Unlucky black cat

Chapter 208: Can God also bleed?

Chapter 210 Can God also bleed?

Besides, why do you think I should wait?

Probably after swallowing another piece of rice.

Sanqianyunai asked pointedly.


Xu Ming, who was about to think about the future, was suddenly called back to reality and was inevitably a little distracted.

Because the curse hasn't arrived yet?


Sanqianyuan smiled flatly.

Even if the spell has not been delivered yet, I can make some other preparations in advance. The reason why I am staying here now and waiting to see what happens. The most fundamental reason is, after all, because of those doors. Those doors can only open at certain times. Time can be opened briefly. As for other times, even I cannot open it.


Xu Ming suddenly realized and patted the table.

It's like the old saying goes, the door to hell opens on July 15th, so it's not appropriate for three people to visit the grave, right?

That's right.

With a childish expression on his face, Sanqian was filling himself up with food.

Most of the ancient sayings like this are not groundless. However, on July 15th, the door of hell can be opened, and that door is in the east. And the door I am waiting for will be opened next month. On the 20th, there is a possibility of being opened.”

The 20th of next month...

Xu Ming thought and raised his head to calculate.

It's the first day of February in the lunar calendar.


Sanqian smiled resentfully and nodded slightly.

At the same time, that day is also the birthday of King Qin Guang, the first palace of hell.

Chaos, strange, vast, indescribable.

Such a mysterious and strange aura always seduces and tugs at Jiang Sheng's heartstrings.

Ask him to push away the crowd and continue walking towards the depths of Yama Hall.

It is gradually ignoring reality.

All that was left in my mind was the heavy fog.

And the closed door in the mist.

I'm going to open this door.

An unknown voice whispered in Jiang Sheng's ear.

You have to push this door open.

It seems to want to replace the voice of the cat demon.

This made the black cat unconditionally believe that he wanted to open the door in the fog.

Until Jiang Sheng turned around and walked into a bamboo forest.

Until Xing Tai, who came quickly, reached out and took the young man's arm.

The cat demon suddenly regained consciousness.

Hero, where do you want to go?

Xing Tai asked extremely seriously.

No matter how she screamed on the way here.

Jiang Sheng refused to stop and ignored him.

It's like being caught in some kind of hallucination.

This made her uneasy.

It is worth mentioning that although Jiang Sheng had already told Xing Tai his name.

But sometimes, girls will still call the hero a nickname.

Yeah, where do I want to go?

After coming back to his senses, the black cat's pupils shrank, and he broke into a cold sweat on his back.

Wait until a few seconds later.

Jiang Sheng made a judgment in a daze.

I was probably controlled by some special consciousness just now.

It wants me to open the door.

Yes, the other party wants me to open a door!

Realizing this, the cat demon immediately grabbed Xing Tai's forearm with her backhand.

Xing Tai, follow me closely from now on!

Jiang Sheng, what's wrong with you?

Seeing the young man's confused look, the girl expressed concern with both confusion and worry.

There may be a vengeful spirit hiding in this place that is very good at influencing people's hearts. It may even be more than just a vengeful spirit.

Jiang Sheng explained while looking around.

At the same time, he protected Xing Tai and retreated.

Why is it so tense.

Because it knows how strong its resistance to illusion is.

Regardless of the spiritual power within his body that is so huge that it is almost limitless.

Speaking of black cats alone, they are the most direct seal of the human skin raincoat.

It is impossible for it to fall into any simple illusion.

After all, it is different from other vengeful spirits that inhabit cat demons.

There is no magic barrier between Yuyi and Jiang Sheng.

Even the combination of the two is so close that the black cat's eyes can produce some illusion qualities.

But even under such circumstances, Jiang Sheng was still hypnotized by a certain aura.

Where did that breath come from.

How terrible its owner is.

What door does the other person want me to open?

Jiang Sheng doesn’t know this.

That's why it's tense.

Because fear often comes from the unknown.

But Jiang Sheng had forgotten that there was indeed a special disaster in its body.

Before Yu Yungui and Yuyi arrived.

Before it swallowed up the misfortune of writer He Wen.

When it comes to this world.

There is already a mass of disaster in its body.

Obviously, being an unlucky black cat.

Jiang Sheng has not thought carefully about why he was born unlucky.

I have never thought about where the disaster I was born with comes from.

So, is it really because it wants to open the door that it is bewitched? In other words, it actually belongs on the other side of the door.

However, these are basically an afterthought.

Right now, Jiang Sheng just wants to leave here as soon as possible.

However, it just pulled the girl back.

As their vision blurred, an illusory and hazy door appeared in front of the two of them.

Then, what is that door?

At this moment, even Xing Tai saw some phantoms of the gate tower.

It was a door five meters high and three meters wide.

It has a simple shape, connects to the courtyard wall, and cuts across the bamboo forest.

The door was ajar, ajar.

It seems that it can be pushed away with just force.

Jiang Sheng had no way of knowing what was behind the door.

But it could feel that there was some extremely ancient atmosphere hidden there.

Yes, ancient.

Ancient and huge.

The spiritual power like a mountain made Jiang Sheng take half a step back.

At this time.

Probably sensing Jiang Sheng's presence.

There is something lying in the door.

He looked out through the crack in the door.

It's breathtaking.

The pupil of that eye alone occupies almost all the space inside the door.

Therefore, outsiders can probably imagine how majestic the owner of this eye is.

Well... uh...

In the next moment, several paragraphs of language cannot be understood by humans.

Impressively, it spread across the distant time and space and reached Jiang Sheng's mind.

no! You can't let that thing out!

Jiang Sheng thought, and thunder and lightning suddenly gathered in his hand.

At the same time, he used the Cage Girl's ability to control the electric light to penetrate countless spaces and sink directly into the center of the eyeball.

‘Yungui, help me, use thunder and lightning as coordinates and use the atmosphere to focus light! ’

Jiang Sheng roared with all his strength in his heart.

Hiss (get it)!

Yun Gui Qiqiao responded bleedingly.

In an instant, nearly half of the earth was plunged into darkness for about two seconds.

When the light appears again.

The eye sockets in the door had already been put into the eye sockets by Jiang Sheng with enough heat to melt the earth.


An earth-shattering wail resounded crazily throughout the sky.

That is from the ancient wilderness.

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