Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1332: Twenty-four.1 week (12)

From the perspective of evacuation, Dunkirk is definitely not a suitable port, because the water is too shallow to be docked by large ships, and it must be ferryed between large ships and ports anchored in the open sea by small ships. ,low efficiency. If it is a large port such as Calais, Brest, Antwerp, large ships can directly enter the port to fully load passengers to Dover on the other side.

Small also has small benefits. One is unobtrusive. The other is that even if a spy stares here, it is difficult for him to be sure that the outgoing boat is connected to that big ship, and those ships went there again. Scouting or aircraft reconnaissance not only violates Albian's sovereignty, but also exposes his identity.

From the perspective of confidentiality and evacuation efficiency, this port is the best option currently available.

People with their heads slumped gathered near the warehouse in the port area. Among the crowd were magnificently dressed gentlemen and ladies, and ordinary people with patches on their coats. There were extraordinary intellectuals who talked and sometimes spitting at the ground from time to time.

Everyone is immersed in the sadness of leaving their homes and the uneasiness about to embark on an unknown journey, asking, scolding, comforting, discussing-Charlieman language is booming in the port of Dunkirk.

When the news of the completion of the Rhine Front encirclement, people all over the world immediately understood one thing: the Kingdom of Charlemagne is over, and the era of the rise of Alfheim as a new hegemonic country is coming.

As the elves of Alfheim toasted for this celebration, the Charlemagne were sulking for the **** victory of the pointed ears. Regardless of who it is, Charlemagne is not far away from the destruction. Even if it is a saint girl who has been created repeatedly, it is impossible to turn over in the face of this must-have battle.

However, as the motherland gradually marched towards the fate of despair, the Charlemagne, who refused to bow down to accept the fate, seemed to be screaming at their inner frustration and unfair fate, roaring that everything was not over, and roaring that we had not fallen , Roaring resistance will not stop.

The Kingdom of Charlemagne may have lost. Charlemagne has not lost, and the people living on this land have not yet lost.

Even if we leave our homeland temporarily, the struggle will continue.

As long as someone survives and continues to hold high the flag and torch of rebellion, sworn Charlemagne is here, and everything is not over.

Even humiliation, even embarrassment, as long as there are people who have not forgotten this humiliation and embarrassment, the struggle will not end.

"If Li Lin used thousands of lives to achieve his new order, I'm afraid I am also a raccoon dog."

Across the communication interface, Roland gave a wry smile of self-deprecation.

Minerva shook his head and cast his comprehension on Roland.

"People will one day understand everything we do today. Even if they can't understand it now, someone in the distant future will surely understand what kind of thoughts, moods, and consciousness we make today."

Needless to say, the evacuation of a large number of personnel and materials can now be arranged, largely due to the fear of the countries of Alfheim, and this fear is precisely the use of many corpses of Charlemagne soldiers and the surrounding circle still struggling for survival What the soldiers did. It was their sacrifice that made the entire retreat operation.

The most disgusted Li Lin treats the lives of others as chess pieces or figures, and now he has to abandon certain lives and step on the bodies of others to accomplish the situation. In the future, he will have to drive more lives to the battlefield-for this Roland, who knows well, can never feel good, and condemnation and anger from conscience torture him all the time.

Shicai's words are more of a kind of expression than self-deprecation.

"I don't expect everyone to understand, I just ask for a clear conscience, just like I never expect our country established overseas to last forever and endure."

The closer to the day of the decisive battle, the more the question of "why fight" and "why must a democratic republic be established" repeatedly tortured Roland.

This is his personal self-exploration and defense, and it is also related to self-thinking about the basic concepts, systems and operating methods of democracy in the future. Only by establishing principles and introspecting and thinking can the core values ​​of democracy survive.

The imminent Holy Gilmanian empire is very different from the past countries, that is, although it is equally possible to change over time and generations, the self-discipline of the ruling class will gradually loosen and weaken. The legal system, discipline, and self-discipline will all slowly collapse. But this cycle of the Holy Gilmanian Empire will be extremely long. This aspect is due to the first-class citizens occupying the ruling class-those pure blood elves have a much longer life cycle than humans, and Li Lin’s life span is more than enough. Let anyone who expects the fall of the empire despair. On the other hand, the empire is backed by powerful force, and even accusations, complaints, resistance, and even resentment are included in the control system, and its efficiency and solidity far exceed any resistance force;

Compared with these two desperate barriers, what Roland can do is to show and retain some ambiguous and unclear "possibilities", and it is only temporary.

People's hearts are volatile, and democracy and dictatorship will coexist in a spiraling space-time track. Even in the home of the Democratic Republic in its heyday, there are still many people who expect dictatorships. Some of these people are ambitions coveting power and wealth, and more are ordinary people who expect to be dominated and ordered. Because in this way, you can live a relatively easy life, and blame the responsibilities and worries to the governor. As long as you obey the order, you can live a stable and happy life, as long as you are satisfied.

However, no matter how carefree the domesticated livestock are in the fence, they can't guarantee that they can escape the owner's butcher's knife and become a delicious dish on the table.

The most fundamental conflict between Li Lin’s theocracy and democratic republic is the question of whether people are born equal. Under the democratic republic, inequality may still be unavoidable, but at least the constitution and core values ​​recognize that “life is equal "of. The Holy Gilmanian Empire has declared from the legal level that "all beings are born unequal", directly classifying all citizens according to race origin, and then using various propaganda and administrative means to justify nationalism and racism Change.

It is true that the empire did not carry out ethnic cleansing, drove all the fourth-class citizens into concentration camps, and used incinerators for "final settlement"-at least not now. However, the empire and its predecessor, Alfheim, never resisted human workers. They also relentlessly resettled the peasant families who hid in the collective farms and shielded the migrant workers. In addition to the development of various biological and chemical weapons, the human beings sacrificed as "consumables" have no detailed figures until now...

Perhaps the apologists of the Empire will say that there will be sacrifices in any war. Compared with the number of casualties in any war, this is only "a trivial number", which is very small compared to the total population of the country. In exchange for national security and social prosperity, it should be called a remarkable achievement. Is there any reason to be reduced to brutality?

Roland wanted to say only one word to these lip-prone generations.

——If the execution officer took out a bunch of data forms and presented them in front of you, announcing that in order to make the country and most of the citizens better survive, according to scientific statistics, you are judged as “the person who should not exist” should be When executed. Can you say those words without saying anything, and can you cheer "Long live the emperor" to the execution officer and the guillotine? !

This is the evil of dictatorship.

With Li Lin's talents and wrists, I am afraid that he will become a Ming dynasty hero like never before. In front of this giant star that is enough to eclipse the sky, people will surely feel that "since this one is always right and never makes mistakes, then all can be entrusted to this divine agent. Why bother to find trouble, more What about the long way?" This kind of thinking can be taken for granted. It is obviously more appropriate and reasonable to let the omnipotent and omnipotent who can not make mistakes have the authority compared to the common people who are constantly struggling and cannot avoid mistakes. However, regardless of the fact that this runs counter to the basic views of democratic "equality for all" and "depending on the power of all people", people who let Li Lin dominate them often ignore the point that "absolute correctness and absolute rationality are equal to no sensibility." ,feeling".

Any problem will only be considered in the direction of the optimal solution. As long as it is necessary, he will not hesitate to sacrifice or even slaughter some people, and trample the weak without mercy-just as Li Lin has always done. Then use this method to rationalize and justify all actions, so that others can accept all this. Like the domesticated livestock, they chewed the feed in front of them with peace of mind, deaf to the screams from the slaughter room next door.

In order to avoid such a "correct" future, in order to leave a solid armor to protect the weak, and to leave a gap in the world that is about to be closed to suffocation to show possibilities, Roland had to fight Li Lin to the end.

After confirming his position, Roland and Minerva began to work together to think about the countermeasures against Li Lin and the Empire.

The result of the destruction of the main army of the Charlemagne family in the Rhine encirclement has been difficult to change. This is not only the destruction of the 700,000 Army formations ~www.readwn.com~ but also the announcement of the destruction of the Charlemagne local forces. This is because the 700,000 troops are the vast majority of Charlemagne’s native strength. After losing these trained and well-attended troops, today the Royal Charlemagne Army has only empty military institutions and military and political bureaucrats with hair worrying. Them. Although the Navy still has some troops available for land combat, the "Holy Girl" and the 901 anti-tank battalion battalion and 902 ranger battalion are still there. There are also some colonial troops overseas. But compared with the 300,000-strong morale and well-equipped defense forces, it is nothing less than a stalemate.

Some people have also raised the question of whether it is possible to conduct a national general mobilization again with the assistance of the church and the nations to build a new line of defense. However, in the case of manpower, materials, and industrial production capacity are all on the verge of exhaustion, this is nothing more than a thirsty move that can produce some spiritual comfort.

Everything is too late.

Only one viable option remains.

"The technicians and technical data have been on board. The 901 and 902 are on board one after another. The army and navy non-commissioned officers set out for the south last night. According to this rhythm, although it is a bit reluctant, it should be able to catch up."

Indeed, the main army of Charlemagne's native army was annihilated, but it did not mean that everything was lost.

As long as there are still people, as long as there is the determination to resist, things will not mean despair.

"Anyway, the test will start now."

The boy's tone was firm.

Even if he restrained his emotions, the soft whisper was full of strong determination and fighting spirit.

"The front is a smooth road to victory, or an abyss that can no longer be defeated. We must all move forward."


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