Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1889: 18. The end of gold(39)

It is quite bad practice not to make your own choice and to push the pressure and pain to others.

But how can people blame the dead undead? They are made as weapons, cultivated and eliminated by the standards of weapons, and they can only become residuals of digitalization after death, lodged in the container. Never have the power to choose, and have never chosen anything with his own will. All they can do is leave a humble possibility, a tiny light in despair, and try to believe "if one day".

This is their limit. How do people blame? What blame?

Roland nodded and asked again:

"Do you believe that visitors here can solve the problem?"

"I don't know if anyone will come, what kind of person is coming, and whether they can solve the problem is all unknown and uncertain."

"If that is the case, why should they be allowed to see their tragic past? Tell them: will you follow this path sooner or later? Tell them: One day, you will fall into this way? You should be very clear, Visitors are likely to hate you and the whole world because of this. At least, this is not necessary for you."

Nothing to say, just hide it.

Roland thought so.

As weapons, they are supposed to be pure and powerful products that discard all excess achievements. As residual thoughts, they should be full of resentment for the world that puts them in this situation. Both logics ultimately point to the path of destruction. In other words, destruction is what they should expect and the only thing allowed to be expected.

In this case, just hide it. There is no need to leave any possibility at all, nor should true memories be presented without reservation. This is totally harmful to them in accomplishing their mission, but not beneficial. If they faithfully fulfil their assigned missions, then they only need to deceive the visitor until the last moment, or simply destroy all hidden memories without giving the opponent any opportunity.

but why? What the **** is it for? Give people a chance to see these unknown realities?

The reason is needless to say.

Avoiding the other person's oblique eyes, he looked up at the window behind him. Roland clenched his fists and whispered:

"This is trial and gambling-to verify whether humans and the world are trustworthy, and to bet on whether this world and all intellectual life will survive."

To be more clear, they are looking forward to "heroes".

Overcoming various challenges and trials, defeating enemies or monsters, not trapped by calculations, able to stand up for everyone, and showing them that the world and humans are not hopeless, except to repeat the same cycle , There are other possible characters-heroes.

"There was a man who was very close to this field."

The memory manager turned to face Roland.

"That man is very strong, and has done what no one has been able to do so far. No one fits the title of "hero" better than him, but he fell down before arriving here. It is open to question whether you are stronger than that person. Since you are here and you already know all the truth, you must answer a question before opening a new door."

This gambling risk is extremely high.

First of all, it is difficult to believe that someone can really enter this field; secondly, even if it arrives, that person is not necessarily suitable for trial; it is not certain whether the person who came last is worth the trust. If he sticks to his own position and ideas, he cannot overcome the prejudice and prejudice, even if he enters the next field, it will only accelerate the destruction of the world.

Heroes, being heroes, not only have a strong body and perseverance to endure suffering, but also have a strong will and belief that collective interests are greater than individual interests. Only with this quality of perseverance and fear of sacrifice can a hero lead his own The ethnic groups rose up in the face of adversity and fought in the face of despair. The specific manifestation of this characteristic is to dare to give up. Abandoning unnecessary emotions, not being disturbed by unnecessary things, so strong that I dare to die, leaving only the love for the entire population, and no means for this love.

This love seems selfless and great, and it can indeed be nostalgic in the face of complex and extreme environments, and it can bring the characteristics of "superman" to the limit, but it is too pure.

In extreme environments such as tragic wars and even doomsday wasteland, only "pure" can survive, but the other side of "pure" is narrow, that is, sticking to its own positions and beliefs, it is impossible to treat the problem with tolerance and objectivity. . This over-persistence in one's own right is likely to lead to wrong choices in the next field.

In order to confirm whether he is qualified to enter the next field for trial,

"Are you...willing to forgive'Li Lin'?"

Individuals are groups, and groups are individuals.

All of Li Lin's actions, their consequences and related responsibilities can be counted as the undead in the emotional memory module.

This is not a joint responsibility. No one will accept the logic of "cutting the right hand, the left hand is innocent". All victims, including Roland, are eligible to resent them, and they also have the power to refuse forgiveness.

Roland was silent for a moment.

In a short moment, memories along the way surging in his heart, experienced many encounters and differences, and now he does not know how to accurately describe the state of mind at this moment.

"I...think, I really, can..."

It's not that you force yourself to say something against your heart.

That was a heartfelt speech.

No resentment, no excitement, only fatigue.

Roland doesn't want to fight.

He has no choice but to live in a state where he can't live without fighting, or can't see it, and can only solve it with battle.

He can only fight.

When it comes to the cause of all this, Li Lin is undoubtedly.

"Why don't you hate, why don't you hate and blame, why - can you still forgive?"


Roland frowned.

"Actually, it shouldn't be forgiven....It's just that I don't want to grudge, grudge doesn't make any sense."

Roland knows ~www.readwn.com~ Some people will regard this as evidence that his brain is defective, and some people will point at his nose and scold "Virgin Mary's cancer".

He knew that there must be people who responded like this, and he probably knew what they were based on.

Even so, he did not want to hate, and after touching that unknown history, he could not hate.

Resentment and hatred will not have any positive effect and meaning. No matter how resentment, condemnation and revenge, lost things will not come back, and the object of resentment will not know the pain and bitterness in his heart.

The end of resentment is only endless emptiness-he could not have known it better.

Not to mention--

"I don't want to be reduced to resentment because of resentment."

That is not a pretense gesture, nor is it pretentious.

It was a trace of restraint and introspection as a later bystander after watching the tragedies of Gaia, Alaya, and Li Lin. 【】

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