Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 972: 15. Usage of Victory (5)

For a long time, righteousness and evilness are just another name for victory or defeat. Only avid church members will explore meaning in war killing. The public's attitude towards war is basically a bit close to numbness. But Charlie Man, who is now arrogantly showing his identity as a victim, is still the perpetrator who offends all of his neighbors. Those who have a fresh memory of the war crimes of Charlie Man’s army or who are still suffering from it will not be right. Even the slightest sympathy is given to any unfortunate encounter of this perpetrator. They would only feel happy in the bottom of their hearts, and then looked at Charlie Man's angrily after being kicked in the buttocks by their sharp-eared allies.

Because of the existence of this hostile majority of public opinion, even Albian who has the nature of a **** stick can only dare to secretly contact Charlemagne through a third party in private. In addition to scrupling allies, he is also largely afraid to stimulate public opinion. The distinguished adults don't want to wear a "national thief" hat and torn to pieces by angry people. Now that the third-party channels are cut off, the people are happily running for the news that Charlemagne was being beaten by "allies" in various postures. At this time, he inserted a bar horizontally and strongly involved in launching multilateral peace talks? How many medicines did Albion's lords have to take in order to come up with this stupid act that surprised AIA and filled with public resentment?

Albian encountered hostages and was unable to intervene in disputes on the mainland. Charlemagne was kidnapped by a small group of enthusiastic militants with ulterior motives and infuriated crowds. He could not make a request for negotiations, and could only continue the war until his defeat-such a situation It is exactly what Alfheim likes to see, and it is also the purpose of their careful arrangement of "performance".

"Records of all personnel transfers, records of insurgents transferred to Belfort in batches from various places, monitoring recordings and audiovisual materials of the secret meeting of relevant personnel, and the account books of the weapon loss have all been destroyed without any omissions. The mobsters who are currently arrested are currently being interrogated, and they are preparing to follow suit Completely remove remaining restless elements and coordinated criminals who provide assistance."

"Leave it to Niederhogg and Stasi to do it. I believe they will accomplish their mission."

After a pause, Li Lin said as if he had an understanding:

"If there is a competition for "the most evil ideas in the world", I will definitely vote for populism and attach a note of "the most stupid, none of them."

"It's true."

The two goblets touched together and made a "ding" with a crisp sound, and Brun Hill slowly swallowed the sour red wine with a nearly abhorrent expression.

The academic explanation of the populism is "the political and economic ideas supported by the populists". It sounds like no problem. In fact, this is an extremely dangerous proposition. Its essence contains extreme ideas such as anti-intellectualism, anarchism, kitschism, popularization of the people's deified thoughts, etc., which manifests itself as contempt for authority and experts, thinking about problems Opponents cannot be tolerated based on preference and impulse, not professional knowledge. Whoever is not with them, who is against them, who is against them, is their enemy. It is natural to use all means to destroy the enemy.

Socrates, a famous scholar in history, was the first person to die from the populist record. When the people of Athens exercised their right to vote and sentenced Socrates to death just because they did not like the stubborn old man and his crazy words, they would not care whether "is this correct" or "is this reasonable" It's a matter of bad scenery. They only care about whether their feelings are satisfied for a while, wait for things to change and then come to repent before the foolishness, and then continue the same behavior.

Bismarck has a famous saying: The masses are like **** women who are turning around, and they quickly change their love and hate, neither ethics nor logic. Do people really need votes? No, all they need is a carrot hanging in front of their nose and a piece of good news attached to their eyelids.

The spicy remarks of the old prime minister were put on the masses of people who have been manipulated by the populism throughout the ages. However, he probably did not expect that Germany, which had been unified in his hands, would fall into the frenzy of nationalism and populism several times in a row, embark on the road of war and destruction, and eventually even lost the national spirit and the Prussian hometown.

The topic is a bit far away. In short, populism is an extremely dangerous trend, and its combination with extreme nationalism is even a disaster-this is true for itself and other countries, and Charlemagne is deeply stuck in this mud. In the pit, instead of feeling the danger of being engulfed by the quagmire at the moment, it was like a estrus pig in it.

As soon as the events of Belfort were broadcast, the crowd that had been fanatical because of the victory parade was immediately frying. The chemical reactions of patriotism, national self-esteem and blind impulse exploded on the spot. I was moved by my most sincere and strongest patriotic enthusiasm, fearing that my pride would be overwhelmed by others. So the favorite tune of the passionate young people became the only voice on the scene, and the crowd in rage cursed "the ghosts and beasts who had lost their conscience", even carrying the anger to everyone who did not stand with them.

"Damn ears! Damn everyone who doesn't curse cuspid ears!"

"If anyone dares to reconcile with this group of demons, his tongue will rot!"

"Fight the war to the end and kill all the pointed ears and their accomplices!"

"Victory must belong to the great Charlemagne, long live the kingdom! Long live victory!"

Such murderous slogans accompanied by the night walks of ghosts and the parade of demons and dances continued for a whole day, and by midnight, the situation was out of control. The marches first burned the national flag of the Principality of Albion and Ross, and then began to burn the temporary Elizabethan Paper Man, Buckingham Palace and Peter Palace models. Due to the strong wind at night, fearing that unburned ash might cause a fire, the crowd in extreme excitement ran away when the security knight on the scene tried to stop it.

Dare to protect the accomplices of ghosts and animals, and suppress the patriotic act? Well, even your gangsters have burned! The public security offices and gendarmerie outposts around the Champs-Elysées were immediately torched. Fortunately, the fire brigade and the army responsible for the suppression were dispatched in time, which did not cause a major disaster.

The citizens of Rudes who were intoxicated for a while did not think about what kind of thinking behind the deliberate release of the Belfort massacre by Alfheim. They did not even think about it, wantonly venting their emotions, just for the sake of being eager to be in others. ——Especially what kind of abominable faces will be seen in the eyes of people who are scolded as accomplices and clamoring to kill them.

Just as the "Belfort Massacre" allowed the Charlemagne to remember the elves thoroughly, after watching the elaborate editing by Alfheim, the news broadcast highlighting the misfortune of the victims, the cruelty of the perpetrators, and the related legal treatment. After seeing the arrogant performance of the Charlemagne in the "Champs Elysées", the people of Albion, Castilla, United Principality of Roses, Serres also thoroughly remember Charlemagne, these countries It is already very difficult for officials to openly advance any form of peace talks.

In this way, the goal of the war of public opinion and legal warfare of Alfheim was even achieved.

As in the old German reunification process, the wily Bismarck always carefully used diplomatic means to avoid the interference of Prussia's actions by other countries. Every war started always trying to occupy the moral commanding heights, making it difficult for third parties to directly intervene. Yalfheim also pays great attention to the actions of "allies" and always guards against these unreliable "allies" changing positions. But unlike Bismarck (a common disease of nobles in the Second Empire era) who is confined to the role of the age and identity and is a pioneer in the practice of total war and unrestricted warfare in this world, Yalfheim attaches great importance to "public opinion" "--Not only nationally, but also the public opinion of other countries.

When politicians need it, public opinion is the will of the gods; when they don’t need it, public opinion is nothing;

Throughout the ages, there is no exception.

But any politician—except a steel-loving father whose father loves mountains—regardless of whether he is president, head of state, king, or emperor, when mainstream public opinion contradicts their will, no matter how reluctant, they can only guide step by step Opinion turns, and any attempt to solve it at once is an unrealistic fantasy. Especially when it comes to the issue of linking national sentiment and legitimacy, those who try to counter the wave of fanatical populism will end up having a bad time. ~www.readwn.com~ The great Socrates is their lesson.

What's more, when Alfheim uses advanced propaganda technology in the era of information explosion to conduct public opinion-oriented operations and conduct intelligence operations against the general public, the current ability of countries to control the grass-roots level and the propaganda-oriented methods that are far behind Yalfheim , They simply have no power to reverse the manic people. In the end, they can only be enveloped by their restless public opinions, reluctantly following the flood of popular consciousness, and watching the situation a little bit out of their control.

History is always surprisingly similar.

Li Lin obtained the taste information of red wine from the tip of his tongue while commenting without emotion.

In the past, because of a truncated telegram, the Second Empire of France was pushed back by the fanatical and brainless public opinion to the Franco-Prussian War without any adequate preparation. In the end, the birth and rise of the German Empire was achieved with a tragic defeat. Charlieman nationals eager to show strong patriotism now nailed the last nail to the coffin with peace because of a well-trimmed news, and pushed their beloved motherland to the road of annihilation.

This is a scene of deja vu. I believe that in the end, when the Charlemagne can't taste anything but the shells, they will know how empty the blind enthusiasm is. They can neither be used as weapons nor fill their stomachs.

The goblet was swayed, and the rest of the wine was flushed with scarlet waves, and the slender, symmetrical hands lifted the glass.

To the lovely, stupid, blind, self-righteous people of Charlemagne, they are indispensable to the rise of Yalfheim. The defense forces cannot complete the tasks by planes and artillery. The unarmed Charlemagne people only rely on one. Cavity blood is realized.

They are really generous, selfless, ordinary and great.

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