United states tax collector

Chapter 254 Seize all the properties

Not long after, the proportions of the four options came out. Those who chose 1 accounted for 20%, those who chose 2 accounted for 30%, those who chose 3 accounted for 4.5%, and those who chose 4 accounted for the least, only half a percent. .

It seems uneven, but actually it is understandable.

Even though Disney has a big business, judging from David's past methods, coupled with the blessing of various powers of the IRS, the chance of resisting the results and escaping sanctions is still too small.

Of course, David, who was still in the office at this time, didn’t know anything about what was happening on the social network.

Okanji had been brought in and was sitting across from him.

"Mr. Okanji, you must be well aware of the purpose of calling you here. I don't want to make a big fight, so I will give you one last chance. Like the other major film companies, you must pay the due penalty according to my wishes." Jin, then we will all be in peace, otherwise..."

David did not continue speaking, but the threat in his words could not be hidden.

In fact, with the evidence he has now, he can definitely enforce the law against Disney.

But after all, Disney is a giant in the domestic entertainment industry and has many media mouthpieces in its hands. If it does this, it will inevitably trigger some whirlpool of public opinion.

But summoning Disney now is different.

Our Western Suburbs Branch does not want to use violence. We will summon you to negotiate carefully and give you one last chance. If you, Disney, are still stubborn, you can’t blame me, David, for taking coercive measures!

"Director David, we at Disney... don't know why the six major companies pay tax evasion fines, but our taxes are fine!"

Okanji secretly lamented that if he could have made the decision, he would have taken advantage of the situation long ago. Why would he have to bear the pressure of confronting the IRS.

But now that the bosses behind him are unwilling to compromise like this, he naturally dares not make good decisions.

"No problem, are you sure?"

Seeing David's calm and conceited expression, Okanji felt frightened for a while, but he still gritted his teeth and replied: "Yes, Director David, our tax department has done the calculation from top to bottom, and it is true that no problem!"

"Since you said there's no problem, what's going on with the acquisition of 20th Century Film Company, a subsidiary of Fuchs Group?"

Hearing this, Okanji felt his scalp numb, and he knew that David would definitely bring this matter up.


"It's really no problem. It's just an ordinary acquisition. It complies with all rules and procedures. We don't have an approval document. Do you need me to have someone send it over to Director David for you to take a look at?"

Seeing that the other party was still pretending to be dumbfounded, David didn't hesitate anymore, opened the cabinet below, took out a pile of documents, threw it on the table, and said: "In 2019, we obtained the approval of the regulatory authorities. There is no problem in completing the acquisition of 20th Century Film Company, a subsidiary of Fuchs Group, for US$71.3 billion."

"But we have reviewed the information of all parties in detail, and I pointed out when we tried those big names that the Fuchs Group increased its market value because of false accounting, and the business was indeed on the rise at that time. Based on the market value at that time, it should be worth US$85.1 billion.”

"But if you really want to use the true acquisition price, then you will have to pay billions of dollars in acquisition taxes..."

After hearing this, Okanji's expression changed completely.

As the vice president of Disney, he was certainly aware of the problems with the acquisition at that time.

If there was really no problem, they wouldn't be so panicked when this matter was brought up at the court hearing on the second day of the Oscar ceremony.

"But you are very smart and chose to make a net debt account for 20th Century Film Company on the grounds that you can repay this net debt for 20th Century Film Company, so that you can avoid the billions of acquisition taxes. I Is that true, Mr. Okanji?”

The documents were right in front of him, and David described them so clearly. Now Okanji could only remain silent.

"Mr. Okanji, there is now sufficient evidence for Disney's use of net debt to evade taxes. However, I asked you to come here this time to give you a chance. I hope you can take advantage of it. Do you understand?"

Okanji replied with a bitter look on his face: "Director David, you also know that I am just a part-time worker..."

"Don't tell me this. If you can't make the decision, call your boss now and ask him to give you an answer on this matter!"


Okanji reluctantly took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Mr. Bennett, I am here with Director David now. We...have been found to have some problems..."

At the same time, in a luxurious villa in New York, a white-haired old man who was sunbathing frowned and replied: "Give him the phone."

Okanji pushed the phone in front of David, and David took it directly without hesitation and said: "I'm David."

"Director David, my name is Bennett Disney, and Disney is one of my family's properties!"

"Mr. Bennett, right? As your Vice President Okanji said, your company's accounts have been found to have problems, and the amount of tax evasion is suspected to be billions. What do you think about this?"

"Well... our company has a market value of more than 200 billion. It is normal for there to be problems with the accounts. So, give us some time and we will verify it carefully!"

"Why, does Mr. Bennett doubt the accounting ability of our IRS auditors?"

A sneer appeared on David's lips.

Disney's legal department is known as the best legal department in the world. Give you some time so that your legal department can quickly fix this loophole?

You really think I am a fool!

"No, no, no, I didn't mean that, it's just..."

"Don't just Mr. Bennett, we have checked the amount of the accounts, and I am fully aware of the insider trading involved. If there are any problems, we can go to court and have a good fight with your legal department!"

"Director David, what do you mean?"

"I don't mean anything else. I just want you, Disney, to give an explanation to our Western Suburbs Branch today."

"What if I don't give it?"

"The group, the park, the assets, the media...all the properties will be sealed until you pay the tax evasion fines as intended!"

Hearing David's harsh words, the Robots on the side became numb.

And Bennett on the other end of the phone didn't hear any more sounds for a long time.

A full minute passed before a voice came from the other end of the phone: "Young people should not be too arrogant when they gain power. You still need to learn the rules of the game in America. Only if you learn well can you continue to play. If you don’t learn well, maybe you will be Kendi!”

"Are you threatening me?"

David's expression also darkened.

It is said that the boss behind Disney has a Jewish background, and now that the boss has brought up the example of Kennedy, it proves that the rumors are more or less accurate.

But having said that, if the person he was talking to on the phone now was someone from the Mogen family, then he might be wary.

Even though the boss behind Disney is a member of the Jewish people, he does not believe that he can occupy an important position in the Jewish people or the Masonic group.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the General Administration to send him here knowing that this situation might arise.

Furthermore, the current situation is basically an arrow on the string that has to be fired. Even if the opponent has a Yutai background, he will not let it go!

This will destroy his character and career.

"I can't talk about threats. I'm just reminding you not to do things so cruelly."

"Oh, by the way, Director David, I would also like to remind you that Disney has 160,000 employees in the United States alone, and the total number of employees worldwide exceeds 220,000."

"If you do this, it may be equivalent to cutting off the jobs of 160,000 people. If you dare to seize all our industrial assets, can you afford the subsequent responsibilities?"

At this point, Bennett's tone gradually became higher.

Let alone 160,000 employees, in the American social system, even protests and demonstrations caused by the unemployment of 1,000 employees would trigger a nationwide shock.

No matter how powerful you David or the IRS are, how dare you go against so many unemployed employees?

"Really? Then you see if I dare!"

Bennett was stunned. He originally thought that when he threw out 160,000 chips, David would definitely have some scruples, but he didn't expect that this bastard was still so tough.

Angry in his heart, he gritted his teeth and replied: "Okay, very good, you young people really don't know how high the sky is, so let's take a good look at what will happen next!"

As soon as the words fell, both parties hung up the phone at the same time.

Okanji, who was sitting next to him, was so frightened that his head shrank.

That’s all for the sake of talking about it.

David definitely couldn't follow the phone line and do anything to Bennett, but he was still here.

He wouldn't be detained directly and thrown into jail on a pile of charges, right?

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. In order to 'save his life', Okanji quickly explained: "Director David, this is my boss's decision, and I can't interfere in anything. So be it, I will resign immediately when I get back. You see... …”

"It's really none of your business, you can leave!"


Okanji was stunned. He never thought that David would let him go so easily.

Could it be that Chief David is showing kindness?

Without enough time to think too much, Okanji quickly retracted his thoughts, thanked him and hurried out of the director's office and walked out the door.

"Come out, the person in charge of Disney is out!"

"Brothers, the results of the quiz will be announced soon. Let's see what the results are!"

"Looking at the expression on the person in charge's face, I think the talks with Director David must have broken down. It must be!"

Looking at the camera and seeing Okanji coming out of the game, the whole network was instantly excited.

The media reporters did not dare to neglect and gathered around for interviews.

However, Okanji had no intention of being interviewed like the previous heads of major film companies. He got into his car and ran away.

At this time, not only the media reporters at the scene, but also the online audience were a little confused.

In the past, every one of the six major film companies would be interviewed after the negotiation. Why is it Disney's turn to be like this?

Could it be...


The deal must have broken down!

Only after the talks collapse, there is no need to speak to the public to appease people and the stock market!

"Shet, now we can eliminate the option of guessing the number one spot."

"Now that the talks have collapsed, this is a wonderful outcome. Disney will rely on its strong background to continue to resist!"

"Not necessarily! 3 is also possible!"

"There is also 4. Although everyone chooses 4 less, it is possible!"

As if they had guessed what Disney would do next, at this moment, the entire Internet was once again abuzz.

Everyone wants to see how Disney will choose to resist David and the IRS.

And how will David and the IRS impose sanctions on Disney!

At the western suburbs branch, David picked up the phone and dialed Donald's number.

"I've read the news reports. If you have any ideas, just tell me David."

Donald obviously saw Disney's reluctance through news reports, so he asked straightforwardly when he received the call.

"Deputy Director Donald, I now have billions of funds in Disney's illegal tax avoidance, and I have also talked with Disney's representatives and the boss behind him. It seems that they are not I plan to surrender, so I plan to seal down their headquarters and all the businesses under it, what do you think?"

"Search their headquarters and various industries?!"

Donald's heavy voice came from the other end of the phone, and then he said: "Disney has many industries and many employees. If this is the case, I'm afraid it will cause a big repercussion..."

"I know Deputy Chief Donald, so I plan to do this..."

A few minutes later.

After listening, Donald replied: "According to what you said, this method is not bad, but this matter is not trivial. I think our General Administration will hold a high-level meeting to discuss it first!"


In Washington, the Internal Revenue Service, Donald hung up the phone and immediately asked his secretary to notify all senior officials to come to the conference room.

After everyone gathered, with everyone watching, Donald spoke: "I believe you have also seen from the news that our Director David and the Disney representative have broken down. What do you think?"

"The six major Hollywood studios have surrendered, but Disney is still holding on. It's really a tough nut to crack."

"Because they are giants in the domestic entertainment industry and have a Jewish background, it is normal for them to be confident and confident."

"Whatever the background of the Jewish people, after the major film companies announced that they would pay a total of 8 billion US dollars in taxes, the whole country rejoiced, and the White House even sent us praise. We are bound to get this Disney!"


As the saying goes, money moves people's hearts.

If it were in the past, considering the influence of Disney in all aspects, the IRS would still have to be more cautious.

But not long ago, the 8 billion that David brought was so exciting, so now most senior executives believe that Disney will win it no matter what.

Once Disney is taken over, Hollywood film companies of all sizes will definitely be honest without the last piece of shield. Coupled with Disney's penalty, the tax revenue generated will definitely be far more than An astronomical figure of 8 billion US dollars!

Although David received this money, as the senior officials of the IRS, this will be a political achievement that will be counted on everyone. After all, David was not promoted by them?

Of course, there is another main reason why the executives are so unified in taking action against Disney.

That is, they know that Disney does not play a core role in the Jewish people or the Masonic group.

And it is impossible for this group to get into a fight with the IRS over a Disney.

Although Freemasonry is powerful, it affects all walks of life in the United States, and it can be regarded as a powerful force.

But the IRS is not a vegetarian. They want money, people, and their own armed forces.

No matter in any country, the barrel of a gun is always the truth!

This is the confidence of many senior executives present!

"It's like this. Director David has collected evidence of Disney's alleged tax evasion of billions of dollars. Now that Disney is unwilling to cooperate, according to his idea, he wants to seize Disney's headquarters and its various businesses. All walks of life, what do you think?”

As soon as Donald said this, the senior executives who had seemed to support him no matter what just fell silent.

Logically speaking, since Disney dares to go against them, based on their IRS behavior, doing so is not excessive at all.

But Disney has too many employees. Once this is done, it will mean that hundreds of thousands of people will lose their jobs.

At that time, these people will not care whether you are the IRS or not.

Without food or wages, they will definitely hold various demonstrations to impeach the IRS.

This is definitely something to be concerned about.

Donald understood everyone's concerns and continued: "I know what everyone is worried about, but Director David also proposed an idea. It is very simple to not anger these employees for the demonstration. During their temporary unemployment, they can receive unemployment benefits. Gold is OK!”

Upon hearing this, Lahan immediately retorted: "Unemployment benefits? It's not a small amount of money for so many people!"

"Yes, it is indeed not a small amount, but if you want to calculate it this way, let's calculate it as if they have 200,000 employees. During this unemployment period, they will pay each person 200 US dollars per day, which will be 40 million US dollars in one day. Let them give it out for 10 days, it’s only a mere US$400 million.”

"And our Director David has generated more than 10 billion in tax revenue for us during his time in the Western Suburbs Branch alone, so this shouldn't be a lot of money, right?"

After hearing this, both Obadiah and the other senior officials became thoughtful.

To put it bluntly, if it were in the past, every tax payment in the IRS would have a budget. Of course, it would be impossible to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to randomly distribute unemployment benefits.

But it's different now.

The more than 10 billion tax revenue that David has generated for them has not been approved in any budget, and it is completely sitting on their accounts.

Spending hundreds of millions of dollars to provide relief funds to these people to appease them is of course no problem and is not too much at all.

"As long as we announce this decision, it's too late for these employees to be happy, so why would they go out to demonstrate?"

Donald added: "And don't worry, everyone, Director David has already studied it, and he will 'squeeze' a dime back from Disney for the money. This is a lesson to them!"

"And once they are sealed, they won't be able to hold on for long."

"After all, for a group with a market value of hundreds of billions, seizing them will not cause any loss to us, but the loss to them will be huge."

"So in the end, they will either have to give in or stop this group, but this is highly likely to be impossible!"

After hearing this, the senior executives recognized it even more.

Since Disney refuses to drink fine wine when toasting, then there is nothing wrong with squeezing this relief fund back from them!

Then Obadiah looked at Vertonghen and asked: "How about Consultant Vertonghen?"

"I think it's feasible!"

Vertonghen didn't have any ink and answered directly.

"Okay, Deputy Director Donald, then tell David that we agree to the proposal to seize all Disney properties!"

"I understand, Director!"

Western Suburbs Branch.

"David, your proposal has been unanimously recognized and approved by the senior management of the General Administration!"

"Okay Deputy Chief Donald, I understand!"

It seems that it is almost as he predicted. Although Disney has a background in Yutai, it is not a core member of that group of people, otherwise the top management would not approve it so easily.

And since the senior management doesn't worry about this, he doesn't have to worry too much about being suddenly 'brained' when he goes out one day.

Putting away his thoughts, David immediately picked up the phone and called in more than a dozen tax chiefs including Nissenbaki Simons.


After everyone came in, they stood upright and waited for orders.

"Listen to me first. You will gather your team members later. Nissen, you go to Burbank and seize their group building.

"Bucky, you are responsible for seizing the Disney Movie Headquarters in Hollywood."

"Simmons, you are responsible for sealing down their amusement park..."

When they heard that all of Disney's properties were to be seized, everyone was shocked, but they quickly came to their senses and became more motivated. Then they all said that they wanted to turn around and do it.

"Wait a minute Simmons..."

David seemed to remember something and warned: "There will be many parents with children in Disneyland. You must explain to them patiently and promise to compensate them. Don't have unnecessary disputes with these tourists." Cause more trouble, understand?”

"Understood Director, I won't cause any trouble!"

Simmons promised, and then walked out of the office resolutely.

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