Uchiha Madara From My Hero Academia

Chapter 049: The End of the Sports Festival

"Fire Style, put out the fire!"


The flames collided with the ice again, and the Cement Division had to reinforce the protection to withstand the aftermath of the explosion.


The huge wind and waves rolled up the ribbons flying high in the air, and then, an orange-red flame rose into the sky, engulfing the ribbons and burning them out.

There was an exclamation from the audience. If the cement company had not taken protective measures in advance, I am afraid that none of them would have been intact.

The flames lasted for more than ten seconds before they stopped, and all the places that could burn on the scene were ignited by flames.

The stadium was in a mess, and there was a faint smell of burning, which was very pungent.

As for Shoto Todoroki...

It had already been blasted out.

"Quickly put out the fire!" Present. Mic shouted loudly in the stands. Hearing the sound, the security personnel in the stadium also acted at the fastest speed.

"Since someone put out the fire, I won't do anything unnecessary." Uchiha Madara, who was going to use Water Style to put out the fire, paused and slowly put down his hands.


The work efficiency of the security personnel is very high, but within a few minutes, the fire at the scene has been completely extinguished.

But the burnt smell could not be concealed.

"This guy Madara...is he that strong?" Yaoyorozu Momo, who was sitting in the dedicated auditorium, pressed his chin with one hand, barely taking his eyes off Uchiha Madara.

"Yaoyorozu Wan, I see that you and Uchiha are very close, don't you know his true strength?" Green Valley Izuku, who was sitting behind Yaoyorozu Momo, couldn't help but ask.

"I haven't known him for a long time, so of course I don't know."

"Uh, that's it." Green Valley Izuku smiled wryly, feeling a little embarrassed.

I was hoping to get some useful information or something.

-----Various requests-----

After half an hour, except for the top three, all the contestants present were dressed in competition clothes and stood neatly in the center of the stadium.

And standing in front of them are a group of reporters with microphones, and a large line of cameramen with cameras.

"This year's Heroes Sports Festival 1st grade all competitions have ended, then next, the awards ceremony will be held!" Midnight stood at the front, smiling and enchanting.




As soon as Midnight finished speaking, the fireworks that had been prepared around were lit, and then opened in the air, which was particularly eye-catching.

Fireworks shrouded the frontmost area, and it was hazy.

Midnight tapped the button under his feet, and a well-crafted, carefully decorated podium slowly rose from the ground.

Standing on the podium were Shoto Todoroki, Tokoyami Fumikage and Uchiha Madara.

That is, the top three of this heroic sports festival.

Facing the three people standing on the podium, everyone cast envious eyes.

"The next step is to award the medals. Of course, the person in charge of awarding the medals this year must be him." Midnight stood there, waved his hand, and pointed to the heights.

Everyone looked in the direction of her fingers, and at the top of the stadium, they saw a muscular, tall, and very familiar figure.

Hero(es) of NO.1--- All Might!

The atmosphere of the scene was ignited again, and the audience at the scene stood up inadvertently, their eyes full of admiration.

"It's All Might!"

The audience in the auditorium couldn't help but start cheering.

-----Various requests-----


All Might opened his hands and jumped off the top of the stadium, doing a 180-degree somersault in mid-air, then landed firmly on the ground.

"Our Hero(es), All Might!"

"I came on the stage with a medal..."


"But this year's first grade is really good."

"After all, it was trained by NO.'s Hero(es)."

The professional Hero(es) began to discuss the strength of the students, and there was a faint commotion at the scene.

"Then, All Might, start with the medal for the third place." Midnight said, handing the medal that the staff handed to her to All Might.

Seeing this, All Might took the medal from Midnight's hand, revealing eight large White Fangs, and then walked slowly to Tokoyami Fumikage's side.

"Congratulations, Tokoyami boy." All Might hung the bronze medal on Tokoyami Fumikage's neck, still smiling.

"You're strong." All Might suddenly stepped forward and gave Tokoyami Fumikage a big hug.

"However, if you want to avoid being restrained, you can't rely too much on 'Quirks'. If you can further strengthen your basic strength, there should be more options."


"Boom boy." All Might walked up to Shoto Todoroki and hung up his medal, "Congratulations."

All Might stepped forward and gave Shoto Todoroki a big hug, "How about trying to accept yourself once in a while?"

"Huh?" Hearing this, Shoto Todoroki was stunned for a moment, not knowing why.

All Might patted Shoto Todoroki's back lightly, "Whether it's left or right, it's your strength, isn't it?"

"It has nothing to do with Endeavor, your stuff is yours," All Might added.

"...I'll try."

All Might nodded, released him slowly, then picked up the last golden medal and came to Uchiha Madara.

"It's your turn, Uchiha boy."

All Might put the medal on Uchiha Madara, just when he was about to give Uchiha Madara a hug, but was rejected by the other party.

Uchiha Madara put one hand on All Might's chest with disgust on his face, "Forget those nasty words."

All Might was a little embarrassed. "Well, I haven't said anything yet."

"Just hang up, we can skip the rest of the steps." I always feel that All Might's attitude towards himself is not right recently.

"..." All Might straightened up, took a deep look at Uchiha Madara, and finally sighed inwardly.

Immediately afterwards, he turned to face the media again, with a smile on his face. *

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