Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1541: 4. Chess game (6)

As the first official contact with historical significance, the meeting place of the Empire and the Republic is also very unique. The final address for the talks was Serres’ embassy in the Spice Colony, an overseas colony in Albion. Negotiations within the fourth-party diplomatic institutions on third-party territories... Should we say that this group of people is very serious? Or does it reflect the complicated entanglement of bilateral relations from the place of negotiation?

To be honest, the status of the Republic is quite embarrassing. No country is willing to recognize the legitimacy of the Republic. The pressure of the empire is on the one hand, and the more important reason is ideological and institutional problems. Her Majesty the Queen did not want the power in her hands to be kept in the cage of the Constitution and Parliament, while Her Majesty the Tsar did not want to get up one morning and stop at Warships in the port of St. Petersburg fired artillery at the Winter Palace, and raised gray cattle with red flags to rebel against the citizens. Lapland and Serres were interested in certain systems of the Republic, but they were only interested. After all, heaven was too far, the empire was too close, and no one dared to make small moves under the eyes of the empire.

As for the relationship between the empire and the republic, it is more than enough to kill the awkward cancer patient alive. The self-proclaimed orthodox heirs of the Charlemagne Kingdom refused to recognize the legitimacy and status of the empire. In their discourse, the so-called "empire" was nothing more than a pseudo-regime that a group of rebels had stolen the territory and throne of the Charlemagne. The so-called "emperor" It's just a pseudo emperor. The empire considered himself the heir to the old Gilmanian kingdom and had nothing to do with the Charlemagne kingdom. The previous war was nothing more than restoration of orthodoxy. As for the so-called "Republic", it is nothing more than a group of separatist rebel forces that occupy the overseas territories of the empire (the empire regards Charlemagne's overseas colonies as their own territories). The two sides did not recognize or say to each other, and were still in a state of warfare legally.

When these two forces come together on a table, it can be foreseen that no one will look at each other's eyes.

Only three years after the war ended, each other's eyes were scornful in addition to hostility. The Republic regards the empire as a usurped rebel, the so-called first-class citizens occupying the upper levels of the empire are all a group of arrogant, greedy and rude upstarts. They are the best choices to play the villain. The empire also looked down upon the Republic, thinking that it was a garbage dump, and that the Charlemagne relics there were all pretentious, noisy, vulgar, and unruly "savages." The two groups of men with colored glasses collided immediately as soon as they entered the negotiations.

It should be said that Chief Justice Jay and Baron von Wright are gentle gentlemen. Good education and strict diplomatic etiquette training allow them to skillfully avoid unnecessary troubles. It is not difficult to see from the fact that both sides do not call each other’s official title or country name. The two gentlemen and their respective forces are sincere in resolving the "Rhineland" incident.

Sincerity is a good thing, at least it can be the basis for solving problems. But when it came to specific matters, the negotiations immediately turned into a situation where the empire unilaterally exerted pressure and the Republic was dying.

"Hire Baron."

Jay waved the printing paper in his hand and said in an old friend's tone:

"Are you trying to kill me with this thing?"

"Mr. Jay, I don't understand what you mean."

Baron von Wright hung a standard commercial smile and responded decently:

"Murder is a serious accusation. As a diplomat, you should know what it means to accuse a diplomat of participating in or even committing murder without a basis."

The baron’s answer was appropriate and decent. Although the official was a little accused, the diplomat was originally a professional who used the official accent. It is not a problem for such diplomatic rhetoric.

The problem is that the baron said the same thing. He, or the conditions proposed by the empire, in the eyes of senior legal professionals and technical bureaucrats like Jay, is an outright murder-using political and military Pressure and harsh treaties strangle the Republic or himself.

Imperial Luo listed a total of nine conditions.

1. The Republic apologizes and compensates for the "Rhineland" incident, which may not be made public, but must apologize and compensate;

2. The person responsible for the handling of the Republic;

3. The port under the republic is open to imperial merchant ships;

4. Empire official media, such as newspapers and radio stations, can enter the Republic to expand their business;

5. Officials of the Republic should take measures to curb the unfriendly acts of the people against the empire;

6. The Republic enjoys trade preferences in the imperial overseas colonies, and can use the port facilities of the imperial overseas colonies in certain circumstances (usually referring to refuge, shelter, emergency repairs after damage, emergency supplements, etc.);

7. The Republic recognizes the technological patents of the Empire and effectively combats any form of patent infringement;

8. Only the Republic is allowed to trade with the old continent by ships with a load of under 70 tons, and it is not allowed to trade arms, chemical raw materials, working mother machines and other tube products;

9. In order to prevent such incidents from happening again, the empire will send warships to cruise regularly in the waters controlled by the Republic. The number is limited to one. The tonnage and armament shall not exceed the level of the cruiser. It will rotate regularly and undertake joint law enforcement tasks with the Republic during the work. . The Republic recognizes the ship’s freedom of hydrological surveying, mapping and navigation in the Republic’s control area;

Anyone with the most basic national sovereignty and common sense of international law can point out that this is an unequal treaty, and the empire will make the Republic as a second-class colony without any effort.

The empire granted (more appropriate with "alms") the Republic only had trade preferences with the imperial colonies and limited port use rights, and temporarily lifted the hostile status of both sides. As a contribution, the republic should default to "empire first" in terms of national sovereignty, dignity, economy, technology, etc., but also set its own limits and open the empire in all directions.

This treaty is destined to be unpopular, the government of the Republic cannot accept such a humiliating treaty, and the people of the Republic have every reason to oppose this treaty.

From the beginning of the founding of the Republic, the imperial navy and the imperial armed merchant ships have begun to carry out blockade operations against the Republic. Initially, the maritime blockade was limited to frequent clinical inspections, and the seized materials were also military materials and materials that could be used in military operations. But with the expansion of the "Liberty Army", the embargo has been expanded to include all kinds of commodities such as food and cloth. The imperial navy launched a cannon on the high seas and forced to stop the merchant ships of the Republic. Sometimes such acts take place in front of the Republic’s warships and merchant ships within one nautical mile of the Republic’s territorial waters.

It can be said that the "Rhineland" incident was on the surface a radical act of a group of militiamen, which can be traced back to the bottom. It was precisely the arrogance and unbridledness of the empire itself that seriously hurt the self-esteem of the people of the Republic and eventually triggered a rebound. Nowadays, the Empire has not only failed to reflect on and review whether its own actions are appropriate, but on the other hand, it has used harsher conditions to repress the Republic to bow its head... It is foreseeable that when the temporarily dying people and various associations will know what will happen to the treaty.


In addition to this word, Jay could not find any adjectives.

The anger once suppressed by the public is intensified by the force that any government can't bear, and if it is deliberately manipulated and guided by intentional people, it is also unbearable for fortitude and wisdom. Right now the only government that can guide the republic on the right path will no longer exist, and then face a series of internal chaos and an aggressive empire...

Jay didn’t dare to think anymore. He shook his head and said in a painful tone:

"Your excellency, I agree with you and your colleagues' efforts to fight for peace and resolve this unfortunate incident, but I have to say that the content of the settlement agreement you have drawn is not a sign of sincerity."

Undoubtedly, this greatly exceeded the bottom line of the government of the Republic, and it was far apart from the psychological expectations of the people of the Republic. To sign such an unequal treaty that cannot be described as "harsh", there is only one result: the collapse of the government of the Republic and all members will be cursed for hundreds of years.

Moreover, there are two dangers in the Empire’s request: either the negotiation breaks down, so that the Empire can return the situation to its original path; or, the Republic continues to negotiate under this framework, because it is unable to bear the consequences of certain provisions, it is bound to be Other concessions came in exchange for the compromise of the empire, so that the empire could logically obtain many things that it could not otherwise obtain.

For example, stationing troops in the Republic or setting up military bases, such as intervening in the economic lifeline and mineral resources of the Republic, such as a unilaterally open market to the Empire.

Such negotiation conditions can never be agreed.

In this regard, of course, the imperial negotiating team sitting opposite is also well aware.

The empire knew everything about the chaos in the republic, and even Minerva used a method to suppress the fanatical people and associations. Where is the bottom line of the republic, what cards can they play, and what consequences will these cards play-the empire has already mastered everything.

Coming from the level of national strategy and interests, whether it is the official contact of the Republic or the negotiation itself is by no means acceptable to the empire, but a strong state like the empire cannot always care about the attitude of other countries. As a big country, sometimes it is necessary to Care about eating.

Therefore, even if it is a play, it must be a full set.

"Mr. Jay."

Baron von Wright suddenly felt some sympathy for the man sitting opposite. This man's willingness to take on such a thankless task is entirely based on a sense of responsibility to the country~www.readwn.com~ He knows that from the moment he takes on this task, he is destined to become a fanatic and ignorant The people speak out against people. His government is powerless to do this. All they can do is to protect the life and property of the Chief Justice and his family as much as possible within the scope of the law.

As a government official, the Baron knew what it meant. He asked himself if he was in Jay’s position. I’m afraid it is difficult to take the initiative to accept this kind of cut-off and may harm his family without half hesitation and hesitation. . This also makes him respect the opponent in front of him from the bottom of his heart.

Respectable, respectable, and official business. As an imperial diplomat, the baron could not give any help to Mr. Jay.

-This is really unfortunate.

The apology in my heart flashed, and the baron's face was still an impeccable professional smile.

"We are coming with sincerity, and what is before you is only our preliminary draft intention. What comments do you have, and any amendments to the draft, can be put forward. But what we want to explain here is that our The delegation is only responsible for conveying the negotiation process and your opinions to your country. You will not have the authority to sign and seal before you are authorized by your country. Due to distance and schedule, your comments will be answered in a week. ."

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