Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 925: action

The planet, Al Shahar.

Al Shahar, located at the node of the Interstellar Trade Network, has the largest airport in the surrounding galaxies.

In addition to the ever-increasing trade scale, Al Shahar, as an interstellar voyage node, has tourist attractions that allow tired interstellar travelers to relax and enjoy themselves.

Therefore, in addition to the local indigenous people, Al-Shahar also has a large foreign population.

Port hall.

With the opening of the passenger exit, many passengers took their children, or pushed their luggage, and walked out of the port hall one by one according to the guidance of the staff, and walked towards the passenger guide platform.

There, travelers will get the services provided by convenient transportation facilities to go where they want to go.

In the crowd, a young man wearing a white suit and short blond hair just walked out of the harbor hall and saw a strong man not far away holding a sign that read "Cruzer" and looking around. .

"Hey~ the people sent by your lord are really enthusiastic!" The blond man was inexplicably assigned to the task by Cruze who left the fleet alone.

"Hello! This is Kruze." Kruze dragged his suitcase, and after leaving the crowd, he arrived in front of the man holding the sign in a few steps.

"Oh! Um..." The man holding the card yelled out of joy, and after taking a close look at Kruze in front of him, he shook his head. "It's not like! Can you take off your glasses?"

Kruze moved his brows, and immediately put the bad reviews on the man with the placard in front of him. The sunglasses on the face are worn to avoid unnecessary trouble as much as possible, so Cruzer doesn't like to take them off in the public.

However, before Cruz could speak, the man with the placard said again: "Sorry. I am! I'm just a little suspicious. Come, please come with me. Everything is ready."

Whether it was intentional or unintentional, Kruzer immediately overturned his previous evaluation. He somewhat realized that the man in front of him was a bit uncomfortable, and he seemed to be hiding some secrets.

With the assistance of the man with the placard, Cruze's suitcase was placed in the trunk of the car. Soon, the car carrying the two drove smoothly along the port traffic command on the highway leading to the city center.

Holding the steering wheel with one hand, the man holding the placard facing the wind, looked at Cruze sitting in the passenger seat from the corner of his eye, smiled and said: "Right. My name is Gluck Einz. Yes. Section 171 staff. Please be happy to meet you! In the coming week, please give me your advice."

Section 171 is an intelligence organization formed by secretly organizing personnel after the Hope Goddess Sect incident.

Had it not been for the kidnapping of Miyun, Kruze would have probably not known why inexplicably he had played a dark game in this world.

You know, apart from the inexplicable existence of Division 171, even Kujo Lisa, who is closest to him, never knew about it.

Now, 171, the chess piece hidden in the dark, gradually unveiled the unknown veil to Kruze under the inexplicable gesture.

Kluzer glanced at Gluck through the sunglasses, and said slowly: "Kruzer-Ayn."

In addition, there is no more text.

In this regard, Gluck is not surprised. I have been an intelligence officer for a long time, and no stranger has ever seen it. It's just that the people to be received this time are more normal.

"Then, Cruze. Isn't it okay to call you like this?"

"Yeah. No problem."

After getting permission, Gluck continued: "After the incident, our department has launched all intelligence networks to investigate relevant intelligence as soon as possible."

"I believe Cruze, you should also know that we have locked those targets."

Cruzer nodded, glanced left and right at the road with sparse traffic, then raised his hand and waved.

Gluck closed his mouth immediately and drove the car intently. He already knew that the new colleague was very alert. Even at this time, the car he was driving had already installed an anti-spy jammer.

Therefore, everything can only be discussed in detail after reaching the safe house.


The heavy gate opened slowly.

A group of people also appeared behind the wide open gate.

"General Mark, our general is ready to welcome you all. Please follow me." As the fleet's flagship captain, Catherine led a group of important fleet members to greet Mark and others.

Mark looked at Catherine and the others for a while, and then raised his hand in response: "Why doesn't that guy come here to attract old friends? Fortunately, he hurriedly called people over."

Mark's complaint suddenly made Catherine complain about an irresponsible general in her heart, but Catherine, who knew what she was doing now, could only play cover.

"General Mark, please come with me. You will know when you get there."

With a sense of mystery, Catherine quickly took Mark and his party to the inexplicable mansion.

After Mark looked around at this seemingly brand-new mansion, he raised his hand to signal his followers not to follow, only he and Catherine stepped into the mansion.

"Welcome! Welcome! Mark, long time no see!" Sure enough, He had already waited for Mark's arrival in the large living room of this mansion.

As soon as he saw He Inexplicable, Mark slammed He inexplicably in the chest. "You bastard, let people come all the way, and don't come to greet you personally. It's awe-inspiring!"

After Ho inexplicably facelessly resisted Mark's full punch, he showed a bitter expression on his face. "It's not that I don't want to meet you personally, but that I really can't walk away."

"Can't go away?" Mark's tone rose immediately, and then his eyes turned around in the large living room, but he was surprised to find that Catherine had left quietly at some point. At this time, in the big living room, only He and He...


Mark blinked. He seemed to see a small figure on Ho's shoulder just now.

So, under Mark's gaze, the little figure quickly climbed up from He Inexplicable's back and lay on He Inexplicable's shoulders, staring at Mark without showing any weakness, and even made a series of grunts.


Well, although I don’t understand, it seems to be singing.

wrong! What exactly is this? Newly discovered alien race?

Thinking of this, Mark immediately cast a puzzled look at He inexplicably.

The strange thing coming from the shoulder, why somehow already knew it. It's just that why inexplicably feel that instead of trying hard to find excuses, it is better to take this opportunity and make up a fact with that little guy.

He inexplicably raised his hand to his shoulders, and spread his palms so that the little mermaid who was lying on his shoulders was only the palm of his hand to jump up. "Her name is Vivienne, a certain life planet from deep space. The reason for calling you over this time is largely because of her."

"This is? A mermaid?" Mark looked at Viviane carefully for a while, and finally looked away and asked after Viviane made a series of warning grunts.

"Probably!" He smiled inexplicably, let the little mermaid lie back on his shoulders, and motioned for Mark to sit down on the edge of the sofa.

"I was able to meet this little guy because of a coincidence. After that, we learned through some means that this little guy’s hometown seemed to be in a crisis, so I was planning whether to go to the little guy’s home planet, Help them."

When He was speaking inexplicably, the little fellow Vivini also responded to He inexplicably in a timely manner. For example, if the mother star is in a crisis or something, the little guy will always make a low mood and purr, making Mark subconsciously think that Vivienne is worried about the mother star.

Mark frowned and asked inexplicably: "Inexplicably, your fleet strength is placed in the earth unity, but it can be ranked among the top three fleets. Is this strength not enough to save her home planet?"

He smiled inexplicably, raised his hand and drew a circle in mid-air. "I have a big family and a big business, so I won't transfer all the troops, right? Also, something happened to me recently."

"The incident that Meiyun was kidnapped, right?" He said inexplicably, and Mark immediately knew what was going on.

"It looks like everyone knows about Meiyun!" He shook his head inexplicably.

"After all, it is the mysterious Venus! In the eyes of many fans, she is expected to succeed Lin Mingmei and Shirley Lu and become the new galactic song supremacy." Mark smiled and said: "Your next actions are not. Just for the little guy?"

"What do you mean?" Why kicked the question back inexplicably.

"Very well! I've helped with this." Mark immediately agreed to He inexplicably. But then Mark sighed again.

"Actually, even if you don't take the initiative to find me this time, I guess I will ask you for help."

He inexplicably frowned, did not speak, motioned Mark to continue.

Mark took a deep breath and said a noun.

"The backbone fleet,

We discovered a new backbone fleet three months ago on the forward route of the convoy.

According to our forecast,

Except for the ultra-long FOLD wave jump, we are inevitable.

However, the ultra-long distance fold wave jump has only one chance for the seventh ship group.

Therefore, we dare not take risks. "

"The new backbone fleet?" He pondered inexplicably. "Did you not report to the Earth Integration Headquarters?"

"Yes. But the unified headquarters just responded with a response."

"Actually? Hehe, it seems that the current Earth Integration Headquarters has undergone some changes." He smiled inexplicably, but didn't care much about the Earth Integration Headquarters.

"Mark, move the Seventh Ship Regiment to my side temporarily. I will delineate an area for you to rest."

"Well, thanks!"

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