Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1568: V. Conversation of the prayer (11)

The emergence of "Legion" means that the war, which has been repeatedly refreshed, has ushered in a brand new change, and it is also a very profound change that redefines the nature of war.

Fearless of death, tirelessness, pain and hunger, the endless, ever-improving undead soldiers-fighting against such an army of undead with flesh and blood, the final result is to be dragged down and dried up alive. Compared with the need for at least ten years to enter the age of service, it is not yet known whether it will be suitable for the battlefield. The "Legion" is a finished product that was born in response to the needs of the overall battle and the consumption war. It can be put into combat as soon as it leaves the production line, and the "Legion" equipped with artificial intelligence has comparable or even superiority at the moment of completion. Combat power of the old troops. Than the battle of attrition, the "Legion" will surely win the final victory.

This alone is enough to make many people frightened, and now it is further strengthened and upgraded to a new model with independent thinking and learning capabilities, and can independently build and release magical styles. It is foreseeable that once such things are put into mass production equipment, how huge pressures the various countries and various underground organizations will bear. Once that inevitable war breaks out, up to three months, the armies of the various countries will be consumed to an unsustainable level, about half a year to about a month, all anti-imperial forces will be suppressed, and one year later the empire will conquer the entire world.

This is by no means an exaggeration, nor is it to exaggerate the strength of the enemy in order to cover up the failure. Anyone who has faced the "Legion" head-on and survived the scourge of the endless steel tsunami will speak the same words.

It was a nightmare equivalent to a natural disaster, an inferno that no one could survive.

This monster must be destroyed here-

If you can, "Nightingale" will certainly think so and put it into practice. But she didn't even have the leeway to generate this idea.

"Nightingale" is good at "collapsing", which belongs to "specialized combat magician who specializes in dealing with magic users." In terms of attributes, the body that can release magic in front of him should be restrained to die. Yes. However, the reality presents a diametrically opposite situation-the first few minutes can still be played, the longer the time, the more obvious the advantage of "Salamanda" is, the battle has reached 15 minutes, the battle has been It evolved into "Salamanda" to unilaterally suppress "Nightingale". In addition to passive defense, "Nightingale" had no power to fight back.

Although the basic ability values ​​of both sides are not at the same level, high-intensity continuous combat is particularly harmful to humans, but these are only some of the reasons.

The body of "Nightingale" has already been augmented by the strengthening technique. She has a lot of combat experience and she knows how to deal with this kind of combat. Under normal circumstances, she actually has a high probability of being able to get out of it, even in certain circumstances. You can also kill opponents.

What prevents her from getting out in time is the unusual adaptability and autonomous learning ability of the enemy plane.

The previous "Legion" also had the ability to learn and adapt, but compared to living humans, artificial intelligence's response to sudden situations is always slower. This is because they will only seek the optimal solution in the existing tactical template and verification algorithm. Once they encounter a situation other than the tactical template, it will be no problem. Until the central computing network updates the tactical template, they can make an effective response. In plain language, it is explained that artificial intelligence at this stage can only be regarded as a group of elementary school students who can do well in application problems.

The machine in front of it also showed similar mechanical characteristics at the beginning of the battle, but after fighting the "nightingale", the machine repeatedly showed a high degree of flexibility, without waiting for data transmission, research and review countermeasures, download and update tactics Templates and other processes, formulate countermeasures directly on the spot, try and improve in actual combat. Further observe and study the opponent's movements carefully, analyze their behavior patterns, and formulate targeted strategies...

Observe each other's weaknesses and wait for opportunities-this is no different from humans, and it is even more efficient than humans in terms of efficiency and response speed. The mass production of this kind of thing is widely used in various models of the "Legion". As long as all the bodies serving as commanders are equipped with the same type of artificial intelligence, the power of the "Legion" will be greatly improved. By that time, no one could stop the "Legion".

"This is really... creating something quite remarkable."

Roland murmured with complaints about 8500 meters above the ground.

Throughout the course of the battle, he could see clearly from high altitude. According to the data collected at present, the growth rate of this artificial intelligence can be called a series of growth. Normally, it takes months or even years for humans to master the new tactics and tactics. This ghost thing can be digested and absorbed in a few minutes at most, and it has been improved to the most suitable version. The greatest human mind is also awkward and ridiculous in front of this iron bump. It was replaced by Roland himself. If he could not get rid of the opponent at the very beginning, the next battle would become quite tricky. "Nightingale" can stick to the present, let Roland master the technical characteristics and design ideas of this body, it is already commendable.

Fortunately, this aircraft's battlefield experience is still not enough. Once the target of hunting is determined, it will stare at its prey. Except for the battle in front of him, nothing can be seen. If you grow a little bit more and accumulate some overall ideas and teamwork experience, it will be difficult to get rid of it again.

To get rid of this monster, the only way to delay the pace of development of the Defense Force's artificial intelligence technology is to take advantage of it.

The black muzzle is pointing to the ground, and the ground that should be covered under the night is bursting with lightning and flames. The good insulation of the "Unicorn" and the long distance prevent Roland from feeling the heat of the scene, but from this position Using the optical sensor, you can grasp the movement and appearance of the steel quadruped. The fierce battle on the spot can be seen.

Take a deep breath, let your thoughts settle, and sink to the bottom of the ecstasy that is nothing but aiming at the target in the aperture. When the passage of time became extremely slow, the moment the air seemed to freeze, Roland injected all his strength into his index finger.


The speed of the sub-light particle beam is 300,000 kilometers per second~www.readwn.com~The distance of eight kilometers is equal to the absence of the particle beam. Until he was hit and evaporated, the guy who was hit didn't know he was hit, nor did he have time to feel the pain and understand what happened to him, and his thoughts were evaporated. Although the "Legion" drones reacted extremely fast, they did not know the cause of suffering, but in the face of the destruction of flying 300,000 kilometers per second, they also had no time to react.

Hit by a beam of light falling from the sky, bursting from the inside out, turning into a burning scrap of iron flying everywhere-this is an inevitable end.


It really can only be lamented with "a pity", and the victory can be obtained only by a short distance.

It was purely accidental.

At the moment when Roland pulled the trigger, "Salamanda", who tried to defeat the "nightingale" in one fell swoop, also launched a large-scale lightning strike. When the particle beam could hit "Salamanda" only three meters away, the strong electric field distorted the trajectory of the particle clumps, and the energy torrent passed the "Salamanda" by a few centimetres.

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