Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1052: 19.Panzer.Vor! (1)

Charlemagne has no secrets about Yalfheim.

Everything in Alfheim is secret to Charlemagne.

There is absolutely no exaggeration in the above two sentences. Charlemagne is completely one-way transparent to Alfheim. The gap between the two sides in the organization system, personnel level, technical means, and allocation of funds of intelligence agencies is too large to be bridged at all. After the spread of public speculation and corruption has spread, Charlemagne's hole card is clearly seen by his opponents.

Roland’s guess was once again in the center of the bullseye, and the defense army’s defense of the Sedan to Maas area was clearer than Charlemagne himself.

"In charge of the local area is the 10th Army of the Second Army of the Charlemagne family. The commander of the 2nd Army is Admiral Shire Leon Clement. Anzige and the 10th Army is Piray. Lieutenant General Paul Shire Gransar, all over 60 years old, and all have colonial service experience."

According to Charlemagne's standards, 60-year-old military commanders and group army commanders are not old. For long-lived elves, 60-year-olds can only be regarded as children. The ability of an officer to command a general through the post of general is an admission of his ability.

"Admiral Anzhe was quite popular in Charlemagne's army, and many people thought he would be the next commander-in-chief of the army. The officers of the Second Army often praised'I can't find a better commander than Father Anqire. The second army is out.' The intelligence department's comment on this is'the same is true of our army.'"

A suppressed snicker suddenly sounded in the meeting room. Colonel Martin Heisler suppressed the impulse to laugh, tapping the stage gently with his pointer, and the meeting room became quiet again.

"According to the report of the Ministry of Intelligence, these two commanders are not very concerned about their own defense work in the region."

The Second Group Army of Charlemagne is under the formation of the Group Army. In fact, its strength is not sufficient. It has 5 divisions, including 2 colonial divisions and 2 second-rate infantry divisions. The 41st Infantry Division with the strongest combat effectiveness in the group army is deployed in Rightmost wing.

With such a sparse combat effectiveness and deployment, once encountered an enemy raid, it cannot form an effective block. But for Admiral An Qire, this is not a problem at all.

What is the point of tightly arming in areas where no enemies will appear at all?

From the top to the bottom, Charlemagne has absolute confidence in the concept of "Arden is insurmountable". Since the Ardennes area cannot pass through, there is no need to strictly defend the Sedan area behind it. As a result, only a series of second-class troops were deployed in the area, and the fortifications were more loose than elsewhere.

"The report from the Ministry of Intelligence shows that the enemy’s so-called line of defense is one hundred and eighty miles away from being ready. The latest aerial photographs show that the depth of the trench is just enough to be used as a corpse pit, and the bunker construction has just begun to dig the foundation. As for Subsequent building materials and equipment... unfortunately, it was either transferred to the Rhine Front, or taken by the military officers to resell speculation."

The power of role models is endless. Seeing that the guys stationed in Ajanto Ratun made a fortune, the soldiers in the rear also quickly engaged in any business that can make a fortune. Among them, the fastest way to get money is to resell materials. The military also suffers from lack of materials, but after all there are guarantees of priority supply, plus a variety of bright and dark channels, as long as the relevant people are dealt with, everyone will flee for military materials to make a fortune, and then make accounts or misappropriate materials from other troops to make up Losing money can cope with the past.

With such a fluke mentality, the materials in the military warehouse of the Second Group Army flowed into the black market like flood opening of the reservoir, which contributed to the inflation. Ironically, a considerable portion of the building materials resold by the Second Army was transferred to the hands of the Defence Forces, and after many setbacks, it was transferred to the engineers of the Ardennes cluster. It makes people cry and laugh.

If you feel that this is already outrageous, then you really underestimated the lower limit of Charlemagne soldiers.

It is more serious than the reselling of military materials. What is decisively wrong is that the troops are all sent to repair work.

Yes, it is repair work.

In order to make up for the book deficit, and by the way apply for more resources, all troops have invested in infrastructure work. For this reason, even basic combat training has been cancelled, and it is also known as "let soldiers away from the battlefield maintain their fighting spirit and exercise physical fitness." God knows how to dig a pit in the morning just enough to put the coffin on morale. Even more incredible is that the Second Army even ordered that soldiers and grassroots officers be strictly prohibited from conducting private training. A lieutenant of the 147th Fortress Infantry Regiment boldly organized a live-fire artillery shooting training, which was ordered by the senior leaders of the army to be imprisoned for 15 days. Since then, no one in the Second Army dared to engage in any form of training, and was busy moving bricks and engaging in corruption every day.

"That means--"

A female voice sounded in the dim conference room, and Colonel Heisler raised his chin slightly, his arms raised high in his eyes.

"What is in front of us is an undefended line of defense?"

"You can think so, Major Georgsky. But I want to remind you that they are not scarecrows, and basic resistance will still exist. In addition, we have to pay attention to one thing."

The table was replaced with a map, and the Arden Forest and Maas River, which had been studied by the staff for countless times, appeared on the terminal interface.

"The enemy forces are not motivated, the combat effectiveness is very poor, and anti-tank weapons are even scarce. But if they lay mines in important areas..."

The breathing in the conference room has accelerated for a while.

The core essence of the armored group assault is fast assault, looking for opportunities to destroy the enemy in fast movement battles.

Once the speed is lost, the initiative will fall into the hands of the enemy, they can calmly choose to adjust the deployment or turn around and escape. Instead of being wiped out in a mess.

Charlemagne’s army may not be able to delay the pace of the Armored Corps of the Defense Forces, but mines-mines buried in critical areas can jam the tracks of the Defense Force’s fast-moving vehicles.

In another world, the minefield covered by the crossfire of anti-tank weapons was a nightmare for armored forces until the 21st century. The "Devil's Garden" in the desert of North Africa, the fortification area of ​​Kursk, the chariot cemetery in the Golan Heights, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Syria-countless chariots can prove the effectiveness of this tactic~ www.readwn.com~ A huge red arrow appeared on the map, like a red sickle sweeping through the forest of Ardennes. On the sickle, there are three blue circles that are particularly eye-catching.

"This battle will be coordinated by the Air Force’s main fleet and our armored cluster, and the Air Force will provide air support throughout the entire process. Therefore, even if the enemy’s fortifications are built, our military’s artillery can’t keep up with it, and the air fleet will use guns and attacks. If the enemy destroys bridges and railway facilities, the Air Force can also airdrop engineering equipment and components. But one thing the Air Force can’t help is mine clearance. Fortunately, Charlemagne has given priority to the resources of offensive weapons. At the highest level, the number of mines is not large. If the enemy forces are laid in three gaps in Bastogne, St. Vith, and the Golje gap in the north of the Maas Meander, our army will be unable to do anything. But you can’t take it lightly, please face it The determination of the most difficult situation. In particular, Major Georgsky, your 101st experimental heavy armored battalion is responsible for capturing Bastogne, which is quite optimistic about you."

"Please rest assured."

The sonorous and well-respected wolf-eared girl answered solemnly with:

"Xiaguan will let the Charlemagne know that in front of our billowing iron stream, they are just gangsters who are gangsters."

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