Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang

Chapter 459: Practicing reverse life, drawing inferences from one instance, Zhang Zhiwei’s unique un

In the "Essentials of Cultivation" given by Zuo Menzhang, there is the original mental method left by Lin Zhaoen, the founder of the Trinity Sect. This part is quite obscure, mysterious and mysterious, making it difficult for people to understand.

In this regard, Zuo Menzhang specially commented on his own understanding to make it easy to understand.

Zhang Zhiwei carefully read Lin Zhaoen's content several times and Zuo Ruotong's content several times. He felt that he had understood the essence and began to practice.

He took off his cloud shoes with round toes and thin soles, sat cross-legged on the bed, and assumed a pose with five hearts facing the sky, that is, the soles of his feet were facing the sky, the palms of his two hands were facing the sky, and the center of the top door was facing the sky.

True Qi originates from the lower Dantian, three inches below the navel, and circulates in a three-level path of reverse generation Qi.

When he was running, the palms of his two upturned feet, the palms of his palms facing up on his knees, and the Baihui point in the center of his head were beating with his breathing, as if his heart was beating. beat.

There is a heart in the palms of the hands, a heart in the feet, and a heart in the top of the head. These are the five hearts facing the sky.

This method is very sophisticated, but it is also difficult to get started. If it were an ordinary person, not to mention formal practice, it would take more than half a year just to find the Qi sense.

But Zhang Zhiwei himself is already in the realm of the Inner Sage and the Outer King. Under a high roof, learning the three steps of reversing life is not only equivalent to eating and drinking, but it is not much different.

He just sat cross-legged, immersed in practice, completely forgetting himself. Under his meticulous control, his true energy, as vast as the sea, flowed through the eight extraordinary meridians like a stream.

This made him feel comfortable and hot all over his body, and a ball of Qi was swimming rapidly in his body. This ball of Qi was so powerful that a bulge the size of a fist bulged out on Zhang Zhiwei's body.

This bulge is like a big bump, traveling all the way up from the lower abdomen. The journey is very smooth, and there is no obstruction at all the acupoints it passes.

If the Trinity disciples were to learn about this scene, their jaws would probably drop in shock. You must know that when he practices, the Qi he uses is often a small strand as thin as a hair.

But even so, when they passed through some meridians and acupuncture points, they were still extremely obscure. They only felt that the meridians were like rugged intestinal trails, narrow and steep. If you are not careful, you will fall.

And once it falls, it will be crazy, ranging from serious injuries to severe severing of meridians.

If the qi they are operating is as big as Zhang Zhiwei's, let alone the qi movement, the meridians will be severed and the Dantian will burst as soon as they use the energy.

However, this is a scene that is unimaginable to the people of Trinity Sect. However, Zhang Zhiwei seems to be extremely relaxed when running, as relaxed as a pedestrian walking on an eight-lane road without cars, jumping around and walking as he pleases. , Unless you are looking for death, you will not fall off the cliff no matter what.

He controlled this mass of Qi and shuttled back and forth through his meridians, getting faster and faster, even making a faint sound of wind and thunder.

This qi group is a condensed mass of the essence of qi and blood of the innate qi. This is called Yuan Jing or Yuan Dan in Taoist terminology. The practice of inner alchemy relies on this.

Whichever part of the body "Yuan Dan" travels to, that part will be moisturized and begin to glow with vitality. It can relieve pain, strengthen muscles and bones, refine diaphragms, regulate internal organs, and purify blood.

This is a process of tempering one's life. Whether it is the "Golden Light Curse" or the "Three Levels of Reverse Life", although the details of this process are different, the essence is that the energy of the Yuan Dan is generated within oneself, and begins to feed back the flesh and bones, making the whole person It's like a dead tree is blooming with spring.

Zuo Ruotong once said that the "Golden Light Mantra" is only a means of health maintenance for the Tianshi Mansion, and does not expect anything else, while the "Three Levels of Reverse Life" is the root of the Trinity Sect and is responsible for the important task of reaching the heavens.

But in Zhang Zhiwei's view, this "Three Levels of Reverse Life" is actually a health-preserving technique, and the effect is not bad. In terms of health-preserving skills alone, it is even stronger than the "Golden Light Curse".

Because the "Golden Light Curse" is more about tempering life in order to have a stronger body and soul, it is quite satisfactory in terms of maintaining the innate energy.

Although the "Third Level of Reverse Life" is weaker than the "Golden Light Curse" in tempering life, it is much better than the "Golden Light Curse" in terms of maintaining the innate energy.

The benefit of this is that people who practice the "Three Levels of Reverse Life" will live longer and have better battery life during combat.

Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself: "No wonder Zuo Menchang has always turned on the reverse life. Under the intense consumption of energy and spirit, he can still live to be more than seventy years old. The health-preserving effect of this technique is really extraordinary!"

However, considering the powerful effect of the "Reverse State" attached to "Reverse Life Three Levels", even though it is weaker than "Golden Light Curse" in tempering life, it is stronger than "Golden Light Curse" in terms of actual combat performance.

Perhaps it is for this reason that people from the Trinity Sect focus their practice on the state of rebirth.

After all, the focus on tempering life is more about longevity, and the improvement of combat power is quite satisfactory. However, the importance of lifespan cannot be felt until it is about to end.

But if you major in the state of reverse life, as long as you have enough talent and nothing unexpected happens, you can get involved in the second level of reverse life in ten or twenty years. By then, you will also be a well-known master in the world.

There is no need to say more about how to choose.

However, Zhang Zhiwei does not attach much importance to the side effects of the reverse state, other than "life". This is just a side trick.

He attaches more importance to the improvement of life in "Three Levels of Reverse Life".

Although the essence of it and "Golden Light Spell" are to temper life, the focus of the two is different.

Therefore, when Zhang Zhixiu practiced the "Three Levels of Reverse Life", he also gained something and improved. Although it was not big, at his current state, improvement is a good thing.

Even when Qi Xing meridians were being used, perhaps because of personal practice, he had a completely different understanding of some of the contents left by Lin Zhaoen than Zuo Menzhang's annotations.

Lin Zhaoen, the founder of the Trinity Sect, believes that the human body is born and dies, but the "life" that controls the human body can be immortal.

In his opinion, "life" comes from the "tai emptiness" that transcends all things, and its characteristics are naturally "empty". Therefore, in the mental method he left behind, there is "my true body, which is too empty and empty". ? But it is too empty and empty, so it can transport the empty space."

However, after a person is born, his innate energy is transformed into four limbs and hundreds of skeletons, and he loses his void body. Therefore, his "life" is separated and disappears with the death of his physical body.

Therefore, Lin Zhaoen believes that in order to make "life" immortal, it must be carefully and fearfully introspected, step by step, without thinking about surpassing oneself, and gradually eliminate desires of greed, hatred, lust, and smell.

Then get rid of the human body, the shackles of heaven, earth, and Taixu, align yourself with the Taixu of all things in the universe, and let "life" return to the Taixu of immortality, so that "life" can always exist. Immortal.

This is the practice philosophy of the Trinity School.

The general inner alchemy technique is based on essence, qi, and spirit, from essence to qi, and from qi to spirit, which is often said to be a hundred days of foundation building, refining grain into essence, refining essence into qi, and refining qi into spirit. , refining the gods and returning to the void...

On this basis, the Trinity Sect has several more changes. These changes are the origin of "Three Levels of Reverse Life".

Because the Trinity Sect believes that human life comes from the universe, it is later divided into the three levels of essence, energy, and spirit.

Therefore, they want to return to the first place three times.

In the plot, when Zuo Ruotong was passing away, he said that if the third level of the three levels of reverse birth could not return to one, this was the reason why he simply abandoned the name Sanyi.

Therefore, the practice of "Three Levels of Reverse Life" should consist of a hundred days of building the foundation, refining the grain into essence, refining essence into Qi, and refining Qi into spirit. Up to this point, it is the same as the traditional inner alchemy technique.

But then, the two began to diverge from each other. This is also the point where many inner alchemy skills are distinguished.

The traditional Quanzhen inner alchemy technique will be followed by refining the spirit and returning the emptiness, that is, bringing out the yin spirit and yang spirit, and then refining the emptiness and combining it with the Tao.

The "Golden Light Curse" does not have this step. In other words, the "Golden Light Curse" pursues the tempering of the three elements of essence, energy and spirit, but that is where it ends.

As for the later stage of refining the spirit and returning to the void, that is, letting "nature" become independent and break away from the category of "fate", this level does not exist in "Golden Light Curse".

Therefore, in Taoism, everyone unanimously believes that "Golden Light Mantra" is a health-preserving technique with no future.

But at the same time, it can also fit in with all exercises, because the solid energy and spirit it lays is the foundation for the subsequent development of any exercise.

And why is "Three Levels of Reverse Life" not a health-preserving exercise? Because it has a follow-up, and this follow-up is not the same as refining the gods and returning to the void, but refining two and returning to one, refining three and returning to one.

After all, as mentioned before, the Trinity Sect believes that human beings are born with one energy divided into essence and spirit.

Therefore, as long as you practice the three-in-one and integrate the essence, energy and spirit into one, wouldn't it be possible to return to the state of innate energy?

Among them, refining two to return one is to refine essence and qi into one body. The "jing" in essence, qi, and spirit generally refers to the basic substance that constitutes the human body, that is, the human body. Needless to say, qi.

Therefore, the unity of Jing and Qi is the integration of human body and Qi, which is the transformation of Qi.

Refining three times to return to one means turning the essence, energy, and spirit into qi. The "spirit" in the essence, qi, and spirit is contained in the head. If you want to do this, you must turn the head into qi. This is the so-called third step of the Trinity Sect. The third level is the bottleneck Zuo Ruotong is experiencing now.

However, although Zhang Zhiwei arranged the practice of the Trinity Sect into several stages: building the foundation in a hundred days, refining the grain into essence, refining essence into Qi, refining Qi into spirit, refining two times to return to one, and refining three times to return to one.

But in fact, the people of the Trinity Sect have already begun to refine the two and return to the one as early as the step of refining the Qi.

Because both "jing" and "qi" are present, it already has the conditions for Qi transformation.

But it is precisely for this reason that the path to Qi transformation of the Trinity Sect is particularly dangerous.

"The theory of the Trinity may sound fine at first glance, but how can acquired construction compare with innate harmony?"

Zhang Zhiwei didn't think about what went wrong with this step because it made no sense. He thought to himself:

"According to my opinion, the method of regenerating should only have the two levels of refining twice to return to one and refining to three to return to one. There is no third level. Now the Trinity Sect calls the first level of Qi to transform the muscles, bones, skin and flesh, and the second level of Qi to transform the internal organs. Strictly speaking, meridians are a process of refining two and returning to one."

"As for why the Trinity Sect calls the two levels three levels, it should be based on the Dantian. Although the practice of "The Three Levels of Rebirth" will use three Dantians, the construction of the first level is mainly based on the following Dantians. The second level is centered on the middle Dantian, and the third level is based on the upper Dantian, so the three levels are divided according to this!"

"But this third level is unsuccessful, because even if the three-level recovery is successful, the body will only be completely transformed into a ball of extremely powerful acquired energy. The strength will become stronger, but the essence will not change, and it will not be able to live forever. Don't say anything else."

"Moreover, whether it is refining two times to return one, or refining three times to return one, they are all temporary techniques, not permanent constructions, and they cannot affect one's own life. How about other things he talked about?"

"If you want me to practice...you have to get it back on track. How to get it back?"

"The last level of the Quanzhen Inner Alchemy Technique is the cultivation of the void and the combination of the Tao. Very few people have reached this level."

"Based on the records I read in the Daozang Hall, the stage of refining the void and combining the dao should be to use Yang Shen to refine the Qi in the void, that is, the natural Qi of heaven and earth, for one's own use. The effect is probably the same as that of a saint. The effect of Stealing Liuku Immortal Thief is almost the same.”

"But it is not an exaggeration to say that you are a saint by cultivating the inner alchemy skills to this level. Most of them will not have the side effects of the Liuku Immortal Thief. Moreover, this step of the inner alchemy skills does not use the six libraries in the body to absorb the natural world. Instead of using Yang Shen to absorb the power, there is an essential difference!"

"And the Yang God has the essence of heaven and earth, and the energy of heaven and earth serves as the foundation, so it does not need the essence and energy of the physical body, so it can abandon the shackles of the physical body and merge with heaven and earth. This is the so-called ascension, the so-called union!"

"Although the Yang Shen of the Quanzhen Religion is the embodiment of sex, human beings are transformed from the innate Qi, and the Yang Shen can also be regarded as a ball of Qi. If you are born in the third level of rebirth, after practicing three times and returning to one, you can directly practice the Quanzhen teachings. Is the way for gods to return to the void feasible?"

"To smelt the natural power of heaven and earth and turn it into one's own Qi, thus forming the process of refining the four and returning to one?"

Zhang Zhiwei thought for a while and felt that this must be feasible, because even without the previous refining of three to one, he could live forever by directly refining the natural power of heaven and earth, but it would have great side effects.

But this step is very difficult, because even among the Quanzhen Sect, which created this path, few have reached the realm of refining the void and combining the path. It will be even more difficult to practice an alternative form of refining the void and combining the path with the third level of rebirth.

But in this way, the position of the Trinity Sect can still be maintained, and the third level of rebirth can be regarded as a method to reach the sky. This method of refining the void and combining the Tao is probably not easy to master.

The Quanzhen Sect may have this method, but it certainly has no chance of being spread to outsiders. Even just like how no one in the Zhuge family learned the Samadhi True Fire, no one in the Quanzhen Sect can practice it to that point.

Therefore, there is still no way out at this step.

"But there are no absolutes. The Immortal Thief of Liuku may be used as a reference. Unfortunately, the Zuomen leader in the plot did not survive the Jiashen Rebellion. If he could get the Immortal Thief of Liuku, the stagnant water of Trinity Gate might be restored. I can really be revitalized by him!"

Zhang Zhiwei muttered to himself, but soon another thought came to his mind. He remembered the core of rebirth - to be a human being by submission, and to be an immortal by rebelliousness.

If the core should be reverse, it should not be the pursuit of turning into a piece of bullshit bird energy.

Since it is the opposite, you can go the other way to the end.

"Now the end point of the third level of rebirth is to practice three-in-one. When converted to the traditional Quanzhen inner alchemy technique, this step should be the step of 'refining qi and transforming into a god'."

"If you want to continue to go retrograde, the corresponding thing is to 'refining energy and transforming Qi', and to go retrograde is to 'refining Qi and transforming essence'!"

"'Refining Qi into Essence', 'Refining Qi into Essence', 'Refining Qi into Essence'..."

Zhang Zhiwei murmured a few words, then felt a flash of inspiration in his mind, and in an instant, he suddenly became enlightened.

"Refining Qi Transformation Essence, if you can turn Qi Transformation yourself into a body of flesh and blood while retaining your abilities..."

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