Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang

Chapter 321 The Heavenly Relationship between the People of Heavenly Path

Arctic Exorcism Academy...Zhang Zhiwei was thinking about what his uncle said about the Immortal Officials' Dharma.

In fact, the five levels of the dharma urn have corresponding legal positions in the dharma lineage.

But just because there is a corresponding legal position, it does not mean that you will definitely be able to become one.

After all, the Dharma lineage is so big, and there are so many Taoist priests from various sects. Once they are divided, it is not enough.

For Taoist giants like Tianshi Mansion, there are two kinds of dharma offices to choose from, namely Shangqing Tianshu Academy and Arctic Exorcist Academy.

In fact, in addition to Shangqing Tianshu Academy and Arctic Exorcist Academy, there are many other dharma offices in the Taoist dharma lineage, such as Shenxiao Palace, Yufu Palace, Zhongtian Academy, Taiji Academy, Fumo Academy, Huanglu Academy...

However, these legal positions are all held by Taoist priests from other sects, such as Shenxiao Sect, Qingwei Sect, Jingming Sect, Hunyuan Sect, etc.

In short, the talismans are a rather large system. Although the talismans of various sects come from the same lineage, they are different.

Among the two major legal positions held by Tianshi Mansion.

The Tianshu Academy of the Shangqing Dynasty was a liberal arts academy, and most of the Taoist priests who were not good at fighting and killing were from this academy, such as Master Zhang Yi.

The Arctic Exorcism Academy is a martial arts academy, and most of the Taoist priests who like to shout and kill are from this academy, such as Yi Qian and Zhang Shoucheng of Zhengyi Guan.

Those who enter this hospital can be protected by heavenly soldiers, and when inviting the gods in the hospital, complex rituals can be simplified. The higher the position, the simpler the various rituals.

Among the gods who belong to the Arctic Exorcist Academy, there are the Four Saints of the North Pole, the Five Dou Star Lord, the Five Virtues Star Lord, the Twenty-Eight Constellations Star God, the Twelve Palace Gods, the Heavenly God King, and the Five Sacred Lords...

In short, even though the name of Arctic Exorcism Academy does not sound good, it can be said that there is a crouching tiger, hidden dragon inside. For example, the Zhenwu Emperor invited by Zhang Shoucheng, also known as the Four Saints of the Arctic, is one of the four marshals of the Arctic Exorcism Academy. It can be seen how high its gold content is?

After all, this is the dharma lineage of Longhu Mountain, the ancestral court of Taoism, and the resource allocation within it is naturally the best.

However, if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. These soldiers and horses are not white-collar workers. If you become an official in the Dharma lineage, you have to do serious work.

As for what's serious?

You must go out to earn merit.

If they all huddle in the mountains to practice, where does the power of faith come from for the gods of the Dharma lineage?

As for the specific number of merits required for each legal position, Zhang Zhiwei has not yet set foot in this field and does not know much about it.

"Uncle Master, you said you would arrange for me to enter the Arctic Exorcist Academy to serve as a priest, so you plan to arrange one for me..."

Zhang Zhiwei was about to ask Zhang Shoucheng, what rank would he be assigned to, and how many troops would he command? He was interrupted by Zhang Shoucheng.

Zhang Shoucheng corrected: "It's not an arrangement. How can I make arrangements? It's a recommendation. I'm just recommending you to join the Arctic Exorcist Academy of the Dharma Lineage. You must be reviewed and approved by the transmission master and the supervisor before you can report it to the Dharma Lineage!"

"I see!" Zhang Zhiwei nodded and said with a smile, "Isn't that foolproof?"

"How to be foolproof?" Zhang Shoucheng asked.

"The recommender is your uncle, the instructor is Uncle Zhang Yi, and the supervisor is my master. We are all our own people, so isn't that foolproof?" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

Zhang Shoucheng paused and said with a smile: "What you said seems to make sense. However, this can only be said to be a sure thing, not foolproof, because the final decision is in the hands of the gods of the Dharma lineage. If the gods think that you are not good enough, , no matter how much we support you, it will be in vain!”

"Oh, I understand, the most important thing is the god's opinion!"

When he said this, Zhang Zhiwei inexplicably thought of Emperor Zhenwu who taught him swordsmanship. Hearing the emperor's tone, he admired him quite a lot and also gave him the important task of wiping out the demons and clearing the world. This can be regarded as half of the The master who preaches and teaches is now one of our own.

And Emperor Zhenwu is one of the four marshals in the Arctic Exorcist Academy. His status is second only to Beidi. He is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. Isn't it just a matter of words for him to enter the Dharma lineage?

To come out to hang out, you must have power and background. From the recommender, to the supervisor, to the transmitter, and then to the great god in the dharma lineage, they are all one's own. With such a relationship that connects the heavens, how can he lose!

Seeing that Zhang Zhiwei was deep in thought, Zhang Shoucheng thought that he was worried about not being able to pass the test of the Dharma God, so he comforted him and said:

"Actually, you don't have to worry about this. The review by the gods of the Dharma Lineage mainly depends on merit. If you are a bad person who cannot live up to your merits, let alone serving in the Dharma Lineage, you may even be punished by God."

"Dan Zhiwei, during your trip to Liaodong, you killed the Japanese pirates, released the dragon veins, and saved the people. All combined, your merits are immeasurable. There is almost no possibility of failure for you!"

"Then I'll take my uncle's advice."

Zhang Zhiwei grinned and said: "By the way, Uncle Master, I remember the third-grade 'Shangqing Five Thunder Sutra'. The highest legal position that can be held is third-grade!"

"If I condense the Dharma into the 'Shangqing Five Thunder Sutra' during this ceremony, will you recommend me to a third-grade Dharma position?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Shoucheng was shocked. He stared at Zhang Zhiwei and said angrily:

"You have the guts to mention the third-grade legal position. Do you know what the third-grade legal position represents?"

"It means that you have higher authority in the Dharma lineage. You can lead more heavenly soldiers and borrow more divine power. Invite stronger gods..." Zhang Zhiwei said a long list.

Zhang Shoucheng said with a serious face: "These are the rights represented by the legal office, but have you ever thought about the obligations represented by the legal office?"

Zhang Zhiwei's face became serious: "Each corresponding legal position requires corresponding merit."

"Do you know the specific number?" Zhang Shoucheng asked.

"Want to hear the details!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Zhang Shoucheng began to explain: "The ninth-grade legal position requires saving more than ten people a year."

"If you complete the target for several consecutive years, you can ask the Recommended Master for promotion. Then at the Ordination Conference, after Master Zhuandu reports your Dharma lineage and the gods approve it, you can be promoted to the eighth level of Dharma rank."

"The merit requirements for the eighth-level legal position are that you must save more than 20 people a year. If you complete the target for several consecutive years, you can be promoted to the seventh-level legal position."

"The requirements for the seventh-level Dharma office are to save thirty people every year, the sixth level is forty people, the fifth level is a step up, and it needs to save more than a hundred people every year, and the fourth level is to save one hundred and twenty people. These are all It is a regular legal position, and it is also the pinnacle that ordinary Taoist priests can reach."

"As for the third-grade legal position you mentioned earlier, the merit is extremely high and should never be granted lightly. It requires perfect merit and deeds to be promoted."

"And if you really have immeasurable merit and are promoted to the third-level legal position, then the requirements have changed again. They are no longer calculated by years, but require five years and twelve years of merit!"

"The so-called one meritorious service here refers to saving one hundred people. That is to say, one thousand two hundred people are saved in five years. On average, two hundred and forty people are saved in one year. If it is really completed, there will be a chance to be promoted. Up to the second-grade legal position."

"When you reach the second-level legal position, the requirements are doubled again. It takes ten years and one hundred and twenty years of work, which is twelve thousand people. On average, you save one thousand two hundred people a year. If you can meet the requirements, you will have the opportunity to be promoted. To the first level of legal position."

"This is the obligation behind each level of legal position. More than 90% of the Taoist priests I teach are below the third-level legal position!"

"The reason for this is not only that it is difficult to improve the Dharma's rank, but also that the things you have to bear are too great. Of course, if you can truly achieve immeasurable merit and achieve a first-level Dharma position, you will be able to enjoy the incense in the Dharma lineage and be I teach you to worship from generation to generation!”

"So..." Zhang Shoucheng paused, looked at Zhang Zhiwei, and asked with a serious face: "Do you still want to receive the third-level legal position?"

Zhang Zhiwei did not answer immediately in a hot-headed manner, but asked instead: "Uncle Master, the bald donkeys often say that saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Saving people is a merit, but the number of people saved is not measured by the number of people saved." Is it too hasty to measure merit? Is saving good people the same as saving bad people?"

Zhang Shoucheng said: "Of course it's different. If you save a good person, the merit may be increased by more than one person. If you save a bad person, bad karma will result, and the merit may even be lost."

"But in this world, there are very few good people and not many evil people. Most of them are ordinary people who are intertwined with good and evil. Therefore, the standard of measurement is mainly ordinary people."

"Furthermore, this so-called measurement standard is just a rough estimate listed by the seniors after summarizing the assessment of merit by the gods of the Dharma lineage. It is for reference only. The true determination of merit depends on the wishes of the gods."

"That's it!" After listening to Zhang Shoucheng's explanation, Zhang Zhiwei nodded, and then said: "Then how do killing demons and evildoers count as merit?"

"I knew you were going to ask this!" Zhang Shoucheng said: "These also have measurement standards. Generally speaking, those who have made meritorious service to the country or done important things related to the sect can be regarded as two merits."

"If you pray for sunshine and rain for the people, drive away locusts, eliminate major disasters and epidemics, and benefit the people and property, you can consider it a meritorious service!"

"If you cut down mountains and destroy temples, and destroy obscene temples and worship in the wild, it can be regarded as a meritorious service!"

"The robber has made a mistake and is causing trouble. Finding his traces and cutting off his roots can be considered a great achievement!"

"If you refine your soul to resolve the injustice, pray for the people, and the retribution will be known, it can be regarded as a meritorious service!"

"If there is a miscarriage, if you help me, both mother and child will survive. It's a credit!"

Zhang Shoucheng talked a lot. Finally, he stopped talking, patted Zhang Zhiwei on the shoulder and said:

"In short, what I said is just a reference. Don't be too deliberate. Merits and other things are determined by nature. If you are too deliberate, it will be self-defeating!"

After listening to what Zhang Shoucheng said, Zhang Zhiwei inexplicably remembered a piece of news he saw in his previous life. A Taoist priest named Cangnan Xianju left the Taoist temple and traveled around, doing good deeds along the way, helping people build walls and tiles, and build roads and bridges. , I have been practicing meritorious deeds for a full year.

When he looked back, he saw that his hometown had been turned into a tourist attraction, and he had to buy a ticket to get in. He was so angry that he sent a five-minute telegram on the spot.

One year of virtue is gone in five minutes.

Zhang Shoucheng saw that Zhang Zhiwei was silent and said, "After listening to this, what do you think?"

Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "I was thinking, no wonder in many popular stories about shemale sadomasochism, there is an incomprehensible bull nose who suddenly jumps out without any grievance or hatred, under the banner of slaying demons and destroying demons. Breaking up the miserable mandarin ducks, I used to think that Niubi was really an elm-headed mandarin duck."

"If I meet him, I will definitely have the beauty of an adult. But now that I think about it, there is no such thing as the beauty of an adult. These are all great merits of walking. Except for him, he should save a hundred people."

"It's easy to save people who are bad, which is a waste of merit. Compared with this, this is a huge gain!"

After listening to Zhang Zhiwei's words, Zhang Shoucheng suddenly became speechless, and then repeated what he just said:

"Aliens with Qi tend to do a lot of evil, but it's not without good. In short, as I said before, just use it as a reference. Don't be too deliberate. If you are too deliberate, it will be self-defeating!"

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at Zhang Shoucheng and said:

"Uncle Master, why do you keep repeating this sentence? Didn't you say that one family does not speak the same language as the other? You are still playing riddles with me. Isn't the so-called merit actually the power of faith?"

"If you do good deeds, you will be praised by others, and you will naturally have the power of faith, which is the so-called merit. But the faith gained by doing good deeds is definitely not as good as directly preaching and recruiting believers, right?!"

"Speaking of which, the monks are better than us in this regard. Although there are many ascetics among them, those who hold high positions in their dharma lineage are often those who are good at preaching. These monks may not have done anything good, but they must have gained many followers!”

After hearing what Zhang Zhiwei said, Zhang Shoucheng's expression changed and he glared at Zhang Zhiwei. Suddenly he understood why his senior brother said that Zhang Zhiwei was arrogant and arrogant. Can such things be said casually?

This was the third time that he felt such emotion in his heart. Today he felt a strong sympathy for his senior brother.

"It's merit, not faith. You have to remember the dimension!"

Zhang Shoucheng said with a serious face: "No matter what other people are like, no matter what other sects are, what we Taoist priests in Tianshi Mansion earn when they go out is merit, not faith. The so-called faith is just incidental, merit is the first priority. If Faith gained without merit is poison.”

Zhang Zhiwei saw Zhang Shoucheng becoming serious, and immediately said with a serious face:

"Uncle Master, I know all this, and you don't have to worry about me. What I am cultivating is life. I just do it casually. It doesn't matter whether I want it or not."

"I have no obsession with it, so I can't be in vain for the so-called legal duties. I won't even go out to gain merit. In short, just do good deeds and don't worry about the future!"

"But do good deeds and don't ask about the future..." Zhang Shoucheng repeated it, praising: "Well said, you know the shortcut, but you can still stick to your heart. I really didn't misjudge you, kid!"

"Oh, it's so basic, uncle, don't be surprised!" Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand and said.

"Basics?" Zhang Shoucheng didn't understand what he meant.

"It's just basic operations, no need to make a fuss!" Zhang Zhiwei explained with a smile.

Zhang Shoucheng: "…………"

Zhang Zhiwei continued: "By the way, Uncle Master, having said so much, please remember to recommend me to serve as the third-level magistrate of the Arctic Exorcism Academy during the ceremony!"

"After hearing so much, you still want to hold a third-level legal position?" Zhang Shoucheng said with a surprised look.

"My merits have arrived, why don't I go?" Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his hand, clasped his fingers and said, "Come on, uncle, let me show you my merits. Serving the country can be regarded as two merits. Let's Is releasing the dragon vein this time considered a meritorious service to the country?"

Zhang Shoucheng nodded: "Forget it!"

"Second achievement!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "To kill the Japanese pirates, I destroyed the Japanese pirates' railway garrison and killed them all with blood. If nothing else, does it count as a meritorious service to the country?"

Jianghu Inn and Marshal Zhang helped hide his traces about this matter. Very few people knew about it, but the four major families and the Tianshi Mansion knew it.

Zhang Shoucheng, as the senior leader of Longhu Mountain, naturally knew about it, so he was worried about whether Zhang Zhiwei had given up before, so he told Zhang Zhiwei on the yin and yang paper not to run around and wait for him to come back.

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