Unlucky black cat

Chapter 265 The Strongest Spirit

I support the adoption of the draft. As the voting session began, the cold and serious middle-aged woman said immediately: It's just that I'm a little worried about the efficiency of the implementation of this plan. Three Thousand Resentments and Black Cats can happen at any time. The door may be broken through. But on our side, we are still voting on a scrawled document. We have not even started designing the seal. Considering that after our meeting is over, we still need to notify the All-Psychic Association. Organize the second global conference. To be honest, if we have to wait until all parties complete negotiations before sealing the ghost gate, then everything will probably be too late.

I also support the adoption of the draft. The next moment, the middle-aged man with a gloomy temperament also spoke: As for the efficiency issue that Commissioner Ji is worried about. I think that after our draft here is passed, everyone will We can immediately arrange manpower to seal the ghost gates in the country first. Especially the ghost gate in Chongming City, we can directly apply the tightest seal upward to prevent any living creatures and spirits from entering or exiting. Considering the two The door of the world, the mapping relationship in order and geographical location, and the wider territory in the door. So I think that after the domestic seal is completed, it will be difficult for Black Cat and Three Thousand Resentments to break through the door in a short time If they want to come out, they have to at least go to another country. In this way, we will have time to negotiate with other countries about closing the door.

I can also support the adoption of the draft. After a few seconds, the man who had been smoking on the screen also nodded: But how do you ensure the reaction of other countries. After all, as long as one country does not seal the ghost gate, Then it is possible for Black Cat and Three Thousand Resentments to reappear.

They will agree. The elderly woman tapped her fingers on the table: Because they all know the horror of Three Thousand Resentments, and no one will be willing to let the other party appear in their own country. Moreover, as long as they can guarantee What’s the matter with the circulation of spiritual energy and so many seals on the ghost gate. This is a necessary safeguard measure, so why wouldn’t all countries do it. In short, I also support this proposal.”

Well, as long as it doesn't affect my practice, your decision has nothing to do with me. The sixth person in the meeting chose to abstain.

In the end, only the old man on crutches who spoke first voted against the decision.

Therefore, the six people on the screen formed a situation where four voted in favor, one abstained, and one voted against.

The result seems to be clear.

All members of the committee turned their attention to Li Guoguang.

At this moment, the director of the Spiritual Control Department was closing his eyes and folding his two palms together.

His expression was difficult to describe.

It seems a little lonely, but also a little regretful and reluctant.

Hey, our spiritual management department has really changed.

No one knows who exactly he said this to.

Maybe it's Wang Yanlin, maybe it's the committee.

Or perhaps it was an old friend from the past who was not present.

Li Guoguang, what do you mean? Perhaps sensing the change in the atmosphere, the elderly woman in the committee frowned.

Director Li, please don't delay. The indifferent woman then spoke.

Of course, I don't intend to delay time. While speaking slowly, Li Guoguang quietly opened his eyes.

As for what I mean, it's actually very simple. According to the rules, as the director of the Psionics Management Department, I can veto individual proposals that require the committee's approval. Although in the past forty years, , I have not actually used this right. But I believe that this does not mean that I have lost my right. Now, I announce that I will veto the draft proposed by Zhao Haiqing, the administrator of Gongxue No. 4, with one vote .

The reason is that the cursed black cat has not shown any tendency to threaten humans and has the potential to maintain long-term cooperation with human society. The benefits it will bring us far outweigh the potential threats, so I have reservations about the proposal to completely separate the Black Cat. As for the former Curse Manager Three Thousand Resentments, I think you need to have some confidence in me, the strongest spirit. Since I have killed him once, now, I can also destroy his conspiracy.

It's normal for you to be afraid of three thousand resentments, because the other party is too crazy. However, why are you afraid of the black cat? Is it just because it has power? Then, will one day you also want to seal me?


Having said this, Li Guoguang slapped the table hard.

If you are timid, don't go out for construction! You can't tell who can cooperate and who can't, so you can only control risks, so it's better to go home and farm!

Moreover, what if the black cat escapes from the sealed door. Then we have created an extremely powerful enemy for ourselves, and it could even be our friend! Fortunately, I wanted to hear your opinions before, but in the end, they are just a bunch of cowardly people who open their mouths and don't know what to say!

Li Guoguang!

Probably because she was so angry at being scolded, the old woman in the committee shouted in a sharp voice.

Then, a heavier scolding interrupted her speech.

Shut up!

I saw Li Guoguang standing in front of the table, and wisps of terrifying aura began to escape from his old body.

Whose name do you think you are calling?


The old woman couldn't speak, even though she was thousands of miles away from the other person, even if it was just a video conference.

In short, I have received all your opinions.

Li Guoguang raised his head and looked around at the figures on the screen, then calmly moved his neck.

As for whether you want to refer to and adopt it, this is my job. Please don't interfere with my duties casually. So, with that said, let's adjourn the meeting!


The video of the meeting was cut off.

The dark clouds on the sky were about to disperse.

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