an irreplaceable war situation.

It was about a month ago that troops pushed from another continent to the east, separating the sea, to the small eastern country of Tarviga.

When they occupied the autonomous fortified city in the Tarviga territory, which was at sea, they stood there.

Originally occupied, the city is a natural fortress, one facing the sea of cliffs and the other a rock wall.

The only way to enter the city is to cross the southwestern hills, where they are tightly closed by the walls and castle gates.

The country of another continent, named Crucia, apparently intends to use this place as a stepping stone for the conquest of the continent, increasing armaments from its own ships day by day.

Originally far from the great powers, it is Tarviga.

When self-control failed a few times, it meant that it could not be left alone, so he finally asked the great powers for rescue.

What countries want from war together is since five years ago when they responded to Tairi's request, but unlike that time when they were settled in one day after marching on, the forces of the nations have been feathers sending three weeks to attack the natural fortress.

When Oscar leaves the room, two generals await him between refrains. Lazar, who just came in, asked the master.

"Your Majesty, may I help you?"



The heavy silence of all spreads between refrains. One Lazar wandered and gave it back.

"Uh... would you like to contact Dear Tinasha?

"I was just saying. Don't be serious."

It is Tinasha, the Queen, who is handling the affairs in the Farsas' own country now that he is not the king. If they both leave the country, they will be lagging behind in their work.

Oscar sighed as he sat deeply back in his large chair.

"Totally... Tarviga will give you information and spare you, so we won't go on forever. I'd love to go home."

Though Tarviga asked for rescue, he doesn't want to reveal details to other countries about his country's fortified city, and he stays down with information about the transfer coordinates and the magic barrier. As a result, the three great powers of Mensan, Gandona and Falsas are forced to continue attacking from the front without relying on magic.

As much as I'd really like to call Tinasha and let her break the fence, Oscar has decided not to use her powers for another country.

The power of his wife, who was the most powerful witch, is immense, and nations know it.

I don't want to see her power as much as I can if I do. They might risk being a witch if you show them.

Only a few things can be done in national politics without the power of a witch. Oscar knows that better than anyone, so he's leading his own army here.

One of the young generals broke up with the story that ended with a joke.

"Yeah, but if the queen were here, Tarviga would be in a hurry."

"The fence will be dismantled, and the princesses' offense may be stopped. I think Miss Stacia at the end is quite beautiful... because her mother is different."

"Is that the beauty?

"Don't compare me to Master Tinasha..."

To Oscar's frank sentiments, Lazar secretly complained.

Tarviga doesn't want to miss this opportunity where royalties and leading nobles from all over the country have gathered, so he accompanies the three princesses to the fort and sells them in.

The upper two are daughters with the righteous queen, but the last daughter, Stasia, is a daughter born to a singing princess known for her beauty and has been taken as a princess for once, but she seems to have received only the cold treatment of fame.

A glossy chestnut hair with bright eyes that ask about the intensity of your will.

XVIII Thinking of Stasia there, Oscar twisted his neck.

Hi. I hear the beauty's reference point is strange because you keep Tinasha aside. I know Stacia has a beautiful face, too, but it's more impressive than the occasional appearance of its creation, the atmosphere of not leaning on people at all, the reluctance to rely on people, and the stubbornness of not looking at oneself.

Oscar laughed bitterly remembering his two sisters approaching each other every once in a while.

"I wish I could go to those guys who don't have a wife, not me. Even if you come to Falsas, you'll just feel miserable compared to Tinasha"

Everyone is silenced again to a king who trivially says terrible things.

For a country that is on the edge of a continent like Tarviga and is not a big country again, it may not be possible to make its daughter a regular room in a big country from the start.

In that case, Oscar, who has no other side chamber than Tinasha, the queen, would have similar conditions to the single royalty of another country.

Anyway, now there's no time to rest whether you're out on the battlefield or back at the fort.

King Falsus thought he was stingy, wanting to return to his beautiful wife as soon as possible.

Farsus' people are not the only ones depressed by the war where no progress has been made.

All those who came to other countries and were forced to fight irreplaceable had begun to be more or less dissatisfied.

At their daily meetings, the three countries of Falsas, Mensan and Gandona have repeatedly asked Tarviga to release their magical secrets, but they have been relaxed.

I say, ignore the handouts from another continent. I am no match for my own country to be threatened later. The frustrations were also approaching their limits, they were looking for a more or less outrageous opening.

"How long do you think I have to stay here like this? See?"

"If you ask me, I don't know you."

"Say it's a concubine, isn't it the princess of Tarviga? I'd love to hear you wander around like this."

While capturing the woman's white wrist, the man tested her whole body with cold eyes.

She wears a silk dress that is obviously unrelated to battle, in return for perseverance and perseverance. The man put his strength into the hand he was grasping because he felt ridiculed by the coloured eyes, which saw no fear of fine dust either.

The woman flaunts her face for a moment, but immediately turns her straight eyes to the target.

I never try to give in. Lovely, angry attitude.

A quiet voice hung from behind his eyes as he tried to draw his arms against them.

"I can't help asking her. I think your reputation will only be lost if you ask for nothing."

"Fa, King Falsus......"

Ahead, a man, a nobleman of Mensan, looked back, stands Oscar, and Lazar, a squire.

A light that atrophies those who have just fallen into the night sky's colored eyes.

To Oscar, who looked at the man chilly, he took Stacia's hand away and escaped the scene without thanking him for two or three steps back.

The woman left looked decidedly evil for a moment, but immediately bowed her head deeply.

"Once again, I've shown you something ugly. Sorry, sir."

"I don't mind. If you're in trouble, you should raise your voice."

It's not actually the first time Oscar has come across her predicament.

She is the princess of Tarviga, but not drowned by her father, and she seems to be the eight hitting spots for the outfits of those who have begun to get tired of the battle. It is not uncommon to be entangled in this way, even though it does not wield deadly violence.

Knowing her position well, she smiled bitterly.

"Because I am my father's tool. No one in our country will help you if you raise your voice. My father would think that if he scratched me, he might carry it in his favor."

To a spicy, realistic word, Lazar said something, but he kept his mouth shut. Oscar distorts his face to discomfort.

- I mean, for the king of Tarviga, his youngest daughter is also equal to raw bait.

That's why I'm letting you walk around without even making a confession inside the fort. I guess you're going to hurt her and hold that person accountable and favor national traffic if anyone gets their hands on her.

I also feel nauseous about the king of Tarviga, who treats his real daughter that way, and Stacia, who bears it alone knowing it, is crazy.

Yes, you found out what Oscar thought, and Stacia smiled beautifully when she corrected her posture.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm not pitiful or anything. I think for myself and follow my father. If that's for the good of the country, I'd be happy to offer myself."

- It's a lot of pride even though it's not even twenty.

Oscar was a little impressed. He seems to be more royal than his two sisters who just come to his senses.

But that's why I felt like there was no body to fit the boring eye.

"It's nice to be ready, but I don't think we need to use that here. If no one's gonna help, I'm gonna help. You can always tell me."

Stacia's eyes circle to surprise. He was like a child, and Oscar almost laughed.

But I'm not willing to say anything more. He left the spot when he turned his heel back. Lazar following gently whispers.

"Your Majesty, it's not good."


"What... you should stay out of her anyway. Trouble."

"It's not a big deal."

In reply to what didn't seem to matter, Lazar dropped her disappointed shoulder.

I'll take care of everything. I guess that's what Oscar said.

But more than that, Lazar wanted to stab the nail because he felt like he liked her. The person may be unconscious, but it is uncommon in itself for him to say "I'll help you" or something to a woman who has nothing to do with it.

Of course his queen is unrelated to something called jealousy, and he himself is only twenty-five years old and young. There aren't any children between us yet, and it wouldn't be strange to welcome them into the side room.

However, Lazar is aware that Tinasha is the only concubine she should be able to use.

Lazar, who thinly realizes why Oscar favors Stacia, didn't think that that's why we should keep her even closer.

But as much as I give him exquisite and far-fetched advice as he can, he listens to me.

- I feel kind of heavy.

He dripped gently so that the master who would go before him would not notice.

"I won't talk to you! If you're not going to reveal any more information, we're thinking about leaving the army!

It was Gandona's general who breathed so much.

But what he said is no longer a common threesome. There is also a degree of non-cooperativeness in not revealing your hands to you for calling me urgent.

But King Kozlos of Tarviga just nodded with the most seemingly good face.

"I know exactly what you're trying to say. But even if the magic barrier is broken, there are walls all around us. You won't necessarily be able to handle them. Then it's easier to march from the front with the gate."

"With that said, haven't you been inside the gate for three weeks now! You might be able to drop it once and for all!

"It will not be my Tarviga's responsibility to keep you out of the gate from the front. Even if it could be transferred, the interior is all over the city without much space. We can't move a large army at once, and, rather, if we do that, the lives of the people who are being held hostage will be in danger?

Needless to say, Mensan's general turned a bright red face when he was told he had not been able to march because of the poor way of attacking him.

Strong walls and gates on the border make the castle vulnerable to overwhelming attacks.

They are not enemies, such as soldiers who came out of the gate, but they can't go any further if they close the gate and shoot arrows from above. The people of Tarviga live in it, even as they set fire to it.

But the longer it gets, the more power the Krussian troops inside get from their home countries. I couldn't give up being stuck here either.

Oscar is disgusted with the unproductive meetings that are repeated every day.

Tarviga, who manipulates and doesn't disclose information, is also Tarviga, but he's not a magician if he says that's why he can use magic to crack it down successfully. He doesn't know.

- Oh, come on. Maybe I should call someone a magician from Castle.

Doan would cut off his head and his arm would stand. If you call him, he'll be the right man.

Of course Tinasha is the one who is the most plucked out as a magician, but I want to avoid putting out witches in battles involving other countries, not to mention countries outside the continent. She is not just a handkerchief, she is the queen of Falsus.

But whether or not he knew what was in Oscar's chest, Mensan's general turned his spear on Oscar this time.

"Then why don't you call Her Majesty the Queen of Falsus? Isn't it possible for you, his most powerful witch, to destroy every city in no time?

Sure it's possible, but Oscar made himself uncomfortable when he was told about his wife as if she were a weapon of indiscriminate destruction.

Mensan's general notices his rudeness in the fierce appearance of his grump seeping out. To the Ethereal General, Oscar answered only the words coolly.

"That one's on state business now. If you want to call me this way, I have to go home instead, but is there someone here who can handle that well?

"... eh"

Looking around at the one and all that got stuck in words, Oscar gets his tongue out in his heart.

Of course Tinasha is not so ferocious in character, and if treated with courtesy, she normally returns it, but the most powerful title, "The Witch of the Blue Moon," is enough to make people who don't know her in person awe.

If Tinasha had been on this scene, she would have said, "Don't say people like explosive balls," but this kind of return of interest would be good once in a while. Oscar is also frustrated.

The meeting was dissolved without a valid opinion, as Mensan's general was silenced by the impetus screwed up.

Returning to the room, Oscar gathered the Falsus humans in a room that fell between refrains. Spread the map of the fortified city of Balas and its area on your desk.

"Does Crucia have a ship on this ocean-facing wall?

"It seems so. We shouldn't be able to dock in the rocks, but we thought we were parking a boat a little further away and magically transporting supplies from there to the castle."

"It's a cliff even if you tore through other walls... it hurts to not even know what's going on inside"

"When you look at enemy soldiers, it doesn't look culturally different when you say the continent is different."

"It's not like we don't have any interaction at all, and to some extent we'll be similar. If you have better military skills than this one, you won't do anything about it."

Oscar glanced at the road in the map with his finger.

The town and the road to the castle, etc. are published with the map. If you can get past the castle gate, the main street stretches out to the castle. We'll have to bypass Midway, etc., but it won't be so much of an obstacle to marching.

Instead, all but the boulevards are strangely intertwined roads, unsuitable for moving large armies. In that regard, what King Kozlos of Tarviga said is firing a target.

Gajen, the general who was next to the king, twists his neck.

"Nevertheless... I wonder what Kozlos is thinking. The mindset from other countries just gets worse as it is, and the occupation remains. I don't think there's anything good about it..."

"Right. The aim is to exhaust the Three Kingdoms."

"No way......"

Gajen froze trying to laugh it off.

The three countries of Mensan Gandona Falsas have come here with tens of thousands of troops, though not many. Commanders also have many dignitaries and royalty. If Kozlos' aim is to grasp the armaments of the three countries, to sharpen them, and also to the death of the royal family, it is not a coincidence.

Oscar laughed bitterly when he saw Gajen turn pale.

"It's a joke. You can't do anything about Talviga even if you're exhausted. It falls to be crushed by two other countries while they deal with one."

But while reassuring his subordinates, Oscar himself could not abandon the possibility.

Indeed, Tarviga alone cannot deal with the three powers.

But what if it wasn't just Talviga?

Oscar waved for the first time as he pushed aside the little suspicions he was born with.

"Explore inside first... slap your head. And then if we can crack it down, it'll be quick."

He gives two or three instructions toward his subordinates.

"I want to go home before a month goes by."

To their softly murmured true intentions, they smiled bitterly and bowed their heads scattered to do their part.

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