Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1535: Three. Wolf (22)

There are thousands of people who hate the empire, including those who have been persecuted and suppressed, those whose interests have been damaged, those whose loved ones have died because of the empire, and those who hate the arrogance and arrogance of the empire. To make them sorrow the evil of the empire, they can say three days and three nights, and then compile the various crimes of the empire into a great book.

They are full of hatred, resentment and resentment, as long as they are not in public, and they are sure that there are no empire agents and monitoring equipment around them, they will definitely vent their endless hatred through words and words. After venting, he became like an ordinary person, and merged into the empire standing still and dominating all aspects of daily life.

Considering the strength of the empire, this kind of faction is not incomprehensible, even though it is disgraceful. After all, it is the nature of creatures to seek benefits and avoid harm, and suicide is not.

Have the courage to openly reprimand, and in the face of a colonel of the guard, even without frowning, reprimand the imperial behavior "that is not just, nor correct"... and regardless of its arguments and logic, this The courage made Marseille admire.

Marseille asked himself to switch to himself. It is no longer easy to stand and speak normally, let alone speak such words fluently.

No, I can’t even speak, and I can’t stand up—just like now. Even though he had not entered the scene, he directly watched the confrontation between the two men, and Marseille did not have the leeway to intervene.

The extremely impactful scene, but the parties seemed extremely bland, even a little bit relaxed.

"I looked for you **** for three years. Do you know how many normal vacations and paid leave I have given up in these three years?"

"That was really a disaster, but anyway, the subsidies were issued normally. Unlike our poor people, who are even short on the procurement of daily necessities, the empire is very generous in paying wages."

"We are the country, the family, the society, the master, the righteousness."

"In this case, what about generosity in racial discrimination? Let's start with giving power to all citizens.

"That's not okay. We don't want the council to become a bullshit. Every day, except for quarrels, fights, and bullshit, we can't do a little business.

"It's a harsh comment, but I think the noisy and noisy scenery is not bad, at least much better than the deadly words."

"Wait until you can do anything, even teaching a student who doesn't teach a decent guy to say anything at all is not persuasive. Your student's head is not very bright, and it makes me want to go back to sleep."

"Let's not say that you are clearly in it, a veteran who is a newcomer, can't be justified."

"Don't say stupid things, even if the mental preparations are not calculated, you can go to the battlefield? Can such a person live to say that the protection of the teacher is overprotected, or the dog is lucky enough to burst the watch?"

In gossip and home-like conversations, sparks from the collision of spells constantly erupt in the air.

The entire row of flying knives continued to appear and collapsed, and occasionally appeared fish in the net. Before touching the target, they were blocked by the "barrier", and the circuit collapsed and returned to Mana.

Destruction, reorganization, destruction, reorganization-

The distance between the two is only a few meters, but Caspar's attack has failed to cross the middle line one step.

At first glance, it seems to be comparable, but in fact Caspar lost for a while.

Destruction is easier than destruction, but "collapse" is different from pure destruction. As a technique based on "analysis" and "cognition", its technical content is no less than any one. Known techniques. What's more, while the opponent is destroying the constantly changing combination of spells, he also has to build a "barrier" to block the various fast attack spells that break through the first line of defense.

Caspar is certainly a monster, and his opponents are not far behind, even slightly better.

If you have to win or lose, I'm afraid someone must fall.

"It doesn't seem to be going backwards, I'll be relieved now, um, I feel very good."

Caspar glanced at Marseille's hiding place, then raised his mouth.

"Would you like to give students a practical lesson and see what it's like to fight real lives?"

"That's really bothering you. But you are still working hours. It is recommended that you separate your personal interests from your work, otherwise you will become a fake public."

"...You dare to say that."

With a lip, Casper took a step.

In one step, just one step, Casper was in front of him, and the silver arc fell on the neck and shoulders of the young man.

The speed can be called a swift speed. The "Ice Blade" built with extremely high density Mana is more solid and sharp. However, as soon as the tip of the knife is about to be cut, the "Ice Blade" turns into countless fragments and dissipates with the wind.

The opponent did not use "collapse" to interfere and destroy, but used the same strength "ice blade" to offset the blow.

"It's dangerous."

The young man frowned, using a little embarrassment, but still said in a very polite tone:

"It doesn't make sense to continue fighting like this, can you just stop here?"

"It's still said like this... Do you think that as your majesty's sword and shield, as the Colonel of the Guard, I might let you leave safely?"

"If you can do it, it really helped me a lot."

The young man sighed and shook his head. His purple eyes looked straight at the opposite murderous eyes.

"The battle will be over soon, let's just stop here."

"I didn't agree with you to leave. Do you think you can escape my palm?"

"No, it's just that the battle is over."

It was too late to sneer at each other's nonsense, bluff, and a slightly anxious voice from the bone conduction communication headset. As the information was broadcast, Caspar's expression suddenly became difficult to see.

Fist clenched and let go, let go and clenched, white fist hair out of the crackle of card bar card bar, and finally fell down weakly.

All the spells were lifted, and the squinted eyes stared at the opposite side fiercely.

As if to avoid his murderousness, the young man took a step back.

"So, I have taken a step first, and I hope to meet in a slightly more serious place next time."

"Go away. While I can bear the killing intention, take your little boy and go away quickly."

Don't open your face, Caspar spit on the ground, seemingly uninteresting, and turned and walked away in the other direction.

Watching the backs of old friends and enemies sink into the darkness, until the swollen murderousness completely disappeared, the wolf-like footsteps no longer came, and the young man hiding in the shadows was relieved.

Casper's strength is very strong, if he wants to see the true chapter, he is not absolutely sure that he can beat Casper.

Judging from the previous battles, Casper has carefully analyzed and conceived methods of combating "collapsed" users. Opponents who can effectively use "collapse" are rare, so it is difficult to accumulate combat experience in this area. Even if carefully designed targeted tactics, it is easy to talk on paper, without real combat, no one knows whether untested tactics are effective. However, from the results, Casper found a simple and effective tactical tactics.

The tactical nature of the "collapse" user is a surprise attack, destroying the opponent's spells, causing the opponent's spirit to be shocked, a short consciousness gap, and then rushing to end the battle with a knife or a gun. Because there are many people in the magician who rely on magic for both attack and defense, this trick can be successful most of the time. But conversely, if someone is aware of the attack mode, as long as they continue to release the spell and use a dense barrage to make the other party inaccessible, it is enough.

This is how Casper does it. If it is not the first time it is used in actual combat, the starting speed and changes of the technique will be more streamlined and faster. At that time, it will be slightly inferior~www.readwn.com~ I am afraid it may not be Casper .

If the battle continues, it will either evolve into a protracted battle, or the two sides will bet on life and death, and take out the trump card at the bottom of the box for a life and death duel. Once this situation develops, one person will eventually fall, either him or Casper. The probability is 50%, it all depends on the on-site performance of both parties, and who is more favored by fate.

He didn't sacrifice his life, as long as there was a need, he could sacrifice this life at any time. But to this day, it is not an excuse, but also a responsibility. He will never throw this life until he has completed important responsibilities.

That's right, he can't die easily until he overthrows the empire, overthrows this so-called "new order", and at least trains the next generation who can inherit the revolutionary spark and create the best possible environment for them.

But before that-

"...There is still much to teach."

Feeling deeply the long way to go on the road of revolution and education, Roland covered his forehead and showed a bitter smile. Remember the site's website, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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