Unlucky black cat

Chapter 280 If you are licked by a cat, you must wash it with water

Xing Tai must have been charmed by herself.

From the girl's half-cuddled arms.

Jiang Sheng could feel this.

The opponent used a lot of force, and his hands were restless, groping back and forth between its neck and chest.

It's like touching some precious jade.

Girls don't usually behave like this.

Therefore, she should have fallen into the trap of ghost charm when she entered the door.

Yes, ghost charm.

Today's Jiang Sheng is accustomed to calling this kind of attraction combined with its appearance the magic of ghost charm.

That is, the charm caused by the influence of ghosts.

It is not a simple illusion.

Nor is it a simple charm.

Rather, it is the product formed by the clever combination of the two.

The specific effect is also difficult to explain.

But one thing is for sure.

That is, human beings who have been possessed by the ghost charm will unconsciously get close to Jiang Sheng, so that they gradually approach madness.

Fortunately, within a limited scope, Jiang Sheng can actively awaken the person who is charmed.

Therefore, at about the moment Xing Tai opened her arms and hugged her, the cat demon had already pinched out a magic formula with her five fingers.

It can wake up girls anytime and anywhere.

But it still hopes that the other party can break free on its own.

Because only in that way can its resistance to ghost charm be effectively improved.

So who did you meet today?

The cat demon sitting by the window didn't even turn his head and asked the girl calmly.

Guan Xiner.

Xing Tai put her chin against Jiang Sheng's hair and said in a rather enjoyable tone.

Do you remember her, the marcher who pretended to be you in the deserted city?

Guan Xiner?

Suddenly hearing this, which was not a very familiar name, Jiang Sheng was stunned for a moment unconsciously.

Why is she here?

Hmph, you definitely can't guess it.

Looking down at Jiang Sheng's astonishment, the smile on Xing Tai's face deepened.

She is now a psychic. Although it feels a little strange to me, her talent for controlling water is indeed not bad.

While talking, Xing Tai touched the corner of Jiang Sheng's mouth with her hand.


The cat demon's expression was clearly even more surprised.

How did she become a psychic? So your meeting was not accidental. So what does she have to do with you?

Of course.

Xu squinted his eyes absentmindedly, Xing Tai's fingertips were already touching Jiang Sheng's lips.

She said she wanted to give us an interview to promote harmonious coexistence between humans and ghosts.

Harmonious coexistence of humans and ghosts?

Jiang Sheng frowned after hearing this.

Is this her own idea?

Of course not.

Xing Tai, who was already distracted, had red cheeks.

She has already been working for the Spiritual Control Office.


After learning this, Jiang Sheng relaxed his frown.

Then her situation should be relatively safe.

So you care about her?

Suddenly, Xing Tai clasped Jiang Sheng's throat with one palm, and the index finger of her right hand suddenly inserted into the cat demon's mouth.

But why do you care so much about her? Can't you just look at me properly? After all, I am the only one who can stay by your side forever.

Ahem, cough, cough, that's enough, Xing Tai, that's enough!

Jiang Sheng, who almost had his tongue pinched by the girl, blushed and coughed, and then drove a seal into the other person's forehead.

So what on earth are you doing? Why aren't you resisting the invasion of illusions?

Jiang Sheng didn't understand. Yes, it doesn't understand.

In theory, Xing Tai's ability can completely interrupt the interference of ghost charm.

But girls just fall for it again and again.

The reason for this was so strange that Jiang Sheng couldn't find a clue.

Therefore, every time he tests, he will be embarrassed by some accidents.


Facing the cat demon's questioning, Xing Tai regained her consciousness and awkwardly wiped her saliva-stained fingers with a tissue.

Waiting until half a minute passed, the girl explained with erratic eyes.

I, I have been resisting, but the effect is not good.

Strange, how is this possible?

Jiang Sheng, who was deeply troubled by ghost charm, scratched his hair.

You and I are from the same origin. Logically speaking, my spells should have limited impact on you.

I know I know.

Seeing Jiang Sheng's distressed look, Xing Tai finally couldn't bear to step forward to comfort him.

Don't worry, everything will get better. Maybe after Raincoat digests the dragon skin, you can control this ability, right?

Huh, maybe.

Jiang Sheng, who knew that being anxious was useless, slowly regained his composure.

Time passed like this minute by minute.

Probably at the dinner table in the evening.

Suddenly he thought of Guan Xin'er's Xing Tai again, and just then asked Jiang Sheng again.

By the way, hero, do you want to participate in that Guan Xiner's interview?


Jiang Sheng, who was drinking a bowl of vegetable soup, pondered for a moment subconsciously, and then refused.

Let's forget it. After all, I still can't control my powers.


Xing Tai chewed a piece of beef.

Actually, I think Guan Xin'er's idea is quite good. At least it can help ordinary people gain more understanding of supernatural beings, thereby reducing the casualties that disasters may cause.

Yeah, that's a good idea.

Jiang Sheng wiped his mouth after drinking the vegetable soup.

It's a pity that I can't bear the consequences of the ghost charm spreading outward.

In fact, as more and more cases have been experienced personally.

Jiang Sheng also had some bad guesses about the official purpose of hiding supernatural beings.

And this is why it no longer requires the Eight-winged Bird to hide its whereabouts.

Jiang Sheng needs to find the final answer through constant exploration.

So if it weren't for the existence of ghost charm, it might accept Guan Xiner's invitation, but many things in this world are not possible.

But you haven't tried it, right?

Suddenly, Xing Tai, who was sitting on the side of the dining table, blinked.

If we were separated by a screen, how much influence would your superpower have on human beings?


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