United states tax collector

Chapter 214 Alpha Force arrests people

After taking it, Elvis looked at it carefully, but as the contents continued to come to his eyes, his expression first became serious, serious, and then horrified.

To be honest, before seeing this information, he even doubted whether David had arrested the wrong person.

After all, whether it is the California Institute of Technology or the World Trade Center Association, the number of members and the flow of people involved are too huge.

In his judgment, this was definitely not a workload that could be completed in just a few days.

But now, David has not only uncovered the two Bear Country spies hiding in California Institute of Technology, but also uncovered three commercial spies from the World Trade Center Association. This is incredible.

"How...how did you find them out?"

"I have my own way."

Although Elvis wanted to know the so-called method, David was obviously unwilling to elaborate, and it was difficult for him to continue to ask.

Finally, after a moment of reflection, he said, "How about we don't want the three commercial spies and leave the two from the California Institute of Technology to us?"

The three people from the World Trade Association were just commercial spies, and they were not that destructive to the country, while the two from the California Institute of Technology were stealing core technologies, which was obviously more important. After they were handed over, Elvis' The credit will naturally be greater.

"No, these three people are not entrusted to you."

"What's the meaning?"

Elvis still didn't understand.

"I used these five people in exchange for Rodgorski. I also captured four more from the city hall and the Naval Air Station. Those four are your share, but I haven't tried them yet. Go and judge for yourselves.”


Just now, Elvis was distracted by the five spies. Now he reacted after hearing these words. There are four more spies?

And they were caught by the City Hall and the Naval Air Station?

Not to mention the ones caught by the city hall, the spies at the Naval Air Station were a real threat to national defense security. You can imagine their magnitude.

If it is really confirmed that he is a spy of this level, and if he is reported to the police, then his previous crime of causing huge losses to the Xiongguo site will not be completely offset, but at least he will not be dismissed or liquidated for it. .

"The person is in our detention room. I will ask someone to take you to receive him..."

"Wait a minute, Director David..."

Elvis seemed to have thought of something. He rolled his eyes and said, "In addition to the four spies, how about you also hand over the two spies caught by Caltech to me, Rodgorski?" Regarding the matter, how about our CIA come forward to kill him for you?"

These spies were like gold bricks in his eyes. The more spies he handed over, the more political achievements he would achieve. How could he not fight for them?

"Why do I want to kill him? What I want is to capture him and put him in our court for trial. Only then can we shock everyone!"

David was not a fool, so he naturally refused without hesitation.

There was bitterness in the corner of Elvis's mouth, but he still said without giving up: "If we want to catch him... it's not impossible. Can we, the CIA, come out to interview him?"

"No, I don't have time to fuss. That's it, Director Elvis, don't say any more."

David was a little impatient. If the two California Institute of Technology spies were also handed over to the CIA, the remaining three commercial spies might not have enough leverage to negotiate with Xiong Country. Naturally, he had to be more cautious.


Having said this, Elvis could no longer press on.

He also knew that the four spies David gave him were far more important than the five, and it would be a bit ugly if he continued to ask for more.

After all, in this arrest operation, the CIA only provided one piece of intelligence information. It can be said that they got four important spies without any effort. This wave of truth is a big profit.

About half an hour after Elvis left, there was a knock on the office door. David stopped what he was doing and shouted: "Come in."

The next second, Nissen pushed the door open, followed by a man in his fifties.

This man has a round face and a fat belly, and his suit is bulging out with a big belly. The buttons on it look like they are barely buttoned up, and they seem to be about to fall apart at any time.

"Director, this is Mr. Turgenev, the consul of the Bear Country."

David immediately extended his right hand to him: "Hello, Mr. Consul Turgenev."

Turgenev also stretched out his right hand and shook it, and then said impatiently: "Director David, I have a lot of work. If you have anything to say, just say it."

According to international regulations, the IRS had no control over the Xiong Country Consulate, so he had no intention of killing David.

But Nissen was too vicious, saying that as long as he didn't come, the Western Suburbs Branch would thoroughly investigate the tax issues of all Xiong people in the area.

And once the Western Suburbs Branch does this, their Xiong Country Consulate will also need to cooperate to deal with a lot of troubles. Therefore, Turgenev can be said to have been forced to come here, so it is strange that he can look good now.

"Okay, let me tell you straight. I think you, Mr. Consul, have heard about Rodgorski..."

Turgenev immediately extended his palm to signal to stop, and then said: "Yes, I have heard about this, but I'm sorry, Director David, I don't care what crimes Rodgorsky committed in your jurisdiction, But he is a citizen of our Bear Country, and he is in Bear Country now. There is no extradition agreement between our two countries, so I can’t help you.”

He thought David wanted him to help extradite Rodgorski.

"You misunderstood Mr. Consul. I didn't mean to ask for your help. I just wanted to make a deal with you."


A look of confusion appeared on Turgenev's face.

David took out the documents of the five people in Elsi and pushed them in front of Turgenev.

Turgenev paused for a moment, then picked it up and opened it to look at it, but soon after he had finished digesting it, his face suddenly darkened.

"Mr. Consul, these five people are suspected of engaging in espionage activities in our country. According to the criminal law, they should be sentenced severely. But fortunately, they fell into the hands of our IRS instead of the FBI and CIA. Therefore, I plan to use them in exchange for Luo Degorski, what do you think?”

In fact, after reading the documents of these five people, Turgenev had already guessed David's intention, so he was not surprised to hear these words now.

But after pondering for a while, he still refused: "No, we will not exchange."

First of all, the Bear Country and the United States have had a sworn enemy relationship for many years, and now the Rodgorski incident has caused a lot of trouble in the city.

If they, the Bear Country, extradite Rodgorski to the United States, what would other countries think of them?

And what will the people of Bear Country think of them?

Countries will believe that their country chose to be weak when facing the United States and chose not to protect the citizens of their own country.

This is extremely weak behavior!

This is a matter of Xiong Country’s face!

David sneered and said, "No change? I'm afraid the citizens of your country won't agree!"

"What's the meaning?"

Turgenev frowned.

"If you don't change, I will immediately hold a press conference to announce this to the world and tell everyone that among these five soldiers who have fought life and death for the country and a despicable drug dealer, you have chosen Drug dealers, I will punish these five people with the death penalty later, how do you think your citizens will view you?"


Turgenev's forehead showed blue veins, obviously he was very angry.

If David really announced this to the whole world, what would other countries think of them? Not to mention the Bear Country, the citizens of their own countries would definitely be excited.

The citizens will definitely accuse them of the Bear Country officials for refusing to save the country and even giving up five people who were loyal to the country for a damn drug dealer.

And this will also chill the other spies and agents of the Bear Country Security Agency.

David’s move is too cruel!

"Mr. Consul, exchanging Rodgorski with us may damage the majesty of your bear country, but your citizens will definitely understand it. But if you don't hand it over, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to surrender." Citizen Account.”

Turgenev certainly understood this.

He also knew David's behavior. He just said that if they didn't change, the five spies would be sentenced to death.

What is capital punishment?

Like other members of the Rodgorski Group before, they will definitely receive a shocking thousand-year sentence.

If this is the case, I am afraid that the people in their own country will be even more upset.

After thinking about it for a while, Turgenev knew that the matter was no longer something he could decide, so he could only say in a deep voice: "I want to make a phone call."

David made a sign of approval.

About half an hour later, Turgenev came back, and he said with a heavy face: "In addition to these five people, I think there are four more of us who have fallen into your hands, right?"

David replied: "You are quite well informed."

"With the addition of these four people, we agreed to the exchange."

David smiled disdainfully and replied: "It's not a good deal to trade one drug dealer for nine of your elite talents."

"What does the IRS want them for? It's just to collect taxes. We can provide as much as you need."

"Sorry, there is no need to talk about these four people. I am now willing to offer these five people in exchange, which already represents a great deal of sincerity. Don't push too far. If you really want to change, you can talk to the CIA. I believe in their There are also many agents caught by your Bear Country."

Turgenev's brows knitted into a Sichuan shape, and after a long time he said: "We still have some conditions."

"tell me the story."

"First, this matter is being carried out in a low-key manner. We will not make any public announcement about changing people with you. Second, you cannot make a public announcement either!"

"I can accept that you won't make a public statement about replacing us, but I can't agree to keeping it low-key. In short, I won't involve your officials, but as for what the media and the public speculate, I can't control it."

Turgenev thought about it for a while, and finally nodded in approval: "Then how to exchange?"

"It's very simple. You can arrange for someone to pick up your people and send them back home now. As for Rodgorski, he will be delivered here before 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. It should be no problem for you, right?"

Hearing this, Turgenev was stunned, and then asked: "Can we take the person back to the country now? Aren't you afraid that we won't send Rodgorsky to you after we send the person back to the country?"

David showed his big white teeth and replied lightly: "Do you think that since I can catch you nine spies, I won't be able to catch you lurking in other places?"

Turgenev's expression froze.

David's words were actually a warning to him. If he dared to break the appointment, many spies in the Bear Country would suffer.

And if everyone behaves with integrity, then David will not go out of his way to spy on the Bear Country. After all, this is the responsibility of the FBI and CIA.

Of course Turgenev understood, and he immediately replied: "Don't worry, the United States and the Bear Country are both major countries in the world, and you and I have reached this agreement as representatives of both parties, so we will naturally abide by the agreement. "

"That's right, Mr. Consul."

after an hour.

In Bear Country, St. Petersburg, and the manor where Rodgorski is located, a large number of bodyguards are stationed at the door, around the perimeter, and at the commanding heights on the second floor.

At this time, in a jungle not far from them, a group of people appeared quietly.

This group of people wore black combat uniforms, night vision goggles on their heads, and a multi-functional tactical belt around their waists, which carried various practical equipment, such as grenades, flash bombs, tactical knives, etc. In addition, each of them The man is holding a Kalashnikov with a silencer.

"05, 06, you go around the left side and deal with the people there, 07, 08, you are responsible for the right side, 11, 12, you are responsible for the commanding heights..."

Under the instructions of a leader, this group of people began to move quietly according to the arrangement.

At the same time, in the manor, although the reward had not yet been successful, Rodgorski was in a good mood after seeing the overwhelming public criticism and abuse faced by David. He was drinking red wine in the hall while working with his men. International chess.

"Mr. Rodgorski, according to the news, David has been hiding in the western suburbs branch for three days. Now many people are attacking him for being cowardly. How about increasing the reward amount and giving him another reward?" How about adding fuel to the fire?"

Hearing his subordinate's proposal, Rodgorski's expression changed, he stretched out his finger, shook it, and said with a smile: "Your proposal is good, then let the news out, and I will increase the reward by 5 million!"

The man took out his phone and was about to call someone on the road in Los Angeles, but a sudden sound of breaking glass shocked him, and also shocked Rodgorski.

When they turned around, they saw that several glass windows on the wall had been kicked to pieces, and four heavily armed men in black rushed in with cables hanging.

"Raise your hands and don't move!"

Before the two of them could react, the door here was also broken in. Rodgorski and his men could be said to have been dumped in an instant.

"Who are you? Do you know where this is?"

After all, Rodgorski is someone who has seen big scenes. Even though he has become a lamb to be slaughtered, he still has no intention of being afraid.

However, the group of men in black ignored him. Four of them walked up slowly with guns in hand. They quickly controlled Rodgorski and his men and handcuffed them.

"Damn it, who are you, I want to call Deputy Mayor Anastasia!"

This group of heavily armed people still ignored him, but Rodgorski's men seemed to see something. He said tremblingly: "You...you are from the Alpha Special Forces?!"


Rodgorski, who was originally arrogant and dissatisfied, suddenly showed a look of horror after hearing the name.

You know, Alpha Special Forces, this is a force as famous as the American Navy SEALs, and it is currently the most elite force in the Bear Country.

Under normal circumstances, this unit is only deployed in counter-terrorism and war. He is just a drug dealer. How can He De labor this elite unit to come to his door in person?

"You...what are you going to do?"

At this time, Rodgorski was trembling when he spoke, but at the same time he was also very puzzled as to where this troop was provoked.

Or maybe he provoked someone that attracted this troop to come and arrest him.

In an instant, Rodgorski thought about all the people he had offended recently and in the past, but no matter how he thought about it, he could not come up with a result.

The only one that comes to mind is David, who can be called his mortal enemy at the moment.

But then again, as a branch director of the US Internal Revenue Service, can David command the Alpha Special Forces to arrest him?

What an international joke!

This is a force belonging to the Federal Security Bureau of the Bear Country. Not to mention David, even in the Bear Country there are not many high-level officials who can command it.

Before Rodgorski could continue his thoughts, two members of Alpha had already held his arms on the left and right, and he hurriedly said: "Why on earth do you Alpha want to arrest me? You have to give me an explanation, right? "

Unfortunately, the members of Alpha had no intention of explaining to him, and still went their own way and took him out and sent him to a car that had been arranged in advance.

About forty minutes later, the vehicle arrived at St. Petersburg Pulkovo International Airport.

Rodgorski, who was already panicking, was so scared that he almost peed when he saw that he was being taken to the airport.

Logically speaking, if members like Alpha want to escort him to other places, they can just take a car. Even if they want to go to Moscow or other cities, they can just go to other airports. There is no need to come to such a large international airport.

And now he is here. Could it be that he is being sent abroad?

Could it be that this Alpha Force was really ordered by David to capture him?

But how is this possible...

He is a real citizen of the Bear Country, and the relationship between the Bear Country and the United States is well known to the world. If he is handed over to the United States, will the Bear Country official still want to lose face?

Rodgorski couldn't understand it at all, but there was no time for him to think about it. Seeing that the members of Alpha were about to put him on a large passenger plane, he quickly shouted at the top of his lungs: "You are going to hand me over to the United States." You can't do this. I am a citizen of the Bear Country and I want to sue..."

Before he could continue shouting, the members of Alpha Force probably thought he was too noisy, so they simply took off their tactical gloves and blocked his mouth, and finally forced him onto the plane.

Western Suburbs Branch.

"Okay, Mr. Consul, happy cooperation!"

In the office, David put down the phone.

It was Turgenev who called him. The other person told him that he had been caught and put on the plane, and he would just go to the airport to receive him tomorrow.

Putting away his thoughts, David picked up the phone again...

Washington D.C. General Administration.

It was already night time. According to the past situation, all the senior executives had already gone back to their homes, but now, almost all the senior executives were still in their respective offices, waiting for the news that David said was coming.

Donald's office.

At this time, Donald was smoking one cigarette after another, looking at his watch again and again, and he seemed very irritable.

At this moment, the ringing of the phone shocked him, and he immediately picked it up: "I'm Donald."

"Deputy Director Donald, this is David. The matter has been settled. Rodgorski has been sent over by the Bear Country. It is expected to be received at eight or nine tomorrow morning."

After hearing this, Donald was not overjoyed instantly, but seemed unable to accept the huge impact of the news. After being petrified for a while, he confirmed in disbelief: "Send it here from the Bear Country? Are you serious about what you said?"

"Of course I'm serious."

"Okay, now it's time, you can tell me what's going on!"

“Here’s the thing Deputy Chief Donald…”

David told the story of capturing spies and then exchanging spies one by one.

After hearing what he said, Donald still couldn't hide the look of shock on his face. Using spies to replace Xiongguo officials was indeed an extremely perfect method.

After all, even if the Bear Country officials no longer want to hand over Rodgorski, they absolutely dare not bear the infamy of refusing to save a loyal man.

So in the end, we have no choice but to hand over Rodgorski, a drug dealer with a long history of crimes.

But having said that, in just a few days, David has captured so many spies as bargaining chips. This is incredible.

If David hadn't told him personally now, he wouldn't be able to believe it even if he were beaten to death.

"That's it specifically, Deputy Chief Donald."

"Very well David, you did a great job. When Rodgorski is officially accepted tomorrow, our General Administration will definitely remember your contribution!"

Regardless of how David captured so many spies as bargaining chips, if Rodgorski really falls into the hands of the IRS, it will not only wash away the infamy he has suffered these days, but also give the world a big blow. of shock.

Even Rodgorski, who was in Bear Country, was captured by our IRS. Just tell us how powerful our IRS is!

Thinking of this, the corner of Donald's mouth gradually raised a smile that was harder to suppress than AK. He said to the phone: "Okay, then you can have a good night's rest and come forward to tell the media about this matter tomorrow morning. Take them to receive Rodgorski and make good use of this incident to promote it!”

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