[Weber: I think it's better for us to keep a low profile, Alexander. Make enemies two powerful opponents at the same time, so you will be beaten. 】

Weber, who has always been timid, is not willing to declare war directly on these two powerful teams like this, or sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and finally sit on the fisherman's profit.

While the magicians were discussing the relationship between Illya and Shirou Emiya,

The dim screen also bloomed again,

The content in the screen reappears.

A striking gold headline popped up:

【The four combat power ceilings of the type moon world!】

This time the title is much more concise than the previous one,

Without the quaint parchment scroll,

Just a huge golden title.

[Roman: The content this time seems to be different from before, even the style has become so huge!]

Roman 24 fell into deep thought with the title on the screen,

The ceiling of the four major combat power of the moon world?

Which world is the Moon World talking about?

According to what Roman knows, these people who send barrages on the field do not seem to be the same world.

Maybe it's the same world, but it's no longer the same time and space.

The type month may refer to a special period of time

[Roman: The four combat power ceilings, interesting, you followers like to say that you are the strongest, if there is no you on the ceiling of the four major combat powers, it will be very interesting. ] 】

[Leonardo da Vinci: Hahaha, it's true, there have been countless heroic spirits in history, if you really want to evaluate, you really don't know who is the most powerful one!]

Seeing the barrage of the two people, Gilgamesh sneered, and the barrage replied.

[Gilgamesh: Hmph, miscellaneous cultivators, the ceiling of the four major combat powers, there must be a place for me to shine gold. 】

In the world of Gilgamesh, there are not many powerful opponents,

But if you stretch the timeline to thousands of years, it is not uncommon for other powerful heroes to be no weaker than Gilgamesh.

Although Gilgamesh is strong, he is still not strong enough!

[Tosaka Tokito: Lord Gilgamesh must be powerful, I suggest that we do the content related to the Holy Grail War first, and get the Holy Grail War as soon as possible, so that you can really enjoy it!]

Tosaka Shichen doesn't want to continue to fight and drag on, forbearance is his characteristic, but the content in this video is leaking out various moves and hole cards of various Valhalla,

In particular, Gilgamesh has appeared many times,

The other heroes have a new understanding of Gilgamesh's way of fighting,

If it continues, Gilgamesh's combat superiority will be greatly weakened.

Therefore, Tosaka Shichen still hoped that Gilgamesh could arrive as soon as possible for the Holy Grail War.

[Gilgamesh: Miscellaneous, this king is not something you can point out, the Holy Grail will definitely fall into the hands of this king in the end, you just wait well!]

[Rin Tosaka: Hey, Red A, is it possible for you to be on this list?

[Red A doesn't know. 】

It is true that Red A crossed in the future, but he has not seen too many heroic spirits, and died early on the grave he built for himself, not even his wife.

Where do you know so many heroic spirits?

An old man with the appearance of a thin monk gradually appeared on the screen,

Green hair is simply coiled on the top of the head, excess hair is hanging down,

The long earrings are unique.

The crimson cloth simply covers half of the body.

[First place, feel!]

This guy who looks a little kind, but behind the ground is an extremely powerful guy! (read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

The so-called enlightened person is the person who has reached enlightenment, the person who has comprehended the concept of relief for mankind.

The most powerful consciousness is the Buddha. He became enlightened by becoming enlightened on his own. Although he is still alive, he is free from all troubles. It became a sect in itself!

Every human being has the possibility of becoming enlightened, and all human beings will eventually become enlightened, whether good or evil, merciless or ruthless, all of them are just a process.

The Savior responds to the call as a follower because the Lord's afflictions are difficult to abandon and the karma is too great.

There is no salvation for this soul. That being the case, at least, until he prayed for the end of humanity in 867, let's continue together.

The Savior did not lend the Lord's power to save humanity. He simply proclaimed mercy to the King of War.

The character who has been in constant confrontation with war from the beginning of his birth until his death.

Watching the end of the man who, despite hating war, cannot deny it, advances in asceticism, is like the flower of the two trees of saros.

The only solver on earth who is free from the sufferings of birth and samsara

Those who have achieved the true meaning of life

The only enlightened Savior among mankind

The first person to reach the finish line.

Seeing so many introductions,

Even Director Ken, who has been well-read since childhood, was stunned,

Is this feeling so powerful?

[Director Ken: He has become a heroic spirit before he dies, or is he a savior class! Aren't there only seven classes in the Holy Grail War?]

Director Ken's decades of accumulation collapsed in an instant! .

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