Why on earth are these ownerless spirits here!

No one knows why!


Next, a close-up of a heroic spirit in the middle pulled over,

Everyone was even more shocked after seeing this person's figure!

Of the original seven people, the one in the middle,

I actually glanced back at everyone off the screen!

Let the magicians watching the video cluck their hearts!

What kind of demon is this heroic spirit, who actually noticed the prying eyes of others?

[Emiya Kiriji: Did you notice us?] This is the first time this has happened. 】

Shirou Emiya didn't have any special feelings, just felt that this was just a simple turn back and was just captured by the video.

[Shirou Emiya: I'm definitely just a simple video, which was temporarily captured, but he gave me the feeling of being an ordinary person! 】

[Director Ken: Those who can appear in the video will definitely not be ordinary small characters, and this person definitely has secrets in his body. ] 】

Director Ken is keenly aware of this,

If this person is a magician, then the remaining 6 ownerless heroic spirits will not all obey his command?

If so, a shocking news has been discovered by everyone again!

A single magician and multiple heroes have never appeared so far!

One of Medea's ideas is to summon the Spirit through the Spirit!

This is an example of what she already has experience.

She is on the surface 893 is the heroic spirit of Nakaichiro Katsuki,

In the news that others don't know, she summons Kojiro, an assassin class!

If Kojiro directly obeyed the command of Nakaichiro Katsuki, it was an indirect realization of the fact that one person contracted multiple heroic spirits!


This is really an example of a case!

Only Medea, a terrifying and bold heroic spirit, has tried.

However, how did this magician of the quack era do this without a spell?

Gilgamesh also felt that the young yellow-haired man in front of him was somewhat similar to himself!

[Gilgamesh: Just an ordinary magician, who should have reached some agreement with these masterless spirits! ] 】

Gilgamesh gave his guess, and he himself would agree to certain conditions after others offered enough price to make him feel good.

That man of the Edo period, through his great strength, obtained the opportunity for those masterless heroic spirits to cooperate,

It's not impossible.

However, among the people watching the video,

There are no characters from that Holy Grail War in the Edo period!

Naturally, it is not clear what exactly happened by era!

Immediately after that, the figures of these masterless heroic spirits appeared in turn,

The sound of the abeh they bring to everyone is also different,

There is still a difference between the strength and weakness of the heroic spirit!

Some heroes are mild, but many more are a warning of danger.

When the last to show which masterless saber armor warrior,

It is even more the appearance of this guy's terrifying battle moment!

The figure of this guy appeared in front of everyone

The picture is full of white-purple thunderbolts!

These thunderbolts were catalyzed by magic directly from his body!

Around him, continuously summoning such thunder and lightning, the magic required is terrifying!

But an ownerless heroic spirit, without the magical support of the royal lord, can actually do this, it is definitely the strongest of the powerful!


The big sword in his hand directly turned into the appearance of thunder and lightning, and the next moment he had to look at his enemy.

It seems that the enemies he faces are not weaker than his existence.

[Weber: This heroic means are very similar to Alexander, you two won't have any origin, right? 】

Weber saw that this battlefield of armored warriors and Alexander had the ability to summon thunder and lightning,

A speculation came to his heart, and the inexplicable CP was snorted by Weber.

The era and region of the existence of the three box armor warriors have nothing to do with each other, which is obviously just Weber's own wild conjecture.

[Alexander: How is it possible, I am the monarch of the Kingdom of Macedonia, and this guy is a certain swordsman in Japan's Sengoku period! ] In modern terms, we have a gap in the map of change! 】

Alexander is right, the two people really have no obvious connection,

The similarity of skills is just a coincidence, nothing more!

Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network! )

The masked man who was guessed by everyone to be an assassin was extremely tall,

The picture also shows scenes of his fighting

His hands and feet were covered with bandages,

Even when running fast, it swings from side to side like noodles!

But it feels like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity!

Meeting this heroic spirit will definitely give the magician a headache for a long time!

The heroic spirit of the mysterious Onmyoji, the heroic spirit of that magician class that is neither male nor female.

The same appears in the picture!

He summoned a monster with elder eyes!

It is very in line with the uniform standards of the mage,

They are powerful guys who like to summon weird tentacle monsters.

Miyamoto Musashi is also fighting an unknown enemy with two knives,

Behind her, is a powerful man's background!

This man has four arms, just like Shura!

This berserker Miyamoto Musashi in the era of rivers and lakes is really not a normal existence!

Only after she uses her true power will her true body be revealed!

The man, who was supposed to be Saber, didn't know why he became a woman.

This is definitely a very humiliating thing for Miyamoto Musashi!

Shinji Makiri in the Fifth Holy Grail War saw the true body of this extremely charming berserker revealed during the battle.

Immediately shocked!

Is this berserker a man?

This seductive state of the body that you usually show is just a tool to deceive others?

[Shinji Makiri: I originally thought that this Miyamoto Musashi was a woman, but in fact, he turned out to be a man with four arms? 】

This is definitely a blow to Shinji Makiri, who has fantasies about Miyamoto Musashi!

Sure enough, these people involved in the realm of magicians are not existences that can be recognized at will!

Otherwise, you will be a little unlucky!

[Roman: Interesting heroic spirit, true identity hidden in a weird body! ] Not losing the Berserker class! 】

[Roman: Then, the female figure of this berserker is a normal form, and the form of the four arms should be her mad form! ] 】

As a berserker, it is normal for you to make such sacrifices in order to curb your own madness!

Ma Tong Yanye saw that this berserker had regained his sanity in this way, and maintained his great strength.

The envy in the heart is indescribable!

It's all to blame for this Tosaka hour!

He actually sold his daughter to the Matong family!

What an unreasonable guy!

Definitely not to be forgiven!

However, in order to be able to set Sakura Tosaka free,

It is also necessary to pay for your own life!

Although he definitely failed!

However, he will never give up the opportunity to save Tosaka Sakura!

Immediately after, there was a hazy figure of a little girl,

She seems to exist in a person's hazy memory.

Be remembered at a moment of crisis!

The hazy picture disappeared with the little girl,

In a building burning with fire,

The man holding the knife stands in the flames,

The surrounding flames avoided him intentionally or unintentionally!

This man turned out to be holding a knife in both hands,

At this time, he did not make a move to escape from this dangerous place, but waved his double knife,

Rushed to the depths of this building!

It seems that the appearance of this fire must have a different relationship with this saber royal lord! .

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