Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1525: Three. Wolf (14)

The only and biggest mistake made by the "Nightingale" or "Liberty Corps" branch of Rudes in this battle was an underestimation of the empire's determination and combat effectiveness. ≯ Spin≌羌≌小≯ says

Regardless of the conventional combat forces or the number and configuration of the special operations teams, they are roughly correct. Only the configuration of "Siren" and "Legion" went wrong.

This is not accidental, by no means.

As an old opponent who has been fighting for many years, both sides are aware of each other's mode of action, advantages and disadvantages, just as the "Liberty Army" knows how the Empire will react when it encounters such things, and how it will fight back. Empire It is also clear that the "Liberty Legion" vigorously selects and cultivates abilities, and is widely used in various battlefields. Therefore, in this battle, the empire side was formulated on the premise that its own configuration and layout would be predicted.

The Empire is also quite involved in the existence of "integrated builders". Based on the technical advantages and unscrupulous human experiments, the Empire has led the way in the related research progress. It also understands the advantages and disadvantages of the "integrated builders". Be more thorough.

The so-called "integrated builder", in the final analysis, is a "perceptual average."

When you get a test paper for a mathematics fill-in-the-blank question, ordinary people will calculate the answer after substituting the formula and calculation according to the conditions and values ​​given in the question. The "integrated builder" has not undergone any calculations, purely through feelings-fill in this number, it will feel better-fill in the answers obtained by feelings in the space.

They didn't solve the puzzle itself, they just got the number by feeling that it was the correct answer.

It can be inferred from this that a simple fact is that basically everyone has the quality of "integrated builder", that is, the quality of "the most common answer" is selected in keeping with the average of all people's susceptibility. However, the sensibility that can always be consistent with the average is very rare. Based on the diversity and personalization of human beings, everyone's sensibility will deviate from the average. People who have extremely rare qualities that can maintain a high degree of consistency with the average are "integrated builders"-abilities who unconsciously accept various information and construct correct answers through rare sensibility.

Once the principle is understood, it is easy to formulate countermeasures.

To counter emotional abilities, the fastest and most effective measure is to press the opponent with quantity and precision.

No matter how rare the precise sensibility is, it is the result of the human brain.

As we all know, the human brain has a highly complex structure and has considerable advantages in processing information and computing. When the empire, or the emperor himself was designing the "Legion", the first thing he thought of when constructing and designing the artificial intelligence processing module was to replicate the neural network structure of the human brain.

However, the human brain is not a product born for a single purpose (such as battlefield information processing), and its processing power has its limits. The Empire's computing processing terminal does not have this problem. In theory, with the development of technology, the processing capacity of the computing processing terminal can be improved endlessly. In terms of precision and accuracy, the computing and processing terminals equipped by Emperor Fang and scientific research institutions have already crushed the human brain without suspense.

An "integrated builder";

A computing network composed of 500 latest computing processing terminals connected to the network;

The strength gap between the two sides has been clearly seen during the planning and sand table deduction stages, and the overwhelming combat power invested by the empire for this operation is even more desperate.

In addition to being predicted by the "Legion" and activating the exposed troops with the dead, the Empire also invested 300 new "Legion" drones dedicated to tunnel operations. These models developed for the Qing pits and tunnel guerrillas have not yet been finalized. Only after completing the second phase of the test, they were put into this operation. These are not in the intelligence information, and they are separated between the living and the dead. The peculiar existence of will stimulate human instinctive fear and avoidance reaction, even if it is not predicted, it is not a strange thing.

In this battle for information collection and induction, the empire won without suspense.

Now, the outcome of intelligence warfare will immediately evolve into the outcome of battle through the hands of the undead.

The heavy rain of 9㎜ pistol shells and steel ball shots continued to blow down the space in the sewers, and the dense bomb rains made the resisters barely show their heads.

The weapon designers of the Empire knew very well that assault rifles and large-caliber machine guns were not suitable for tunnel operations. In such places where corners or high and low steps are everywhere, the most common combat mode is the short-range close-up. Assault rifles and large-caliber machine guns are unable to achieve the advantages of long range and powerful power in this environment. Secondly, in narrow tunnels, these guns are too long and too obstructive. The most suitable individual weapons for this environment are nothing but submachine guns, shotguns, poison gas, flamethrowers, cold weapons and so on. Of course, the safest way is not to send soldiers into a labyrinth of tunnels to fight against the enemy, but to pour gas and detonate, or pour a lot of cement to seal all entrances. It's just that it's not always possible to do this every time. In the rapidly changing battlefield, anything can happen. It is inevitable to enter the tunnel to clear the enemy. As a result, the structure was specialized, and a "legion" equipped with weapons dedicated to tunnel operations was born.

Based on the harsh environment of tunnel warfare, the final shape of the tunnel warfare adopts a flat configuration similar to a longhorn or a cockroach. The whole aircraft is about 2 meters long, about 60 centimeters wide, and about 45 centimeters high. The six-legged walking mechanism. The fixed arm is a pair of electric whips resembling insect tentacles at the front end, and can be equipped with submachine guns, shotguns, flamethrowers and other equipment as needed.

As long as it is a passage that can be passed by humans, all tunnel warfare types can pass through, and it can also advance against the walls and ceiling, and open a full range of cross fire nets based on all angles. Whether it is used to invade enclosed spaces, or to suppress or annihilate the enemy forces in the tunnel, this model is all capable. What's more, this operation is to further strengthen the tightness of the surrounding net and ensure that no traitor will escape. It also deliberately downloaded the recently acquired high-quality brain structure into all the tunnel-type processing terminals participating in this operation, and then put all the bodies into a dormant state and placed them in various sewer hubs. When S-023 activated the activation command, these steel monsters hidden in the darkness immediately entered the combat state, blocking the sewers in this area.

"'The empire will not use drones in densely populated areas like Rudes','The empire can invest in a limited amount of maneuvering power'-formulate a combat plan with a preconceived notion, completely unaware that all your every move is in The opponent’s predictions. Do you think you can still live to this day?"

Four "barriers" were launched in succession, and three-dimensional staggered "magic bullet" barrages were sprinkled at the same time. "Siren" receded and pulled apart in one breath, trying to reorganize the state and start a new attack. However, the fist of "Nightingale" is like a broken bamboo, and the "barrier" and the compressed air impact from the left and right sides are easily pulled away, and the chase is not pursued without mercy.

Retreat one by one, the distance between the two sides is kept within close proximity. One side wanted to defend against the attack, while the other side decided to stubbornly defeat the opponent. As a result, the stalemate only changed from static to dynamic.

In a series of rapid attacks and defenses, whether it is the speed of building a "barrier" or the flexibility of starting multiple "magic bullets" at the same time, it is not difficult to see that "Siren" has a high position comparable to the six-man superior and the quasi-seven-wing class. The strength of the magician is two stages higher than that of the "Nightingale", and the combat experience is even better.

The other party is very strong.

But it is not impossible to defeat.

The most important thing is that once this "relay point" is lost, the "legions" in this area will temporarily fall into a halt. Until other "relay points" are enabled to resume tactical network support, the iron knots will resume. status.

The storm-like fist kept hitting the "barrier", and the "siren" who was continuously forced to retreat suddenly stepped on the air and suddenly lost his balance.

——Hook~www.readwn.com~Nightingale" kicked off the ground again, as if the body sliding on the ground was approaching the opponent at once.

To challenge a magician with a higher rank than himself in the strengthening system, high-speed attack or continuous attack is originally an inevitable way to win.

Either win with a single blow, or do not allow the opponent to breathe or cast a spell, and control the opponent with one blow.

"Siren" is also very clear about this. A pair of eyeballs equipped with high-speed camera devices closely stare at the hands and feet of "Nightingale", ready to take the next blow that will decide the outcome.

Mana quickly assembled into a new circuit, but the "nightingale" started this time is not the strengthening system.

"Earth Dragon Spikes!!"

Five sharp stone pillars in the shape of a spear appeared from behind the "siren" and up, down, left, and right at the same time. The gun forest without dead ends attacked the target that was hitting backwards.

A loud bang rang through the sewers and blood spattered.

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