I said, "Mr. Jin is serious. I'm an ordinary little security captain now. It's not worth your guessing. "

Jin Xiaoling said: "I'm not an ungrateful person. You saved me and the hiterong hotel in spite of your own danger. I want to thank you very much."

I asked with a smile, "how can I thank you?"

"I'll give you a reward, at the same time..."

I interrupted her and said, "didn't Jin give you ten thousand yuan just now?"

Jin Xiaoling said: "it's for the security guards. There's no captain Zhao's share. If captain Zhao agrees, you can come and help me. I want you to be the security manager of the hiterong Hotel, and remove the coward Lao he. I want to work in my hiterong, far better than you when a security captain, the treatment is much better. In addition, I can also provide you with 150000 yuan in advance, or remuneration. You should know the strength of our Kim group. If the time is right, I can ask you to help my father and serve as the security director of the whole group. This should be a good career plan. What do you think, Captain Zhao? "

I just will Jin Xiaoling's First Army: "general manager Jin's attitude towards me seems to be too big to accept."

Jin Xiaoling said with a slightly embarrassed smile: "I admit that I used to be biased against you. You are good in other aspects, but you are too personalized to be reasonable. I just found out now, in fact, this is not a defect, it is personality. "

In order to win me over, Jin Xiaoling did not hesitate to change the appearance of a strong woman. She became as gentle as silk, and even tried to seduce me with rhetoric.

If I'm really a security guard now, I'd like to consider Jin Xiaoling's arrangement, but I'm a national guard, and I've come to Huatai security company for a task. How can I change my mind for any benefit?

Although, for my own task, I am still a hazy.

So I said, "sorry, Mr. Jin. I'm used to staying in the security company. I don't want to move now."

Jin Xiaoling was not angry, but said with a smile: "why don't captain Zhao consider it?"

I said, "don't think about it."

Jin Xiaoling said, "well, everyone has his own ambition. I don't force him. But I sincerely hope that Captain Zhao can help me. I'll wait. "

Instead of answering with a smile, I felt that Jin Xiaoling's expression seemed to be mixed with another charm.

At this time, Jin Xiaoling's mobile phone rings. After a few cold words, Jin Xiaoling hangs up and says with great interest: "Captain Zhao, my sister will come in a moment. Let's have a meal together later."

I shook my head and said, "No. I'm going back to the team Of course, I know that Jin Xiaoling's sister is Jin Xiaolei, who I saved twice.

The two sisters, I really don't know what origin I have with them. They have saved them twice. It's just, dramatic, they don't know, in fact, it's the same person who saved them.

I didn't want to break the harmony, so I stood up and said goodbye to Jin Xiaoling.

Jin Xiaoling seemed helpless and regretful, but she didn't obstruct her. She just reminded me repeatedly: "Captain Zhao, we Jin's group is looking forward to your joining."

With a smile, I stepped out of the hotel under the gaze of Jin Xiaoling.

After returning to the squadron, Xu Yanxin and several other team leaders and squad leaders have already set up a table of food and wine in the office to receive wind and shock for me.

Talking about the scene in the xitailong Hotel, Xu Yanxin and other team leaders were quite surprised and asked why I was so calm.

I just perfunctorily did not answer. Xu Yanxin led the backbones to propose a toast to me. He could not help saying, "we just feel passionate when we follow captain Zhao. With the training and leadership of Captain Zhao, we are not afraid of his mother's underworld!

I said: "don't. We all come out to work. If we can do less, we can do less. Try not to contradict the punks in society. "

Xu Yanxin said: "yes, yes. We don't have the ability of Captain Zhao. We have to be careful. "

Then Xu Yanxin took 3000 yuan out of the 10000 yuan reward, handed it to me and said, "Captain Zhao, you should have this son. You have taken such a great risk, and the 3000 yuan should be given to you."

I quickly declined and said, "don't mention it. I don't need money. Why don't you add it to the board fee and improve the food for the team members

Xu Yanxin thought about it, but also nodded: "Captain Zhao is captain Zhao, everything for the team members to consider."

Other vice captains and squad leaders all echoed in succession and flattered me.

When I was having a good time talking, my mobile phone rings suddenly. I looked down and saw that it was a strange number.

After connecting, there came a sweet female voice: "Captain Zhao, how are you doing?"

With a frown on my brow, I immediately recognized that the owner of the voice was not someone else, but Qi mengyan, who had experienced life in the security team.

The beautiful girl with a lollipop in her mouth!I said: "Qi mengyan, how do you think of calling me?"

Qi mengyan said with a smile: "I miss you, thinking of your body that faint smell of tobacco."

I said with a smile: "it's men who have this smell."

Qi mengyan said, "but I only like the smell of tobacco on you."

I said, "thank you. It's a pleasure. "

Qi mengyan said: "I haven't seen each other for such a long time. Have you ever thought of me occasionally? Captain Zhao, I want to hear the truth. "

I thought for a moment, and said, "think of it, I often think of the rare perfume of Chanel No. 5 and the lollipop in your mouth." I lost no time in silence. But, exactly, I was thinking about her, in my mind, she was just a shadow of Cheng Yameng, because Cheng Yameng also love Chanel No. 5 perfume, also a hot woman with no mouth, and often has a bubble gum in her mouth.

Qi mengyan said: "it seems that you are quite familiar with women's articles. I didn't buy perfume for my girlfriend before. "

I lied and said, "I don't have a girlfriend. But I used to sell cosmetics for others

Qi mengyan said: "I can't see it." Then he changed the topic and said, "Captain Zhao, I want to see you. Do you want to see me?"

I Leng way: "meet with me, meaningful?"

Qi mengyan said with a smile: "the significance is far-reaching. Since we are all concerned about each other, why should we suffer from this kind of Acacia? Is that right, Captain Zhao? "

With a burst of sweat, I quickly said, "it's not necessary. Miss Qi, let's be realistic. If I guess right, you are now... " After half saying this, I suddenly realized that it was better not to point out some words, so I immediately changed the topic and said, "Miss Qi, if there's nothing wrong, I'll hang up. Now I've got a party."

Qi mengyan said, "you are always so busy. But we'll meet. It's a big deal. I'll go to the security team to find you. "

I said with a smile, "don't mention it. Why deceive yourself? If you want to come and come early, why wait until now? "

Qi mengyan said: "maybe we can meet in a different way."

I smile instead of answering, but always feel that Qi mengyan's words contain special meanings, even hints.

After hanging up, Xu Yanxin asked me which little girl I was calling, and I told the truth. However, all the security backbones sitting there changed their faces one after another when they heard that it was Qi mengyan, but they relaxed immediately. Xu Yanxin took the lead to break the mystery: "Captain Zhao is really capable, even a proud girl like Qi mengyan can handle it, admire, admire!"

another vice captain jokingly said: "Qi mengyan is the dream lover of all the security guards of Huatai company. Now it seems that only team leader Zhao, who is both literate and martial arts, can control it! "

Xu Yanxin immediately complained to the vice leader:" OK, don't shoot any more. If you continue shooting, Captain Zhao will shoot you! "

there was a lot of laughter in the office.

After laughing, I explained to them, "you know how to think. There is nothing between Qi mengyan and me. She just calls occasionally

As Xu Yanxin gnawed a chicken paw, he said with a smile: "isn't it that simple? Just now we can all hear, love, love words. Qi mengyan once fell in love with you when she was there. This was revealed by another female security guard However, in my opinion, Captain Zhao, you can take it as soon as you see it. Qi mengyan looks like a star, and his figure and face are fantastic. Captain Zhao doesn't have to dress up like Liu Xiahui. Liu Xiahui's era has been out of date for a long time. Now it's It's the age of Trinket!

I pointed to Xu Yanxin's forehead and said with a smile, "look what's in your head!"

Xu Yanxin spat out a few bones in the corner of the table, then put his hand to his mouth, and then said, "obviously, that's what happened! If Qi mengyan calls me up to ask me out, I'll go out to look for her right now, and she's so charming I'm worth it all my life, not to mention going to bed, but kissing. I laughed and said, "look at your success!" but I suddenly thought of Qi mengyan's ambiguous attitude towards me before leaving the security team, and I couldn't help blushing.

Perhaps because of drinking wine, Xu Yanxin seemed to speak more boldly than usual. When he talked about the fun, he shook his head and said to me: "Captain Zhao, brother Zhao, we are not talking about you. You are such a team leader!" the other team leader touched his arm to make him pay attention to his words.

I didn't know what it meant. I asked, "what do you mean?"

Xu Yanxin and I touched a cup, after a drink, he said: "although you become the squadron leader, the squadron's work has improved obviously, but you have ignored two words."

I continue to ask: "don't sell the key, which two words?"

Xu Yanxin used his fingers to paddle in the air for a moment, looked at me and raised his voice and said, "enjoy! Now you are only focusing on your work and don't want to enjoy it. You are so different from Yang Ming before. When Yang Ming is in, which night can't we have a spring festival? Shengjiang, Sanqing Pavilion of the young lady, do not know how much fresh he occupied. I think you are too pure, do not know how to live, do not know how to enjoy. To tell you the truth, a man, who doesn't want to have a beautiful woman around him? I also want to say that he didn't get there and didn't have the conditions... "

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