Undercover In Harry Potter Chapter 200

In this dark and unknown space, countless golden and black light spots fluttered and undulated, as if they were running quietly according to a certain law.

Jason is in front of a fuzzy silhouette, and it is not even clear whether it is a humanoid or not.

"I am lucky and bad luck, because the two have always been attached. Just like gambling, your luck causes other people's bad luck, so I am both lucky and bad luck."

"I am lucky and bad luck. p>

This fuzzy silhouette said calmly.

Jason listened to the other party's words, stopped to think for a while, and then asked: "Then why did you at first only say that you are the god of luck?"

The other party replied: "Luck and bad luck are attached to each other, but not for people, basically they will not be reflected in people at the same time. At the same time, people always see only luck, not bad luck, so what you see at first It's really just the god of luck."

"Then you mean, I'm not seeing the god of luck, but the god of bad luck?" Jason asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's both, and it's not." The other party said, "You have seen luck and bad luck, and you also know the true face of God, so you can regard me as the god of luck or as The god of misfortune, if you call me specifically, you can call me the god of luck."

After listening to the other party's words, Jason also had feelings in his heart, and at the same time thought of what he knew from them when he was in China. There is a saying, "Blessed and misfortune depend on fortune, and misfortune lies behind".

"Then many thanks, but I want to know, you said help me become a god, so what are you planning to help me master?" Jason asked.

"As far as I know of the gods, there are also many weak and weak gods similar to me. As the god of luck was talking, suddenly all around black spots of light suddenly increased wildly, and the black liquid golden waves under the two of them also rolled up, as if alarmed by something.

Jason looked up and looked in all directions, but it was dark all around and couldn't see anything at all.

However, the body of the god of luck was shaking, and the original fuzzy silhouette became clear in an instant, and it became a tall human figure wearing a dark golden robe and indifferent between males and females. His long white hair fell to his heels, his eyes were golden and black, and he was looking at the sky solemnly at the moment.


The god of luck was snorted, a golden light flickered on his body, the whole space was illuminated by this golden light, and instantly calmed down, and the turbulent black liquid golden waves also Like a palm smoothing.

"I talked to you too much just now, and it has attracted the attention of some gods, you have to be careful." Yunshen put his hands behind his back, lightly said, "but don't worry too much. , it is the gods who are struggling on whilst at death's door, and the gods who are powerful are not so easily disturbed."

Jason nodded, looked directly at the god of luck, and said, "I don't know. How strong are the comprehended people in this world."

Lucky for a while, then said: "As far as I know, there are only six comprehended people on this planet right now. , your teacher Grindelwald is one of them."

After he finished speaking, the space in front of Jason seemed to be rippling, the surrounding was twisted, and then there was a cracking sound in his ear, like something Collapsed, Jason finally found himself still sitting in the bar room.

Jason got out of bed and stood silent for a while before slowly sitting down.

During Jason's induction, the god of luck seemed to have left his body and went to other places. At the same time, Jason suddenly felt as if something was missing, and after a closer look, Jason Understand that this is the loss of the so-called good luck that the god of luck gave to himself.

However, Jason didn't panic, and he didn't care too much about this good luck Jason. What he was thinking about now was the six people who were comprehended by the comprehended law that the god of luck said before.

The god of luck said that Jason's teacher Grindelwald comprehended the law, and Jason can probably guess about this. After all, Grindelwald is known as the first wizard in history that is so tyrannical that it threatens the entire world .

As for the other five people, Jason also had some guesses in his mind, but he was not too sure.


Britain, Hogwarts wizard magic school.

Because today is Christmas Eve, the professors also organized a banquet to relax the students.

Because of Fudge's resignation, the Ministry of Magic also removed the dementor stationed in Hogwarts, but since Sirius has not been arrested yet, the Ministry of Magic has sent a group of Aurors to protect the safety of Hogwarts .

In the auditorium, Dumbledore was eating a pork chop while Professor McGonagall next to him was reading a copy of the Seer Evening News.

"Ai, there's been a lot of things going on recently." Professor McGonagall was obviously worried about the recent changes in the British magic circle, the first being the escape from Azkaban, who had never escaped from prison. , the prisoner Sirius · Black is the target of Harry · Potter's life, and later the Ministry of Magic Cornelius · Fudge corruption, was dismissed by the International Wizard Federation, these things are not trivial in any country.

Dumbledore noticed Professor McGonagall's displeasure, glanced at the Seer Evening News in her hand, stopped eating, turned slightly to her side and said, "Minerva, sometimes you don't have to worry too much. things."

Professor McGonagall looked sad, his eyes fell on Harry in the long table below, and sighed: "I'm worried that Black will hurt Harry by taking advantage of the current turmoil."

Dumbledore said with a faint smile: "Don't worry, no one will hurt Harry."

"Albus, I heard that when you went to the last meeting of the International Wizard Federation, someone said In fact, I'm very worried, will the one from Numengaard..." Professor McGonagall also knew a little about Dumbledore and Grindelwald, although he didn't quite understand it.

Dumbledore heard Numengaard, firmly grasped the knife and fork in his hand, but his face was light, and said calmly: "As long as I am not dead, he will not step out. Numengaard took a step, this is his promise to me."

Professor McGonagall asked, "Is it Unbreakable or a contract?"

Dumbledore smiled slightly, his eyes looking towards this It was a beautiful starry sky on the ceiling, his eyes were bright, and he said confidently: "It's a stricter agreement than this, and he can't violate it." magic is actually more severe than the unbreakable spell and the magic contract.

Professor McGonagall knew one thing, though, and that was Dumbledore's confidence in saying that.



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