Chapter 125 I am the Heavenly King

   While Jiang Yang was listening to Aunt and the others chatting, his cell phone rang.

  Li Qingning asked: "Honey, where are you?"

  Jiang Yang said he was on the subway.

   "Zhou Hao didn't drive?"

   "He's been drinking."

  Li Qingning said that she will be home soon, waiting for him in the supermarket, and will go shopping in the supermarket later.

  Jiang Yang agreed to come down.

Just about to transfer, Jiang Yang hung up the phone. On the way to the transfer, a Father’s Day advertisement had just finished broadcasting on a large screen, and it was broadcasting an advertisement for the finals of "The Next Stop, King of Songs". Accompanied by music, it makes people's blood boil.

  I heard that the show was originally going to be called "I Am the King of Heaven", but Meng Zaixing's fans resisted, and had to change the name later. Jiang Yang felt that the nickname of his daughter-in-law was really good, and no one would grab it.

   Zhou Hao saw him looking at the big screen, and asked Jiang Yang, "Who do you like?"

  He is optimistic about Shen Meng, "This buddy has a really good voice."

  Jiang Yang said he didn't know anyone.

  Zhou Hao: "You are too ignorant, don't you usually watch TV?"


  Jiang Yang turned to look at him, "But do you think I'm just watching people sing?"

   Zhou Hao thought so too, the big devil is by his side, every day is a concert, "Master, give me another bite of dog food."

  After they got out of the subway, Zhou Hao walked back through the park, Jiang Yang went into the supermarket, and found Li Qingning in the snack area.

  Li Qingning was looking down at the packaging while wearing a hat.

  Jiang Yang ran over.

  Li Qingning looked up at him, then continued to lower his head.

  Jiang Yang hugged her, "Call her husband."


  Li Qingning took it for granted, threw the snacks into the trolley, and turned his face to let Jiang Yang kiss him. She was picking things in front, and Jiang Yang was pushing the cart behind, chatting about what happened for a long time, "Zhuang Mei called me specially, saying that the script will be finalized in these two days."

  Jiang Yang said that Zhang Xiaotao also called him.

  Suddenly, Jiang Yang asked Li Qingning, "Father's Day is coming soon."

  My heart must come.

   This was Li Qingning's first Father's Day after he married him. His father-in-law didn't quite agree with it.

   Maybe write a song.

  About his father, Jiang Yang still remembered, but not completely.

Jiang Yang was still searching, but Li Qingning heard, "... In 1994, the crops had already been harvested, and my old mother passed away last year... At that time, my daughter must be amazingly beautiful. Someone who loves her The man wants to marry her and go home..."

  Li Qingning looked back at him.

  She came back and took Jiang Yang's arm, "As for the gift, you have already prepared it."

  Go back and print out "Murder on the Orient Express", then bind it, and send the miniature model of the Orient Express over by the way. Lao Li has worked in politics and law all his life, and he is very good at this, especially at the end of the novel, when Polo puts two choices in front of everyone, he also puts the problem in front of everyone. I believe Lao Li will like this situation very much. of this controversy.

  Jiang Yang heard that the old man liked this, so he could write a lot, and he went back to dig.

  Li Qingning let him rest.

  Lao Li is the best coaxer, the key is her mother, and her mother says nothing at home, her father's opinion is not important at all.

  Jiang Yang asked her, what does the mother-in-law like?

   "Playing the piano."

  Jiang Yang should be exempted. It’s not that he has never played the piano at home.

  The next day.

   The employees were still resting, so Zhou Hao and Jiang Yang went to the company.

   Zhou Hao went back to place an order last night, and the game console arrived today. Jiang Yang followed Li Qingning to work, so he happened to come here to have a good time. But when they arrived in front of the company, Zhou Hao wondered, "The door is not locked, was it stolen?"

  The two of them looked at each other and walked in quietly.

   Then, I saw Han Xiaoxiao and the four of them were busy in the company.

  After they saw Jiangyang coming, they switched pages, switched pages, and turned off screens.

  Good guy, this is treating the company as an Internet cafe.

However, they are not all leisure, Han Xiaoxiao is still working, not only boasting Jiangyang on the Internet, Han Xiaoxiao also recorded all the phone calls and customer contact information of the visits these days, after all, the customers do not know that they take a week off "Mr. Zhou, ever since the short film of Floating Time became popular, our company's phone calls have been buzzing, and everyone is vying to cooperate with our company."

  Zhou Hao said: "Why do you remember that?"

  He has always believed in resignation.

  Han Xiaoxiao couldn't help but roll her eyes. It was the first time she saw such a wayward boss in business. However, having said that, as expected of someone who graduated from Communication University and worked in a TV station, it is different for those with skills, who can pick up jobs.

  Jiang Yang asked Han Xiaoxiao to think aloud, in case of inspiration.

Han Xiaoxiao took a look at her record and read a few clients. Jiang Yang and Zhou Hao were all rejected. The provincial TV station in my hometown wants to shoot a public service advertisement."

   Not only Kyoto TV needs public service advertisements, but other TV stations also need public service advertisements. Now that Jiang Yang's public service advertisement on Kyoto TV station has received a good response, and now there is a tear-jerking short film, this public service advertisement business naturally came to the door.


  Jiang Yang turned around, this business can be accepted.

  I met an old man with dementia on the subway yesterday. When he saw him thinking of his father and bursting into tears, Jiang Yang had a hint of inspiration. Now he may be able to take advantage of the public service advertisement to shoot the inspiration.

  Jiang Yang asked Zhou Hao to contact the client, and he went to write out the idea.

In fact, this idea was not conceived by Jiang Yang, but came out of Jiang Yang's mind when he saw the old man yesterday. He didn't remember what kind of short film it was, but only remembered a pregnant woman and An old man sits at the bus stop.

  The old man talked to the pregnant woman and asked her how many months old the child was.

  The woman said more than 20 weeks.

  The old man said that the goods were about to be unloaded, and asked her if she was very excited to see the child soon.

  The woman said I was scared.

  The old man: "What are you afraid of?"


  The old man said: "You will be fine."

  Woman: "Really?"

  Old man: "Where's your family?"

  The woman is about to cry: "It's just me and my dad, and he's sick, so—"

  The old man comforted her: "It will be fine."

  The woman's eyes were red, she looked at him, and hesitated to speak.

   At this moment, the bus came, the woman stood up, walked to the front of the bus, and then turned around to greet the old man, "Dad, let's go."

   At that moment, the old man's eyes were confused, helpless, and there was a hint of distress.

  Jiang Yang remembers seeing the old man’s eyes at the end when he first saw this short film.

  Of course, Jiang Yang's inspiration was not to directly transfer it to this short film.

  He thought of the old man on the subway.

  When the old man saw the Father’s Day advertisement, he thought of his father, and his memory returned to when his father was still there, and he wanted to go home to see his father. When he knew that his father was dead, his heart must have been very painful.

   Father's prose poem

   Let’s update tomorrow, and wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!



  (end of this chapter)

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