Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang

Chapter 353 The balance of good and evil, torture the human heart

While Zhang Zhiwei was thinking, the trial of rewarding good and punishing evil had already begun.

Although Zhong Kui looks ferocious and looks like a demon, he exudes an aura of justice and majesty, so he gives the impression of majesty rather than terror.

At this moment, he took out a green arrow in his hand.

The three characters Li Erdan are written on the order arrow. This is the first person to be judged by the Department of Rewarding Good and Punishing Evil.

Zhang Zhiwei knew this Li Erdan, and because of his name, he was quite impressed by him.

He is also a fellow disciple of Longhu Mountain, but he is not from Zhang Jingqing's lineage. He is a disciple of Yi Qian of Zhengyiguan, one or two years older than him, and he came here because he wanted to receive the ninth rank of the Exorcist Academy.

The ninth-grade legal position is the lowest legal position, which is equivalent to the ninth-grade sesame official. It was also the first time for Li Erdan to participate. Seeing that he was the first, he looked a little uneasy.

But Zhong Kui didn't care about this and handed the arrow to a judge who punished evildoers.

Since Zhong Kui was in charge, it was the judge from the Punishment Department who weighed the ceremony first.

The judge of the Punishment Department walked up to Li Erdan with his command arrow and threw it at him. The command arrow was like a talisman. The moment it flew out, it turned into an iron rope and bound Li Erdan.

Moreover, this iron lock is not used to simply tie people up, but passes directly through the human body, causing no harm, but it seems to have grown in the flesh, and the other end penetrates into the earth, firmly tying the person in place.

This posture made Li Erdan a little panicked. He subconsciously tugged on the iron lock a few times, but found that it couldn't be pulled at all.

Not only that, talismans, golden light spells and other means were also unable to be used. He seemed to have lost all his means and became an ordinary person.

And this made him even more worried. When do people feel most panicked and helpless?

Undoubtedly, it was a time when we lost what we relied on, and the ritual of the strangers was their magic. Now, although it was an assessment, Leng Buding found that his skills were useless, and he was immediately confused.

This scene made the faces of everyone behind them darken. This level was used by many gods during their assessments, but it was unique that they, like the Yin Gods, directly regarded them as immortal officials and Taoist priests who were masters of the law as prisoners.

Immediately afterwards, the judge of the Punishment Department walked up to Li Erdan, holding a scale in one hand, and thrust his other hand directly into his chest. When he took it back, there was a black weight in his hand.

He placed the weight on one end of the scale and said in a hoarse voice:

"Kill someone!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure with bloody eyes, wearing an animal skin, wearing a turban, and holding a steel knife, dressed like a bandit, appeared, stood behind Li Erdan, and looked directly at him.

Without even looking at the ghost, the judge of the Punishment Department reached into Li Erdan's chest, took out a black weight, and placed it on one end of the scale.

"Kill two people!"

Immediately afterwards, another figure with only half of its bloody body left, dressed like a bandit, appeared and stood behind him.

Zhang Zhiwei even saw that Senior Brother Li Erdan's body trembled and his face turned pale.

Although he didn't look back, it was obvious that he was aware of what was happening behind him.

"Kill three people!"

The judge continued to take out more and more ghosts behind Li Erdan, until he took out seven black chips. After seven ghosts stood behind Li Erdan, they finally stopped.

At this time, the balance was already slightly tilted due to the weight of seven weights on one end.

Li Erdan was tied up with iron chains and could not see the situation behind him. He only knew that the scale was tilting. He was sweating coldly and kept muttering in his mouth.

"I have never killed good people. All I have killed are evil people. They are evil people who robbed homes, robbed and raped..."

Seeing how embarrassed he was, Zhang Zhiwei reminded:

“Out of sight, out of mind, chant the sutra!”

Li Erdan was stunned for a moment, and then he closed his eyes, not looking at the scale, and not caring about the judge who was punishing evil beings digging around on his body, and read the scriptures.

Zhang Zhiwei's original intention was for him to recite the meditation mantra, but perhaps he felt that the ghosts were entangled behind him, so he actually recited the mantra for salvation.

"The gods of the ten directions, as numerous as sand and dust, have transformed into the realms of the ten directions, helped save the heavens and people, gathered their merits, and saved the world with one voice..."

"You Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain are very good-natured. How old is this little guy? He must be in his twenties. He has killed seven people. You are cultivators, and you are called bandit suppressors?" Maoshan Wei Wenwenyi His face was astonished.

"These bandits were probably caused by the believers who went up to the mountain to petition, and Zhengyi Guan sent people to kill them. This is a good thing!" Zhang Yushan paused and said.

"Bandits are everywhere, which is not a good thing!" Zhao Ruhui of the Qing Hui Sect sighed.

"This is indeed not a good thing, but it is a good thing to kill these filthy things. The robbers made mistakes and brought trouble to one party. Finding their traces and cutting off their roots can be regarded as a meritorious service. This little guy It’s very promising!”

Bai Yugong of Shenxiao Sect said: "Whose disciple is this?"

"It's Senior Brother Yi Qian who is in charge of Zhengyiguan!" Zhang Yushan said.

"It turns out he is a disciple of that old guy Yi Qian, no wonder!" Bai Yugong suddenly realized.

There are three important places in Longhu Mountain, one is the Tianshi Mansion, the second is the Great Shangqing Palace, and the third is the Zhengyi Temple. Among them, the Zhengyi Temple at the Qianshan Gate is responsible for all external affairs of the Tianshi Mansion and can be said to be the most important. Yi Potential is in charge of Zhengyiguan, which shows his high status in Tianshi Mansion.

In the past, Zhang Zhiwei also asked his master why Uncle Yi Qian was not given the fake surname. His master told him that if it is too strong, it will be easy to break. Yi Qian can't tolerate the slightest grain of sand in his eyes. He is absolutely unmerciful. His murderous intention was so serious that the previous generation of Celestial Masters never considered him as a candidate for Celestial Master, so they naturally did not give him a false surname. However, his contribution was great, so he was still taught the Yang Five Thunders.

In Zhang Zhiwei's view, Uncle Yi Qian's character is somewhat similar to that of Maoshan's senior brother Shi Jian, but with a better character, it is quite normal for his apprentice to kill more bandits.

At the same time, the Punishment Officer continued to take out seven black weights after he grabbed them. He grabbed another black weight from Li Erdan's chest, put it on one end of the scale, and shouted loudly. road:

“Violating the rules, eating four kinds of meat without permission!!”

Zhengyi followers can drink alcohol and eat meat, but they cannot eat beef, mullet, wild goose, and dog meat. These are called the four kinds of meat. Eating them is a violation of the commandments.

As for the reason, there is no other reason. It is just the preference of the ancestor Tianshi. He believes that dogs are very loyal, geese are very chaste, mullets are very filial, and cows are kind. These four animals have some noble spirits, so they should not be eaten.


Seeing this scene, Zhang Zhiwei's eyes flickered. He had eaten these things before, not because he deliberately got them to eat, but because he had eaten a few times when he went to the mountain tavern.

Small restaurants these days are not like those in later generations where you can order dishes. They eat whatever the store offers. If the store has dog meat, then eat dog meat. If the store has beef, then eat beef...

However, the sin of eating four kinds of meat is not too serious. It falls on the end of the scale, and I didn't even tremble that day.

Soon, the judge grabbed another black weight.

"Greedy and lustful!"

This time the weight was a little heavier and the scale tilted noticeably.

Everyone looked at this scene, looking at themselves with eyes and noses, noses and hearts, thinking about themselves.

Zhang Zhiwei raised his head. His lust must have nothing to do with him. He practiced the Five Yang Thunders and was still a boy.

Not only that, he has surrendered his own delusions, his mind is sitting high on the altar, and his body's desires can no longer interfere with him. As for being greedy...

I don't get drunk after a thousand cups, that's normal performance, not greedy... Zhang Zhiwei thought.

Immediately afterwards, another black weight was taken out.

"Lying and cheating!"

The scales continue to tip.





One black weight after another was taken out.

Everyone looked at it and their hearts skipped a beat. These weights in the back are basically common mistakes made by everyone. Although they are not heavy individually, their combined weight is not small. When they are pressed on the balance, they still make the balance tilt even more. .

Originally, everyone was full of confidence in this trial of good and evil. After all, how many of the heinous people dared to come to receive the law?

But now, they have some doubts about whether the ship will really capsize, even if it is such a small matter.

But fortunately, as the black weight representing "jealousy" was taken out and placed on the scale, the trial of the judge of the punishment department came to an end. Next, it was time for the judge of the reward department to appear.

The appearance of the judges who reward good deeds is the same as that of the judges who punish evil deeds, except that the color of their clothes is different, it is white, but at the same time, the weights they take out are also white.

I saw a white weight being taken out and placed on the other end of the scale, causing the tilted scale to rotate a little.

"Help the weak and help the poor!"

Another white weight.

"I am anxious for justice and love justice!"

The scales continue to tip.

"Root out the evil and kill the seven evil thieves!"

This white weight directly caused the tilted balance to completely turn around. Not only that, it even tilted a lot in the direction of good.

Seeing this, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time understood the meaning of rewarding good and punishing evil.

In the eyes of the Punishing Evil Division, killing is a sin, and killing is even more sinful. No matter whether the person is a good person or a bad person, it is still a sin, it just depends on the severity of the sin. In "Journey to the West", why did Tang Monk not kill any living creature? Even if he is a robber with many crimes, he will not let the monkey kill him. This is the reason.

But in the eyes of the Secretary for Rewarding Good Deeds, killing an evil person who is full of evil deeds is a good deed and should be rewarded. The good and the evil balance each other out. In terms of merits and demerits, it is obvious that the merits of killing the bandits are far greater than the faults of killing the bandits.

The judge from the Department of Rewarding Good People continued: "Kill one evil ghost!"

This time the weight was extraordinarily weighty, and it suddenly tipped the scale in the direction of good?

Obviously, killing evil ghosts is more cost-effective than killing evil people.

In the end, there was no doubt that Li Erdan was called a good person and was able to continue this assessment.

After Li Erdan, several more people came up, and they all got the good guy label, and everyone looked happy.

"The judge is here to be fair and impartial, and he will not tolerate violations of the law. As expected, as long as you are afraid of not doing anything wrong, you don't have to be afraid of being weighed by ghosts and gods."

"That's right. Even if there are occasional disqualifications, as long as you don't make any major mistakes and you have participated in subduing demons and eliminating ghosts on weekdays, this level won't be a problem!"

"After all, it is the first level of assessment. It is limited to moral character. It will definitely not be difficult. All fellow Taoists have behaved properly and done the right thing. How can you be afraid of these words?"

A group of people were talking about it, but several Taoist priests in the crowd changed their expressions, which didn't look good.

Sure enough, something went wrong during their trial. The black weights on their scales weighed more than the white weights, and they were labeled evildoers.

Without much explanation, Zhong Kui frowned, called a few ghost soldiers, and took the man down.

"Uncle Master, where will these people be taken?" Zhang Zhiwei asked curiously.

Zhang Yushan said: "It's a small punishment but a big admonition. It's just a small punishment in the interior scene. You can wake up after this legal examination is over. However, the Yin God is very good at punishment. I'm afraid this punishment will be hard enough to remember!"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded and was not surprised. After all, the provisions of "Taiwei Immortal Lord's merits and demerits" stipulate that even if there is a legal position, if the fault exceeds the merit, the heaviest punishment is just to strip off the legal position, which will not harm life. Let alone this!

The trial of good and evil continues. The person being tried this time is a middle-aged fat Taoist priest. He belongs to the Qing Sect of Maoshan Mountain, his name is Zhenren Qian. He is already holding the seventh-level legal position, and this time he is here to be awarded the sixth-level legal position.

The judge took out black weights from his chest.

"Insulting the public and enriching private interests, raping women, conspiring to harm others, disturbing people's hearts, killing people for money..."

Qian Zhenren watched helplessly as the judge took out one black code after another from his body. The end representing "goodness" on the scale was raised high, while the end representing "evil" sank firmly down. His fat face was covered with cold sweat.

At the same time, there are more and more ghosts behind him

But this situation did not last long. After the judge of the Good Rewards Division began the trial, his balance turned sharply.

The reason is that he often kills evil spirits, eradicates zombies, rescues the dead souls everywhere, and performs rituals...

Therefore, even if he is full of evil and unforgivable crimes, it is not an exaggeration to shoot him.

But in the end, as a result of the trial of good and evil, he turned out to be a good person.

In response, Zhong Kui just stared at him with big copper bell eyes for a while, and finally let him pass.

As he said before, the judge is impartial and will not tolerate those who break the law.

"Hahahaha... I'm scared to death of Master Dao, I'm scared to death of Master Dao!"

Qian Zhenren kept wiping his cold sweat, but he didn't see the ghost figures behind him. Although they still maintained the posture when they appeared, they quietly turned their faces, staring straight at them with pairs of eyes. Looking at him, there was a strange and vicious smile on his face, and his fierce look was already showing, and he was about to bite people.

After Zhang Zhiwei saw this scene, he was also thinking about what would happen if he passed this level.

He asked himself that he was definitely not as unworthy as this person.

But what will happen after those dense ghosts come out?

Everything he did in Liaodong was concealed. Everyone, including Zhang Yushan, only knew that he went to Changbai Mountain to fight, but they didn't know what he did in Bincheng.

If those ghosts come out, I'm afraid they won't be able to hide them.

After all, all the Japs in Changbai Mountain combined are not enough!

Moreover, he noticed that none of the ghost figures caught by the judge had been taken back. This was probably not unreasonable, and he expected it would be a bit troublesome.

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