Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1704: 12. The other shore of good and evil (21)

Roland was not surprised that Li Lin would implement the Huairou strategy against the Republic at this time.

Tactics is an inevitable product of obedience to strategy, and strategy must serve the strategy. To put it more succinctly, "War is the continuation of politics, and war is the escalation of politics." "War" here includes both comprehensive armed confrontation, as well as various war preparations and strategic competition in peacetime.

The strategy of the empire at this stage is to stabilize the entire new order system, avoid all unnecessary disputes and consumption as much as possible, and pave the way for the strategy of the next stage.

To achieve this goal, we must pull the Republic into the new order. Otherwise, with its special national conditions and national system, sooner or later, it will come up with something that cannot be cleaned up in a certain period of time. This is not to say that after joining the new order, everything went into the safe, and the Charlemagins would change their habit of marching, striking, and hysterically scolding the empire. The empire does not have to face the situation of having to take tough measures to maintain its authority. It's just that after the Republic joined the new order, it was easier for the empire to use various regulations and tools in the system to restrain and contain the Republic by "relatively gentle" means, rather than as it is now, once something like the "Rhineland Incident" occurs. After the situation, the army can only be sent to confront the Republic on the verge of gunfire.

To avoid disputes caused by technology patents and new technology systems, to start a comprehensive overall war prematurely is also a tactic extended from the overall strategy.

As long as the Republic obediently joins the new order, the empire is not refusal to retreat on certain issues-this is a subtext under the head.

Roland expected that the Empire would make compromises, and there was a rough bottom line, but he wanted more.

"Are you talking about the substance for the empire, or for everyone?"

"Of course it is for everyone, peace, wealth, exchanges-this is the theme of the joint meeting and our sincerity to all countries and regions, including you."

"It sounds reassuring."

"If there is no righteous sincerity, the negotiations will be difficult to proceed."

The obscure and cheeky words in the ears of others were intertwined, and just as the signs of progress had just emerged, Roland opened the main scene of negotiations.

"Which special offers and conveniences is the Empire willing to provide?"

"The same trade MFN status as the other countries, preferential tariffs, the empire opens up the tourist market to you, a large-scale agricultural product purchase list signed once every five years, and a raw material purchase list signed once a year."

"This is really...an excellent condition that people can't refuse.

Roland's speech does not have any ironic meaning, which is indeed a good price for people to move.

The Republic is striving to transform towards an industrial exporting country. Before the completion of the transformation process, its major export is still relying on various agricultural products and raw materials. Once the trade channel is blocked, or if the transaction object is to protect the interests of the farmers in the country and increase tariffs or subsidize the domestic agricultural products, the foreign trade of the Republic will be severely affected. This will not only affect agriculture and fiscal revenue, but will also significantly slow down the process of industrialization.

Now the condition proposed by Li Lin is to smash a super pie in front of the Republic, and with the size of the empire's market, all the agricultural products of the Republic can't even see the splashes. According to Li Lin’s proposal, a single signing is enough to guarantee the export of the agricultural products of the Republic for five years, which will undoubtedly have a huge boost to the national finance and social stability.

Others such as preferential tariffs, lifting the ban on travel to the Republic, etc. are also good news.

It can be said that the financial problems that have long plagued the Republic will be quickly alleviated within a few years, and the accumulation of original capital required for industrialization can also be quickly put on track. Many infrastructure and research projects that have stalled due to financial problems have also continued. .

It's just that this piece of pie is not free, and it's still wrapped in poison.

Not to mention the price that the empire intends to claim from the Republic, the hidden intention behind this gift is enough to make people shudder.

As we all know, profit-seeking is the nature of capital, and the other nature is short-sighted. The combination of the two natures shows that most people only pay attention to projects that can quickly make money. When the empire releases dividends to agriculture, tourism, and raw material markets, it can be foreseen that the large amount of capital and resources of the entire Republic will inevitably lean towards these aspects. In contrast, industrial development because of the immature technology system and lack of competitiveness, even with government subsidies, can only guarantee to meet domestic demand, it is difficult to further expand the market in the short term. Under this trend, the wages of people employed in agriculture, tourism, service industry, raw materials and other fields will be higher than those of industrial technicians. Under a sharp contrast, young people's employment and schooling tends to be higher on the higher income side. Manufacturing and industries that lack talents' new blood supply will slowly shrink~www.readwn.com~ even if it will not disappear completely It will also regress significantly.

If you think this is all the harm, it is a big mistake. The real trouble will not show up until the industry of the Republic shrinks. It should be known that the economic situation of the Republic will be in good shape at that time, and the living standards of the people will be greatly improved, but these are actually given by the Empire. As long as the empire has that idea, it can be withdrawn at any time. When the empire is based on certain needs, such as tensions with the republic, these dividends can be recovered immediately. Its impact is not worth mentioning to the empire, but it is a disaster to the republic. You must know that the Republic will have a lot of capital and human resources in the field of relying on dividends. If the dividends are suddenly lost, it will inevitably lead to a cold snap of the economy. Then there will be a full wave of closures and layoffs. A large number of farms and tourism-related companies 1. The raw material production enterprises went bankrupt and closed down, and the unemployed people were all over the streets. The manufacturing, industrial, and infrastructure industries that could have been used to absorb labor and raw material resources have already shrunk. The high unemployment rate cannot be alleviated, prices have skyrocketed, and social turmoil...

Seemingly giving out dividends, actually letting the republic give its lifeline to the hands of the empire. On the surface, it can also make a kind of coexistence. It is a kind of art to be a traitor.

After talking about the hidden poison, it's time to talk about the price you need to pay to eat this poisonous pie.

"Our request is simple."

The emperor put down his coffee cup and tapped his fingers on the table. His tone of voice seemed to say something really simple and easy.

"The Republic joins the new order and becomes a member of the international order, recognizing all international agreements within the framework of the new order. Of course, it also includes agreements and mechanisms including intellectual property rights, technology transfer, and patent export control."

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