When Duan Jiaqing heard this voice, he knew that something had happened to that guy, and the low murmur, which was not obvious at first, became clearer and clearer, as if he wanted to look for him through the mobile phone.

He hung up the phone immediately, and stood outside on the road with a layer of cold sweat on his back.

"This thing...is really strong."

He immediately talked to Gong Xue about it, and Gong Xue said that he was coming to the place soon, and they would go there to have a look together.

After hanging up the phone, Duan Jiaqing thought that this person is basically dead, but as long as there is a dead person, the police will intervene. Although there is an opportunity to obtain more information, their actions will also be limited.

The residents of their building will be the object of suspicion, and they will be investigated one by one.

When the other party called him the last time before his death, Duan Jiaqing had to call the police according to the thinking of a normal person.

The phone over there was quickly connected, "Hi, hello... yes, I called me at the time, and when I got connected, I heard a scream. I was worried and called the police. Can you come... The good address is... "

Not long after hanging up the phone, Gong Xue had arrived.

The two returned to the community, just in time to meet the police driving into the community, they walked behind, and when they reached the building, there were two police officers guarding the gate of the community.

Duan Jiaqing stepped forward, "Hello, I am the one who called the police before."

When the other party saw that he said he was calling the police, he beckoned to come over.

"What is your relationship with that person?"

Duan Jiaqing replied honestly: "A resident of a building, I just met and chatted a few times before, and I thought it was a hit, so I exchanged numbers. Mr. Police, is he all right?"

The policeman who asked him just frowned, "A deceased person was found in the elevator here, and the cause of death is still under investigation. Please cooperate with the investigation. Don't leave in the near future, and wait for a summons at any time."

Duan Jiaqing showed a shocked expression, then probed into the corridor.


When Shen Congran came back, he saw that the building where they lived was surrounded by people, including residents from other buildings and the police.

When I got to the front, I saw other taskers.

Later, Duan Jiaqing told her that a missionary had died in the elevator, and the police were investigating.

Those who work the night shift are fine, but the ordinary people who get home early from get off work have been questioned all the time.

The taskers were not affected, and their whereabouts could be confirmed through the company, as well as witnesses such as colleagues.

She immediately sent the news to others, and Wen Xu came back first, followed by Feng Yichen and Gu Tiantian.

After the police questioned them, they let them go, but they couldn't take the elevator, they had to take the stairs. Of course, some ordinary people who were scared immediately said that they were going to stay in a hotel tonight, or even planned to move out.

Considering that this is a residential area, in order not to cause panic, the elevator is fully enclosed so that you cannot see the scene inside.

Shen Congran and the others went back to their respective homes, planning to continue talking about it in the discussion group.

Soon at home, Shen Congran put down his phone and began to join the discussion.

[Shen Congran: It may be fine tonight, these police officers don't know when they will be able to leave. 】

【Gu Tiantian: Don't talk too much, I'm sure that ghost will come out again. 】

[Wen Xu: Did you find any other information today? 】

[Shen Congran: I only saw that post, but I didn't find anything else. 】

[Gu Tiantian: The one in the same neighborhood as me didn't reveal anything. I didn't have time to ask directly when I came back today, and I kept talking about other things. 】

[Feng Yichen: Now that the police are involved, there must be more information that can be investigated, but the problem is that it will not be shared with unrelated people like us. 】

But Shen Congran was surprised that the police were able to come and investigate this time when the person with a mission died, which was very different from the previous situation.

[Wen Xu: Don't expect the police in the mission world to give you clues, you still have to search by yourself. If you behave too weirdly, you will be targeted. 】

[Feng Yichen: The clues are not very obvious. Today, my colleagues at the company said that they saw a police car entering here, but they don’t know exactly what happened, and the people in the community didn’t disclose it. In the final analysis, we still have to start with the people in this community. . 】

That is to say, but these are normal people, and they can report to the police if something goes wrong, they cannot force others by illegal means.

[Wen Xu: It's better to find items that are related to ghosts, that way it will be easier to investigate. 】

Shen Congran sighed, and still hoped that he could continue to dream about related things, even if he got an important reminder, he would be able to tear a hole, so that the investigation would not be so difficult.

[Wen Xu: Xiaoran, did the team members tell you anything else today? 】

[Shen Congran: Apart from the fact that the deceased was a tasker, he also said that several of us taskers can cooperate. 】

[Wen Xu: Just listen to this kind of words. I know Gong Xue, and the people under Gu Tonghua are also psychics. Most of the players they recruit are not strong, and most of them are recruited from intermediate tasks. They are assigned props, but this kind of people are either cannon fodder, or they are stable in the team by themselves. I guess the one who died didn't have the strength to enter the advanced mission at all, and was just pulled as a pathfinder. 】

It was the first time for Shen Congran to hear how a complete organization operates, and even recruit people to distribute props, but when it comes to tasks of this level, even if they distribute props, they can get a few.

[Wen Xu: Most organizations are like us, looking for strong cooperation, like Gu Tonghua’s team, which recruits a large number of people. , When it comes to the mission, there are nine out of ten chances that you won't be able to come back. 】

[Gu Tiantian: Isn't this just looking for cannon fodder? Most of them are used to pave the way. If you are talented, you should try to win them over. It's disgusting. 】

[Feng Yichen: I guess the one who died was Paving the Road. I saw Shen Congran when I was looking for him before. At that time, he looked nervous at all times, and he didn't look like someone who could come to high-level tasks at all. 】

[Shen Congran: In this situation, will the police affect our follow-up tasks? 】

[Wen Xu: There will definitely be an impact, but people in the entire building will not be moved out just because of the case, unless the situation is very serious. 】

But he was sure that at that point, they would not be far from completing their mission.

[Feng Yichen: In the past two days, we don’t need to mention what happened here before, but what happened today. 】

[Gu Tiantian: I know, I will tell my colleague tomorrow to see her reaction. 】

Shen Congran was on duty alone, and there was no one else to talk to except him searching the Internet.

After finishing the discussion, Shen Congran simply washed up and lay down. Tonight, those police officers were on the first floor, and the elevator didn't run automatically like before.

Not knowing what those police officers investigated, Shen Congran fell asleep with various guesses.

Soon she knew that she was in a dream, and this time she was still standing downstairs in the third building. There were a few people standing here, pointing at the building, their mouths were moving, but they couldn't hear the content.


She heard the sound of something wooden hitting the wall, and a woman's low cry.

If the thorn is not stimulating, give me face if you don't climb the stairs, leave a shadow

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