Unlucky black cat

Chapter 294 Proving Strength

Guan Xiner's interview with Jiang Sheng lasted until about eleven o'clock in the night.

During this period, Jiang Sheng not only explained many psychic methods and cultivation tips to her audience.

It also explained the supernatural ecology to people, and even revealed a little bit about the details of the door.

Including Xing Tai, who was standing in the corner, was pulled up and asked a few questions midway.

Only after the interview ended and Guan Xin'er closed the live broadcast room, did the audience gradually retreat, still unsatisfied.

In this way, today's live broadcast is successfully completed. Thank you, Jiang Sheng. Of course, and you, Xing Tai. I really, really appreciate your help.

In a brightly lit room.

Guan Xiner smiled and closed the holder of her mobile phone.

Jiang Sheng first got rid of the demonic posture, and then asked Guan Xiner.

Speaking of which, how many viewers are participating in the live broadcast today?


After listening to the cat demon's inquiry, Guan Xiner thought briefly.

There are probably more than 1.2 million people. This is the average number of people who watched the live broadcast.

One million and two hundred thousand?

After receiving this number that far exceeded his expectations, Jiang Sheng's frown relaxed.

Then, including the possible secondary dissemination after them. And your uninterrupted content delivery. Well, I believe it won't be long before the supernatural information is known to everyone.


It became clear again that she was doing something meaningful to most people, and Guan Xin'er's mood seemed to be quite high.

By that time, I think even ordinary passers-by will have some means of guarding against supernatural beings.

When that time comes, cultivation should be a right that everyone can fight for fairly.

That's right.

Xu Shi smiled with recognition.

Jiang Sheng immediately straightened his expression.

But before that, you still need the intervention of the Little Psychic Family. After all, judging from the information Li Guoguang gave you, those people will probably do anything to keep the secret of the supernatural.

Speaking of the psychic family.

At this point, Guan Xiner also raised her eyes.

Then he looked at Jiang Sheng and Xing Tai worriedly.

You have completely exposed your identities during the live broadcast. Is this really okay?


Although Li Guoguang had explained Jiang Sheng's power to Guan Xiner more than once.

It means that the existing psychic families alone are simply unable to effectively attack and retaliate against the cat demon.

However, before using the eight-winged bird to promote the channel.

Guan Xiner confirmed this question to Jiang Sheng several times.

If Jiang Sheng wants to keep his identity secret so as to avoid the attention of the psychic family.

Then she would settle for the next best thing and arrange a less attractive live broadcast.

However, Jiang Sheng insisted on using his true identity to participate in the interview.

That's why Guan Xiner and the cat demon worked out the current plan.

What's the problem? I'm not afraid of anyone's threat of force.

Facing Guan Xiner's concerns, Jiang Sheng still calmly shook his head.

And in this way, I can also help you share some external pressure.

After all, it is undeniable that Guan Xin'er is the center of the entire whirlpool.

She is the one whose life will be threatened once her identity is exposed.

This, this is it.

Hearing Jiang Sheng's outspoken intention, Guan Xiner's eyes couldn't help but shy away.

The flesh-and-blood doll floated on the woman's shoulder, carefully arranging her hair.

Since last time.

After Guan Xiner came to the door with a gift and apologized.

The ghost stopped complaining about the woman's betrayal.

The atmosphere was somewhat silent for a while, until Xing Tai glanced at Jiang Sheng with a speechless face, and reached out to hold Guan Xiner's arm.

It's getting late, let me take you home first.

Only then did Guan Xiner come back to her senses, and she even responded in a flurry.

Oh, okay, okay.

Be careful on the road.

Although I don’t understand why Xing Tai reacted like this.

But Jiang Sheng still opened his mouth to remind him.

Try not to leave any traces.

Do not worry.

Picking up a leather jacket that was placed on the sofa, Xing Tai's expression was equally serious.

I'm not that careless.

Two days after that.

All parties acted calmly.

Whether it's Jiang Sheng standing in the light or Guan Xiner hiding in the dark.

Or maybe it's the weird synergy between the spiritual management department standing still and watching from the sidelines.

They seem to be maintaining a delicate balance and tacit understanding.

It seems to be waiting for the intervention and encounter of another force.

Yes, except for the group of people who suddenly learned the truth.

The only group that cannot calm down at the moment is probably the angry psionic family.

Unfortunately, they were never able to find out the identity of Miss Mermaid.

So, the last one.

The psychic family had no choice but to focus on the black cat first.

Remember, your goal this time is to invite Black Cat to come to our station to discuss cooperation. In addition, if possible, I also hope that you can find out where the other party's strength lies.

At noon, in the sunny courtyard.

An elderly woman was standing in front of twenty spiritual practitioners of various ages, slowly describing the task at hand.

Considering that you are all backbone members of major families and have deep qualifications, I am also willing to believe in your ability to do things. Here, I wish you all good luck in the future. I hope you can bring me some Good news.


As the old woman finished speaking, a middle-aged man with a calm face walked out of the team and bowed his head in greeting.

I'll wait and I will definitely complete the mission.

Immediately afterwards, twenty people shouted in unison.

I'll wait and I will definitely complete the mission.

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