Chased by mysterious assassins, festival post-processing, etc., Oscar ended up not being able to visit the tower for a while.

I thought I was unwell because I only have a contract period of a month and a half left, but that's probably fine when I think of her who was tired.

He organizes the paperwork over a cup of tea brewed for him by the woman Mina.

She smiled like a little trouble and stayed in the corner of the room, so Oscar looked up and asked why. Mina hassles herself.

"Your Highness, I saw you with the witch the other day."

"Oh. I'm getting an audition right now. Thank you."

Two years older than Oscar, she knows both Tinasha's face and who she is. Fifteen years ago, in the demonic stone room, because it was the girl he sheltered who was Mina.

She then went into court admiring Oscar, sometimes being a lover, even though she was temporarily asked to be half. That's when I told him that it was the witch who helped me.

Mina seemed impressed with Tinasha's appearance, which was completely unchanged from the old days.

"You looked much more like an adult then, but now you've outrun us better"

"You're saying the same thing as me. He said he could be big, but he said no."

"That's amazing. I'd love to have that much power, too."

When he saw the woman smiling innocently, Oscar smiled bitterly.

Many people will admire the beauty of Tinasha, its power, and want to be themselves.

But the person doesn't look very happy. The inside of a woman with a naive smile is terribly lonely.

I guess no one can share anything with her. And she wants it herself.

- So what she wants from herself now, too, is that you don't want her involved?

If you're told you don't know what you're thinking, you can tell him, but he hasn't figured out what he's thinking either.

The next day, Oscar, who had not visited the tower in a long time, first turned down the archery and turned it over with Tinasha on the top floor.

Wherever he was tired the other day, he smiles bitterly at the witch who leans his neck suspiciously but serves tea and sweets. I thought about what I was going to say, and I ended up saying what I cared about.

"You've been searching for people?

"That's what Lavinia told you? Um, well, yes."

I thought I heard something unsavory, but she just had a few lonely eyes that didn't change.

Oscar has a slight anxiety about the look.

"Aren't you already dead? Do you have a guess?

"You could be dead. Because it's been a long time. He was a strong magician, so I don't think there's any chance he's alive."

Oscar's chest ached when he felt like he could see the will to give way in the dark eyes.

Who, why, are you pursuing so much? How long do you intend to remain uncertain?

Unbelievable thoughts speak.

"Isn't it hard? Can't you just give up?

To the man's inquiry, the witch glanced. Shake your neck left and right like you think, smiling all the time.

"I've... worn those emotions out, too. I'm not going to be given up. If I could, it would be time for me to die."

Stupid, noble witch.

The unusual smile, the kindness that helps the child, and the relentless ruthlessness must all be true girlfriends.

I'm just alone for eternity, and I'm just looking for one.

Oscar doesn't know her enough to be able to say how pitiful she is.

But for the first time, he really wanted to touch her and support her.

Her name speaks before she realizes it.


"What is it?


That's when her expression changed.

Beautiful faces change from suspicious to stunned and full of anger.

Looking up at her silently, Oscar realized something had happened.

She smiles all the time as if she had just realized for the first time that he was there, looking round her eyes at the man who stood up as well.

"I'm sorry. I have a little errand to run. I'll see you next time."

"What happened?


Beautiful smile with no gaps. But that's a made smile. I'm not just a man looking at her from afar. At least I'm going to know more about her.

Oscar followed the witch who walked out towards the bedroom.

"Liar. What happened?"

"Nothing, I said. Leave me alone."

"There's no way there's anything in it. Give it a try."

She didn't answer that. When I come to the bedroom, I take off the black dress I was wearing. Oscar just lost herself to her luxurious tweezers and horribly white skin, which turned out to be just underwear.

Tinasha looks back just at her neck, exposing her limbs, which are slightly stiff due to the girl, but have a full attraction as a woman.

"Don't look, go home, no more"

They think you're asking me out again.

"I'm getting dressed! What are you following on your own!

She starts dressing in pitch-black magic when she opens the clothes cabin in the back of her bedroom, dressed in that outfit. Not only that, but Oscar was convinced of the anomaly when he saw that the leather belt had been used to equip him with magic gear, from a slice of magic clothing to a white foot peeking at him.

She had never worn magic clothes as usual, even before when she was doing her archery on him. Fifteen years ago, even when dealing with demons, she was in a dress.

The girlfriend is fully equipped for battle. A warrior ran on his back to see what enemy he was going to fight.

Tinasha, who finished her discipline quickly, looks back with a face that can even be described as luscious. Dark eyes glanced out the window.

"You're going out for a bit. I think we'll be back in two days."

"Where are you going?"

"Isn't it nice to go anywhere? Are you my lover?"

"If you're a lover, you tell me, you're a lover."

"Is that why!

Tinasha held her head to an unclear question. Invite Oscar back to his original room.

"Well, I'm already in a hurry, so I'll tell you. - The seal of the Warcraft has been unsealed. It is possible that the Warcraft has been revived."

"... what?

When I hear the word warcraft, it is seventy years ago war that the Pharsus humans think of.

The story of Druza once attacked Falsus with a magical biological weapon, and Legius, then king of towers, sealed it with the help of a witch.

- That the Warcraft is now back again?

Oscar took the witch's hand half unconsciously before he woke up stunned.

"I'm going, too. Take me."

"Oh, you idiot! It's dangerous!

"Protect yourself as much as you do. That's why I put my strength into it."

Tinasha turned out to be a very bitter face, but she took his hand and rode that back when she called the dragon to see if it was a waste of time pressing questions with him.

The red dragon slowly begins to fly northeast.

Tinasha took a deep sigh, confirming the appearance of a man who had just scowled Acacia lightly.

"What are you so clueless in character..."

"It was Falsus who asked you to crusade the Warcraft seventy years ago. We can't just let you go."

"I don't care how you scratch it, it's my enemy."

Abandoned words make you feel strange and resolute, like denominational street, with deeper meaning.

- - Oscar knows no more than the parties what happened seventy years ago.

But if the resurrection of the Warcraft is happening now, he can also become a party.

Oscar took the witch's hand. Look straight in the eye.

Beautiful witches seemed somewhat very anxious, as well as terribly sadly overlooking things.

That must be one side of her nucleus.

But there are more suited expressions.

"I'll tell you why I want to beat you. Fifteen years ago, I was just a kid who could help. I couldn't reach my will. I admired you and regretted it. That's why I was trying to be equal. - I'm stronger than you, and now I'm gonna help you."

An emotion that I didn't know for sure finally gets the word and shows up.

Tinasha opened her big dark eyes. That's where the man's face appears.

Likewise, the witch stared at her face in the man's blue, empty eyes.

A moment to swallow words.

After that, my red lips were numb.

"Oh, was that why?"

"Don't say that. That's why I've been training since then."

Tinasha dropped her shoulder disappointingly at the man as if he were obstinate.

I never thought he'd come to terms with his childhood thoughts. I am attacked by an unspeakable sense of weakness.

Say it quickly.

"That's regrettable"

"Really...... you're an idiot"

Tinasha murmured with a terribly gentle voice on the back of her back with words.

Oscar falls in love with a beautiful smile that he loves but is about to cry out.

The truth is I must have been in a hurry the whole time.

But I couldn't help but think of that feeling in my child's fantasy, and I didn't recognize it.

I also had a lot of heterosexual and romantic fun.

But I can tell now that I've started to know her that none of those were enough to move him.

I want to reach out unconditionally.

I want to hug and support you.

If you are captured by a sad obsession, I want to give you happiness beyond that.

I'm sure I barely know her yet.

But I want to know that, so I guess I'm still in a hurry with her.

It's refreshing if you know how you feel.

I don't know if it's possible, but there's still a chance that I'll just meet her.

When he got over Magic Lake, Oscar was stunned by the intensity of his magic.

I've never been here before, but I can't believe I actually saw that there was such a dense, breath-taking place.

The center is a wilderness that doesn't even grow trees. He tongued when he found a huge deep hole in the center of it even more.

"Have you moved yet..."

"Looks like you're headed southeast."

"Come on, there's a fort in Falsus."

"Let's hurry"

Dragons increase speed. Oscar sighed as he looked back at the magical lake that kept him away.

"What was that? That's it. Did you care that much because of the Warcraft?

"There was a magic lake ahead of me. That's where the nucleus came in, and the magic stuck, and it became a warcraft."

"Was there some similarity to the world? Nature is strange."

"It's not natural."

The word was unusual to her and Oscar wondered because it was a good thing to say throw up.

But she doesn't say anything anymore. Staring straight ahead.

Something appears far away, ahead of the dark eye.

It only looks like a silver hill. As the dragon approached it, it slowly brought its head to confirm the enemy.

Huge silver wolf.

I have a big red jewel on my forehead. And red eyes of the same color.

As soon as the big man's eyes confirmed the dragon and the witch on it, Oscar also found that animosity filled the area.

Beyond the Warcraft you can see the Inulade fort. If they hadn't shown up, that fort would have been the target of the attack.

Oscar is relieved that he made it in time at the edge, but the question also arises as to what to do with this.

The witch asked him as she tied the line.

"How long will it take to evacuate everyone from that fort?

Fifteen minutes.

"Do you mind if the fort breaks if it's deserted?

"I have no choice. You can build it again."

"Then please. I'll take care of that."

Tinasha kicked the back of the dragon. floating in the air.

"Nark! Hear the man's life and protect yourself and the man! Go!"


Nark heads to the fort without slowing down speed.

Oscar toothed off the appearance of a witch who was going to be small and the huge composition that appeared in the air.

- But first you have to do what you have to do.

He commands the dragon to show the roof of the fort. We're finding a warcraft and people are getting together. There, he approached. That's how Oscar jumps into the middle of people surprised by the dragon. I found the generals and ordered them suddenly.

"All units, get out of here. Come on!"

"But Your Highness..."

"The Blue Moon Witch is keeping me. Don't pull that guy's leg! Hurry!"

They bowed their heads when they were struck by unspoken words. Each spreads to move his own commanding army.

Oscar prayed for the safety of the witch who fought alone, carrying the smaller Nark on his shoulder and running himself into the fort.

"Are you here?"

To the whining of the old magician, everyone in control shook his body.

Seventy years ago, he fought with incomplete control and most of the magicians involved were killed by witches. The Warcraft herself was sealed by her, and the country was divided unbroken.

- I'm not going to step on the same thing this time. Let's start with the biggest enemy witch.

She's powerful, but if it's on Falsus again, you can use that connection the other way around. The last time she couldn't kill a warcraft, it was because both armies were right around the corner and couldn't use the giant attack magic.

Then I'm sure she'll move to defend the fort this time.

The first target is not a fort. It's her. And even if they notice that, there's no way to avoid it.

Everything moves toward their victory.

Tinasha bit her lips at the warcraft that would not loosen her legs to the fort, even though she broke it and went in.

Perhaps the controls are working. Otherwise, you can't ignore her.

It hasn't been a minute. There will be many people in the fort.

"Let me stop you right here."

Tinasha chanted a long spell for her to hold back, but changed her complexion when she realized that the Warcraft had opened a large jaw gate and started breathing. It rushes to its rays.

At the next moment, a shockwave was emitted from the mouth of the Warcraft straight towards the fort.

"Eh - dismantle it!

The witch puts up a fence and blocks it. But the turbulence of so much force was unbearably flushed back. When you manage to take everything, you kick up the sky with nothing.

She hoisted her fingers over her head as she put them together.

"Recognize my will as life, for there is nothing lurking in the gap. Without my words, there is no power, and let the needle of piercing appear."

I can put my strength into the configuration I've worked out in my hand.

She looked down at the warcraft under her eyes.

"Hit it!"

A huge needle of vacuum pours out of my swinging hands.

They stabbed the limbs of the Warcraft, spreading the composition as it was and sewing it to the ground. Roaring in pain and anger rocks the sky.

Tinasha, in that gap, took out a magic fixture strapped to her feet. When you shake the cylinder and take the red sphere, you play towards the limbs of the Warcraft one after the other.

But when he played the third one, the Warcraft stripped off his right leg, which had been stopped by the force of his body, and he attacked the witch. Avoid Tinasha by transferring sharp nails.

With that in mind, the commandments came off one after the other with the sound of vertigo and tearing flesh.

Tinasha grasps the situation with a headache.

"Oh man...... that sounds pretty tough"

Soon after she said that and shrugged her shoulders, she kicked in the air as she chanted to the Warcraft.

Oscar looked up into the western sky as he took command of evacuating everyone to the southern meadows using a transfer formation.

Warcraft is slowly approaching the fort, although wounded. Sometimes I see witches running through the sky, but it seems pretty hard to fight if they're sheltering the fort. He turns to defense three times and looks like he's attacking.

"Did I say Nark? Is your husband going to win?

The dragon over my shoulder just had a small extension and I'm not nervous at all. Or is this much of a predicament or nothing for a witch?

Dirk, one of the generals resident in Inulade, heard him rush over to the Oscars.

"We're almost done evacuating everyone. But are you sure you don't want to fight back?

"I don't mind. When he loses, you can slap him there because the Warcraft will go south. Keep in touch with the castle."

"Yes, sir."

Tinasha's defeat, that's one possibility.

We cannot ignore all possibilities more than the country is taking.

But Oscar is convinced that she can't possibly lose.

Even if she wasn't strong enough, it was only to help him.

Little by little, but pushed towards the fort, the witch gauged and sighed for much of her time.

- It's only been long enough.

If this is near Magic Lake, there are some hands to borrow the magic of the lake, but it's already a long way off. Everything has a lot of chanting and concentration to do with its own magic.

But if we do it now, the Warcraft will strike the fort with no one to hold it back.

Five more minutes of patience.

Tinasha, who was so close to tightening her mind, but saw that the biggest shock wave to date had been born at the Jaw Gate of the Warcraft, tongue-beating.

Probably not preventable in normal defense. If hit, the fort will be completely destroyed.

She starts chanting.

"Dismantle the definition. Make it meaningless. The beginning leads to the end to make a circle. You have to say no to the power."

The strongest titles come from pure attack and strength of defense.

Sometimes Tinasha makes up for them by means of compositional techniques.

Shock waves are emitted.

Tinasha took it by the fence. Stimulate magic into pressure that is also comparable to the curse.

But the witch, who was devoting her entire body to defense, was momentarily delayed in following the shock wave and realizing that the beast's nails had been stretched. Rigidity overlaps there due to the fact that a strong magic fence was erected.

"Ko, of... Huh!

Avoid only twisting your body and managing to get pierced by sharp nails.

Tinasha, however, was beaten hard by the nails themselves and bounced backwards.

I can't breathe.

My vision darkens.

But I can't let go of my consciousness to severe pain.

She becomes aware of herself falling and squeezes her power to use magic.

- But the body was accidentally taken in the air.

"Danger. Danger. Are you okay?"

Open your eyes. The man's face is right there.

"Thank you," Tinasha, stopped by an Oscar standing on Nark's back, whispered to the man's ear as he looked around and breathed small.

"The evacuation's complete, so you can do it all you want, I just wanted to say, was it too late?

Oscar glances down at the witch, who begins to sweat cold with a pale complexion.

She was putting her hand on her belly and chanting something, but when it was over, she looked up.

"That's a little unsavory..."

"Are you seriously hurt?

"It's a serious injury when it comes to serious injuries...... that warcraft, the magic resistance is pretty high. Semi-viable firepower will disable it. That's why I have the power to go beyond that."


"It looks like some guts have burst, and we need magic to maintain them. I mean, if you turn to that magic and attack with all your might, I could die."


I see the Warcraft lay their hands on the fort and collapse like a toy.

Oscar looked down at the giant debris play as he swirled over.

"What's on that forehead?"

"Nuclear, right? I think it's red balls."

"If I destroy that one, will I die?

"You may die, but it'll take time. Raging Madness"


The fort is starting to break, but you can't leave now. Being deserted is a prerequisite.

Tinasha, who remained held up, alternated with the man and looked at the Warcraft and roared small. Eventually when I decide to, I look up at the man.

"It's a slightly abusive means, do you mind?

"If you don't die, fine."

"Okay, so let's go."

Tinasha smiles.

It doesn't matter whether he beats himself or not.

If what he wants is to help himself, that's all he has.

Warcraft, who was obsessed with breaking down the fort, was accidentally raised in the head with a light sphere emitted from his head.

Soon the dragon is swirling over the sky.

Staring with hostility, the dragon lowered its altitude with the head of the Warcraft and headed toward it.

A man with a sword out of his back stands.

Nark spread his wings to avoid the shockwave launched from the mouth of the Warcraft to the right. As it passes over the silver head, the light-bearing blade is emitted straight into the nucleus.

It crushed red balls and stabbed them deep in the forehead of the Warcraft. A growl not in comparison to before rocks the earth.

"Okay, I'll go."

Oscar, who threw Acacia, held her up as he nodded at Tinasha's voice as she sat down.

The witch begins chanting toward the agonizing beating giant.

"Recognize my will as life, silent man, full of all space. There is no power without my words. Define the light to disappear…"

configuration is knitted.

A light tattoo appeared over their heads.

It increases the light by pouring Tinasha and Oscar, the two magic powers.

Tinasha completed her procedure with her hands on the man's chest, from which she twisted and controlled herself and his magic. Close your eyes and tell Oscar to shelter the cloudy consciousness.

"Look at the target and focus your consciousness. And hope. They burn everything down beautifully."


Oscar looked down at the Warcraft, which was collapsing with enough gaze to pierce him.

Put the will on the composition. Tinasha can help. I know how to move it.

He exhaled a powerful breath.

"- Get lost!!

Tattoos spread with life.

When it went straight to the Warcraft, it engulfed its body and dazzled the world in an instant.

The fort, which had been half-baked by the Warcraft, was wiped out without a trace by a magical blow to kill the Warcraft. Oscar only apologized once for being "bad" to his father, who laughed ridiculously when he heard the report.

Acacia, with absolute magical resistance, was discovered from the heart of the blast. On a sword with no scratches, no dirt, nothing, Oscar just gets horrible.

The magicians who controlled the Warcraft were captured by a search for Inulade soldiers and will be questioned in detail from now on. After finishing the report for now, Oscar, who visited the guest room behind the castle, laughed looking at the woman lying on its sleeping table.

Long hair.

It was a long time ago, but now it's enough to spread on the floor. He takes the glossy one room and mouths it. I sat down on the edge of the bedroom and touched the woman's cheek as she lay down.

She opens her eyes and looks up at him.

"How's it going?

"The contents have been repaired. I'm just a little sleepy."

"You can go to sleep."

"If I sleep here, they're going to prank me..."

Tinasha threw a man at her as she said.

It doesn't belong to a girl, it's an adult look that mesmerizes a man by accident.

There was no magic left to treat her with magic, and she proceeded through the time of her body with the magic of stopping growth that had already taken place, and repaired her gut with that power.

Oscar grinned with satisfaction as he took a serious look at the new witch that her flesh had turned nineteen.

"You've got a pretty favorite look. More than I expected."

"I can't sleep..."

"Never mind. Can we go to sleep?

"Then get out"

"That's too bad"

Tinasha called the name of the man who laughed but tried to get up and leave.

"What?" he looks back.

"That was helpful. Thank you."

"That's a dialogue over here. Sleep tight."

The witch, returned with a mouthful like an adult tells her child, gave her a naive smile.

And he fell asleep to rest.

Oscar, who returned to the office, had received a report from Lazar while he had Mina brew his tea.

A familiar servant sighs in comparison to the paperwork.

"Thank you. I see it was the magicians of Druza who commanded His Highness's assassination."

"I knew it. You must have thought I'd call Tinasha. The result was the opposite."

Seventy years ago, when Legius called Tinasha to defeat them, they took the same steps to eliminate Oscar.

But even if it weren't for Oscar, Tinasha would have headed for the elimination of the Warcraft. Her eyes upon the Magic Lake and the Warcraft were sad and abominable.

Looking through the paperwork all the way, Oscar relaxed his shoulder.

"I had a lot of good experiences inside, but is the fort rebuilt? Most importantly, there are no dead people.... and it seems odd to use magic. Slightly."

Tinasha suggested using Oscar's magic instead of the magic used to maintain her body. It was a strange feeling to be moved and sucked out of the magic that I was not usually very aware of.

But by connecting to her elaborate and bold configurations, I know a little bit about what a magician is again, I think.

I'm not like her from a view of the world. I guess that's an unbridgeable personal difference.

"But I'm glad the witch is safe. Because I felt like a warcraft."

"Right... you're good because you managed to kill him and he's grown up"

Oscar divulges his angry feelings when she hears them. I didn't grow up for him.

He smiled calmly as he looked around and sighed at the bitter Lazar and Mina.

"So, Mina. Why did you go through with Druza's magician?

The air in the room freezes.

Mina pales and begins to shake slightly against Lazar, who looks like she doesn't know what she's talking about.

Oscar looked at her like that with his cheek cane.

"I asked my mother if Tinasha had visited me once in the castle? I thought it was strange. The festival was the first time me and him went out in public together. I was already targeted by then. But if he was in the castle before that, the story changes. The only people who know I'm going to the tower are my parents and Lazar, and the only people who know his face and yet know he's a witch - you're the only one that day."

"So, Your Highness..."

"You wanted to kill me? Or did you want to do Falsus harm?

"Chi, no. I..."

Mina covered her face with both hands. Shake your head sideways violently.

Lazar suspected he was denying it, but Oscar seemed already convinced.

Is she crying, shaking her shoulders and spinning a voice that's about to disappear?

"I... just want to separate Your Highness from the Witch... because I'm very unfathomable. He's... beautiful, powerful... sloppy, isn't he?"

Oscar sighed.

He doesn't know how Tinasha became a witch.

But as long as she kept living eternal times with her hopes that she couldn't guess, does she think that she wanted to live and die in peace without power, such as beauty?

It makes me feel kind of heavy. Has Tinasha ever lived in such prejudice?

Maybe that's why I live in a tower and don't interact with people.

Mina yelled at Oscar as she raised her face.

"But I didn't mean to hurt His Highness! Believe me!

"Whatever the reason or consequence, it is true that I went through with people from other countries who are hostile to the country. You'll be sentenced after you get the paperwork done properly."

"Your Highness! Are you dumping me?!?

"You're not mine. You made up your own mind."

A chilling word with no mixed emotions. That was enough to beat her.

Rejected by an outstretched hand, Mina kicks the floor with her head squeezed.

"Then you should have not helped me! You too! And the witch! If you think like this, you should have died then!! I didn't want your help!

"If you think so, die now."

Mina screams at the unwavering man.

The guards who heard the cry rushed in. detain and take her to confusion.

As quiet as it was after the storm passed, Lazar breathed relief. Looking back at my flat husband.

"Your Highness, do enough to play with women."

Oscar laughs bitterly at serious advice.

In the end, I guess the fact that I became a lover once drove Mina more crazy. When I was more of a child, I was simply happy with the love that could be directed at me, but I couldn't return it with love. I couldn't make her special.

By her information, I think it was right in a way that assassins came around to me.

"Well... you deserve me. Plus enough playing. I fell in love with that one."

For a beat.

Put that down. Lazar makes a shout of amazement.

"Huh!? So, because, witch..."

"He says he's the only witch who's never had a man before. Which means the other witches have had lovers, and then it's not impossible, is it?

"Doesn't that mean it's indestructible..."

I don't think it's impossible in many ways than the Queen is now also a witch's daughter, but it seems unlimited and near impossible.

But Oscar didn't break up his spare time.

"I'm fine. I have a good word for it. He said 15 years ago we could get married when we got stronger than that."

"Whatever you think, isn't that the right word of mouth for a child..."

Besides, the guy I told you about is his cousin, not Oscar. Makes me want to say how positive I am, but Lazar, who is meant to be a loyal squire, swallows it.

He raised his voice in the thought of something ha-ha instead.

"I guess that's not why they're putting on the archery......!

"You'd be in trouble if you didn't win when you wanted it, wouldn't you?


He's not a good man at all. I feel sorry for her, too, for the prospect.

But still, I don't suppose he's going to give up so easily if he says so.

Lazar dropped her shoulder before she could see what was going to happen.

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