Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1402: Twenty-seven. Long live the emperor! (1)

When the people of Charlemagne reveled all night, the people of Alfheim were not idle, they were also celebrating the end of the war. Because they are the winning side, they are far more enthusiastic than Charlemagne.

Various agricultural self-management associations, labor organization organizations, "Get Power Through Happiness (KdF)", the Alfheim Mothers Union, the Retired Veterans Association... Various industries have organized various celebrations spontaneously. Speeches, parades, singing and dancing performances, spontaneous fireworks conferences... The most remarkable thing is the torch parade initiated by the Youth League and the Girls’ Team. Thousands of boys and girls held up torches together with the high-pitched "Glory March" to form the word "Victory (Sieg)".

This is not a joke or teasing, at least the ambassadors will not think this is a joke.

"...A giant fell, and a more terrifying dragon awakened."

Lord Wood shakes the cocktail, and the torch of the torch and the neat "Empire of the Empire" shout through the thick glass, reaching the deepest part of the soul.

Perhaps in the eyes of the elves, it is a manifestation of confidence and pride, but in the eyes of Lord Wood, a neat queue, a fanatical people, a strong central government, a strong army, and even the devil’s ruler-these are all Is it a threat, or one that you can't ignore?

——The root of the problem lies in the structure of Yalfheim.

This is a statement made by Secretary of State Walsingham.

Alfheim is different from all the countries so far. Whether it is racial composition, political structure, or even ideology, it is completely different from all the countries so far. For a time, the nations had no idea how to deal with this newly-rising behemoth.

What kind of country is this? It looked suspiciously and hostilely at everything around it, and the neighbors saw it the same way. Its citizens believe that they are superior races, voters who are chosen by the goddess, and eventually the whole world will be included in their new order, but unlike the previous Charlemagne, they are very good at hiding this idea, at least in When communicating with people from other countries, they hide this consciousness and behave very gentleman. But this concealed disguise actually makes them more dangerous, not less. Because you never know what the elves and gentlemen are thinking.

Of course, people like Lord Wood who often deal with the camp of elves can still grasp some clues about the thinking patterns of the pointed ears. The more you know, the more the Lord finds this new power awesome.

The deepest point of Yalfheim's cognition of the nervousness of world affairs is the traditional and instinctive insecurity of the elves. At first, this sense of insecurity arose as a result of the tragedy of the old Gilmanian kingdom that was overthrown by humans and orcs overnight. The recent war may, to some extent, delay the fear of government officials and the general public about the prospect of dying again. However, this new sense of insecurity will not disappear with the demise of Charlemagne. Rather, despite the demise of Charlemagne, the geo-strategic form in which Alfheim was surrounded by various countries has not been fundamentally alleviated, but Ordinary people are full of confidence in using force to change this status quo, making them inclined to support or even force the government to use tough attitude to solve problems with other countries.

In fact, they are very similar to the United Principality of Ross in terms of lack of security. The rulers of the Principality are well aware that their rule is a form of relatively disordered rule, whose psychological basis is fragile and false, and cannot be compared with the human camp. Therefore, they have always been afraid of infiltration from the outside and direct contact with the countries of the human camp. They are worried about the possible consequences of the vast number of ethnic groups under their control who have learned the truth of the external world or the foreign people have understood the situation within the Principality. As a result, in order to be safe, they only learned how to completely kill their opponents, never thinking of establishing contracts and compromises with their opponents. This is one of the important reasons why the war between the principality and the human camp can last for thousands of years.

Alfheim is as insecure and neurotic as the United Principality of Ross. But they are good at hiding their ideas, and they can communicate and interact with other countries to some extent. Because they are very clear that having contacts with each other will not only give the opponent the opportunity to understand you, but also give them the opportunity to understand the opponent. What's more, as an emerging country, their heritage is ultimately limited, and swallowing most of Charlemagne's territory is already their current limit. Now the main task of Alfheim is not to continue to expand outward, but like a python that swallows its prey, find a quiet place to slowly digest. After completing the reception and integration of the occupied area, a large amount of resources will be invested in the industrial production army. With technical advantages, Alfheim's industrial products will be quickly marketed in the world, in order to gather a lot of wealth and increase strength. Prepare for a war.

This is actually their strategy to eliminate Charlemagne: temporarily lay dormant before the strength reached, while accumulating strength while slowly infiltrating the target, and when the time came, they knocked down the opponent with a fierce lightning attack;

This kind of tricks that have been used once is also because they can use them without hesitation.

"On the other hand, only long-lived races can patiently use this strategy that requires long-term continuity."

Shaking the wine glass, Lord Wood's somber face reflected in the amber liquor.

"But these are not the core of the problem. At least long life is not necessarily a good thing. It is easy to live long and the brain is also ossified. As long as we are able to be patient, we will eventually be able to pull back a city. After all, how do they have a problem? The weakness that cannot be circumvented-quantity."

The population is a bruise that can't be circumvented by the elven camp~www.readwn.com~ In the foreseeable future, this weakness is difficult to overcome. It is also due to the existence of this chronic illness that the elf camp is not eager to launch a new war, but follows the steps through long-term strategic games.

After all, technological superiority has its limits. When the difference between the two sides is too large, the quantity advantage can overwhelm the quality advantage. History has proven this more than once.

This is a proven conclusion and it still applies today.


There is even an ultimate existence in the elven camp that can transcend even this truth.

It is precisely because of this existence that the unique architecture of Alfheim can exert unprecedented energy, wipe out Charlemagne in one fell swoop, and completely reverse the order of the entire world.

Siegfried. Otto. Li Lin-the dictator of Alfheim, the agent of the will.

He is the key to the rise of Alfheim and the core of the entire new order. His next decision will also determine the direction of the world and even its destiny.

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