Chapter 3: If You Love Her, Just Eat Her (7/[-])

Just when Tianxiaoguan was so wronged that she was about to cry, Han Chunming saw her in his arms again, "Fool. You are not the only one in my world. But you are my world!"

"Bastard! Stupid! Stupid" You're teasing me again!" Guan Xiaoguan burst into tears. She didn't know why she started crying. But she couldn't stop the tears.

Guan Xiaoguan used all his strength to hug Han Chunming tightly, just now she thought her world was about to collapse.

She didn't know how much she loved Han Chunming before, and how important Han Chunming was to her.

Until just now, when she misunderstood that Han Chunming didn't love her,

The fear and fear she felt at that moment made Chi understand.

Han Chunming has really become the only one in her world as she said.

She!. Can't live without Han Chunming!

Jiang Xue stood up and coaxed, "Han Chunzhe, since you love little lazy cats. Then what should you do?"

Han Chunming replied. "Of course. If you love her, just gnaw on her!"

After Han Chunming finished speaking, he hugged Guan Xiaoguan and started to chew. Guan Xiaoguan responded enthusiastically that the two of them didn't care that everyone was still watching from the audience.

hug L

Forget about eating each other!

The crowd under the stage.They all stood up and applauded, sending blessings to both of them.

Jiang Xue was born in a scholarly family. She has always been sentimental, but at this time she was crying.

"A lover becomes a family.. When will I find him?" I don't want him to be good, just like Han Chunming

Li Ling on the side laughed. "Then you're going to be single for the rest of your life. There are very few good men like Han Chunming in this world, and some of them are probably already famous."

After the dog food is sprinkled, the next step is to eat and toast

Han Chunming

After toasting at other tables with Guan Xiaoguan, they returned to the main table and sat down.

As soon as Han Chunming and Guan Xiaoguan sat down, the old man Guan looked at the wine on the table. It was tasteless, "Grandson, today is a happy day, you will let your nine-door admiral grandpa drink this _! _.?"

Han Chunming touched Guan Xiaoguan, who immediately stood up and walked towards the back.After a while, she came out holding the two jars of wine.

"Grandpa, look at what a good thing this is"

Guan Xiaoguan put the wine jar in front of Mr. Guan, and Mr. Guan's eyes lit up when he saw it.

"That's good

Stuff, it looks like it's at least fifty years old? Where did it come from?"

Guan Xiaoguan saw Mr. Guan staring at Han Chunming.Pretending to be unhappy, he said, "Grandpa's wine is what I brought for you, but you should praise the bend first."

"Praise you? Humph! When I, the admiral, didn't know that I got it for nothing, Y Tuerde said, where did you get this good thing..., loe Han Chunming said, "I opened the first Hui De When I was in the convenience store, didn't I buy a bistro? At that time, there was a small yard behind the bistro, and this girl Hong was found under the osmanthus tree in the backyard. "

"Yes, yes, my daughter has been treasured for 50 years.

Red, it's cheaper for you in the end. " said the old man Guan.

"Master, you are wrong, this is not cheap for me, but for you, and this time you have a hole in your eyes, this girl Hong has not been treasured for 50 years, but 70 years!"

The second man at the same table had not spoken before. Han Chunming asked him yesterday. He said that he would find an opportunity today to help him and Mr. Guan resolve the conflict.This is what he is waiting for.

Now is the chance to chime in....

_ "God really favors you boy. Just being a 70-year-old daughter in this altar is worth the money you bought the tavern."

I can't help it.Interjected.

Han Chunming said, "Besides this daughter Hong_, I also found a drawing of a horse in the yard. Guess who drew it, Hou Jun."

The shabby Hou was surprised. "But Xu Beihong?"

"Okay, you kid bought a tavern. Not only did the business start up, but you also picked up such a big bargain." The shabby Hou was really jealous of Han Chunming's luck.

But this kind of luck doesn't come with jealousy. The tavern was bought by Han Chunming. Whether it's Daughter Hong or Xu Beihong's horse drawing, it belongs to Han Chunming's chance.Others can't grab e.

Otherwise, daughter Hong and Xu Jiu

Hong's paintings will not be in the hands of Han Chunming after so many years of public management.

"Okay, let's not talk about it. Come and taste what it's like to have a daughter, Hong, who has been treasured for 70 years."

"Yeah." Ling'er is really suitable for drinking Nurse Hong these days.Little lazy cat.This time you can't be lazy, come and fill it up for everyone!

Guan Xiaoguan stood up, opened his daughter Hong, and suddenly the fragrance of wine came out. Mr. Guan and the shabby Hou said in unison, "Good wine!"

Jiang Xue and Li Ling also stretched their necks_ I can't wait to get close to the mouth of the altar to smell.

Its guests at the golden table smell the wine

, also looking this way.

Han Chunming stood up and said, "I'm sorry everyone. This daughter, Hong, is my master helping the little lazy cat to collect the famous year, so everyone has no luck. When I hold the official wedding banquet with the little lazy cat, please be sure to ask Good drink everyone!"

After hearing Han Chunming's words, the people who had some complaints were more balanced.

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