Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang

Chapter 286 Huang Laoliu is dispatched, the conspiracy of the immortals

Under the persuasion of Guan Shihua and Liao Huzi, Huang Ye finally decided to show off his face and become a peacemaker.

After learning that Zhang Zhiwei had already dealt with the Xian family in Huang Jiuye's hall, Huang Ye took the lead in coming to Huang Jiuye's hall.

They are both Huangxian and brothers of the same race, so it is easier for them to speak.



Deep in the Changbai Mountain, a clear waterfall rushes down. The sound of the water is deafening and the thunder is like a mighty silver dragon descending from the sky and rushing towards the bottom of the valley.

As the clouds and mist stirred, a yellow robe slowly fell down.

But at this moment, a few huge yellow-skinned dogs emerged from the snow beside the waterfall. They walked up to Mr. Huang, stood up, crossed their two forelimbs, and vomited as if they were bowing their hands. The human voice said in a soft voice:

"Master Liu, are you here for anything?"

Huang Ye is the name given to him by Guan Shihua, Liao Huzi and other younger brothers.

Its real name is Huang Tianliu, and it is a brother to Huang Tianjiu.

Although they were born in the same litter, their circumstances were different. Huang Tianjiu was stronger and had all four beams and eight pillars in place. He opened the hall and was named Huang Jiuye.

However, Huang Tianliu was better at escaping, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. His fighting ability was not strong, so he went to Liu Kunsheng's hall and became the hall master.

Huang Tian Liuyi flicked his sleeves: "I have something urgent, take me to see your head teacher quickly!"

"Master Six, please come this way!"

Although Huang Tianliu was not a member of his family, his seniority in Huangxian was not low. The little Huangxians did not dare to neglect him and quickly took Huang Tianliu into the valley to meet Huang Jiuye.

Huang Jiuye's cave is different from Huang Tianliu's mansion. It is a real cave. It is a volcanic cave located in the local mountains. It is densely covered with stalagmites and is endlessly deep.

All the way deep into the cave for nearly a kilometer, winding in all directions, unable to see his fingers, Huang Tianliu's eyes glowed with green light, and he looked forward faintly.

I saw a stone house in front of me, and a yellow light flickered in the house.

"Sixth Master, Ninth Master is inside!" Xiao Huangxian said.

Huang Tianliu nodded and quickly stepped into the stone house, his vision suddenly brightened.

I saw an unknown luminous mineral growing on the stone walls inside the stone house, and there were more stone beds, tables, chairs and the like.

There was a figure sitting cross-legged on the stone bed. The "person" was only about 1.6 meters tall. He was wearing a piece of loose clothes that didn't fit well, covering his hands and feet. He had a furry tail half resting on the stone bed and moved from time to time.

Seeing Huang Tianliu enter the room, the "man" turned his head and revealed his true face. His facial features looked similar to those of a human, except that he had a layer of down.

Compared with Huang Tianliu, Huang Jiuye is more human, but precisely because he is more human, he is more terrifying due to the uncanny valley effect.

"I don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything. Lao Liu, why did you come to me?"

Huang Tianjiu said.

Its voice is so high-pitched that it makes people's skin crawl.

Huang Tianliu quickly explained his intention.

"Lao Liu, I thought you were here to help me, but I never expected that you were here to be a peacemaker!"

Huang Tianjiu looked directly at Huang Tianliu with a pair of green eyes, and said angrily:

"Lao Liu, you know the rules of our shaman community. People can only be disciples, slaves and servants. They cannot serve alone in the church, let alone be the head bishop."

"This person did not follow the rules of the Four Beams and Eight Pillars. He established a church as a human being, which is a big taboo. After he established the church, the name he took was even more treacherous. Not to mention that he killed the immortal family and younger brother of my church. horse."

"All these things combined are simply too numerous to describe. If I don't care about it, how can I gain a foothold in the world? Wouldn't I be ridiculed by other immortal families?"

After listening to Huang Tianjiu's words, Huang Tianliu pondered for a moment and said seriously:

"Old Jiu, don't think that I came here to be a peacemaker. I don't have any friendship with that person. I'm just a bastard peacemaker. I'm worried about you. We were just a dozen brothers. Now, it’s just you and me. Although we rarely move around, as brothers, we really don’t want anything to happen to you!”

"Listen to my brother's advice. It won't do any good if this matter gets too big. You still don't know the identity of the other party. Let me tell you, he is a direct disciple of the Taoist Celestial Master. His nickname is Little Celestial Master. He is the sixty-fifth generation. Heavenly Master!"

"Future Heavenly Master, is this a good bone to chew on? Don't forget what Longhu Mountain is for? Cutting down mountains and destroying temples, you don't know what kind of mountains are being cut down and what temples are being destroyed. Bar!"

"I really don't want to see you suffer. We Huang Xians are all smart. Think about it carefully, what will you get if you take action this time?!"

"If we capture him, we will lose our troops and generals, and then we will face Longhu Mountain's revenge. If we cannot capture him, we will lose our troops and generals, and we will even lose face, and we may even be in danger of our lives!"

After hearing Mr. Huang's heartfelt words, Huang Tianjiu had a gloomy look on his face. Huang Xian was alert and listened to it, but Huang Xian also wanted to save face. After a while, it lost all control and said angrily:

"My life is in danger. Are you kidding me? What I'm afraid of is the Tianshi Mansion behind him. What am I afraid of him doing?"

Mr. Huang whispered: "Old Jiu, let me tell you something secretly. He was very evil at that time. Liu Kunsheng was very jealous of him and was afraid of him, so he did not participate in this matter. Liu Kunsheng is obsessed with killing and killing. All the reckless men are so capable, think about it carefully, how do you compare to Liu Kunsheng?"

Huang Tianjiu stopped talking. Among the major immortal families, Hu Xian is the leader, Liu Xian is the best in fighting skills, Huang Xian is the most united and must retaliate, Bai Xian is the best among the five families in curing diseases and saving people, and Gray Immortal is good at divination, seeking good luck and avoiding evil.

Although they are both the head bishops, in terms of fighting ability alone, they can't keep up with Liu Kunsheng. Liu Kunsheng is scared. Do you want to fight? it asked itself.

Being too old to die is a thief. As an elf who has lived for hundreds of years, Huang Tianjiu is by no means a fool who cannot listen to advice.

Huang Tianjiu hesitated for a while and said: "If I really follow what you said, then I should be cautious. However, my cousin died in the Xian family, and my younger brother Ma also died. If I don't say a word, I won't be laughed at?"

Seeing this, Mr. Huang knew that this old boy wanted to "follow his heart". But I don’t have enough face, I need to step down.

"Why are you scoffing, Lao Jiu, don't forget, our going out together is not just about fighting, it's about communication, it's about human connection. If you have anything to do, please sit down and talk slowly. If we can't reach an agreement..."

Speaking of this, Mr. Huang paused.

"What if we can't reach an agreement?" Huang Tianjiu asked.

"If we can't reach an agreement, withdraw!" Huang Ye said.

Huang Tianjiu raised his head and was speechless. That's it?

"What's wrong, you still want to have a fight with someone?" Huang Ye continued: "We all know when we go out to do things, if we encounter a difficult situation, we should give up directly to avoid losing troops and generals. Isn't this reasonable?"

"I understand what you mean!" Huang Tianjiu said thoughtfully: "Since the other party wants to sit down and talk, it means that I can make demands and maximize benefits, right?"

"Yes, that's right!" Mr. Huang said: "But this time we went to more than one immortal family. Some fools might mess things up. Then we will..."

Huang Tianjiu understood it in his heart, "Let's protect ourselves wisely, escape quickly, sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, hide our weapons, and wait for the time to move!"



After convincing Huang Tianjiu, Huang Ye went to the halls of other immortal families non-stop. With Huang Tianjiu's example and his words, many immortal families were convinced.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the immortals are also looking at what others are doing. After learning Zhang Zhiwei's identity, many immortals are not as murderous as before.

Although Zhang Zhiwei violated a taboo and it would not be an exaggeration to kill him, the other party is most likely to be a future heavenly master, which means that the other party cannot come to compete with them for incense. After all, the three religions occupy the largest incense, and there is no intuitive benefit. Conflict, the hostility towards Zhang Zhiwei is naturally much smaller.

Of course, this is not always the case. Some immortals had other thoughts in their minds after learning that the person who caused trouble this time was actually the Little Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain.



A volcanic lake in Changbai Mountain. The lake is silent and mirror-like, reflecting the stars in the sky.

Next to the Volcano Tiger, several great Immortal families gathered here.

In these fairy homes, there are giant pythons that are tens of meters long, foxes and mice the size of calves, and huge black bears...

They are having a meeting.

"I really didn't expect that this Tiantong leader is actually a direct disciple of the Tianshi in Longhu Mountain. Huang Tianliu, who is in charge of Liu Kunsheng's hall, wants to be the peacemaker. How should we deal with it?!"

A huge gray-furred fox spoke.

A giant python dozens of meters long, with lantern-like eyes swaying, said:

"Liu Kunsheng and Huang Tianliu are as timid as mice. Aren't they just disciples of the Heavenly Master? Deal with them!"

"Chang Zaitian, the other party is very likely to be the next generation of Heavenly Master. If we deal with him, I'm afraid it will attract revenge from the Heavenly Master's Mansion!"

A gray fairy spoke.

Hearing this, Chang Zaitian stood up, with a sudden hard bony protrusion on his face, as if covered with a Japanese Prajna mask, which made his face look less like a snake and more like a legendary evil ghost.

It looked down at the Gray Fairy from a high position, with a hint of malice exuding in its eyes.

The gray fairy shuddered hard and did not dare to speak. The fear of snakes was engraved in the rat's bones.

Successfully establishing his authority, Chang Zaitian nodded with satisfaction and continued:

"We were invited by the Shinto Grand Palace Priest and were enshrined as Shinto gods by the Emperor, enjoying incense and worship. Now that we have joined Shinto, there is no room for relaxation between us and the Tianshi Mansion."

"In order to seek a position in his position, it is better to do nothing without rest. If you get rid of the little Celestial Master, it will be regarded as a vote of fame."

"Besides, you don't have to be afraid of the Tianshi Mansion's retaliation. This Changbai Mountain is our territory. If we hide in the mountains, the Tianshi Mansion won't be able to take action against us."

A Black Bear Immortal said: "It sounds good, but how to kill this little Celestial Master? From what Huang Tianliu said, this little Celestial Master is not easy to deal with."

"It's nothing difficult to deal with," Chang Zaitian said: "Huang Tianliu wants everyone to sit down and discuss, so we will agree to it, but during the discussion, we can find ways to anger the little Tianshi and force him to Take action first, so that justice will be on our side, and even if we kill him on the spot, outsiders will not say anything."

"That's a good idea!"

All the immortals praised him one after another.

But at this moment, a legendary Huang Xian came over to report.

"Master Bishop, a group of uninvited guests have come to the mountains. They are all wearing colorful clothes and holding magic weapons in their hands. They are heading towards the mountains under the leadership of several disciples from Liu Kunsheng's hall."

"It seems that they are going to the imperial mausoleum. According to the investigation of the immortal family in my hall, they seem to want to do it in the land of dragon veins, so they must not be so happy!"

Chang Zaitian’s copper-covered snake face was ferocious and indifferent, and said categorically:

"Intercept them, kill them, and bring their heads back to me."



"The prince will pay for all the purchases today."

In the inn, Zhang Zhiwei shouted loudly.

After the gathering was completed, everyone drank in the hotel lobby.

The owner of the inn moved out all the dozens of jars of wine from the inn's wine cellar, cleared the tables and chairs in the inn lobby, set up a fire in the middle, and grilled the meat.

Everyone chatted around the fire, ate large pieces of meat, and drank from large bowls.

Lu Ci was holding a sword in his hand, with a leg of lamb skewered on it. It was roasting and sizzling with oil, and the aroma was fragrant.

Zhang Zhiwei smelled the fragrance, glanced at Lu Ci curiously, and praised:

"Erbi, your barbecue skills are pretty good, even better than mine!"

Lu Ci grinned and said, "Nothing but my familiarity!"

Zhang Zhiwei was stunned for a moment. Are you familiar with it? Why is it so familiar? His barbecue skills were developed by taking his senior brothers up the mountain to catch game, but he didn't know where Lu Ci's barbecue skills came from.

Wang Ai also said: "Hedgehog, I didn't expect you to know how to barbecue. When you were in Lujia Village, weren't you always served by someone for every meal? When did you learn how to do it?"

Lu Ci turned the sword in his hand to let the barbecue heat evenly, and said: "I learned this on the road. Along the way, didn't I grab a few tongues and torture them? I would use the ribs to open their abdominal cavities, Then use fire to roast their internal organs. In this process, you must master the heat, otherwise it will easily roast people to death. After trying it three or five times, I mastered the technique, and now I can roast it as cooked as I want!"

Everyone was immediately speechless, this is the Living King of Hell! I imagined that image in my mind.

In an instant, the originally fragrant barbecue no longer fragrant.

The food is over five flavors, and the wine is over three rounds.

At this point, it’s time for the final part of the wine fight.

Zhang Zhiwei was naturally the target of the ire. He was toasted round after round. He was a man who never got drunk after a thousand glasses of wine. He would not refuse anyone who came and drank several of them. He was so scared that everyone else was afraid of drinking and did not dare to look for him again. he.

Therefore, the protagonists of the wine fight now are Feng Ping and Lu Ci.

Last time in the Lu Family Courtyard, Feng Ping was defeated by Lu Ci.

Now, Feng Ping came to the wine table to find a place to compete with Lu Ci.

Lu Ci didn't give up and immediately accepted the challenge.

After a few rounds, Lu Ci drank a little too much and his face turned red. He slammed the table, pointed at Fengping, and said loudly:

"Sichuan Mouse, you can't do it. You have such a small drinking capacity, how can you still make ends meet!"

Being despised for his drinking capacity, Fengping was furious: "Don't scream at me. How can you scare me with your drinking capacity? It's louder than your voice. Is the young master of your aristocratic family full of food?!"

Lu Ci burped and said, "Mouse, you drank too much. I hope you calm down!"

Fengping continued: "If you don't calm down, drink me down. Come and drink me down. I'm afraid of you being such a thorn?"

Lu Ci was furious: "It's not easy to drink you, come on, come on, I'll give you a little, one cup for you, four cups for me, come on, let's see who can pour it first?"

"Come just come, whoever is afraid of whom!"


Zhang Zhiwei looked at the scene between the two of them and laughed heartily. Last time in the Lu family compound, Lu Ci asked him for a drink and even shouted that he would have a drink. He drank four drinks and was knocked down first.

He didn't have a long memory this time, so he did this again.

Just as Zhang Zhiwei was thinking about it, the door of the inn opened, and Guan Shihua ran into the house covered in dust, ran straight to him, and told him that Mr. Huang had reached an agreement, and the immortals were willing to discuss it, and also told him the place of conversation.

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