Undercover In Harry Potter Chapter 118

A thousand years ago, there were four great wizards who joined forces to build a castle and teach young wizards magic.

This castle is Hogwarts!

The four founders each set up a house to accommodate students who meet their expectations.

Among them, Slytherin's philosophy, contrary to the other three founders, finally left in anger.

It is rumored that before Slytherin left, a Chamber of Secrets was left, which contained the things left by Slytherin.


Basilisk has been sleeping here for almost a thousand years.

For thousands of years, a few people have occasionally come here to look for him, but it is rare to actually go out for a walk.

For Basilisk, a thousand years is almost a lifetime.

As far as it is concerned, its whole life is to protect that thing.

It's a pity, however, that no one has been qualified to take that thing for thousands of years.

Now, my lifespan is about to come to an end, I'm afraid no one can see that thing.

Thinking of this, Basilisk was a little sad.

In the Chamber of Secrets, which had been silent for a long time, there was a sad sigh.


After Dumbledore got down with the four heads and Jason, he looked all around vigilantly.

Under their feet were the skeletons of various small animals, apparently left by Basilisk.

"It looks like everything is going well so far." Dumbledore looked all around and picked up a bone from the ground. "Well, it looks like this guy likes to eat."


After Professor Sprout got here, he immediately took out a handful of seeds from a small pocket he carried, and threw it directly on the ground.

At the same time, she took out her wand and swept it on Monday, while the blue and blue light swept across, those seeds sprouted one after another, burst into tender buds, and quickly grew to the height of half a person, the top of which was knotted. A lantern-like fruit emerges.

Professor Sprout swept again, a gust of breeze blew, and those lantern-like fruits burst open, and flew out a worm that only flashed light azure rays of light, with a pair of worms on its back. as thin as cicada wing.

As soon as these insects came out, they spread out immediately, moved towards those pipes and flew away.

This is a kind of magic plant called "Jiandi Bean", which is a magic plant generated by the larvae of the "Micro Spirit Insect" magic creature deposited in ordinary seeds.

As the magic plant matures, the adults fly out of the fruit, find new seeds, lay a large number of young eggs, and then die, and so on.

Professor Sprout released these things, naturally, not to let them reproduce, but to explore the way with their help.

These adult worms are all born from a female worm, and you can peep into the vision of these worms by taking the slough of the female worm.

Professor Sprout took out the slough of the female worm, looked at it with a complicated look, put it in his mouth, chewed a few mouthfuls, tasted the taste and swallowed it.

Then, in front of her eyes, scenes of images appeared, which were so complicated that ordinary people would only feel dazzled when they looked at them.

After about 5 points, Professional Sprout let out a breath, tapped his stomach with wand, and then there was a surge in his stomach, wa'ed, and Professional Sprout spit it out.

"There." Professor Sprout pointed in a direction.

Dumbledore glanced in that direction, then at Professor Sprout, and said warmly, "Would you like to rest for a while, Pomona."

Professor Sprout rubbed his stomach and said : "It's nothing, but every time I use this method, my stomach hurts, let's go."

Dumbledore hummed, looked at the other professors, and said "let's go".

The group of six moved towards that direction, and after a while, a huge emerald green snake shadow appeared in front of them.

Dumbledore stopped immediately and stood in front of the crowd with wand in his hand.

Jason stood behind, looking at the snake shadow in the distance, and thought to himself: "That is probably Basilisk's snake shedding."

Professor Sprout said: "Then It's Basilisk's slough, Albus."

Dumbledore took a closer look and found that it was indeed a slaughter before laughing and saying, "Well, let's go and see how many opponents there are later. Huge man."

The crowd walked over and watched this snake shed, it was about two ten inches long, brightly colored and emerald green.

"Oh, it's quite big." Dumbledore cried out in surprise.

Jason walked to the front of the snake slough, stretched out his hand to break it, and found that it was easy to break.

Professor Flitwick jumped to the front of the snake, tapped it with wand, and read "Avada Kedavra" in his mouth. He saw a flash of green rays of light, but nothing happened. Happened, but the color of the snake slough was a bit dim.

"I'm a little surprised by the magic resistance of Basilisk." Professor Flitwick was quite interested, stretched out his hand and broke off a piece, and played with it for a while.

Snape glanced at the snake slough, and also stepped forward to break it off a little, put it under his nose and sniffed, and finally his eyes lit up.

"Let's deal with this snake slough later." Dumbledore laughed, "The big guy in front is still waiting for us."

Everyone put it down and broke it down The snake sloughed and continued to walk forward, and then in front of everyone, there was a wall with two snakes intertwined with each other, and their eyes were inlaid with jade green gems, shining.

Jason saw the wall and immediately said, "This is it, but the Parseltongue needs to be opened."

Dumbledore glanced at Jason, his eyes flashed, and then he walked to the wall, wand Aiming at the wall, with a wave of his hand, a lightning bolt flashed, and everyone heard the rumbling of thunder in their ears.

The thunderbolt struck the wall directly, and the two snake carvings were smashed to pieces. There was a big hole in the wall, enough for more than ten people to pass.

Dumbledore looked at his results, smiled proudly, turned to everyone and said, "We..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a sound. , the rocks that were broken by the lightning flew up and rebuilt into a wall, intact.

Jason's eyes flashed purple brilliance. In front of his eyes, this wall was just an appearance, and where he couldn't see it, it was a dark green light curtain, up and down, forming a whole. You can't see what's going on inside.

"Looks like we can't get in by force, but I wonder if Fawkes can help us get in," Dumbledore murmured.

After he finished speaking, Dumbledore called "Fawkes", and then he heard a high-pitched bird chirping, and a flame ignited in the air, and the young Fawkes flew out of it.

It hovered in the air for a while, then landed on Dumbledore's left shoulder.

Dumbledore lightly patted Fawkes' head, and added, "We need your help, Fawkes."

Fawkes agreed a few times.

"Okay, everyone, stand up and grab me," Dumbledore said.

So Professor McGonagall took Dumbledore's left arm, Professor Sprout held Dumbledore's right arm, Professor Flitwick held Dumbledore's thigh, and Snape reluctantly put his hand on Dumbledore's right shoulder .

Jason took a look and found that he didn't seem to have a place for himself, so he laughed and said, "Then I won't go in, it's enough for you to pack Basilisk."

This When Fawkes screamed and flew directly in front of Jason, his claws grabbed Jason's hood, fluttered his wings, and a mass of flames rose around him, and then Jason disappeared in place.



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