United states tax collector

Chapter 233 Penalty of 1 billion US dollars

"How on earth did you know that?"

The three Smolletts tried hard to figure out why so many of the company's secrets were discovered by the Western Suburbs Bureau.

"I don't need to tell you this!"

"What do you want?"

"I have said before that if we make up for the tax that should be paid to us, pay me a late tax fee, and announce the results to the media, then the matter will be over!"

Hearing this, the three of them frowned.

It's easy to make up for the tax or even pay a late fee. The key thing is that if the result is announced to the media, it will be like directly stabbing the seven major film companies in the back and becoming the enemy of the entire Hollywood.

But if David doesn't follow what he says and David leaks the information he has, let alone the acquisition deal with Amazon, the entire Mi Gao Beauty Store will go bankrupt immediately. .

What a dilemma!

After thinking for a while, Smollett said with an embarrassed look: "Director David, can we go back and think about it carefully?"

"I know you three can't make a decision on this matter alone. I can prepare a lounge for you. You can call your shareholders and investors... After explaining the situation to them, come back and talk to me immediately. Make a decision!"

David didn't want to delay it any longer. He had to get some results on the Hollywood tax audit today, otherwise the whole world would be paying so much attention to this matter, and he would be under a lot of pressure.

Of course, the three of them realized that David was forcing them to give an answer today, and their expressions turned gloomy at this moment.

After about a minute, Smollett could only reply helplessly: "Okay."

David picked up the landline phone he was sitting on, and a few minutes later, Nissen walked in and took the three Smolletts out of the office to a lounge not far away.

"Unexpectedly, the western suburbs branch not only found out about our $4.8 billion leverage in 2005, but also found out about Amazon's acquisition of us. What should we do?"

Raymond touched his back. It turned out that during the conversation just now, sweat had unknowingly soaked his shirt.

"Farke, we kept the acquisition of Amazon so secret that no more than 10 people in the entire company knew about it. How did David know about it?"

"No matter how we know it, the transaction will be completed in about 4 months. Now this matter must not be a big deal, otherwise our rice cake beauty will be really finished, and none of us will get a penny. If you don’t do it well, you’ll have to go to jail!”


Several people were discussing each other word by word.

But the conclusion is the same.

We are now in the most important period of acquisition, and we must not let this matter ruin the acquisition!

"Since we can't let this matter go viral, we can only accept punishment and block the mouths of David and the Western Suburbs Bureau. But if we do this, we will stand in the face of the entire Hollywood. This... this will be isolated and... It’s targeted!”

"It is true that we will be isolated and targeted, but I think based on the current situation, after David targets us, he will definitely continue to target the other seven major film companies. The seven major film companies will definitely have no time to worry about us anymore. , and if David successfully wins the seven major film companies, then everyone will be in the same league, so why talk about isolation and targeting?"

Board member Lucy's words made Smollett and Raymond look moved, and then she continued: "Even if David didn't successfully win the seven major film companies in the end, I think our acquisition with Amazon had already been completed by then. We have almost achieved it. With Amazon as our backing, do we still need to be afraid of being targeted and isolated by the seven major film companies?"

"Mr. Smollett, I think Ms. Lucy is right!"

Raymond immediately agreed.

Although Smollett on the side did not speak directly, it could be seen from his shining eyes that he also thought Lucy's words were very reasonable.

If the seven major film companies fell into the hands of David like them, then everyone would be wearing the same pants, so why talk about isolation and targeting?

And if the seven major film companies finally retreat, then their deal with Amazon is almost completed. With the endorsement of this giant company, do they need to worry about being targeted and isolated?

Thinking of this, Smollett nodded and said: "In that case, Lucy, you call Dewey and Donahue...them, Raymond, you call Springhall, Quinton...them, pay attention to us. Explain the stakes!”

After receiving the instructions, the two people immediately took out their mobile phones and called other important members of Mi Gaomei's board of directors.

It wasn't until nearly an hour later that the three of them pushed out the door with exhausted expressions and returned to the director's office.

At this time, David was blowing into the steaming tea cup. Even if the three people came in, they couldn't raise his eyelids.

"Director David, we can do as you ask, but I hope you can also keep your promise and not disclose our secrets (scandals)!"

Smollett spoke up.

"It would have been over if it had been like this. It took me a long time to talk."

David cursed in his heart, put down his tea cup and replied: "To be honest, our IRS is only interested in collecting taxes, not your company's secrets or scandals, so you just need to pay us the evaded taxes honestly." amount, and late fees, then everything is happy!”

Hearing this, Smollett and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and then he asked with a hint of anxiety: "Director David, I wonder how much the late fee... will be paid?"

"As far as I know, Amazon's purchase price for you is 8 billion U.S. dollars. You are still negotiating recently. There should be no problem when it comes to 8.5 billion U.S. dollars..."

Hearing this, the three Smolletts felt bitter again.

Unexpectedly, David Su could find out that their company was going to be acquired by Amazon. He even found out top-secret information such as the acquisition price. No wonder he seemed convinced of them.

But before they could think about it, David's next words made them even more stunned.

"So, we don't want more, you can just pay 1 billion!"


The three of them were stunned, and their brains felt twitching.

One billion US dollars, isn’t that much?

Is it enough to just pay a billion US dollars?

How dare you say this.

And you must know that this acquisition fund of more than 8 billion yuan is not just for them, but also for many investors and shareholders.

If one billion US dollars were cut out of thin air now, how would you explain it to so many people?

"Why, do you think it's a lot?"

David narrowed his eyes and exuded an aura of calmness and authority.

"Director David, we are willing to pay the tax evasion and late payment fines, but this amount... is too huge, and I'm afraid it will be difficult for our board of directors to accept it..."

People were under the roof, so even if he was dissatisfied now, Smollett did not dare to contradict him and could only reply tactfully.

"The taxes you have owed are as old as Fuchs Film Company for more than ten or twenty years. In terms of the nature of the tax, you are much more serious than Fuchs Film Company. After all, you have made many acquisitions. What you have experienced now is just a penalty of US$1 billion, which is only one-eighth of your purchase price, so don’t be dissatisfied!”

"I know Director David, but this fine... please reduce it a little if appropriate, so that we can have an explanation with the board of directors."

Smollett was a little unable to refute these words, but he still gritted his teeth and begged.

But David lost his patience and said coldly: "I'm not negotiating with you now. You either have to pay the tax evasion penalty or you bear the consequences!"

These non-negotiable words made the three of Smollett completely discouraged. After exchanging glances, Smollett said feebly: "Okay, Director David, but 1 billion is not a small amount of money." , I hope you can give us some grace."

"One week!"

David also knows that the current financial situation of Mijiaomei is not good, so he is waiting for the acquisition of Amazon to renew his life. So far, he has not pressed too hard.

After hearing that David gave a one-week deadline, the Smolletts were relieved, because if they were asked to come up with the money immediately, they would definitely not be able to come up with it.


After Smollett agreed to pay the tax evasion penalty, Mikuamei Film Company was able to escape from the tax investigation of the Western Suburbs Branch.

When the three of them walked out of the door, the media who were stationed here and wanted to capture first-hand news immediately swarmed over.

"Mr. Smollett, are you here to discuss tax clearance with Director David?"

"Mr. Smollett, under the 'threat' of Director David, has your Rice Cake Company compromised?"

"Mr. Smollett, is your company really under threat?"

As one of the eight major film companies in Hollywood, Mi Gaomei's every move has naturally attracted much attention from the media after the Western Suburbs Branch launched a tax clearance operation.

This time, three senior executives of their company were summoned here, which aroused many people's speculation and discussion.

"Don't be anxious, listen to me first!"

Smollett spread his hands and pressed down, and said: "First of all, the Western Suburban Branch is an agency under the Internal Revenue Service. It is not a bandit or gangster and does not pose any threat to us. Secondly, after some friendly discussions, After the negotiation, we did reach some agreement with Director David."

According to the agreement with David, he had to tell the media about this matter, so he had to bite the bullet and speak out now.

"Mr. Smollett, may I ask what agreement you and Director David have reached?"

The words of the Los Angeles Times reporter asked the voices of people at the scene and those watching the live broadcast.

"Years ago, our Migomei tax department had some problems, which resulted in some tax issues not being dealt with in time. After Director David's investigation, we deeply realized our mistakes and voluntarily paid the previous taxes. , and late payment fees totaling US$1 billion.”

Upon hearing this, the media reporters at the scene and the audience watching in real time were stunned.

Realized your mistake?

Voluntarily pay a $1 billion penalty?

This is 1 billion.

It's not 10 yuan. Who can give it voluntarily?

"Holy shit, are you serious? Mi Gaomei voluntarily accepted and was fined 1 billion U.S. dollars?"

"Isn't Mi Gaomei one of the eight major film companies in Hollywood? The other seven major film companies are currently indifferent. How come he 'surrendered'?"

"No, it must be that the Western Suburbs Branch got hold of some tax evasion evidence against them like they did against Fuchs Film Company in the previous trial. That's why they are now being punished like this!"

Soon, most people came to their senses.

Needless to say, David must have mastered the irrefutable evidence of tax evasion and all kinds of black materials about Rice Cake Beauty Company, just like he did with Fuchs Film Company before. This is why Rice Cake Beauty Company has to spend money to eliminate the disaster. .

Thinking of this, the media reporters and the people watching once again felt a little scared about David's wrist.

How long has it been since David was transferred to the Western Suburbs Bureau? Not only did he manage Zhu Li and other big shots to be obedient, but even the world-famous eight major Hollywood film studios, Rice Cake Beauty, were now forced to vomit blood like this.

Meanwhile, Disney Studios Headquarters.

"Fake Squid, can anyone tell me what the damn rice cake is doing? Why did you make such a decision without even talking to me?"

Okanji was so angry that he was about to go crazy. He kept slapping his palms on the table and roaring, while the senior executives of Disney Pictures on the side also had extremely solemn expressions.

It wasn't until a long time later that a senior executive said in a deep voice: "There's no way Mi Gao Mei will compromise like this, unless David has a hold on their lives!"

In fact, it doesn’t need to be said by this senior executive. Everyone here has guessed it. If Mi Gaomei hadn’t been pinched by her fate, how could she have recognized her like this?

"Mi Gao's compromise is a bad start. Now I'm worried that those 'fools' will surrender to the Western Suburbs Bureau under pressure. By then, under this domino effect, we will become the target of public criticism."

"Lang Fu is right. Since David can grasp the handle of Fuchs and now Mi Gaomei, it is hard to say that he will not be able to grasp the handle of other companies. Maybe he has already started to strike while the iron is hot and is targeting the next company. ”

"Vice President Okanji, what matters is what the headquarters said. Hasn't there been any progress in lobbying Congress?"

After hearing about lobbying Congress, Okanji recovered from his anger and replied: "The headquarters is already operating, but this matter is very important and will take some time."

"Vice President Okanji, I think you should go to the head office in person and urge them. This cannot continue."

"I understand, you go contact the six major companies and tell them not to be like Mi Gaomei and make such a decision that is detrimental to the interests of the entire Hollywood!"

After Rice Cake Beauty publicly paid a US$1 billion fine, which caused a stir, the popularity at home and abroad is still high.

Among the eight major Hollywood film companies, Fuchs has been publicly named by the Western Suburbs Bureau, but because it involves the giant company Disney, he is still investigating and collecting evidence and has not been challenged.

Rice cake beauty was even publicly fined 1 billion, which shocked the entire film and television industry.

So who will be next?

In the western suburbs branch, David called Jerome into the office and asked, "What's going on at United Artists."

"According to information, one of their bosses, Tom Crouse, has returned to the company from abroad to take charge of the overall situation!"

The United Artists Film Company he was talking about was one of the eight major film companies in Hollywood.

"Tom Cruise is back?"

David thought for a moment and then said, "Okay, then invite him over for a talk!"


An hour later, when the media were still speculating about which company would suffer next, the arrival of a commercial vehicle and the figures stepping out of it instantly cleared up their doubts.

"Tom Cruise, that's Tom Cruise!"

"As early as 2006, Tom Cruise and his partners invested in the purchase of United Artists Pictures. I am here to represent this company."

Compared with the rest of the seven major movie giants.

United Artists Pictures has been in decline over the years, and it almost relies on Tom Cruise's new films every year to stay afloat.

The appearance of Tom Cruise did not trigger a rush of interviews from the media.

Because they know it very well.

Interviews are worthless now.

The highlight is only the interview after the negotiation results come out!

Tom Cruise and his entourage walked into the bureau, and under the leadership of a dedicated person, they came to the director's office.

"Hello Director David, my name is Tom Cruz. This is Avello, the CEO of our United Artists Film Company. This is our Vice President Nokmand. This is..."

Although the Oscar incident, Fuchs, and the Rice Cake Beauty Inc. incident made the entire film and television wall panic, Tom Cruise still maintained his grace and smile, and introduced the senior executives of his company to David one by one.


David shook hands one by one and then motioned for both parties to sit down and talk in detail.

"That's it, Director David. I went abroad for business some time ago and I just came back these two days. But I also understand the situation. I think our company should have no problem. This has been the case for our company for so many years. All tax lists.”

Although Tom Cruise is an actor, he is naturally not stupid. Without knowing whether the Western Suburbs Bureau has a handle on their company, he naturally wants to deny the tax issues in principle.

If they were lucky and David didn't get a handle on them, they would be lucky.

Even if they have the handle, it won't matter. Anyway, Mi Gaomei Film Company has already made a start. If they are forced to give in, they won't have to bear so much pressure.

Of course, the first thing we need to know now is whether David is going to attack United Artists when he summoned them today. If so, what kind of bargaining chips does David have in his hand?

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