Unlimited cheating in the horror world

Chapter 371 Minglan No. 1 Middle School

"Okay students, turn the book to page 26, today..."

On the podium, a female teacher wearing thin-rimmed glasses holds a book in her left hand and writes on the blackboard with chalk in her right hand.

Shen Congran, who was sitting under the podium, felt like she was back in high school. The books on the desk were piled up high, almost covering half of her face. If she lowered her head again, it would be difficult for the teacher to see her expression .

Spread out the language books for this class and a notebook on the desktop, Shen Congran just glanced at it, and the current learning progress of this body automatically appeared in his mind.

And the content of her mission.

【Minglan No.1 Middle School

Task level: top level

Task content: who is the betrayer, have you found it, and why did you betray

Note: Those who failed to find the task in three days will stay here forever and become a part of Minglan No. 1

Another: You will become day students in this task, and you can go to the off-campus address arranged by the system after school]

As expected, it was a top-level task. Shen Congran knew his identity, an ordinary high school senior.

Although Minglan No. 1 Middle School is not a well-known key high school, the teachers of this school are also good, and the annual college entrance examination rate is not bad.

After Shen Congran had a brief understanding of the situation here, he raised his head to look at the blackboard. The female teacher was still tirelessly imparting the knowledge she knew to the students.

At the end of a class, no one was asked to answer the questions. After the knowledge point was finished, the teacher did not delay the class, and left with the book.

After the teacher left, the class became a little more lively. Shen Congran also turned to look for her teammates. Before, she didn't dare to look around for fear of being noticed by the teacher.

Looking at it, she found that there are quite a lot of people in the class, and the class area is also very large. She took advantage of the convenience of the taskers to quickly find her teammates and six other taskers.

There are quite a lot of people performing the task this time, including ten of them.

There were seventy students in the whole class, divided into seven rows, with ten students in each row. This number really shocked Shen Congran.

Feng Yichen sat in the last row due to his height, Wen Xu was on the far left by the window, and Gu Tiantian was in the second row on the right behind the back.

And Shen Congran himself was in the fourth-to-last position in the middle row, quite far from the podium, but he could clearly read the words on the blackboard.

As for the other six taskers, a total of five women and one man, everyone tacitly understood the number of people on this mission, and there was no other communication.

After class, everyone was clearing the table. It was lunch time, but instead of taking tableware to the cafeteria, everyone took out the prepared meals from the table hole, opened them and ate them.

Shen Congran was stunned for a moment. The food should have been brought in the morning. Don't these students go to heat it up? Looking around, there seems to be no microwave oven here.

All the students ate as if nothing had happened, and even talked together. Shen Congran could only touch the hole in her own table, but she really let her touch the lunch box, which contained simple meals.

She looked back at a few teammates, Feng Yichen's temperament is really not like a high school student, but everyone didn't notice his unreasonableness, and a few girls whispered to each other, looking at Feng Yichen With Wen Xu.

Wen Xu didn't eat the food in his tableware, but looked for an opportunity to eat from the storage. Shen Congran also silently took out the rice balls that were still warm from the storage.

Gu Tiantian tried to eat the cold food on the seat, but it was definitely not as delicious as the hot food, she swallowed the food and put it back.

There were vacancies between the seven rows. Shen Congran saw that the girl in the next seat was surrounded by two people, so he moved over curiously, "This meal is so cold, can you eat it?"

The girl didn't care and replied: "If you can't eat, you have to eat. When you are nervous in the third year of high school, how can you waste time cooking, and you will be fine after this semester."

Hearing that Shen Congran sat upright, their classroom seemed to be at the innermost part of this floor, and they could hear the footsteps of the students running outside, presumably they were running to the cafeteria.

Gradually, some people had finished eating, picked up the empty lunch box and went to the sink to wash the dishes.

Shen Congran still had a mobile phone, so she lay on the table directly, took off her school uniform jacket and covered her body, and added stacked books to block her mobile phone.

After she finished, she was careful to send messages on her mobile phone.

[Shen Congran: I chatted with the student next to me just now, and it seems nothing unusual, how about you? 】

It took a while for the message to appear.

[Feng Yichen: I also said a few words to the people next to me. This is a very ordinary class, and I said that nothing strange happened. 】

[Wen Xu: I can only observe temporarily. 】

[Gu Tiantian: There is a tasker behind me. I heard her chatting with other students, but the situation is similar to that of my cousin, so I didn't ask anything. 】

When the situation is unclear, they naturally can't make any changes. Fortunately, this class will still go to the cafeteria after school at night.

This time they entered the mission, except for the brief situation of the school and the class, they didn't know anything else, and even the memory of their own identities only had knowledge about learning.

After chatting for a while, Shen Congran felt very sleepy, an irresistible sleepiness, and soon she fell into a deep sleep.

The whole class was quiet, both the taskers and the students were all lying on the table and sleeping soundly.


Shen Congran was awakened by the whispers around him, and when he raised his head, he felt a little sore in his arms, and he was in a trance, as if he had slept for a long time.

She put her hands on the phone and put it into the memory.

The surrounding students are all wearing school uniforms, and it is almost time for class.

Shen Congran didn't expect that she would fall asleep. Originally, she planned to discuss with her teammates whether she needed to go to other places in the school to investigate.

She looked around and saw that several teammates and taskers all looked like they had just woken up.

Absently listening to the class until the evening, during which the classroom teacher simply talked about the knowledge points.

When the teacher said that the class was over, Shen Congran quickly piled up the textbooks. Some students in the class stayed here, and some got up to go out.

Shen Congran went out of the class first, and found that they were on the fourth floor, and the students from the next class also came out.

"Want to go to the cafeteria?" Feng Yichen asked beside her.

Shen Congran nodded, "Of course, this school always gives me an unreal feeling."

Although the previous missions were suspected to be virtual scenes, it was later confirmed that they were real world.

But in this mission, she clearly felt the unreality here, whether it was the students in the next class or the seemingly normal classmates in their class.

It's like everything here is fake.

"This school is quite big." Gu Tiantian said as she tied her ponytail. After so many years, she almost forgot the feeling of ponytail.

All the female students here tie up their hair, don't even think about bangs, even if they have short hair, they use hairpins to fix the hair at the temples, which has no sense of beauty at all.

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