Konoha doesn’t have any so-called background and origin, it’s just a union of ninja clans, crowned with the will of fire and integrated.

Maybe the actions of Senshouzhujian and Qianshoufeijian are beyond reproach, but Fan Ma deeply understands how shocking the corruption of Konoha under this system is.

Sakumo Hatake did not participate in the three wars because of the downfall of public opinion, Orochimaru rebelled against the village, Tsunade and Jiraiya did not participate in the three wars. As for Hilyuho, human experiments, roots, etc., I didn’t bother to mention it.

In a place where there are only tens of thousands of people, people can’t help but sigh, the whole work can’t be so intensive.

Konoha, in his eyes, is a large community with the nature of a warlord. If the community is uncomfortable, then moving is also a normal thing, right?

Chapter 26 Danzo always has various plans

Leaves, roots.

Fan Ma, Danzo, and Dashewan sat at the coffee table, surrounded by a pot of tea, tasting tea in silence.

The three people in the same frame made the atmosphere at Genbu even more weird. Even the Genbu team members who were banned by the order showed embarrassment and felt a burst of discomfort.

Seeing these three together, the discomfort is double, from psychological to physical.

Danzo Shimura, the man who walks in the shadow of Konoha like a ghost, is known as the darkness of ninja because of his style of having no bottom line.

Orochimaru, although he still has a relatively normal personality now, he is already a pervert to ordinary people. The trend of snaking has become more obvious, and there is already a tendency to collapse.

Uchiha Fanma has a body like a ghost, and he is entwined with hell-like blood in battle. In the eyes of Anbe in Betsumura, he has always been a figure that symbolizes death.

The three gathered together, and the atmosphere has already reached this point. I am a little embarrassed not to study which village was slaughtered today.

Fan Ma tasted the clear tea. This kind of long-lasting tea has a sweet aftertaste. It should be the special mushuyan tea for daimyo.

It seems that Konoha’s roots absorb quite a lot of nutrients, at least not because of my own mouth.

The atmosphere fell into an unspeakable silence, and no one wanted to speak.

Fan Ma drank the tea with relish, as if he was immersed in the sweetness of good tea.

Orochimaru squinted at Fan Ma’s body function study with a devoted expression.

Danzang took the documents and corrected them, showing his decent administrative ability.

Twenty meters away from them, the spy who sneaked into the Konoha Market before was crucified and was being tortured inhumanly.

After about a few sticks of incense, the mountain people at the root stopped performing spells and trotted over to report.

“Master Danzo, I have compared it with the information given by Anbu, and it is consistent.”

Danzo hummed, flipped through it, and circulated it to Fan Ma and Dashewan.

Although Anbu has cracked the spy’s brain once, Danzo no longer believes in their abilities.

The incompetent Sarutobi Hirzen, and his stupid, handsome son, actually let mere Urenin lurk in.

If he Shimura Danzo was in charge of Hokage, such a thing would never happen to Konoha!

“The rats in the gutter can’t sit still anymore. They must pay the price for provoking Konoha.”

Fan Ma raised the information in his hand, and asked with a smile: “It’s not appropriate to say that people are mice, right? Sanjiao Hanzo’s strength, looking at it now, is still very tricky.”

Danzo snorted, and said in an orderly tone, “Sanjiao fish, a psychic beast, is almost a decoration for your speed. If you lurk into Yuren Village, can someone stop you?”

Hearing this condescending tone, Fan Ma smiled, but didn’t hate him.

He just tapped on the table lightly to show that he was listening.

Danzo continued to talk about his plan, “We can sneak into Yuren, kill Hanzo by beheading, and annex Yuren in one fell swoop!”

Orochimaru glanced at Danzo in surprise, and put down the book in his hand. He didn’t even read the information just now.

The snake-like vertical pupils stood up, and theAsked: “This is not what Sarutobi-sensei meant.”

Hearing the words Sarutobi, Danzo’s face suddenly became agitated. He was about to speak when he was interrupted by Fan Ma.

“That’s right, Elder Danzo, there is still a big gap between Assistant Hokage and Hokage.”

The word Hokage seems to be some kind of secret technique to Danzo, as long as he utters these two words, he will fall into chaos mode.

With a wave of his hand, he looked at Fan Ma viciously, “In any case, this old man’s plan is most beneficial to Konoha.”

Fan Ma lay halfway on the sofa and poured another cup of tea. This Danzo really doesn’t have the slightest bit of political thinking.

I don’t listen to Hokage, I’ll listen to you? I, the Uchiha clan, might as well rebel directly, so as not to be stabbed in the back by you.

He emphasized his position again, expressing that he would only attack under Hokage’s order, and continued to drink tea.

Orochimaru also looked at Danzo with a look of disgust, and said:

“In a non-war state, assassinating the leader of the enemy ninja village will definitely be condemned by the rest of ninja villages. If you start a chaotic war in the entire ninja world, you can’t bear the responsibility.”

Danzo’s face was completely pulled down, and he said in a deep voice: “Dedication and sacrifice, this is the duty of a ninja. As long as it is for Konoha, there is nothing wrong with it.”

Looking at Danzo, who was dazed by the devil, Fan Ma had a resentment that he had to vomit.

He has held back these words for ten years.

“Elder Danzang, how did I hear that it was the second-generation adults and my father who died after the death?”

“If you had the courage to stay back then, wouldn’t the second-generation adults and my father both have a chance to survive?”

As soon as these words came out, it was a sharp blade piercing the heart. Danzo’s face was as dark as a cloud ninja, and he got up straight away, waved his sleeves, and left directly.

Orochimaru showed a look of sadness, and said softly: “As expected, are you still concerned about your father’s death?”

Fan Ma waved his hand casually, “I’ve forgotten what my old man looks like. I just want to remind him that if you can’t do it yourself, don’t ask others.”

“However, he is right in one thing. Yuren’s behavior is already a serious provocation, and we need to respond.”

Orochimaru remained silent. He, who was already obsessed with scientific research, became more and more bored with the behavior of war.

Seeing Dashewan’s expression, Fan Ma’s heart skipped a beat. At this time, has he conducted the wood escape experiment with Danzo?

It’s better to remind you, after all, you may have to cooperate with him in the future.

“Cooperating with this old guy is a great threat, so we need to pay attention.”

Orochimaru was taken aback, was this reminding himself? Seeing Fan Ma’s normal expression, he nodded slowly.

Konoha, Hokage Building.

The Third Hokage looked at Fan Ma kindly, and patted his waist.

“This is your first time leading students. Isn’t it not easy. The old man was their teacher back then, but he was exhausted.”

It has to be said that the layout and speech skills of the third generation are much better than Danzo.

At least people are willing to listen, instead of putting on a bad face and only ordering and ordering.

Fan Ma nodded approvingly, “Yes, these children are not easy to take care of, they are really troublesome.”

This is Chunchun who doesn’t know the blessings in the blessings. Minato, Shengshu, Kushina, how many people want to teach, but they don’t have this kind of knowledge yet.

After doing homework, the atmosphere gradually warmed up. Sandai took out his pipe, took a deep breath, and showed hesitation on his face, as if he wanted to ask something, but was too embarrassed to ask.

Fan Ma was not in a hurry either, and gave the three generations time to think about it. At this moment, the initiative is his own.

Sighing, sighing for a while, San Dai put on a gesture of being very sorry but having to ask.

“Fan Ma, can you tell the old man exactly what is your strength?”

Chapter 27: Counterattack against Urenin Village

The strength of a ninja has always been a very private issue.

Exploring the limits of others, in the ninja world, is tantamount to asking: Hey, if I want to kill you, what is your killing line?

“How do you ask this?” Fan Ma’s face remained unchanged, maintaining the smile he had just greeted.

“Hey, the village is about to go to war. After all, it’s going to face two Ninja villages. I’m afraid I’m not sure.”

It’s no wonder that he was flustered. The Third Hokage also turned 50 this year, but it was his first time as a commander to lead a Ninja Village-scale war.

However, this worry is not unreasonable.

Although the scale of the second ninja world war is much smaller than the third ninja world war, the participants are only sand ninja, Konoha, rain ninja and a few small countries that are not worth mentioning, but the results of the original work are not optimistic .

In the Rain Country battlefield dominated by the Sannin, Konoha’s troops were wiped out except for the so-called “Sannin”.

Only the sand country battlefield dominated by Bai Fang had relatively impressive results. The gifted puppet master couple who killed Sand Ninja were also the parents of Scorpion.

But as Konoha, who possesses the dominant position in the ninja world, this is definitely not a display of his prestige.

At present, Fan Ma has suddenly emerged in the village, and he has a relatively flexible position. His attitude has strong political significance.

The people who will be the main players in this war will be composed of five people, Uchiha Fanma, “Sannin” and Bai Fang.

Fan Ma didn’t speak in a hurry, he still thought that the Third Hokage was not at ease with him.

After all, the Eight Doors Dunjia Art is said to be a forbidden art, butIt has never shown its powerful power before.

The meaning of collecting it in the Book of Seals now is probably to practice this technique, which will cause too much damage to the human body, which is similar to the reason why the technique of multiple shadow clones was included.

Not giving it to him for three generations can only show that Konoha’s senior management has consciously wanted to curb his development.

Recalling the previous high-level attitude, Fan Ma put away his smile, and responded lightly: “Probably, he has the ability to protect himself in the face of Sanjiao Hanzo.”

The three generations smiled wryly when they heard the words, what does it mean to have the ability to protect themselves?

Now you dare to fight against Kaleidoscope Uchiha and Senju Shuden by yourself. I really dare not think about what will happen to you in the future.

Putting on the face of an elder, he said earnestly:

“Since the first Ninja World War, Konoha’s losses have been huge, and the village has not fully recovered.”

“During the same period, Fan Ma, you have already walked ahead of everyone.”

“It’s time to take some responsibility for Konoha, and we want to give you an additional burden.”

Hearing these familiar words, Fan Ma felt that this should be the stunt of three generations of stealing masters.

Cooking ninja secret technique, the technique of turning big cakes!

It’s nice to say, your good apprentice, Ziraiya, is a Jonin who was promoted at the age of fifteen.

Fan Ma, because of Uchiha’s composition and his urgent need for experience in the early days, and his extremely murderous personality, the Hokage Building has suppressed his ninja title until now.

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