The voice of [God] was unprecedentedly high, and all the people felt extremely at ease, claiming to be guarded by [God], absolutely at ease, and the country followed suit, pushing [God] to an unprecedented peak! With such a general trend, The big rich people in China are rushing to Xiangjiang, not only the rich, but also ordinary people, with the heart of 'pilgrimage', terrifying human beings poured into the small land of Xiangjiang

Even some devout people kneel every three steps, and kowtow every five steps.

[God] The impact is extremely huge, the rich are rushing to donate money, and the huge flow of funds makes many generals smile to their ears.

On the top floor of the Hunter Base, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the massive 'pilgrimage' crowd in front of the Hunter Base, Li Mu didn't have too many expressions on his face.

Behind Li Mu, Xinlan girls were lying or sitting on the sofa, and the twenty alien girls who were held on the throne of [God] were guarding every corner of the room like guards.

"Brother, I've been feeling busy these days, the wormhole is so quiet over there, are those monsters and the dark nobles afraid to come out?"

Listening to Xinlan's complaint, Li Mu turned around, with a smile on his face, and said, "This is just the tranquility before the storm, over there, the dark nobles must know that we are here, then the attack will naturally change, it will not be the same as before. That kind of petty shit"

"Look, it can't be quiet anymore, take a good rest, wait for the wormhole to attack, but there won't be much time to rest. Don't call me tired, or the ancient capital will swell you up"

Shrinking her head, looking at the doting smile on Li Mu's face, Xinlan sniffed, wrinkled her face, and said mischievously, "Brother is reluctant!"

Shaking his head, Li Mu walked to the edge of the sofa. Catherine, who was smiling, hurriedly made room for Li Mu, then found a comfortable position and leaned against Li Mu's arms.

Holding Catherine and the Queen's plump and beautiful bodies, Li Mu slowly closed his eyes. These few days there was nothing going on in the wormhole [], and he was also happy to be at leisure. Beg for mercy to let them go

During the day, I was also in the mood, so I hugged each other and made up for the regret that I didn't have time to accompany the girls before.

Dong dong dong! Let go... The queen's little condescension, Li Mu frowned, originally he wanted to take advantage of the sunshine to play a friendly match with the queen, but was destroyed by the knock on the door

Looking at the gradually cold face of No. 1 at the door, Li Mu shook his head and signaled, "Open the door."

These alien girls don't care who is out there or what is going on, they only care about Li Mu's mood, if Li Mu is not happy, they are responsible for killing those who make Li Mu unhappy

After receiving Li Mu's signal, No. 1's icy emotions subsided, and he turned his head and opened the door.

The door opened, and the Colonel officer, who was unaware that he had wandered around the gate of hell, walked in and reported, "General, the commander-in-chief has a request, saying that the special department that you ordered has been prepared. !"

Nodding lightly, Li Mu said, "Understood, you can step back."

With a cold sweat all over, the colonel hurriedly withdrew. It was because he had experienced a lot of war, but being watched by so many cold eyes in the room, it felt like he was always in: the door of the gate of hell.

I patted Catherine's Magnesium Mouth, it feels great

"Get up, let's go to the conference room together, and see how those generals choose."

Yiyan got up from Li Mu's arms, Li Mu also stood up in time, and let Katherine, Xinlan and a few girls tidy up the folds on their clothes until they were all smoothed out, and then the group walked out of the room and walked towards the conference room.

The conference hall, at this time, the huge conference room was full of seats, and behind the many generals stood more or less women, some heroic, some gentle and moving, more than [-], all of them were beautiful, tall, like A hundred flowers are in bloom

Behind General Penticos, Mori Mako was very nervous at this time. A few days ago, the person she most respected, General Penticos, told her a very exciting news.

He intends to recommend her to Li Mu to become a member of the special forces! You know, on that day, she also requested, but she was rejected because it was for her own good

Despite her reluctance and frustration, Penticos was the person she respected the most, and brought her up as a child, and she obeyed her orders.

Unexpectedly, things would turn around. The two who were not father and daughter, but they were no different from father and daughter chatted for a long time, and finally Penticos agreed to her, and gave her one of the only two recommended positions! Of course, recommended If she has a position, whether she can be recognized or not depends on her performance. If Li Mu does not agree, no matter what she thinks, it will be useless! There are many people in the conference hall, but it is extremely quiet, so quiet that you can clearly understand I heard footsteps outside the door


The uneasy Mori Mako chooses the team members

This is the same thought of everyone. At the same time, many women waiting to be inspected also stood up straight and showed their best side.

They were uneasy in their hearts, they also wanted to possess the power of [God], and even yearned for it. Every time they saw the video of the battle that day, they would be so excited that they couldn't be themselves, and wanted to replace the alien girl.

Now, the opportunity has come! A precious opportunity, even the generals have extremely limited places in their hands, and they are trying their best to express themselves! There is also Mako Mori who is also uneasy in his heart, becoming a special force, killing monsters is Her dream, she wants revenge! In the past, she wanted to be a mecha hunter, simulating the victory rate, and the kill rate was [-]%. Now, she wants to become a member of the special forces and control the mecha, how can it compare The joy of killing monsters with your own hands is not only the women who are uneasy, the generals are also not at peace

Among these candidates, many of them are related to these generals, or their daughters, or the best men, but the same is that as long as their people are selected, their faces will be very different. There will be light, and status will rise

Just like a major general who is also a major general in the special unit, his waist will be tough, even if he encounters a lieutenant general, this is the hidden benefit. On the surface, there will be more! In the mood, Li Mu's figure appeared at the door of the conference room

Bringing all the girls into the conference hall, Li Mu went straight to the first place. This is the default of all generals.

There's no way, you can't give it to anyone when you see a senior official, this is the monstrous right of the special forces

Sitting on the opened chair on the thirteenth, Li Mu's arms rested on the conference table, his eyes swept across the conference hall, and when Li Mu's eyes paid attention, everyone subconsciously held their breath, and their hearts became more and more nervous.

Not only Li Mu was watching, Xinlan, Catherine, Empress, Ren Tingting, Aldelia were all watching. They naturally knew what Li Mu meant. This was not a matter of selecting special troops. Of course, it could be considered, but The main purpose is not... simply to fight monsters

Knowing what the purpose is, the women's eyes are naturally more severe. The appearance and body are unqualified and direct, not the first time, and they don't even think about it.

The eyes of all the women are extremely precise. With just a swipe, you can know whether the women in the conference hall are qualified or not.

The women's eyes are very picky, even as female slaves, these women are Li Mu's cards, too low, they are putting Li Mu's face, which is not allowed by them.

After taking a look around, listening to the suggestions of the people in the center of his mind, Li Mu nodded secretly. The choices of the girls were similar to his, and there was basically no difference.

His fingers tapped on the conference table, and the crisp voice seemed to hit everyone's heart. Just when the people in the conference hall became more and more panic, Li Mu spoke.

"The candidates for the generals are all very good. Let me talk about the unqualified candidates."

"First of all, the one behind Major General Zhang, the one on Lieutenant General Liu's right, and the one on Zhu's left."

In the conference hall, there was only Li Mu's voice. Hearing every word of Li Mu, the expressions of everyone present were different, some were excited, some were frustrated.

Especially the women who were mentioned by Li Mu, and even more so, they lost the election! Every word of Li Mu touched the hearts of everyone. Everyone who was not mentioned was praying. Don't be mentioned by Li Mu, because to, it means losing

Behind Penticos, Mori Mako's tense palms were sweating, and her body was stiff when she stood upright. As Li Mu started to choose from left to right in order, his eyes widened.

Coming to her soon! "General Penticus"

Li Mu's words were halfway through, and Mori's soul was about to fly away.

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